How do I make InDesign CS 5 perform decent?

I have this new iMac i7 2.93 (4 cores) with 12GB ram, 1GB Vram, 500 gigs free harddisk space and Snow Leopard. Now I also have the new CS5 suite for which I am quite glad. Except for InDesign. It's really really slow!
For starters, I swicthed off the live screen drawing. But even though I'm only having the bounding boxes showing, a simple move of a text box with 3 words can take 3-5 seconds. That is from I let go of the mouse button, till the letters actually show at the new location.
I am going nuts over this! I am currently working on a 20 pages catalogue for print. The funny thing - the same document was faster to work with on my 5 year old PowerMac G5 with CS4 !!!
Please let me know how to solve this, as I am about to go nuts…
Gunnar Birk Kristiansen

Propaganda? Really?
Creative Cloud does not require an internet connection except to check the license now and then. That length depends on whether you pay monthly or annually.
If you really want to throw good money after bad, be my guest: reativesuite6.html?promoid=KFOZP
BTW, all I did was plug CS6 into the search at Nobody’s hiding anything.

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    Indesign 6.0.2 is driving me crazy, that spinning ball spins for every character I type.  It takes 5 minutes to write one word.  I want to use CS3 instead, which works great with dynamic spelling, which I have turned off in CS4, but don't want to dump CS4.  How do I make CS3 the default?  When I open CS3 and save, it saves it as CS4 so to open it I can't click on it I have to open CS3 first.  Illustrator in CS4 works great.

    bdquilts wrote:
    Indesign 6.0.2 is driving me crazy, that spinning ball spins for every character I type.  It takes 5 minutes to write one word.  I want to use CS3 instead, which works great with dynamic spelling, which I have turned off in CS4, but don't want to dump CS4.  How do I make CS3 the default?  When I open CS3 and save, it saves it as CS4 so to open it I can't click on it I have to open CS3 first.  Illustrator in CS4 works great.
    The only way to make a mac recognize CS3 as default would be to completely remove CS4.
    In OSX new version trumps older versions. you can however have both apps open drop files you know are cs3 on the CS3 dock Icon or an Alias on your desktop. CS3 does not save as CS4 its just that the OS makes all ID files look like the newest version.

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    You haven't mentioned that you have an Adobe product that can create forms but if you have Acrobat, you would save it as a Reader extended PDF (you may or may not want t use Designer as mentioned above. That creates a certain type of form which it sounds like you don't need).
    As far as the usage limit, if only a few people will be filling it in, they can do it an unlimited amount of times. The 500 limit only comes to play if you have sent the form to an unspecified amount of people (such as a form for customers that is available on a web site). Then you could only collect the data from that form 500 times.
    But, let's talk a little more about what software you have. Acrobat? If so, what version (saving the extended file for Reader users is different between versions.)?

