How can i send an auto reply with form content to sender?

I'm new to website building, but i already came a long way
i made a form and i like to send a auto reply with the form content (if that isnt too difficult) to the person who filled it in.
The form i made is in PHP (coding i copied partly from someone from the internet .)
You can see the from at:
My PHP coding so far
// Set email variables
$email_to = '[email protected]';
$email_subject = 'Aanvraag - VINDDIT NU!';
// Set required fields
$required_fields = array('Voornaam','email','Achternaam','Plaats');
// set error messages
$error_messages = array(
          'Voornaam' => 'Vul hier uw voornaam in a.u.b.',
          'email' => 'Vul hier een geldig email adres in a.u.b.',
          'Achternaam' => 'Vul hier uw achternaam in a.u.b.',
          'Plaats' => 'Vul hier uw woonplaats in a.u.b.'
// Set form status
$form_complete = FALSE;
// configure validation array
$validation = array();
// check form submittal
if(!empty($_POST)) {
          // Sanitise POST array
          foreach($_POST as $key => $value) $_POST[$key] = remove_email_injection(trim($value));
          // Loop into required fields and make sure they match our needs
          foreach($required_fields as $field) {
                    // the field has been submitted?
                    if(!array_key_exists($field, $_POST)) array_push($validation, $field);
                    // check there is information in the field?
                    if($_POST[$field] == '') array_push($validation, $field);
                    // validate the email address supplied
                    if($field == 'email') if(!validate_email_address($_POST[$field])) array_push($validation, $field);
          // basic validation result
          if(count($validation) == 0) {
                    // Prepare our content string
                    $email_content = 'New Website Comment: ' . "\n\n";
                    // simple email content
                    foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
                              if($key != 'submit') $email_content .= $key . ': ' . $value . "\n";
                    // if validation passed ok then send the email
                    mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_content);
                    // Update form switch
                    $form_complete = TRUE;
function validate_email_address($email = FALSE) {
          return (preg_match('/^[^@\s]+@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}$/i', $email))? TRUE : FALSE;
function remove_email_injection($field = FALSE) {
   return (str_ireplace(array("\r", "\n", "%0a", "%0d", "Content-Type:", "bcc:","to:","cc:"), '', $field));
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
          <title>Aanvraag formulier</title>
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
          <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="validation/validation.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript">
var nameError = '<?php echo $error_messages['fullname']; ?>';
                    var emailError = '<?php echo $error_messages['email']; ?>';
                    var commentError = '<?php echo $error_messages['comment']; ?>';
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
<style type="text/css">
<body onload="MM_preloadImages('icons/x.png')">
<p> </p>
  <?php if($form_complete === FALSE): ?>
    <form action="vindditnu php version.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="Form"  id="commentsform">
    <h1><img src="icons/vinddit3.gif" width="220" height="80" alt="logo" /></h1>
    <h1>Wat zoekt u?:</h1>
                 <table width="690" border="0">
          <td>In welke categorie zoekt u?*</td>
          <td colspan="3"><select name="Ophalen_verzenden" id="Ophalen_verzenden">
            <option selected="selected">Meubels </option>
            <option>Witgoed </option>
            <option>Woon accesoires </option>
            <option>Kleding </option>
            <option>Schoenen </option>
            <option>Mode accesoires </option>
            <option>Speelgoed </option>
            <option>Boeken, tijdschriften, papierwaren </option>
            <option>Overig </option>
          <td>Kleur:* </td>
          <td colspan="3"><select name="kleuren" id="kleuren">
            <option>Metallic (Bijv. Zilver/Goud/Brons/Koper</option>
            <option selected="selected">Overig/ N.v.t</option>
          <td>Merk: </td>
          <td colspan="3"><input name="Merk" type="text" id="Merk5" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Merk'])? $_POST['Merk'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Merk', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Merk']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="type" id="type" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['type'])? $_POST['type'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('type', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['type']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Materiaal: </td>
          <td colspan="3"><input name="Materiaal" type="text" id="Materiaal" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Materiaal'])? $_POST['Materiaal'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Materiaal', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Materiaal']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Maat: </td>
          <td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="Maat" id="Maat" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Maat'])? $_POST['Maat'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Maat', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Maat']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td colspan="3"><select name="conditie" id="conditie" >
            <option>Zo goed als nieuw</option>
            <option selected="selected">Geen voorkeur </option>
          <td colspan="3"><select name="ophalen" id="ophalen">
            <option>Geen voorkeur </option>
          <td>Prijs Min:</td>
          <td><input name="prijsmin" type="text" id="prijsmin" size="10" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['prijsmin'])? $_POST['prijsmin'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('prijsmin', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['prijsmin']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Prijs Max:</td>
          <td><input name="Prijs" type="text" id="Prijs" size="10" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Prijs'])? $_POST['Prijs'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Prijs', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Prijs']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
