How do i make a search bar?

I am making an app where you can search for fish and then find their information. For example if you 'neon' then the page for the 'neon' fish will be shown in the results or take you directly to the page.
How do i do this?
Also, how can i monetize my app? Is it possible?

Yes you can do this and yes you can monetize the app once published on the store.
The first thing to think about is where all the data and information about the fish will come from. Is it local in an Excel file, is it a REST service ? Based on this, you will want to add the corresponding data source and start building the UI.
If you have not yet, please check out some of the sample apps and video tutorial here:

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    In the location bar at the top, type '''about:config''' and hit Enter
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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I placed theaddress and search bar on the same line as the menu.

    If the location bar and search bar are next to each other then you can place the mouse between the location bar and search bar to resize both bars.
    That only work if there is nothing between the two.
    You can set a min-width for the search bar to force a larger search bar:
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    #search-container {
    min-width: 200px!important;
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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    You can modify the pref <b>keyword.URL</b> on the <b>about:config</b> page to use Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" or Google's "Browse By Name".
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    //  ViewController.m
    //  Movie List
    //  Created by Damian on 20/02/15.
    //  Copyright (c) 2015 Tika Software. All rights reserved.
    #import "ViewController.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    These outlets to the buttons use a `strong` reference instead of `weak` because we want
    to keep the buttons around even if they're not inside a view.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *editButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *deleteButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *addButton;
    // A simple array of strings for the data model.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *dataArray;
    #pragma mark -
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
         This option is also selected in the storyboard. Usually it is better to configure a table view in a xib/storyboard, but we're redundantly configuring this in code to demonstrate how to do that.
        self.tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
        // populate the data array with some example objects
        self.dataArray = [NSMutableArray new];
        NSString *itemFormatString = NSLocalizedString(@"Movie %d", @"Format string for item");
        for (unsigned int itemNumber = 1; itemNumber <= 0; itemNumber++)
            NSString *itemName = [NSString stringWithFormat:itemFormatString, itemNumber];
            [self.dataArray addObject:itemName];
        // make our view consistent
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - UITableViewDelegate
    - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
        return self.dataArray.count;
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Configure a cell to show the corresponding string from the array.
        static NSString *kCellID = @"cellID";
        UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellID];
        cell.textLabel.text = [self.dataArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        return cell;
    #pragma mark - Action methods
    - (IBAction)editAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:YES animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)cancelAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
        // The user tapped one of the OK/Cancel buttons.
        if (buttonIndex == 0)
            // Delete what the user selected.
            NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
            BOOL deleteSpecificRows = selectedRows.count > 0;
            if (deleteSpecificRows)
                // Build an NSIndexSet of all the objects to delete, so they can all be removed at once.
                NSMutableIndexSet *indicesOfItemsToDelete = [NSMutableIndexSet new];
                for (NSIndexPath *selectionIndex in selectedRows)
                    [indicesOfItemsToDelete addIndex:selectionIndex.row];
                // Delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeObjectsAtIndexes:indicesOfItemsToDelete];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects
                [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:selectedRows withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
                // Delete everything, delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeAllObjects];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects.
                // Because we are deleting all the rows, just reload the current table section
                [self.tableView reloadSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
            // Exit editing mode after the deletion.
            [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
            [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)deleteAction:(id)sender
        // Open a dialog with just an OK button.
        NSString *actionTitle;
        if (([[self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows] count] == 1)) {
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove this movie?", @"");
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove these movies?", @"");
        NSString *cancelTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"Cancel title for item removal action");
        NSString *okTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK title for item removal action");
        UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:actionTitle
        actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleDefault;
        // Show from our table view (pops up in the middle of the table).
        [actionSheet showInView:self.view];
    - (IBAction)addAction:(id)sender
        [self.dataArray addObject:@"New Movie"];
        // Tell the tableView about the item that was added.
        NSIndexPath *indexPathOfNewItem = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRowself.dataArray.count - 1) inSection:0];
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPathOfNewItem]
        // Tell the tableView we have finished adding or removing items.
        [self.tableView endUpdates];
        // Scroll the tableView so the new item is visible
        [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPathOfNewItem
        // Update the buttons if we need to.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - Updating button state
    - (void)updateButtonsToMatchTableState
        if (self.tableView.editing)
            // Show the option to cancel the edit.
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.cancelButton;
            [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
            // Show the delete button.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.deleteButton;
            // Not in editing mode.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.addButton;
            // Show the edit button, but disable the edit button if there's nothing to edit.
            if (self.dataArray.count > 0)
                self.editButton.enabled = YES;
                self.editButton.enabled = NO;
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButton;
    - (void)updateDeleteButtonTitle
        // Update the delete button's title, based on how many items are selected
        NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
        BOOL allItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == self.dataArray.count;
        BOOL noItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == 0;
        if (allItemsAreSelected || noItemsAreSelected)
            self.deleteButton.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Delete All", @"");
            NSString *titleFormatString =
            NSLocalizedString(@"Delete (%d)", @"Title for delete button with placeholder for number");
            self.deleteButton.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:titleFormatString, selectedRows.count];