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    But both has difference in SQL trace.
    create table test_table
    (u_id number(10),
    u_no number(4),
    s_id number(10),
    s_no number(4),
    o_id number(10),
    o_no number(4),
    constraint pk_test primary key(u_id, u_no));
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    values (2007030301, 1, 1001, 1, 2001, 1);
    insert into test_table(u_id, u_no, s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no)
    values (2007030302, 1, 1001, 1, 2001, 2);
    insert into test_table(u_id, u_no, s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no)
    values (2007030303, 1, 1001, 1, 2001, 3);
    insert into test_table(u_id, u_no, s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no)
    values (2007030304, 1, 1001, 1, 2001, 4);
    insert into test_table(u_id, u_no, s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no)
    values (2007030305, 1, 1002, 1, 1001, 2);
    insert into test_table(u_id, u_no, s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no)
    values (2007030306, 1, 1002, 1, 1002, 1);
    CREATE INDEX idx_test_s_id ON test_table(s_id, s_no);
    set autotrace on
    select s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no
    from test_table
    where s_id <> o_id
    and s_no <> o_no
    union all
    select o_id, o_no, s_id, s_no
    from test_table
    where s_id <> o_id
    and s_no <> o_no;
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=6 Card=8 Bytes=416)
    1 0 UNION-ALL
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    3 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    223 recursive calls
    2 db block gets
    84 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    701 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    508 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    5 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    8 rows processed
    -- i didnt understand why the above query is not using the index idx_test_s_id.
    -- But still it is faster
    select s_id, s_no, o_id, o_no
    from test_table
    where (u_id, u_no) in
    (select u_id, u_no from test_table
    select u_id, u_no from test_table
    where s_id = o_id
    or s_no = o_no)
    union all
    select o_id, o_no, s_id, s_no
    from test_table
    where (u_id, u_no) in
    (select u_id, u_no from test_table
    select u_id, u_no from test_table
    where s_id = o_id
    or s_no = o_no);
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=16 Card=2 Bytes=156)
    1 0 UNION-ALL
    2 1 FILTER
    3 2 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=6 Bytes=468)
    4 2 MINUS
    5 4 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_TEST' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=1 Card=1 Bytes=26)
    6 4 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=78)
    7 6 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_TEST' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=1 Card=1)
    8 1 FILTER
    9 8 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=6 Bytes=468)
    10 8 MINUS
    11 10 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_TEST' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=1 Card=1 Bytes=26)
    12 10 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=78)
    13 12 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_TEST' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=1 Card=1)
    53 recursive calls
    8 db block gets
    187 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    701 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    508 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    4 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    8 rows processed
    -- The above query is using index PK_TEST. But still it has FULL SCAN to the
    -- table two times it has the more cost.
    1st query --> SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=6 Card=8 Bytes=416)
    2nd query --> SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=16 Card=2 Bytes=156)
    My queries are:
    1) performance wise which query is better?
    2) how do i make the 1st query to use an index
    3) is there any other method to get the same result by using any index
    Appreciate your immediate help.
    Best regards

    Hi William works.. I have added "o_id" and "o_no" are in part of the index
    and now the query uses the index
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=2 Card=8 Bytes=416)
    1 0 UNION-ALL
    2 1 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_TEST_S_ID' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    3 1 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_TEST_S_ID' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    7 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    21 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    701 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    507 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    8 rows processed
    But my questions are:
    1) In a where clause, if "<>" condition is used, then, whether the system will use the index. Because I have observed in several situations even though the column in where clause is indexed, since the where condition is "like" or "is null/is not null"
    then the index is not used. Same as like this, i assumed, if we use <> then indexes will not be used. Is it true?
    2) Now, after adding "o_id" and "o_no" columns to the index, the Execution plan is:
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=2 Card=8 Bytes=416)
    1 0 UNION-ALL
    2 1 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_TEST_S_ID' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    3 1 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_TEST_S_ID' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    Before it was :
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=6 Card=8 Bytes=416)
    1 0 UNION-ALL
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    3 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_TABLE' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=4 Bytes=208)
    Difference only in Cost (reduced), not in Card, Bytes.
    Can you explain, how can i decide which makes the performace better (Cost / Card / Bytes). Full Scan / Range Scan?
    On statistics also:
    52 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    43 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    701 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    507 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    8 rows processed
    7 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    21 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    701 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    507 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    8 rows processed
    Difference in recursive calls & consistent gets.
    Which one shows the query with better performance?
    Please explain..

  • How to make InDesign files open by default in CC, not CC 2014

    Now that I have 2 version of InDesign on my mac (10.8.5 - Mountain Lion), both CC and CC 2014, how can I make my .indd files open by default in CC instead of the new 2014 version?
    I've tried selecting a .indd file, opening the Info panel and changing the "Open with:" option to "Adobe InDesign". I then click Change All.. and confirming. However, this does not work. Double-clicking any .indd file still opens in the 2014 version and the Info panel for any .indd file still shows the 2014 version as the "Open with:" default.
    Any ideas?