      <table width="690" border="0">
          <td height="25">Opmerkingen:</td>
          <td rowspan="2"><textarea name="Opmerkingen" cols="67" rows="10" id="Opmerkingen"><?php echo isset($_POST['Opmerkingen'])? $_POST['Opmerkingen'] : ''; ?></textarea>
            <?php if(in_array('Opmerkingen', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Opmerkingen']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td height="78"> </td>
      <h1>Uw Gegevens:</h1>
      <table width="690" border="0">
          <td><input type="text" name="Voornaam" id="Voornaam" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Voornaam'])? $_POST['Voornaam'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Voornaam', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Voornaam']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Achternaam:* </td>
          <td><input type="text" name="Achternaam" id="Achternaam" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Achternaam'])? $_POST['Achternaam'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Achternaam', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Achternaam']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td><input type="text" name="Straat" id="Straat" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Straat'])? $_POST['Straat'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Straat', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Straat']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td><input name="Huisnummer" type="text" id="Huisnummer" class='invul' size="10" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Huisnummer'])? $_POST['Huisnummer'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Huisnummer', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Huisnummer']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td><input type="text" name="Postcode" id="Postcode" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Postcode'])? $_POST['Postcode'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Postcode', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Postcode']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Plaats:* </td>
          <td><input type="text" name="Plaats" id="Plaats" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Plaats'])? $_POST['Plaats'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Plaats', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Plaats']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td>Email Adres:*</td>
          <td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['email'])? $_POST['email'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('email', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['email']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
          <td colspan="3"><input name="Telefoon" type="text" id="Telefoon" class='invul' value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Telefoon'])? $_POST['Telefoon'] : ''; ?>" />
            <?php if(in_array('Telefoon', $validation)): ?>
            <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Telefoon']; ?></span>
            <?php endif; ?></td>
        <label for="Straat"></label>
        <label for="Huisnummer"><br />
        <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Verstuur" />
               <input type="reset" name="Reset" id="Reset" value="Wissen" />
    <?php else: ?>
    <div class="bedankt">
      <p>Bedankt voor uw aanvraag!</p>
      <p>Wij zullen uw aanvraag zo spoedig mogelijk behandelen. Meestal duurt dit 2 a 3 werkdagen.</p>
      <p><img src="icons/vinddit3.gif" width="220" height="80" alt="logo" /></p>
      <script type='text/javascript'>
setTimeout("ourRedirect()", 5000)
function ourRedirect() {
      <?php endif; ?>
and .JS
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
          // Get the form
          var form = $('comments_form');
          //  if the form is found...
          if (form) {
                    // obtain error fields
                    var name = $('fullname');
                    var email = $('email');
                    var comment = $('comment');
                    // Set the default status
                    var isValid = true;
                    // input error function for the error messages
                    var addError = function (field, msg) {
                              field.addClass('error'); // Add error class to field
                              var error = field.getParent().getElement('span') || new Element('span', {'class': 'error'}); // add error message if not already placed
                              error.set('text', msg); // error text msg
                              error.inject(field, 'after'); // Insert error message after field
  // detach error function used to delete any error messages and remove the error class
                    var removeError = function (field) {
                              field.removeClass('error'); // Remove error class from form fields
                              var error = field.getParent().getElement('span'); // find any existing error messages
  // destroy if error message
                              if (error) {
//  insert submit form event
                    form.addEvent('submit', function (e) {
                              // Test name length
                              if (name.get('value').length === 0) {
                                        isValid = false;
                                        addError(name, nameError);
                              } else {
                                        isValid = true;
// check email length
                              if (email.get('value').length === 0) {
                                        isValid = false;
                                        addError(email, emailError);
                              // check email validity
                              } else if (!email.get('value').test(/^([a-zA-Z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+ [a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/)) {
                                        isValid = false;
                                        addError(email, emailError);
                              } else {
                                        isValid = true;
                // check comment length
                              if (comment.get('value').length === 0) {
                                        isValid = false;
                                        addError(comment, commentError);
                              } else {
                                        isValid = true;
                              // If form invalid then stop event happening
                              if (!isValid) {

