How can you remove your e-mail on your profile? (Apple Support)

How can you remove your e-mail on your profile? (Apple Support)

I don't think you can remove your email.  If you are concerned about privacy make sure you have it set so that you are the only one who can view it. You do this under the privacy settings under Your Stuff - Profile  " If you want to change your email you can go here to make changes.
laverne's mom

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    You installed the "SaveKeeper" adware. To remove it, please take the steps below.
    Malware is constantly changing to get around the defenses against it. The instructions in this comment are valid as of the date it was posted, as far as I know.They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment after a few days from now should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    1. From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions, including any with the name "RightCoupon," "SaveKeep," or similar. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    2. In the Applications folder, there may be an item with the name "SaveKeeper" or similar. Move it to the Trash and empty. If you get a warning that the item is in use, force it to quit, then try again.
    The rest of this comment is optional. I can't be sure that you don't have a variant of SaveKeeper that I'm not familiar with, or that you haven't installed some other kind of malware in addition to SaveKeeper. If you want to rule out that possibility, see below.
    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. All it does is to collect information about the state of the computer. That information goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. However, you should be cautious about running any kind of program (not just a shell script) on the advice of a stranger. If you have doubts, search this site for other discussions in which this procedure has been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that the instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    4. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    5. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    6. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; clear; Fb='%s\n\t(%s)\n'; Fm='\n%s\n\n%s\n'; Fr='\nRAM details\n%s\n'; Fs='\n%s: %s\n'; Fu='user %s%%, system %s%%'; AC="com.autodesk.AutoCAD  com.evenflow.dropbox"; H='^[[:space:]]*((127\.0\.0\.1|::1|fe80::1%lo0)[[:space:]]+local|(255\.){3}255[[:space:]]*broadcast)host[[:space:]]*$'; NS=networksetup; PB="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print"; A () { [[ a -eq 0 ]]; }; BI () { $PB\ :CFBundleIdentifier "$1"; }; LC () { $2 launchctl list | awk 'NR>1 && !/0x|\.[0-9]+$|com\.apple\.(AirPortBaseStationAgent|launchctl\.(Aqua|Background|System))$/{print $3}' | grep -Fv "$1"; }; M () { find -L "$d" -type f | while read f; do file -b "$f" | egrep -lq XML\|exec && echo $f; done; }; AT () { o=`file -b "$1" | egrep -v '^(A.{16}t$|cann)'`; Ps "${1##*/} format"; }; Pc () { o=`grep -v '^ *#' "$2"`; l=`wc -l <<< "$o"`; [[ l -gt 25 ]] && o=`head -n25 <<< "$o"`$'\n'"and $((l-25)) more line(s)"; Pm "$1"; AT "$1"; }; Pm () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=`sed -E '/^ *$|CSConfigDot/d;s/^ */   /;s/[-0-9A-Fa-f]{22,}/UUID/g;s/(ochat)\.[^.]+(\..+)/\1\2/;/Shared/!s/(\/Users\/)[^/]+/\1-/g' <<< "$o"` && printf "$Fm" "$1" "$o"; }; Pp () { o=`$PB "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'`; Pm "$1"; }; Ps () { o=`echo $o`; [[ ! "$o" =~ ^0?$ ]] && printf "$Fs" "$1" "$o"; }; R () { o=; [[ r -eq 0 ]]; }; SP () { system_profiler SP${1}DataType; }; id -G | grep -qw 80; a=$?; A && sudo true; r=$?; t=`date +%s`; clear; { A || echo $'No admin access\n'; A && ! R && echo $'No root access\n'; SP Software | sed -n 's/^ *//;5p;6p;8p'; h=(`SP Hardware | awk '/ Id/{print $3}; /Mem/{print $2}'`); o=$h; Ps Model; o=$((h[1]<4?h[1]:0)); Ps "Total RAM (GB)"; o=`SP Memory | sed '1,5d;/[my].*:/d'`; [[ "$o" =~ s:\ [^EO]|x([^8]|8[^0]) ]] && printf "$Fr" "$o"; o=`SP Diagnostics | sed '5,6!d'`; [[ "$o" =~ Pass ]] || Pm POST; p=`SP Power`; o=`awk '/Cy/{print $NF}' <<< "$p"`; o=$((o>=300?o:0)); Ps "Battery cycles"; o=`sed -n '/Cond.*: [^N]/s/^.*://p' <<< "$p"`; Ps "Battery condition"; for b in FireWire Thunderbolt USB; do o=`SP $b | sed -En '/:$/{s/ *:$//;x;s/\n//;/Apple|Intel|SMSC/d;s/\n.*//;/\)/p;};/^ *(V.+ [0N]|Man).+ /{s/ 0x.... //;s/[()]//g;s/(.+: )(.+)/ (\2)/;H;}'`; Pm $b; done; o=`pmset -g therm | sed 's/^.*C/C/'`; [[ "$o" =~ No\ th|pms ]] && o=; Pm Heat; o=`pmset -g sysload | grep -v :`; [[ "$o" =~ =\ [^GO] ]] || o=; Pm "System load"; o=`nvram boot-args | awk '{$1=""; print}'`; Ps "boot-args"; o=; fdesetup status | grep -q On && o=On; Ps FileVault; a=(/ ""); A=(System User); for i in 0 1; do o=`cd ${a[$i]}L*/Lo*/Diag* || continue; for f in *.{cr,h,pa,s}*; do [[ -f "$f" ]] || continue; d=$(stat -f%Sc -t%F "$f"); [[ "$f" =~ h$ ]] && grep -lq "^Thread c" "$f" && f="$f *"; echo "$d ${f%%_2*} ${f##*.