    Here are three methods. The first two are free but don't give you exactly what you want. The third requires a third-party utility and works perfectly.
    (1) Right-click on a file and from the menu choose Open With... then choose the version of InDesign you want.
    (2) Create an alias for your InDesign versions and place them on your Desktop. Drag your InDesign file onto the alias of the version you want to open.
    (3) Purchase Soxy from Rorohiko:
    Soxy | Rorohiko Workflow Resources
    NOTE: Rorohiko says the version that supports InDesign CC 2014 is coming soon, they're waiting to test the new version before they release it.

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    How to Transfer Everything from an Old iPad to New iPad
     Cheers, Tom

  • FAQ: How do I make Photoshop run faster, or How do I increase performance?

    Why doesn't Photoshop run faster?
    There are many factors that contribute to the responsiveness of Photoshop. From hardware to software, there a nearly an infinite number of combinations that can boost or hinder Photoshop as it tries to work. Considering factors like how much RAM you have only begins to scratch the surface. Then you have to look at how fast the RAM is and how fast the motherboard will be in supporting it. A computer can only run as fast as its slowest components. Additionally, the hardware resources must be split between all of the running applications. And while you may only be running a web browser at the same time as Photoshop, what about all of the applications running in the background? Security software such as antivirus remains hidden, operating behind the scenes, but it still takes up CPU cycles and RAM. And what about the files you are working with? What are their pixel dimensions? File size on disk? Number of layers, smart objects, styles, and adjustments?
    To start, though, you must make sure you meet or exceed the minimum system requirements:
    Tech specs
    What can I do to make Photoshop run more efficiently?
    There are many factors to take into consideration and may steps that can be taken. Here are a list of resources that go into great detail.
    Optimize performance | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6
    How to tune Photoshop CS6 for peak performance
    Photoshop CS6: The Need for Speed
    What about Photoshop taking advantage of the power of my video card?
    With each new release of Photoshop, it will take more advantage of you GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), which can process display information much faster than your CPU. You video card also has its own separate RAM (known as VRAM) for storing this information. However, not all video cards are equal, even if they have the same amount of VRAM. There are different display processing technologies that all video cards do not have access to. These include technologies like OpenGL, OpenCL, and Shader Model. And these technologies have different versions that your video card may or may not have.
    For more information on Photoshop's use of GPU, please review:
    Photoshop CS6 GPU FAQ
    FAQ: What features use the GPU and how do I troubleshoot GPU issues?
    What other performance boosts has Photoshop gained recently?
    While Photoshop tends to gain overall performance upgrades by cleaning up the code to make things run more smoothly with each release, there are a couple new technologies that Photoshop has taken advantage of:
    Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine
    64-bit OS benefits, limitations | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6

    Good day!
    Please read this:
    Optimize performance | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6, CC
    If you have follow-up questions please read this (specifically »Supply pertinent information for quicker answers«):

  • How do you make images transparent in inDesign?

    How do you make images transparent in Adobe InDesign CS5.5?

    Dittco wrote:
    It IS possible: Select the image. Open effects (Window > Effects). Switch from "normal" to "multiply". Viola! White background is gone.
    That only works with a white background. In addition, it introduces a transparency effect, with its associated problems.
    With a rather light background: Select the image. Open clipping path (Object > Clipping Path > Options). Select Type > Detect Edges; use Threshold and Tolerance to get as close as possible to the edge of your image. This may be difficult because of a too low resolution image, or too much fringe on the edge -- if all fails, use the Inset Frame value to force the mask "into" the image. Click OK, and the background is gone.
    But that's not the only way: you can always create a clipping path manually, and then you are in total control, not limited by transparency side effects, auto-edge detection, and busy backgrounds.

  • How can I make a small swf file out of InDesign

    I have a 200 page book (PDF). I am trying to make a flip book to preview in web browser. How can I make a small swf file out of InDesign with the PDF I have?

    There is another point:
    if you are using JPEG images together with SWF as output file format, you could get smaller images by:
    1. using the Export For Web menu for generating size optimized JPEGs in PhotoShop opposed to Save As JPEG
    2. stripping all color management (ICC) information off the files (SWF is not very good in color management besides sRGB, I think…)

  • CS3 InDesign: How do I make a framework?

    How do I make a framework?

