How do i install ilustrator in my allinone pc? (touch)

I have an HP computer, it´s an all in one (touch) pc. Seems like adobe recognize my pc like a tablet or a cellphone because when i try to download the program apears a message saying that ilustrator is a desk application and has to be download in a pc .
I´m in an allinone pc (HP) that it´s touch.. could be this the reason?

Mayby itis a question to ask here,
or in a chat with Adobe here (tick I Still Need Help), etting-up

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    To more easily find compatible apps:
    iOSSearch - search the iTunes store for compatible apps.
    Apple Club - filter apps by iOS version.
    The legacy app method  do not apple to iOS 3.1.3, only 4.2.1 and later,
    Starting when iOS 7 was released, Apple now allows downloading the last compatible version of some apps (iOS 4.2.1 and later only)
    App Store: Downloading Older Versions of Apps on iOS - Apple Club
    App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
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    Using load option ´USB´
    Error: Not found returned from legacy loader
    Error: Not found from LocateDevicePath
    (x 9 times)
    Error: Load Error while (re)opening our installation volume
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    There are strings in the pliist file to add other Macs so that you can use some USB-DVD drives.
    This is 5 page thread, so a little more 'meat' to it:
    And on PC booting Windows from a USB DVD to do the install is usually a piece of cake, sometimes you just need to specify that USB in the BIOS boot order and sometimes select via F12 (or another Fkey) and that is it.
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    If you follow these steps, the installer will replace your operating system if one is already present, but will preserve your account information and personal files.  You may have to reinstall some applications, however.
    Insert the install disc (or the first install disc if you have more than one) into your disc drive. Restart your computer while holding down the c key. This causes your computer to start up from the install disc rather than your hard drive. When you see the gray Apple insignia, release c . 
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    Q1., Once a language xpi is installed, how do I set the interface to use that language?
    Q2., How do I install the language xpi and make it the system-wide default, so that all my users see Firefox starting with the native (non-English) interface?
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    Any suggestion is very much appreciated!
    My goal is to install the firefox package, then run something from the command line resulting the non-English translation in the downloaded XPI becoming the system-wide default for all users. A step forward would be to know for certain where that "extensions" folder must be on my specific OS. How do I query that?

    Excellent. These guides got me as far as installing my preferred language pack, which gets added to the add-ons automatically (assuming the user says yes to the appearing question when Firefox is started).
    However, the GUI does not change unless the user enters "about:config" and changes the locale.
    Is there a way to do this from the command line? I mean, changing the locale settings.
    And preferrably for all users. So even when new users get added and they start Firefox the first time, they see it appearing with the preferred locale and not in English.

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    Hi Armin.S,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact nature of your question. If you are asking about the system requirements for running various versions of Windows under Bootcamp, or just more generally how to set up Bootcamp on your Mac, you may find the following articles/pages helpful:
    Boot Camp: System requirements for Microsoft Windows operating systems
    Mac Basics: Using Windows on your Mac with Boot Camp
    Apple - Boot Camp Support
    - Brenden

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    Colin Hansen

    Try downloading and installing the 9.0.3 updater from here:
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Macintosh
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Windows

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    Hi nicksdaddy,
    There is an offline version:
    Hope that helps!

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