lisavs12686 wrote:
Whould it also be possible to send the sender the submited data (looking like the filled in form or so)?
not really nessecary but whould be a nice  jextra
You can but you would need to send it as an html email which is much more complicated.
What you would do is build a page/table construction like below. You would need to use the php variables to echo out the information in the <td></td> cells (example below).
$reply = $_POST['email'];
$from = '[email protected]';
$replysubject = "Auto-Reply: Website Name";
$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: $from\r\nReply-to: $reply";
$replymessage = '
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Comments from Website</title>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" style="font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px 15px;">Name: </strong>'.$name.'
mail($reply, $replysubject, $replymessage, $headers);

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        $(function () {
            SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(this, function () {
               var select = document.getElementById('dropdown').value;
            }), 'SP.js');
        var fieldChoice;
        var choices;
        var addFields = [];
        var slc;
        var clientContext;
        function optSelect() {
            slc = document.getElementById('dropdown').value;
        function getSiteColumns(selection) {
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            if (clientContext != undefined && clientContext != null) {
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        function OnLoadSuccess(sender, args) {
            choices = fieldChoice.get_choices();
            var textarea = document.getElementById("textareadisplay");
            textarea.value = choices.join("\n");
        function OnLoadFailed(sender, args) {
            alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
        function addItemsToColumns() {
            clientC = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
            var arrayForUpdate = $('#textareadisplay').val().split('\n');
            fieldChoice.set_item(, arrayForUpdate);
            clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function () { }, function () { });
        function OnUpdateSuccess(sender, args) {
            var newchoices = fieldChoice.get_choices();
    My problem is on the function addItemsToColumns() please help! Thanks in advance.

    Let's look at your stylesheet -
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-image: url(assets/images/Business%20Men%20In%20Reception%20Col.2.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: #003;
    position: relative;
    width: 960px;
    It's a good idea not to use spaces or any punctuation in your filenames when working for the web.
    #header {
    position: relative;
    width: 960px;
    #heading {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 36px;
    font-style: italic;
    font-variant: normal;
    There's no need to specify the default values (font-variant:normal) or to specify auto margins for any block element without an explicitly defined width. And wouldn't it make more sense to put the font style on the body tag, where it will inherit into the rest of the page than to restate it as you have done in the next rule?
    #bodytext {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 25px;
    font-variant: normal;
    width: 300px;
    #container {
    width: 960px;
    position: relative;
    .rightimg {
    float: right;
    margin-left: auto;
    padding-right: 40px;
    #heading #navbar ul li {
    padding: 30px;
    Margin-left:auto can't work without knowing what the width of the element is....  Keep your CSS lean and targeted - it will help you to debug your layouts.

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    lisavs12686 wrote:
    Whould it also be possible to send the sender the submited data (looking like the filled in form or so)?
    not really nessecary but whould be a nice  jextra
    You can but you would need to send it as an html email which is much more complicated.
    What you would do is build a page/table construction like below. You would need to use the php variables to echo out the information in the <td></td> cells (example below).
    $reply = $_POST['email'];
    $from = '[email protected]';
    $replysubject = "Auto-Reply: Website Name";
    $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "From: $from\r\nReply-to: $reply";
    $replymessage = '
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Comments from Website</title>
    <td bgcolor="#ffffff" style="font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px 15px;">Name: </strong>'.$name.'
    mail($reply, $replysubject, $replymessage, $headers);

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    How can I set up auto respond for email?

    Hey there jimmac169,
    It sounds like you want to have the Mail app automatically reply to emails that come in. You can do this in the app itself, but in order for the function to work, Mail needs to be open. Take a look at this info from the following article:
    Mail (Yosemite): Reply to, forward, or redirect messages
    Automatically reply to or forward messages
    Mail must be open before it can automatically forward or reply to messages. If you want to send automatic replies when Mail isn’t open—like when you’re on vacation—check with the provider of your email account. 
    Choose Mail > Preferences, then click Rules.
    Click Add Rule, then type a name for the rule.
    Indicate whether any or all of the conditions must be true for the rule to be applied.
    Set the conditions that determine which messages to automatically reply to or forward.
    Choose options from the “Perform the following actions” pop-up menu.
    Forward messages: Choose Forward Message from the first pop-up menu, then enter the email addresses where you want to receive the forwarded messages. Click Message, then enter any text you want to include with the forwarded message. For example, you could explain that you’re automatically forwarding messages. 
    Reply to messages: Choose “Reply to Message” from the first pop-up menu, click “Reply message text,” then enter your reply. Mail includes the full text of the original message in your reply. 
    Click OK.
    Carefully consider the rules you create. If they’re too broad, messages can be sent inadvertently or create loops (replies to replies you sent). If possible, test the rules. 
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • How can I recover my old account with a new one?

    Hi, my hotmail account it was hacked, I can't have acces to my adobe account anymore.
    How can I get acces to my old account with a new Adobe ID?
    I'm already subscribed to creative cloud and I can't have acces to my account and upgrade my products.
    what can I do?

    Thanks Romshina
    I read the link you send me and thanks, but the thing is that I still can't get into my Adobe Id, because when I try they ask me to reset my password in an email they will send me to my old account and there is the problem, because I don't have acces to that old acount, [email protected]
    now this is my new email, because the las one it was hacked and I just can't get back to it.
    So I would like to have access to my account and update this new email account, to have acces to my CC account.
    Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 06:51:15 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: <Removed by Moderator>
    Subject: Re: How can I recover my old account with a new one? How can I recover my old account with a new one?
        Re: How can I recover my old account with a new one?
        created by Romsinha in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hi Guillermo Castellanos,
    Please refer the knowledge base article: n-faq.html.
    Romit Sinha
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: Re: How can I recover my old account with a new one?
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at Re: How can I recover my old account with a new one?. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
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  • How do I create an auto reply for one person in my buddy list?

