How do I dip out sound halfway through a clip?

Short clip, person speaks, then there is a loud noise. How do I lower sound in part of a clip?

Keyframe the gain level of the clip at the appropriate spots.

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    Hi Everyone,
    Just in case anyone else runs into this problem here is the solution that i've managed to piece together,
    I have a movie clip twice the size of the stage, the movie clip is called bg_mc, here is my actionscript...
    bg_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseMoveHandler);
    function mouseMoveHandler(event):void
    var cursorX = stage.stageWidth - mouseX;
    bg_mc.x -= dx / 5;
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    Now the flash file will resize to any screen resolution and will allow the user to move the MC left / right across the screen depending on where the mouse pointer is,
    I hope this is helpful,

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    Sure it is
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    Did your Mac come with iMovie preinstalled?
    Then you could export your video, import it to iMovie and remove the audio track. iMovie has two methods to silence a video clip - you can either select the clip in the project and use the command "Detach audio" or chance the audio settings of the clip and set the volume to zero. Then render the video new and import the silent version to iPhoto to use in the slideshow.

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    First you must drag the clips to a project. The event clips will always have the original audio.
    In the project, select one of the clips and open the inspector to the Audio tab. Set the volume slider to zero.
    You can repeat this for all the clips, or here is a shortcut.
    Do the first one, then with it still selected, click EDIT/COPY, then EDIT/SELECT ALL, then EDIT/PASTE ADJUSTMENTS.../AUDIO ADJUSTMENTS.

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    Im waiting for my software here in Spain and I can't believe that

    I can't believe it either. I've always bragged to people about how many features iMovie '06 has, and to think that now it's gone? (Well, iMovie '06 isn't gone, but . . . ) I get my copy of iLife tomorrow, so I'll be reporting back (as will many of us).
    Say it ain't so, Steve!

  • How do i mute the sound in a movie clip using action script?

    assuming my movie clip is named "movie"

    You should use SoundTranfrom object and soundTransform property of your movieClip.
    At first you have to instantiate soundTransform object and assign value of 1 to it's volume property:
    var soundTr:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
    soundTr.volume = 1;
    Than a simple toggle function, which changes volume property of soundTr and assigns the object soundTr to your movie's soundTransform property.
    function toggleMute():void
        if(soundTr.volume == 1)
            soundTr.volume = 0;
            soundTr.volume = 1;
        movie.soundTransform = soundTr;

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    In previous versions of iMovie - text oriented (in time) in regard of cut's. So if You
    wanted a text to appeare at a specific moment - one just cut the video-clip and then
    put the text here.
    As I remember it - this can apply to iMovie'09 too.
    Test and see.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Hi there,
    What gen device are you using?
    Disconect your Firewall or any security programme that could be blocking this download.
    If all else fails then totally uninstall iTunes and Apple mobile device support then reinstall it.
    Hope this helps!

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    That is usually the result of a downloading problem.  You can download fresh copies (at no charge) by following this guide:  iTunes 10 for Windows: Download previous purchases from the iTunes Store
    In the unlikely event that the new copy has the same problem, it could be a defect in the store master file.  If that happens, you cannot correct it yourself, so report it to iTunes Customer Service.

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    You may have to see about using the Recovery HD partition to attempt to erase and restore useful function of the capacity lost to the former Windows installation.
    And you may have to backup your contents outside the computer to do it. Disk Utility on the Mac OS X historically has not been able to touch a BootCamp created partition; so if BootCamp cannot remove it, then you have to see how to do the equivalent of a reformat of the entire drive (less Recovery partition?) then reinstall your OS X. Maybe from internet recovery, then get your applications, etc from the Mac App store, etc.
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    There may be (an)other way(s).
    Perhaps someone with recent experience
    in this matter can reply & discuss options.
    With my antiques, they almost know what I want before I tell them.
    Hopefully yours will after you talk to it awhile.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    does the sound work with headphones plugged in?  Or no sound through the external speakers or headphones?

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