}"; done | sort | tail`; Pm "${A[$i]} diagnostics"; done; grep -lq '*$' <<< "$o" && printf $'\n\t* Code injection\n'; o=`syslog -F bsd -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'caug|GPU |hfs: Ru|last value [1-9]|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|proc: t|Roamed|rror|ssert|Thrott|timed? ?o|WARN' -k Message Ane 'SMC:' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; $5=""};1'`; Pm "Kernel log"; o=`df -m / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'`; o=$((o<5120?o:0)); Ps "Free space (MiB)"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/eo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0)); Ps "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( `sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d'` ); [[ s[4] -lt 85 ]] && o=`printf "$Fu" ${s[1]} ${s[3]}` || o=; Ps "Total CPU usage" && { s=(`ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'`); n=$((${#s[*]}-1)); c="${s[*]}"; o=${s[$n]}%; Ps "CPU usage by process \"${c% ${s[$((n-1))]}*}\" with UID ${s[$((n-1))]}"; }; s=(`top -R -l1 -n1 -o prt -stats command,uid,prt | sed '$!d'`); n=$((${#s[*]}-1)); s[$n]=${s[$n]%[+-]}; c="${s[*]}"; o=$((s[$n]>=25000?s[$n]:0)); Ps "Mach ports used by process \"${c% ${s[$((n-1))]}*}\" with UID ${s[$((n-1))]}"; sys=`pkgutil --regexp --only-files --files* | sort | uniq | sed 's:^:/:'`; bi=`egrep '\.(kext|xpc)/(Contents/)?Info.plist$' <<< "$sys" | while read i; do [[ -f "$i" ]] && BI "$i"; done`; o=`kextstat -kl | grep -Fv "$bi" | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1`; Pm "Kernel extensions"; li=`egrep 'Launch[AD].+\.plist$' <<< "$sys"`; jl=`while read f; do [[ -f $f ]] && $PB\ :Label $f; done <<< "$li"`$'\n'"$bi"; R && o=`LC "$jl" sudo`; Pm Daemons; o=`LC "$jl"`; Pm Agents; o=`for d in {/,}L*/Lau*; do M; done | grep -Fv "$li" | while read f; do ID=$($PB\ :Label "$f") || ID="No job label"; printf "$Fb" "$f" "$ID"; done`; Pm "launchd items"; o=`for d in /{S*/,}L*/StartupItems; do M; done`; Pm "Startup items"; b=`sed -E '/^.+Lib.+\/Contents\/Info.plist$/!d;s/\/Info.plist$//;/Contents\/./d' <<< "$sys"`; l=`egrep '^/usr/lib/.+dylib$' <<< "$sys"`; p=`lsbom -pfc /var/db/*/* | sed -En '/peri.+\/.+\./s/^\.\/[^/]+//p'`; [[ "$b" && "$l" && "$p" ]] && { o=`find -L /S*/L*/{C*/Sec*A,E}* {/,}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,iTu,Keyb,Mail/B,P*P,Qu*T,Scripti,Sec,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | grep -Fv "$b" | while read d; do i="$d"/Info.plist; [[ -f "$i" ]] || continue; ID=$(BI "$i") || ID="No bundle ID"; printf "$Fb" "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done`; Pm "Bundles"; o=`find /usr/lib -type f -name *.dylib | grep -Fv "$l"`; Pm "Shared libraries"; o=`find -L {,/u*/lo*}/e*/periodic -type f -exec cksum {} \; | awk '{print $3"\t"$1}' | grep -Fv "$p" | awk '{print $1}'`; Pm "Periodic scripts"; :; } || echo $'\nReceipts missing'; o=`for e in INSERT_LIBRARIES LIBRARY_PATH; do launchctl getenv DYLD_$e; done`; Pm "Inserted dylibs"; o=; defaults read /Library/Preferences/ globalstate | grep -q 0 || o=On; Ps Firewall; o=`scutil --proxy | egrep 'Prox.+: [^0]'`; Pm Proxies; o=`scutil --dns | awk '/r\[0\] /{if ($NF !~ /^1(0|72\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])|92\.168)\./) print $NF; exit}'`; i=`route -n get default | awk '/e:/{print $2}'`; I=`$NS -listnetworkserviceorder | sed -En '/ '$i'\)$/{x;s/^\(.+\) //p;q;};x'`; n=`$NS -getdnsservers "$I" | awk '!/^T/{printf "not "; exit}'`; Ps "DNS (${n}from DHCP)"; o=`$NS -getinfo "$I" | awk '/k:/{if ($3 !~ "(255\.){3}0") print}; /v6:/{if ($2 !~ "A") print}'`; Pm TCP/IP; [[ "$I" =~ [AW]i ]] && { o=`/S*/*/P*/*/*/*/*/airport -I | awk '/lR/{print $2}'`; o=$((o<=-87?o:0)); Ps RSSI; }; R && o=`sudo profiles -P | grep : | wc -l`; Ps Profiles; f=auto_master; [[ `md5 -q /etc/$f` =~ ^b166 ]] || Pc $f /etc/$f; for f in fstab sysctl.conf crontab launchd.conf; do Pc $f /etc/$f; done; f=/etc/hosts; Pc hosts <(egrep -v "$H" $f ); AT $f; Pc "User launchd" ~/.launchd*; R && Pc "Root crontab" <(sudo crontab -l); Pc "User crontab" <(crontab -l); R && o=`sudo defaults read LoginHook`; Pm "Login hook"; LD="$(`find /S*/*/F* -type f -name lsregister | head -n1` -dump)"; o=`for ID in $AC; do [[ "$LD" =~ $ID ]] && echo $ID; done`; Pm "App check"; Pp "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; Pp "User login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; Pp "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed -E 's/(\..*$|-[1-9])//g'; o=`find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l`; Ps "Restricted user files"; cd; o=`find .??* -path .Trash -prune -o -type d -name *.app -print -prune`; Pm "Hidden apps"; o=`SP Fonts | egrep 'id: N|te: Y' | wc -l`; Ps "Font issues"; o=`find L*/{Con,Pref}* -type f ! -size 0 -name *.plist | while read f; do plutil -s "$f" >&- || echo $f; done`; Pm "Bad plists"; d=(Desktop L*/Keyc*); n=(20 7); for i in 0 1; do o=`find "${d[$i]}" -type f -maxdepth 1 | wc -l`; o=$((o<=n[$i]?0:o)); Ps "${d[$i]##*/} file count"; done; o=; [[ UID -eq 0 ]] && o=root; Ps UID; o=$((`date +%s`-t)); Ps "Elapsed time (s)"; } 2>/dev/null | pbcopy; exit 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    7. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    8. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "syntax error," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    9. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    10. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be nothing in the Terminal window and no indication of progress. Wait for the line
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report the results. No harm will be done.
    11. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    12. When you post the results, you might see the message, "You have included content in your post that is not permitted." It means that the forum software has misidentified something in the post as a violation of the rules. If that happens, please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    Note: This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Terms of Use of the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