    I want to be able to have an automatic reply to one person in my buddy list whenever they IM me so that i dont have to reply myself. I dont want to block them but i sometimes want to be able to just avoid them and so does anyone know any applescript that i can run whenever they send me a message??

    In the Buddy List highlight a Buddy.
    Use the CMD and I keys together (Get Info)
    This brings up their Info Card.
    Select Actions  (Same as Alerts in the Preferences In Fact some versions do Read  "Alerts" )
    Change the top item to Invite (Text)
    Select the AppleScript option.
    Set the Script to be Auto-Decline.
    This will produce no response on the Buddies end.
    For that go to the General Section of the Preferences and set  the option to "Auto-Reply with my Away Message"
    This will then send the Away message to the Buddy set in the first bit but to no--one else.
    If you wish to be able to Reply when you have an Available Message up, that is a little more difficult.
    9:19 PM      Thursday; September 29, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Cannot get new messages to download automatically and auto reply with out of office message have to manually check for new messages to get it to do this

    I am using Mozilla Thunderbird 31.3.0. I know how to create a message filter to set up an auto reply message, but cannot get Mozilla to automatically download new message and auto reply with the message in the filter unless I manually check for new messages, that is the only way to make it work. I have looked online and can't seem to find an answer to this particular issue. According to anything that I have found, I have the correct boxes checked in server settings: check for new messages at startup, automatically check for new messages, check for new messages every x amount of minutes. It's one thing to have to leave my computer on and Thunderbird open to make this work, but to have to manually check for new messages to get the auto response to work defeats the whole purpose of having an auto reply, as I use them for vacations, holidays, etc. I have wondered if there are any security settings that are causing this issue, but if so, I don't know what changes to make to them. Thanks in advance for any help. This is driving me crazy.

    I do find it a bit odd that Thunderbird is not getting mail on schedule, perhaps you have an add-on or anti virus program that prevents that.
    Holding shift while you start Thunderbird will start with add-ons disabled to check if mail come automatically.
    Airmail is right though, use Verizons auto responder. This link might help with that
    You say that not having such a setting in Thunderbird is something that needs fixing. This idea comes on the whole because Outlook has such an option. what most people are not aware of it only works with Exchange server. There is no "vacation response" in server mail specifications so every server implements it differently.
    Just as all cars have a radiator, you can not take any radiator and just put it in, they are subtly different even though they perform the same purpose. Same goes for the various vacation responders, They perform the same purpose but they differ between email server software brands.
    Thunderbird leaves it to the server end to expose the functionality, as they are really the only ones who understand what they did. Outlook exposes the option and mostly greys it out.

  • How can i share my itunes purchaes with my wife who is working in Dubai  while I am in UK she is so isolated and this would mean a lot to us

    how can i share my itunes purchaes with my wife who is working in Dubai  while I am in UK she is so isolated and this would mean a lot to us

    Just email it.
    In iTunes, drag the file to the desktop.
    On the desktop, select the file right click Share > email.
    I just want to send my sister one song from my iTunes because its a recording of her daughter when she was 2. She no longer has the file and I only have it saved in my iTunes from a long ago. The only known file is the one I have saved on iTunes.
    You do make regular backups of your computer, correct?
    Use Time Machine?

  • How can i re-activate my ipad with my own ID

    How can i re-activate my ipad with my own ID, pls i need an urgent reply.

    Are you trying to activate a used iPad? You may not be able to due to being Activation locked. The previous owner did not erase everything.)
    If the iPad was running iOS 7,  iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    iCloud: Activation Lock
    Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account
    How to Fix an iPad When It Says It "Could Not Activate"
     Cheers, Tom

  • How can I compact a MSAccess database with java?

    I have a question (Please Help!!!):
    How can I compact a MSAccess database with java-jdbc? Is it posible?

    MS Access database has a max length limitation of 2.14GB for Access 2000( 1.07G for Access 97), and won't recycle basically space for update/delete sql so tha it's a good idea to use MS Access database for program, which need update/delete frequent ly data. The programmers of HXTT Access( are writing code for CREATE TABLE/DATABASE sql now. If you need a pure Java solution for PACK TABLE/DATABSE urgently in your project, you should send such a requirement to the Support page of so that they can schedule complementing such a fucntion. Otherwise, you should pack your databae manually or visit C++ code for Compact an Access Database Programmatically at , or use Easy Microsoft Access MDB MDE Compactor at

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