    Make sure that you do not run Firefox in full screen mode (press F11 or Fn + F11 to toggle; Mac: Command+Shift+F).
    Make sure that toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible.
    *Firefox menu button > Options
    *View > Toolbars (press F10 to display the menu bar)
    *Right-click empty toolbar area
    Use Toolbar Layout (Customize) to open the Customize window and set which toolbar items to display.
    *check that "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the toolbar palette into the Customize window to the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if missing items are in the toolbar palette then drag them back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    *if you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar setup

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    Make sure that you do not run Firefox in full screen mode (press F11 or Fn + F11 to toggle; Mac: Command+Shift+F).
    Make sure that toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible.
    *Firefox menu button > Options
    *View > Toolbars (press F10 to display the menu bar)
    *Right-click empty toolbar area
    Use Toolbar Layout (Customize) to open the Customize window and set which toolbar items to display.
    *check that "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the toolbar palette into the Customize window to the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if missing items are in the toolbar palette then drag them back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    *if you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar setup

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    For future reference, you will not get responses from Apple to any question you ask in these forums. We're all just fellow users here. And you posted in a forum for questions about the Communities themselves. You usually will get the quickest and most applicable answers if you ask in the forum dedicated to the product or service about which you are asking.

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    If you read [[How do I customize the toolbars?]], you can find the customize box. Simply drag the Google search bar into this box, and it will be gone :)

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    When Safari is in FullScreen mode, menu bar will be hidden.
    Safari window to fit the screen?
    Move the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the Safari window.
    Double arrows will appear. Drag it to resize the window to fit the screen.

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    When Safari is in FullScreen mode, menu bar will be hidden.
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    Move the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the Safari window.
    Double arrows will appear. Drag it to resize the window to fit the screen.

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    OMG! Th♥nk y♥u!!! Worked perfectly.
    That was royally getting up my nose.

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    #<u>If you are not seeing the Menu Bar (File, Edit, View History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help)</u> hold down the ALT key while pressing the three keyboard letters VTM.
    #*<u>To turn off the Menu bar at any time and use the Firefox button</u> (click on it to drop down the new Menu), click View > Toolbars, click on Menu Bar to remove the check mark. You can always turn it on again using the ALT+V+T+M in step 1 above.
    #<u>To move the tabs below toolbars</u>, click View > Toolbars, click "Tabs on top" to un-check it. '''''NOTE: Instead of View > Toolbars, you can click in any blank space on any toolbar to open the dialog.'''''
    #<u>To display other toolbars not being displayed</u>, repeat this process View > Toolbars and click on items that do not have a check mark; that will place a check mark next to those items and cause them to be displayed.
    #<u>To move items around on the toolbars</u>, you can drag them to the desired location when the Customize Toolbar window is open: View > Toolbars > Customize.
    #'''<u>The Reload/Refresh button and the Stop button have been "unified/combined" on the right end of the URL/Location/Address bar</u>''' (where you type a site address).
    #*When the Customize Toolbar window is open (View > Toolbars > Customize), the two separate buttons are shown between the URL/Location/Address bar and the Search bar. You can drag those 2 buttons wherever you want them but the order is important when the two are adjacent to one another (side-by-side) :
    #**Refresh/Reload on the left and Stop on the right, the buttons will be "unified/combined"
    #**Stop on the left and Reload/Refresh on the right, the buttons will be separated
    #**If left between the URL/Location/Address bar and the Search bar:
    #***Refresh/Reload on the left and Stop on the right, the buttons will be "unified/combined" as part of the URL/Location/Address bar on the right end of it
    #***Stop on the left and Refresh/Reload on the right, the buttons will be individually shown outside and to the right of the URL/Location/Address bar

  • How do I remove the search bar that continues to reappear no matter how many times I manually remove it?

    For a short while now the search bar has been appearing on my Firefox browser. I don't want it there and removing it using the 'custom' settings when I click in a blank area in my browser does not work, it keeps coming back along with the 'bookmarks' button.
    No, there is nothing in my Add/Remove programs that resembles the search bar in any way, shape or form. I've already checked again and again, it's simply not there and not an option.
    Yes, I've checked if perhaps it were one of the plugins I use and that is not the case. I've removed all the plugins to check and it still appears.
    I don't want this bar there, it's annoying and I want it gone. No there are no options to remove it in its options. I don't care about how useful other people say it is, I find it annoying. Every time I open Firefox it's there...I want it gone.
    Refer to screenshot:
    So, how do I get rid of it?

    Seems that may have worked and that's great, thank you. But now I have another problem which seems to be as persistent as the search bar has been.
    Now when I edit the bar and position of the buttons some of those buttons disappear when I click Ok in the customization, but reappear when I reopen the customization settings.
    Why is that? When I put a space in between some of the buttons the buttons near the space will disappear and leave a blank space where it should be.
    I'm beginning to be rather annoyed with this Firefox Beta to say the least and am considering returning to the version before it. Whatever I do now as far as customizing is concerned of the toolbar is reset every time I reopen Firefox. The buttons are no longer where I had set them up, the address bar is stretched to it's maximum, the Menu Bar is back the far left edge, buttons are missing that I had put there, and buttons I had removed are returned.
    :| I know it may seem insignificant to some people but it annoys the crap out of me. I understand this is a beta and if there is no solution then I perhaps will use the earlier version for a while.
    Thanks for your input by they way, it's much appreciated.

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