    Well, a picture is supposedly worth a thousand words, so here's 2,000 for you:
    I made a rectangle with 6mm width to visually estimate the stroke weight. It's really easy to get InDesign to show object dimensions in millimeters, but I couldn't figure out how to specify stroke weight in millimeters in a reasonable amount of time. So 17 points is my close-enough guess as to how to specify a 6mm stroke.
    That picture of two squares right underneath the tab of the "Swatches" panel will let you select whether you're choosing a color for the frame edge (stroke) or the inside of the frame (fill).
    Any questions?

  • How do you make ruler display ticks every 12 inches instead of every 16 inches?

    Hi all,
    How do you make ruler display ticks every 12 inches instead of every 16 inches?

    I just wish that common features like layers, color, swatches, styles, masks, adjustments, character, paragraph and so on - looked and functioned the same across adobe applications. Is that too much to ask for?
    In some cases, that would be absurd. Photoshop and Illustrator are fundamentally differerent environments, as they should be. Photoshop Layers and Illustrator/InDesign Layers are entirely different things, because a vector drawing program works with arranging OBJECTS (raster images, vector paths, text objects) in a Z stacking order and XY position. A Photoshop Layer is essentially just another raster image of the same pixel count as all the others, viewed optionally opaquely or transparently on your screen. It would be ridiculous if Photoshop created a whole new raster image every time you colored another selection of pixels. It would be ridiculous if Illustrator created a new Layer everytime you draw a new path.
    Regarding text, Photoshop and Illustrator share the same lame text engine. Illustrator's should be like InDesign's, not like Photoshop's.
    And that is a good case-in-point negating the silly defensiveness of Illustrator's outdated and buggy functionality. Illustrator's text handling remains poor today. But it was not updated even to today's treatment until CS 1. For most of its history, its text handling was pathetically primitive compared to that of other programs which were designed for exactly the same purpose and which competed directly with it. Should one "defend" that fact with some nonsensical argument that 'Illustrator is not meant to be a word processor'?
    It was not until AI10 that its print dialog acquired a simple Fit To Page command. You had to manually figure and enter a scale factor, and that was limited on the low end to 25%. Can that logically be "defended" on the basis that 'AI is not an imagesetter'? Every dang software on the planet provides a Fit To Page print option!
    This "It's not a technical illustration program" argument is every bit as nonsensical. Every one of Illustrator's direct competitors provides for user-defined drawing scales, and has for decades. Illustrator is just as "technical" a drawing program as those others are. It's just particularly lame at it in this regard. And since when is "technical" illustration not "illustration"? And since when is user-defined drawing scale only needed for "technical" illustration? Absolutely ridiculous.
    So what if in its infancy Illustrator was a tool for PostScript workflow? Illustrator's leading competitor for most of its history, FreeHand, was initially based on the path drawing engine of a font design software. But when it went to market as a general illustration tool, it blew the functional and interface doors off Illustrator, and continued to do so throughout its history.
    The simple fact is this: Throughout its history, Illustrator never kept up with the basic drawing features, interface refinements, and performance of its direct competitors. Its market share is primarily due to its carrying an Adobe label--and to the absurd defensiveness of too many of its users who have next to no experience with anything else.
    Ilustrator, Indesign and Photoshop share about 90% of the same functionality.
    Where do you get that?
    Photoshop's primary purpose is fine-tuning of raster imagery, especially photography. You don't do sophisticated color correction, channel operations, sharpening, etc., in Illustrator or InDesign. That's what I would call its "90% functionality."
    InDesign's primary purose is automation of repetitive assembly tasks and text handling in high page-count documents. You don't do master pages, indexes, tables of contents, constant spooling the hard disk, hundreds of externally linked raster and vector files, chapters-long threaded text stories in Illustrator or Photoshop. That's what I would call its "90% functionality."
    Illustrator's primary purpose is general-purpose vector drawing (which most certainly includes many kinds of 'technical' illustration) using cubic Bezier curves, and page-assembly for low page-count, illustration-intensive documents. That's what I would call its "90% functionality."
    Now ask yourself: Should programs fundamentally structured for different primary purposes necessarily share the same interface? I say no, not necessarily. Example: The mere use of the same term (Layers) in Photoshop and Illustrator for what are fundamentally two different things has led to a gross misunderstanding on the part of Photoshop users who are Illustrator beginners, which is repeated here in this very forum almost every day.
    Ask yourself this: Should unyielding adherance to the organizational dictates of Adobe's so-called "unified" interface be allowed to result in a palette flyout menu in InDesign that contains only one option? Is the very concept of a 'menu' not fundametally antithetical to a single choice? Is that not just poor interface design, regardless of whether it "matches" that of the other programs in the so-called "suite"? (Frankly, I find Adobe's over-use of flyout menus--which effectively HIDE important options--generally both ill-conceived and poorly executed.)
    No, there simply is no excuse for Illusrator's still lacking user-defined drawing scales, just as there was no excuse for its lacking multiple pages for two full decades, just as there is no excuse for its still lacking reliable snaps, connector lines, live shape primitives (!), proper arc-drawing, proper corner rounding, inline graphics, auto-fitting textframes, the ability to join multiple paths at once, (note that NONE of those can be called specifically "technical" drawing features) and a plethora of other functions that are bare-bones basic to vector drawing. The programs is just archaic and outdated in all these regards, and that's all there is to it.

