How do i get podcasts in my nano

I downloaded some podcasts but when I connect my nano to the itunes they are not in my nano... how do i get them in there

Where are you looking for them on your iPod? They should be under Music-->Podcasts.
Also, try right clicking a podcast episode. Go to convert selection for AAC. See if that converted file transfers to the iPod.
Finally, are you automatically updating music as well?

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    Double check to make sure podcasts are configured to sync to your device from under the iPod's Podcast configuration tab.
    To access the Podcasts tab for your iPod, plug your iPod in and click on it from under the Devices section in the left hand pane of iTunes.  This will bring you to the Summary tab. Along the top you should see a Podcasts tab, so go ahead and click on it.  Here you can configure how and what podcasts sync to your iPod.
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    Hello FoZ0872,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with your iPods when connected to iTunes.  You have taking some really good troubleshooting steps already, but I found a couple of articles with additional steps you can take to further troubleshoot the issue.  You can skip any steps you have already taken.
    If you don't see your iPod in the My Computer section of Windows, follow the steps in this article:
    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows
    If Windows recognizes your iPod but iTunes does not, follow the steps in this article:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Hey wolfpro55,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    To copy audiobooks or podcasts to the iPod shuffle, it must be configured to manually manage music. Once configured, you can drag and drop different podcasts/playlists to the iPod shuffle.
    Fore more information, see this resource:
    iPod shuffle: Playing audiobooks and podcasts
    The Autofill feature of iTunes will not add audiobooks and podcasts to any iPod model. They can be manually added by dragging them to the iPod shuffle in iTunes.
    For iPod shuffle (3rd generation), you must enable Manually manage music in the Summary tab to drag songs to iPod shuffle. Additionally, you can automatically sync audiobooks using the Music tab and sync podcasts using the Podcasts tab in iTunes.
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      Windows XP  

    Is it possible that these podcast that you are trying to transfer to your iPod are video podcasts?
    If so, you won't be able to transfer them to your iPod, since an iPod nano cannot play any video content; only the Fifth Generation iPods can.

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    Hi Roger,
    Thanks for your reply and my apologies for taking longer than hoped to respond.  The problem I'm having is that the cover art shows on my iPad (e.g. for "Meet the Press", a weekly American news programme), but it doesn't in either iTunes on my Mac or (consequently) my iPod Nano.
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    Thanks and best regards,

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    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
    Connect the iPod whilst holding down the shift/ctrl keys to prevent any auto sync, and if you see the dialogue window asking if you want to sync to this itunes library, click 'no'.
    Then go to file/add folder, open 'my computer', select your iPod and click 'ok'.
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    Edit > Preferences > General tab > Tick *Show: Podcasts*

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    Assuming you sync your iPod Touch to iTunes on your personal computer, you can do a few tricks via iTunes.
    Download the podcasts to iTunes on your personal computer.
    Move them into a Playlist.
    Select all the podcasts in the Playlist and Get Info (Command-I)
    You will get a dialog with an "Options" tab.
    Under Options change the "Media Kind" from "Podcast" to "Music"
    Now in iTunes, arrange to sync that playlist to your iPod Touch.
    After you sync with iTunes, you will have a playlist on your iPod Touch that is your podcasts that can be played just like a music playlist, one podcast after another will be played in the order they are arranged in the playlist.
    NOTE:  If you DO NOT normally sync with iTunes on your personal computer, then be aware that the first sync generally erases the stuff on your iPod Touch, so do not do this without thinking about it.
    NOTE 2: When you change the podcast Media Kind to "Music" the podcast will move from the iTunes "Podcast" list to the "Music" list.  When it is time to refresh the playlist with new podcasts, it is best to reverse the Media Kind back to Podcast so the old podcasts are not now sitting in your iTunes Music section.
    Yes this is a pain to do, but it is also a way to get a random selection of podcasts to play one after another without your needing to mess with your iPod Touch.  Very good for long driving trips where you cannot take your hands off the wheel to mess with your iPod Touch.

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    Thanks in advance!

    This might work.
    Copy Photos (& Videos) Between iOS Devices
     Cheers, Tom

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    well it is very simple ...
    the first thing you have to do is go on google and type in " imesh download" its for free
    after you are done downloading it and installing it make sure you save it on desktop ...
    ya so when its done the picture will be a picture of a orange ladybug thing when you click it you will make an account for free and than you will see an icon that says search you search the music you want type it in and a whole bunch of songs and videos come up dont click the music with the purple beside it click on the music with the green beside it (that is audio) make sure you listen to it before so you know what it would sound like when it is fully complete go on the library icon also found at the top you will see the music file you downloaded right click on it and click "show file" than a file will show up right click agian and this time click open with > iTunes after you have opened it on itunes you might probley be listening to it on itunes than click on the picture of your ipod click music make sure that sync music is checked off sync you ipod and there you go and if you want here are some great tips........
    1.if you want to change the name of the song right click on it on itunes than click get info go on info write the songs name and the artist name 
    2.stay on the same "get info" page and click on artwork you can get an image form google and copy paste it on to the artwork you will have a picture of the album when the song is being played
    3. you can also search up lyrics for your song on google and copy paste it to Lyrics

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    Are you saying you have made a new playlist and added the podcasts to the playlists? if not then try that, if yes then maybe try changing the podcast info so its just music or something. Change the genre or something like that maybe...
    I'll have to test it out and see if I can get it to work...

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