How do I Loop through a recordset using PHP

I have a recordset containing a MySql table with 5 columns, each one containing an email address of an official in a club.
Each row represents a different club, and each column a different type of official.
The first column represents chairmen, the next treasurers etc...
The recordset is called $mailset.
I need to loop through each row of $mailset and extract the email addresses of each column and concatenate them into a string seperated by semi colons ; so it ends up like this:
[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]; and so on.
This is how the recordset is set up:
mysql_select_db($database_dummyread, $dummyread);
$query_mailset = "SELECT club_chair_email, club_treas_email, club_sec_email, club_delegate_email, club_deputy_email FROM clubs";
$mailset = mysql_query($query_mailset, $dummyread) or die(mysql_error());
$row_mailset = mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset);
$totalRows_mailset = mysql_num_rows($mailset);
I tried using a  loop to step through the recordset, but it always shows the first record, so its not moving the pointer through the file.
The pseudo code aught to be something like this:
Initialise variables and move to the first record
If there are records to process
               Read a record
                    Process all columns
            Move on to the next record
     if there are no records
          print an error message
Print the results.
Can anyone give me a hint as to how to move from row to row in a recordeset under the control of a loop.
I am using PHP and MySql. (as far as I know, it is the original - not PDO or MySqli)

Each call to mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset) retrieves the value at the current location and increments the pointer in the recordset array. So use either a do or while loop and call mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset) from within the loop.
From the docs:
Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. mysql_fetch_assoc() is equivalent to calling mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_ASSOC for the optional second parameter. It only returns an associative array.

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         nm1 VARLIST;
         nm3 VARLIST;
         qry VARCHAR2(2000) := 'klx_uln_p000_cells';
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         IF ctr &lt; 10 THEN
              qry := 'SELECT
              KHALIX.klx_uln_p00'||ctr||'_cells A,
              KHALIX.klx_ucn_p00'||ctr||'_cells B,
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         END IF;
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    --     dbms_output.put_line(qry);
                   dbms_output.put_line('No data found for Query '||ctr);
              dbms_output.put_line('No data found for Query '||ctr);
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    variable ctr number
    :ctr := 1;
    exec dupe_find(1,:c);
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    Here's a working example using your first strategy ...
    create table t1 (id number);
    create table t2 (id number);
    insert into t1 values (100);
    insert into t1 values (101);
    insert into t2 values (200);
    insert into t2 values (201);
    v_table_name user_tables.table_name%type;
    type ttab_id is table of index by binary_integer;
    tab_id ttab_id;
    for i in 1 .. 2 loop
    v_table_name := 't' || i;
    execute immediate 'select id from ' || v_table_name
    bulk collect into tab_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('query from ' || v_table_name);
    for j in 1 .. tab_id.count loop
    end loop;
    end loop;
    There are many other ways to do this (especially if you need to do more than just print out the data).

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        var vDoc=app.ActiveDoc;
        var vFlow=vDoc.MainFlowInDoc;
        var vTextFrame=vFlow.FirstTextFrameInFlow;
        var vAFrame=vTextFrame.FirstAFrame;
        while (vAFrame.ObjectValid())

    I am heads down on a project so I can't give you much code right now, but I can point you in the right direction. The method you are using only works for a single text frame, so you would also have to include a loop for all of the text frames in the flow. A better approach is to get a list of FrameAnchor items from the main flow of the document. Then you can loop through the text items to process each anchored frame.
    // Set a variable for the main flow in the document.
    var flow = doc.MainFlowInDoc;
    // Get a list of the anchored frames in the flow.
    var textItems = flow.GetText(Constants.FTI_FrameAnchor);
    // Loop through the anchored frames.
    for (var i = 0; i < textItems.len; i += 1) {
      var aFrame = textItems[i].obj;
      // Do something with the anchored frame here.
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    Rick Quatro

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    quizCheck = false;
    for (int i=0;quizReference.size();i++)
    if (selectionInt==quizReference.elementAt(i))
    }while (quizCheck==false);
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    elementAt(...) returns an Object - of what type is your selectionInt? - guess, it is a primitve int value, not an Object.
    You can find it easier - say, you have Integer values in that Vector - and selectionInt is an int value - now you can find it using
    int p = quizReference.indexOf(new Integer(selectionInt));
    p is either -1 (if not found) or the index of the first found element, with the same int value as selectionInt.
    Hope, this helps
    greetings Marsian

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    b. Transform the data to target structure
    c. Call target partner link to store extracted data into varaible 'ServiceInputVariable'
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    <%"Record One-"%>
    <%"Record Two-"%>
    <%"Record Nth-"%>
    Please suggest a suitable syntax in my email body - which can loop through all itemline_item array and print all the item_numbers.
    (pseudo code below)
    for i in 1 .. ora:countNodes(bpws:getVariableData('receiveMessageInputVariable','XXINV_ITEM_PAY_ROW_TYPE','/ns4:XXINV_ITEM_PAY_ROW_TYPE/ITEMLINE/ITEMLINE_ITEM/ITEM_NUMBER'))
    <%"Item Number-"%><%bpws:getVariableData('i')%>
    end loop;