  • I synced two of my email accounts via gmail's POP3 thing. But now my iphone's gmail inbox shows a random selection of emails (not most recent ones that are in my inbox). How can I make my iphone inbox match what I see when I log on using a PC?

    I synced two of my email accounts via gmail's POP3 capabilities. But now my iphone's gmail inbox only shows a random selection of emails (i.e. right now it is May 31, 2013 but the emails in my inbox are a couple from Nov 12, a few from Oct 12, and then some way older than that and so on.When I log into my gmail from a computer, I see all my emails in the logical, standard order. How can I make my iphone inbox match what I see when I log on using a PC?

    If you're trying to decide between using POP and IMAP, we encourage you to use IMAP.
    Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication between your web Gmail and your email client. This means when you log in to Gmail using a web browser, actions you perform on email clients and mobile devices (ex: putting mail in a 'work' folder) will instantly and automatically appear in Gmail (ex: it will already have a 'work' label on that email the next time you sign in).
    IMAP also provides a better method to access your mail from multiple devices. If you check your email at work, on your mobile phone, and again at home, IMAP ensures that new mail is accessible from any device at any given time.
    Finally, IMAP offers a more stable experience overall. Whereas POP is prone to losing messages or downloading the same messages multiple times, IMAP avoids this through two-way syncing capabilities between your mail clients and your web Gmail.
    That is from the page that you linked- does highlighted part of message ring a bell?

  • How can I make different catalogs from the same image

    How can I make different catalogs from the same image where that image has been changed in some way between the catalogs. For instance if I wanted to have a catalogs for cropped images and have 3 catalogs one for 4x6 , 5x7 and 8x10 cropping. When I tried this , if I changed a file in one catalog that same image in the other would change also.

    Do not confuse the creation of the crops and the display in collections per crop ratio.
    Of course one virtual copy (VC) per crop ratio is needed. If the same image should be cropped in all 3 mentioned ratios there would be 3 VCs.
    The OP asked how to have/see a set of same-crop-ratios.
    After having created the virtual copies for whatever crop ratio he wants, the way to display this result in the fashion asked for is via smart collections, provided they can be found. Without a plugin the naming of the VC with the crop ratio applied is a straight way to achieve that.
    IF the wish is to get new crops automatically added. (See my answers 2+3)
    IF the wish is to creat static collections per crop ratio for a certain set of images, I'd go as follows:
    1. Select all images you want to have cropped in that way,.
    2. With this selection click on the + to add another collection and fill the dialog box like this:
    Then navigate into this newly created selection and perform the 4x6 crop - according to taste individually or by synchronizing the first crop.

  • How do I make Flash use the original Photoshop file, not a .png one?

