How do I merge columns but keep the content in both?

I'm using Numbers '09.
If I have first names in column A and last names in column do I combine both into column A to look like this: Last Name, First Name (ex:  Doe, John)?

First, add a new column "before" the existing column A. It's not possible to combine the current content of A with the current content of B and have them appear in the place of the original Column A data. So, we add a new column for the combination. If you don't want to continue to display the original First Name data hide that column.
When you combine two character strings, it's called Concatenation. There's a concatenation operator and a concatenation function. You can use either. Here are examples that meet your spec:
In the first data row of the new column A, write: =C&", "&B
Copy and Paste or Fill to the rest of column A.

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    suzukidi wrote:
    I have been trying so hard to try and get my head round this since your last comment so what I think I know is with my Nikon d80 having 3:2 aspect ratio pictures that I wanted printed can only be the sizes you mentioned above which is fine as the pictures I got printed were 9x6" but it's from now I'm still bit lost when I use the crop tool and pre set the size to 9x6" with a resolution of 240 and crop out all the bits I don't want it comes back from printers stretched so i'm still lost as I don't know the  point where I'm doing something that causes the stretching? thank you for your patience
    Lets separate this into topics  Aspect Ratio,  resolution and size ... etc
    Aspect  Ratio is just the ratio of an image's two sides.    Your camera captures an image with a 3:2 Aspect Ratio.   If you want to print the whole image your camera captures it can be printed and image size that has sides the have a 3:2 ratio without distorting the image.
    Images are re-sized two ways:
    One way is to keep the pixels your camera captures and print them at different resolutions. Resolution is nothing more then pixel size.  Pixels have no size till there is a resolution set. Pixels themselves may have a aspect ratio themselves.  These days most devices use square pixel.  Some video standards use non square pixels. So if you have square pixels and an image with 1800px by 1200px and set the resolution to 300DPI the print size will be 6" by 4"  if you set the  to 200DPI the print size will be 9" by 6".  Its simple math. 300DPI means pixels are 1/300"x1/300" there are 90,000px/inch 200DPI 1/200"x1/200" 40,000px/inch  100DPI 1/100"x1/100" 10,000. Note how quickly the pixel count climes as resolution increase doubling an image resolution requires four times as many pixels not two timas as many.
    The other way is to create a new image using the pixels you camera captures.  Your Camera pixels are resampled(interpolated) into a totally new image not a single camera captured pixel remains intact the new image has a different numbers of pixels it a different image.  There are different interpolation methods some work better then others depending on image content and the direction of the re-size.  Any time you resample an image you loose some image quality.  The pixels are generated they are not captured using optics and a sensor.
    Normally I do not resample when printing I just set the DPI so the image prints the size I want.  In the Image size Dialog I un-check resample and the set the print width or height I want to print.  Photoshop will calculate the DPI and set the other side size.    If you crop without setting a DPI resolution in the crop tool the crop tool will not resample the crop to a particular DPI it should just set the appropriate DPI.
    I resample image for the web Cameras capture more pixels then can be display by displays.  So in the image size dialog I check resample and constrain the width and height to the image current aspect ratio then I set the number of pixels I want the width or height to be. Photoshop will calculate the number of pixels the other side will be. The DPI is meaningless for web images for Web images are displayed on screens at the resolution a displays has.  Your images will display large on a large Low DPI resolution HDTV screen and small on a high resolution cell phone display.
    If you want to print you image a size that does not have a 3:2 aspect ratio without distortion  you need to crop you image to the aspect ratio you want to print at.  You need to discard part of your image.  The Crop Tool does not distort it discards part of you image.  It may or may not resample the crop selected.  I do not use the crop tool but if I did I would not use it to resample the crop I would not set in a DPI resolution in the crop tool.
    Photoshop can also resize an image from one aspect ratio to and other aspect ratio a non constrained resize.  The resulting image will be distorted.  However Photoshop does have have a content aware re-size that tries to maintain recognizable objects perspective during the distortion process.  This process can also be aided by user masking.
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    I hope this isn't too wordy but I want to be as clear and explicit as I can for you.
    You can't transfer purchases from one account to another account. Apple doesn't allow it.
    You can continue to use your daughter's Apple ID in order to continue to use the apps that you purchased with her ID and you will need to use her ID and password any time that you want to update those apps. What you do want to avoid is having to download any of those purchased apps again on any other devices - if you create a new Apple ID.
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    public void mySave(String[] sCN, int aSize, String fileDat){
         String tempFile = "";
         tempFile = fileDat;
         try {
             boolean success = (new File(fileDat)).delete();
             if (!success) {
                      // Deletion failed
                    System.out.println(fileDat + " Deletion failed ");
            File fSave = new File(tempFile);
            BufferedWriter out;
            out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fSave));
         for(int i=0; i<aSize; i++){
    catch (IOException e_io) {
         System.out.println(e_io + " no write to a file ");

