How do I delete invisible films

My Time Machine backup seams to be very bloated. Currently TM says a full backup is estimated at 169 GB. On the drive that I use, Time Machine Backups takes up 419 GB. I've now stopped backing up Dropbox and the db that goes with it which is invisible. It doesn't make sense to backup Dropbox so I figure there's some space to be gained. I see using TimeTracker that this db is backed up all of the time so my question is, how do I delete this invisible from my TM backups?

Chris§ wrote:
My Time Machine backup seams to be very bloated. Currently TM says a full backup is estimated at 169 GB. On the drive that I use, Time Machine Backups takes up 419 GB. I've now stopped backing up Dropbox and the db that goes with it which is invisible. It doesn't make sense to backup Dropbox so I figure there's some space to be gained. I see using TimeTracker that this db is backed up all of the time so my question is, how do I delete this invisible from my TM backups?
First, exclude it from future backups, per #10 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
Then, see #A3 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for a handy app that will let you see invisible items via both the Finder and Time Machine's "Star Wars" display. Once that's in place, see #12 in the FAQ to delete all backups of the hidden item.

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    iCloud doesn't backup the actual films, it backs up your purchase history:
    iCloud: iCloud storage and backup overview
    You can only re download items if they are still available in the App Store.
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    In addition to what Drew wrote, remember the Mac has a data fork and a resource fork.
    Here is an old thread but a nice recap by Dr. Smoke
    Note that the ._file files you note are the resource forks of Mac files you copied to the drive from your Mac, and these are only visible when you use the Flash drive on a PC. These are normal and indicate the Flash drive is already formatted for Windows.
    When you copy or save a file from a Mac OS X system to a Windows shared volume or a Windows-formatted disk, the Mac creates two files: the data fork (xxx) and the resource fork (._xxx). This is called Apple Double Format and is normal. The resource fork contains additional data about the file that is exclusive to the Mac that cannot be saved otherwise on Windows-formatted disks. This is new with Mac OS X, as documented in Mac OS X: Apple Double Format Creates File Name With the Prefix '._'.
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