    Hi, this might be kind of a basic question/problem but I can't seem get Google to help me. Since I've recently started out with Flash, I guess I just missed some newbie thing out, still very greatful for help though, since this'll soon be causing a brain hemorrage...
    Ok, here goes: 
    I'd like to draw key frames in Flash, just simple drawings/skelettons using the pen tool, basically to create the movement itself. After that, I want to export the frames that I drew as images to Photoshop in order to apply texture and colour, and then put them back into Flash again, without tampering with the Flash doc I've already created, since the animation is already done. I want the file(s) that I'm working with to remain the same files throughout the process, from Flash to Photoshop and back to Flash again, like the way InDesign works. Is this even possible?
    If this isn't possible at all, I guess the alternative is to draw in Photoshop and then import the drawings into Flash, put them in order and then make any eventual changes after you've created the animation in Flash, this is less smooth though still possible. But here emerges (sort of) the same problem:
    When I import images from Photoshop, create animation out of them, and then realize I have to make some changes in the original PS pic file I head back to PS to correct it. But it just doesn't work the way I want it to... If I modify the pic file in PS, then use the "update" alternative in Flash Library, Flash just tells me that the file can't be found, and does not update the image. If I choose the "edit in PS"-alternative from right clicking on a symbol that is in the library, the file opens as a .png file in PS, not as my original file! It seems to me that Flash is creating its own library, not using the existing document. Is there anyway to go around this? How do I make Flash use my PS file which allows me to change it as much as I want (as with InDesign)?
    This is driving me crazy, what I'm working on is supposed to be full HD, I can't use a freaking .png file... Gah!
    Very many Thanks in advance!
    (If anyone has any suggestion for alternative software, that's also very welcome!)

    If you start the artwork in Flash, you are starting with a vector drawing. If you export this art as a .png so that you can edit it in Photoshop, you will be translating the artwork to a bitmap image at a specific resolution. When you edit this .png in Photoshop, you can save it, as a .png, and then import that .png into Flash.
    After you import the .png, place it on the stage in a new layer. Position the new artwork over the old artwork. Then throw away the original artwork. Now, when you want to edit the artwork, go to the original file in the movie's Library and select Edit with Photoshop. When you save the file in Photoshop, the updated file will appear in the Flash movie.
    If you have Illustrator, you can export your original artwork as an Illustrator file. Then you can open this file in Illustrator, edit it, and save it. Then, as above, import the .ai file into Flash and toss out the original. Now you can edit the original file through the Library in your Flash movie.
    Alternately, you could start by creating the artwork in either Photoshop or Illustrator. Then import that art into Flash. Now you have a link to the editor for either file in your Library. This may simplify things.
    Working with Photoshop and/or .png files will give you a larger finished file than working with Illustrator files. In either case the finished resolution of the Flash movie will be the computer's screen resolution, 72 ppi.

  • How can I make a backup listing of all of my Firefox bookmarks, with complete URLs, so I can print it out from a word processing document?

    == Issue
    I have a problem with my bookmarks, cookies, history or settings
    == Description
    How can I make a backup listing of all of my Firefox bookmarks, with completely written out URLs, so I can print it out from a word processing document? Please email me the answer-
    [email protected]
    <blockquote>duplicate. Locked. Please continue [ here] -MJB</blockquote>
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    PPC Mac OS X Mach-O
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
    == Plugins installed
    *-Netscape Navigator Default Plug-in
    *Runs Java applets using the latest installed versions of Java. For more information: Java Embedding Plugin. Run version test: Test Your JVM.
    *Plugin that plays RealMedia content
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Shockwave Flash 9.0 r260
    *Provides support for Digital Rights Management
    *Provides support for Windows Media.
    *Java 1.3.1 Plug-in (CFM)
    *Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5.1
    *Java 1.3.1 Plug-in

    Although possibly not related to your problem, I have to remind you that the version of Firefox you are using at the moment has been discontinued and is no longer supported. On top of this, it has known unpatched bugs and security problems. I urge you to update to the latest version of Firefox, for maximum security, stability, performance and usability. You can get it for free, as always, at [].

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