How do I back up more quickly.

When I go to sync my phone it makes a back up and it takes over an hour for it to complete. This seems really lengthy.
Is there a way to turn off the back up or set it to just once a week or just make it quicker?
iTunes and firmware are up to date.

A normal backup should only take a minute or two.
Searching through this forum, there are several people who report that deleting the Facebook app from the phone reduces backup time from hours to just minutes.
I've never used the Facebook app, so I have no personal experience to report. Others' experience is here:

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    salientgreen is right. But my suggestion is that you'd better first transfer these data to your computer to have a backup and then delete them to free up space.
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    Right.  You didn't read the post, you only read the title.
    The title came from an earlier step in the process when I was posing a question to the systen.
    The pertinent part of the question is "How to I back up documents that are stored in iCloud" 
    That the destination for the backup is NOT my internal HDD should be clear from the rest of the post.
    And frankly, even if that is where I want to back up to, that would at least give me two copies, at least giving me one duplicate of the stuff on iCloud.
    So please stop wasting my time if you can't answer the actual question: How do I backup content that is stored in iCloud.  The destination of the backup is irrelevant.

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    The backup to disk option was removed as of iTunes 10.4. If you want to back up your tracks to a CD, you can as a workaround put the tracks in a playlist and then use the Burn Playlist to Disk command and select a data disk as the format. If you want to back up your tracks to a DVD now, you'll need to use other software. Unless your library is pretty small, though, it's probably a lot more effective to just copy the entire iTunes folder to an external hard drive or USB flash drive.  

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    One more note, I haven't been able to update to the lates IOS version 7.1 because it needs 2.5GB of storage and I want to back up before I make space available. 
    Thank you so much!!

    If you have connected your device to your computer and it does not appear in the side bar in iTunes then for Windows computers read or if you have a MAC then read for troubleshooting steps.
    try also
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the home button together until the apple logo appears (ignore the ON/OFF slider) then let both buttons go and wait for device to restart (no data will be lost).

  • How do I back up documents that are stored in iCloud to my own hard drive?

    The trouble is, however I search for an answer to this question, I get instructions on how to back up stuff TO iCloud.
    I want to back up stuff that applications like Pages and Numbers are already storing IN iCloud.
    See, I don't want to have to trust iCloud to safely store my documents.  Not unless there are copies somewhere that I can fall back on if (it's really only a matter of when) something goes fatally haywire in iCloud.
    It's easy enough to do with a service like, say, Dropbox, which treats my "cloud-stored" files like they are in a folder on my hard-drive.  So when I run either a local (Time Machine/Capsule) or a cloud (Crashplan, in my case) backup, those files get backed up.  So I have at least three copies of those files - in Dropbox, on my Time Capsule, and on Crashplan's servers.
    So how do I do that with docs that are stored in iCloud?  Apple wants me to store stuff in iCloud - if I have iCloud enabled and want to save a doc to another destination, there are multiple steps I want to go through.  And I'm fine with using iCloud if I'm creating documents that I want to be able to access from my iOS devices as well.
    Yes, I can do that with Dropbox, but it's less seamless than doing it through iCloud.
    But I want my own backups of those files, and near as I can tell, Apple makes that nearly impossible because iCloud does not show up anywhere as a folder that I can access or sort.
    Or does it?  Am I missing something?
    If so, let me know.... if not... is there a solution to this dilemma, or is it just one more aspect of iCloud that Apple has not clearly thought through?

    Right.  You didn't read the post, you only read the title.
    The title came from an earlier step in the process when I was posing a question to the systen.
    The pertinent part of the question is "How to I back up documents that are stored in iCloud" 
    That the destination for the backup is NOT my internal HDD should be clear from the rest of the post.
    And frankly, even if that is where I want to back up to, that would at least give me two copies, at least giving me one duplicate of the stuff on iCloud.
    So please stop wasting my time if you can't answer the actual question: How do I backup content that is stored in iCloud.  The destination of the backup is irrelevant.

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    Post Author: izhar
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Hi all group members, I am working on BOXI R2. I have to ask that, How to exclude one or more than one member from the report. I know there is function of filter, through which we can see our desired members and other remaining will be excluded, but that's filter. In some of tools i have seen just do right click on a specific member and click on "Exclude" option to exclude the member. Suppose i have placed a Time dimension on the report and standing on "Month Level" which has data from 1, 2, ... 7,8, ... 11, 12 Now i just have to exclude member 7 from the report. Can any member guide me here. Regards, Izhar

    Post Author: jsanzone
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    If you run the report in "modify" mode, then you have two options
    1) You can click on the "Show/Hide Filter Pane" button which opens up the "apply filter" pane.  From there you go to your Data panel and grab, drag, and drop an item from the Data panel into the apply filter pane and provide a constant or select a value to filter in or out from your report.
    2) You can highlight the column of data that you want to filter on, then click on the "Add Quick Filter" button.  Using the List of Values menu you either select one or multiple items that you want to include in the report.

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