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    Hello sammi094,
    The following article provides step-by-step instructions for changing your billing information.
    iTunes Store: Changing your payment information
    See what to do if None isn't showing or you can't select it.

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    Please do a Skype reset.
    Exit Skype : From the system tray >> right click on the skype icon and click "Quit"
    Press WinKey+R
    Type: %appdata% and press Enter.
    Rename the folder "Skype" to "Old_Skype"
    Run Skype.
    You will need your password to re-log on, and re-set any options from default
    Location - Dhaka | Bangladesh - Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 06:00 hour
    If one of my replies has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.

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    Hi ...
    Try posting in the iWeb forum here.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    The apps are not actually in your iCloud storage, they are links to the apps in the App Store. What you are seeing is your purchase history and as such cannot be deleted.
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    Go to settings -> mail contacts and calendars -> tap on the desired account and choose delete at the bottom of the page. This will delete the email accunt from the device.

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    Do you mean the App store? Both iTunes and the App store use what ever is set up on your appleID, be it credit card or iTunes card. Its the same account.

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    what is making you suspicious that this is happening?  Or is this just a general question?

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    Hold down on the app icon until it wiggles, then tap the X in the icon to delete the app from the iPad.

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    Set that domain as '''Allowed'''. <br />

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    When I connected my iPhone, it automatically synced right away. I did click on the iPhone button and saw the contents of my iPhone including the Books. When I clicked that 'Books' button. But since the book in question was not on my iPhone, it did not show up in the list so I could not select it like you suggested. Therefore I could not sync that book to my iPhone. Thanks for the help though.
    The good news is I did manage to get the book on to my iPhone.
    When her book came out for preorder about a year or two ago, I looked for it in the iTunes store and preordered it. About a week after it came out, I found what was basically the same book for a dollar more. ($7.99 and $8.99) I figured there must be something additional (features) in the $8.99 book. So I bought it too. As far as I could tell though, they were exactly the same. So I decided to hide one of them so they would not both show up in my Library. Anyway, I went to my iTunes/iBooks account and managed the hidden books area. I unhid the Demi book and then it showed up in my iCloud to download on my iPhone. Now they are both on my computer so I need to figure out which one is the other one and hide it. So then I can delete it from my computer just have the one that is on my iPhone on both systems. But at least I found a way to get a copy on my iPhone.

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