How do I Import XMP data?

I have edited some images and saved their data in XMP sidecar files.
Now, how do I Import them into Lightroom on another computer, with all the changes in the XMP files?

If you import the images fresh, the xmp data will come with it. If the images are already imported on the other machine, you can either sync (right-click the folder, select synchronize and the appropriate check box) or read the metadata (metadata menu in library).

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    Kind Regards,

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    I have successfully imported your file into DIAdem using the nCode file filter included with DIAdem. You might have to make that file filter known to DIAdem by following these steps (this assumes you have version 8 of DIAdem):
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    Leave me a message here if you have any additional questions.
    Otmar D. Foehner
    Business Development Manager
    DIAdem and Test Data Management
    National Instruments
    Austin, TX - USA
    "For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it's half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary."

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    Other option is to import the data into Access.
    Create an ODBC connection for Oracle
    Use the to connect to Oracle from Access
    Export data to Oracle from Access
    Developers of Guggi Oracle - Tool for DBAs and Developers

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    Another option is to download the free app MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5 here:
    After loading the DVD on your Mac, drag the icon onto Streamclip's window. From the menu choose File>Export to QuickTime then for Compression select the Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC). Adjust the quality slider from 50% to about 75% - that should give good quality at a reasonable file size. Leave other settings as they are and click on Make Movie. From the next box, choose a name for the file (it will be a .mov file) and a save location (say Desktop).
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    Note that you may be asked to instal a file from Apple. It's named QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component for Mac OS X. It's priced at US$19.99 and is available from the US Apple Store here:
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

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    Only the special folders created by the standard apps do not allow to create deeply nested folders inside  these folders.
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    1) export the data from your source database XE
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>exp userid=USER1@XE1 file=user1.dmp
    2) in the target XE database you would have to recreate the same user, e.g. USER1
    3) run imp on the same dump file:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>imp userid=USER1@xe2 file=user1.dmp full=yes ignore=yes
    From DOS prompt make directory
    DOS>md c:\oraclexe\tmp
    DOS>cd c:\oraclexe\app\product\10.2.0\server\BIN
    DOS>sqlplus SYS/Password AS SYSDBA
    It is posible to be SYS/Password@SID AS SYSDBA
    Go back to DOS prompt. There are two files - expdp.exe and impdp.exe in BIN directory.
    DOS>expdp SYS/Password AS SYSDBA SCHEMAS=property DIRECTORY=XMLDIR DUMPFILE=property.dmp LOGFILE=property.log
    From DOS prompt make directory
    DOS>md c:\oraclexe\tmp
    DOS>cd c:\oraclexe\app\product\10.2.0\server\BIN
    DOS>sqlplus SYS/Password AS SYSDBA
    It is posible to be SYS/Password@SID AS SYSDBA
    SQLPlus>CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dmpdir AS 'C:\oraclexe\Tmp';
    Go back to DOS prompt. There are two files - expdp.exe and impdp.exe in BIN directory.
    DOS>impdp SYS/Password AS SYSDBA SCHEMAS=property DIRECTORY=XMLDIR DUMPFILE=property.dmp LOGFILE=property.log
    There are so many treads about export and import in XE.

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    kAccess client_ole2.obj_type;
    kdb client_ole2.obj_type;
    ktables client_ole2.obj_type;
    krec client_ole2.obj_type;
    kcurr client_ole2.obj_type;
    //then process teh data of the table which is at 1 using another
    for s in 1 .. krec
    /// code for sinserting the current records data into the oracle tables.
    // then access each filed in kcurr and then insert in oracle table
    end loop;
    the above code is not tested your can alter any syntatical error if any.

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