    Hi Santhosh
    Try with the following approach. It may work for you
    1. Create one XSD, for the HTML content
    <xsd:element name="HTML">
    <xsd:element name="C1" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}">
    2. Create one XSL, may be you have to do this manually, as JDev will not support HTML transformations. This XSL will map your input XML to an HTML format.
    3. Create one variable in BPEL of type in the above XSD
    4. Use assign activity to assign the XSL transformation to the variable defined in Step#3
    <from expression="ora:processXSLT('HTMLTransformation.xsl',bpws:getVariableData('Variable_Input',INPUT_TYPE'))"/>
    <to variable="invokeWriteHTMLService_Input" part="HTML" query="/ns6:HTML/ns6:C1"/>
    5. Copy the variable to the email body variable
    <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('invokeWriteHTMLService_Input','HTML','/ns6:HTML/ns6:C1')"/>
    <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
    Basically, the above approach converts your input to a string value whose content is a complete HTML, and you will use only one value to assign to the email body.
    Note: Please change the Variable names/XPATH Expressions/XSL file name/element names etc according to your BPEL
    Hope this helps you

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    200906If I use this code (where termsOpen is the VO instance):
    while (termsOpen.hasNext()) {
    }it proves to be an endless loop and I get "200809" printed on the console endlessly. The API says that hasNext() "does not move the current row". A book says that the pointer initially is at row 0. I wonder why it prints the first row. So the code is changed to:
    while (termsOpen.hasNext()) {
       Row currRow =;
    }But now I get only the last two rows printed on the console, and do not get to see the first row:
    200906What's wrong?
    Thanks for helping!

    Hi, Branislav,
    Thank you for the suggestion.
    I tried that also. When the code is
    while (termsOpen.hasNext()) {
    }I get only the first two rows and last row is dropped:
    200902To get all the three row, I end up using this code:
    while (termsOpen.hasNext()) {
       Row currRow =;
    }But that shouldn't be the way of doing the work. If I use a block of 50 lines of code to process each row, the code will have to be written once before the while loop and another time inside the while loop.
    The book which says that the pointer starts at the row slot before the first row is found on the internet, on p.469. It makes sense to me that the pointer starts at row 0. But unfortunately the actual copy of JDev I am using behaves otherwise.

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    boolean noRecords=false;
    if (

    i think i know what you mean...
    try this
    while ( {
    when .next() returns false, it will exit the while loop. you don't need the other code you have there, the above should do it all.
    is that what you're after?

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    You must have used sco-create to create meeting. To delete a meeting, use sco-delete API call.
    Find its documentation here.

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    create table MODEL1
      model_id  NUMBER ,
      model_seq NUMBER,
      p_ind     VARCHAR2(1)
    insert into model1 (MODEL_ID, MODEL_SEQ, P_IND)
    values (4, 103, 'U');
    insert into model1 (MODEL_ID, MODEL_SEQ, P_IND)
    values (3, 102, 'P');
    insert into model1 (MODEL_ID, MODEL_SEQ, P_IND)
    values (2, 101, 'U');
    insert into model1 (MODEL_ID, MODEL_SEQ, P_IND)
    values (1, 100, 'P');
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    loop through l_tab records where  ltab.model_id=param1  and  p_ind =p
    Join based on if else condition.
    if   param2 is not null then
       l_tab.model_seq=param2 and ltab.p_ind='P'
    if param2 is null then
             l_tab.p_ind='P'          etc...........

    Try something like this:
    TAB L_TAB;
    param1 number := 1;
    param2 number := 999;
    bulk collect into TAB
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OLD: ' || TAB(X).MODEL_ID || '         ' || TAB(X).MODEL_SEQ || '        ' || TAB(X).P_IND );
        IF TAB(X).model_id = param1 AND TAB(X).p_ind = 'P' THEN
          IF param2       IS NOT NULL THEN
            TAB(X).model_seq := param2;
          END IF;
          IF param2     IS NULL THEN
          END IF;
        END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NEW: ' || TAB(X).MODEL_ID || '         ' || TAB(X).MODEL_SEQ || '        ' || TAB(X).P_IND );
    PARAM1: 1
    PARAM2: 999
    OLD: 4         103        U
    NEW: 4         103        U
    OLD: 3         102        P
    NEW: 3         102        P
    OLD: 2         101        U
    NEW: 2         101        U
    OLD: 1         100        P
    NEW: 1         999        P

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