    it seems you donot want to delete the file but update it.try {
            // Open or create the output file
            FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("outfilename");
            FileDescriptor fd = os.getFD();
            // Write some data to the stream
            byte[] data = new byte[]{(byte)0xCA, (byte)0xFE, (byte)0xBA, (byte)0xBE};
            // Flush the data from the streams and writers into system buffers.
            // The data may or may not be written to disk.
            // Block until the system buffers have been written to disk.
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            // been written to disk.
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    When you connect that iPad to iTUnes, go to the summary page and scroll down, there should be a box saying 'automatically update' or something to that effect. De select that.
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    Thanks in advance for a quick reply. My deadline is approaching quickly !

    This problem has been driving me crazy for weeks, and I'm pleased to finally declare victory.
    The main snarl I ran into was the propVal.osval, which uses an (undocumented) array data type named Objects to hold the CondFmt objects, and it has no constructor, so it's not easy to reset. You can reset the isval all day long without effect, and building your TextPropVal from scratch has a nasty habit of crashing Frame. It's late here, so please excuse the uncommented code, but the following will make all text in your main flow unconditional, allowing you to delete your CondFmts without deleting the text.
    var findProps, foundRange, foundCond;
    var doc = app.ActiveDoc;
    var firstPgf = doc.MainFlowInDoc.FirstTextFrameInFlow.FirstPgf;
    var docStart = new TextLoc(firstPgf,0);
    var currCondFmt = doc.FirstCondFmtInDoc;
    var findProps = AllocatePropVals(1);
              findProps[0].propIdent.num = Constants.FS_FindCondTextInCondTags;
              findProps[0].propVal.valType = Constants.FT_Strings;
              findProps[0].propVal.ssval[0]= currCondFmt.Name;
    while (currCondFmt.ObjectValid()){
              foundRange = doc.Find (docStart, findProps);
                        while (foundRange.beg.obj.ObjectValid())
                        foundCond = doc.GetTextPropVal (foundRange.beg, Constants.FP_InCond);
                        foundCond.propVal.isval = new Ints();
                        doc.SetTextPropVal (foundRange, foundCond);
                        foundRange = doc.Find (docStart, findProps);
              currCondFmt = currCondFmt.NextCondFmtInDoc;
              findProps[0].propVal.ssval[0]= currCondFmt.Name;

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    You shouldn't need to do anything as long as you do not state hosting email with BC.  Just ensure to check you DNS in a lookup tool that it's still referencing your external email service.
    Otherwise you can set up external email set-up if the option is present.
    Kind regards,

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    You need to clarify what you are asking.
    An iphoto installation has two major parts: 1. The application or program - that's the software and 2. The Library - that's where your actual pictures are.
    So when you say:
    I want to keep using the old Iphoto program on the new Imac.  There is already an IPhoto program on the new Imac but I do not want to add or delete from that one.
    It sounds like you want to move the application and not the Library. Most folks want to move the Library, and it makes no sense to have two versions of the application on your mac.

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    i also contacted the company that sold me the battery and they offered me my money back or a new battery
    Suggest that you take them up on their offer of a new battery.  Make sure you got the right one for your model MBP. 
    2 separate MBP battery installation Articles:
    1 -
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install the battery
    2 -
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install memory
    Never post your email address in a public forum.  Spam bots roam public forums looking for "spam victims". 
    If you insist on using your email address in a public forum & you want to "trick" the spam bots, then suggest that instead of using "@" in the email address, use instead the actual word AT.
    Regarding responding to your emal addy, we ask that you post all questions to the appropriate discussion forum. This allows other users and other helpers to have a chance to view and respond to your post. That way, everyone benefits from the exchange.
    Thank you
    I have requested that a HOST remove your email addy.

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    How do I delete a dashed image frame, but keep the image?

    It may stroke, on the control panel set stroke color to none, and weight to zero [0].

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    Hi, Janice!
    I'm just guessing, but I imagine you'd get your question answered faster in the AE forum.

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    How to transfer iTunes library to an external drive (thats easy!) but keeping the playlists musics on the computer?
    Many thanks!

    Select a single song with a broken link, press CTRL+I to Get Info, cancel when asked to locate the track and take a look at the Summary tab. Post back where iTunes is looking for the file. It begins file://localhost
    Where is it really?
    Please post back both paths so that I can make suggestions. Full paths please, exact spellings, you can replace your user name with <User> if needed.

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