How do I pass input values from an OTL timecard to a Fast Formula (FF)?

Hi - I hope my question is a simple one, but after hours of searching I have a feeling it is not. I currently have a FF rule that checks if benefit hours were entered in whole or half day increments. If not, an error is shown after 'Continue' is clicked. I fully understand the setup of this rule and all I want to do is enhance it a bit. I want to verify if the Task Code and Expenditure Type code combination that is coded is correct. If they are not, I want to flag it. My issue is: I have not been able to pass the values of Task Code and Expenditure Type to the FF successfully. They are not database values and any aliases I try do not work (I assume they would be input variables passed to the FF). Any tips would be appreciated.
Thank you,

You should read these values from the attributes pl/sql tables in your FF code. The timecard related info gets passed to the FF as context when you are creating a time entry rule FF.

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    how can I write jsf managed bean for accessing these entities.we have used session facade design pattern and the IDE is netbeans5.5.
    pls,help me,very urgent
    thanx in advance

    Simplest way is to rewrite html page into jsf page.
    You can use session bean in your managed bean like this:
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    public class ManagedBean {
    private Context  ctx;
    private Object res;
    // session bean interface
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              public ManagedBean() {
                     ctx = new InitialContext();
                     res = ctx.lookup("Service");
                     service = (Service) res;
               catch(Exeption e){
    }Message was edited by:

  • How do I pass selected values from dynamic LOV to Command SQL in Oracle

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    I've created and tuned a SQL script for a report.  In the Database Expert, I've copied the SQL into a Command.   I've modified the Command to create 3 parameters. 
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    *select * from (*
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    Hi Scott,
    You are right, the first one do not need # character.
    In the Doc it is mentioned as....
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    <mx:DataGrid x="396" y="10" width="110" height="124" id="dginfo" enabled="true" dataProvider="{}" creationComplete="studinfo.send()" editable="false" visible="true">
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C0" dataField="username" visible="false"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C1" dataField="id"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C2" dataField="ln"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C3" dataField="fn"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C4" dataField="kurs"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C5" dataField="yr"/>
    I want to pass it here (code)
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                        <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{data.ln}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput  id="lnview"editable="false" enabled="true"text="{data.fn}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="fnview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{data.kurs}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput backgroundColor="#ABA5A5" editable="false" enabled="true"  id="yrview" text="{data.yr}"/>
    My problem is that this code won't work, it won't diplay anything...:D

    it must not display anything as data.ln doesnot have any value. in your code, in the text property of textfield, data is considered as a property of your application, a dynamic object; so even it doesnot have ln property, it is not showing error, neither displaying anything.
    do you mean to populate your textfields if the datagrid row is selected? if so:
    <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{dginfo.selectedItem.ln}"/>
    if you want to populate the same data without caring if it is selected in datagrid, you should not think like you are getting data from datagrid, instead, you are getting your values directly from the studinfo.lastResult
    in such:
    <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{}"/>
    note: if your result contains more than one data, you should treat it as array:[0].ln

  • How do I pass a value from a selected datagrid row to a popup

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    I tried that, but when I try to build the project, I get the error that there is a call to an undefined value. Here is code:
    Project Component:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
        width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="init();" xmlns:mxml="components.mxml.*">
                import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
                import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
                import components.mxml.NewProject;
                import components.mxml.NewTask;
                import components.mxml.dateChangeNotice;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function init():void{
                private function projectClick(event:ListEvent):void{
                private function refreshProjects(event:MouseEvent):void{
                private function ResultEvent_Projects(event:ResultEvent):void{
                    dgProjects.dataProvider = event.result;
                private function ResultEvent_Tasks(event:ResultEvent):void{
                    adgTasks.dataProvider = event.result;
                private function ResultEvent_UpdateTasks(event:ResultEvent):void{
          'Your task was updated');
                private function showNewProject():void{
                    var newProjectWindow:IFlexDisplayObject =
                        PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, NewProject, true);
                    newProjectWindow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, refreshProjects);
                private function showNewTask():void{
                    var newTaskWindow:IFlexDisplayObject =
                        PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, NewTask, true);
                private function dateFormat(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String{
                    return dateFormatter.format(item[column.dataField]);
                    //Function calls the Reason popup window
                //private function changeReason():void{
                    //Create Popup Window
                    //var resultWindow:IFlexDisplayObject =
                    //PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, dateChangeNotice, false);
        <mx:RemoteObject id="roGetData" destination="ColdFusion" source="projectTracker.components.cfc.controllers.getController">
            <mx:method name="getProjects" result="ResultEvent_Projects(event);" fault=";" />
            <mx:method name="getTasks" result="ResultEvent_Tasks(event);" fault=";" />
        <!--<mx:RemoteObject id="roUpdateData" destination="ColdFusion" source="projectTracker.components.cfc.controllers.updateController">
            <mx:method name="updateTasks" result="ResultEvent_UpdateTasks(event);" fault=";" />
        <mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter" />
        <mx:HBox width="100%">
            <mx:Label text="Projects:" />
            <mx:Button label="Insert New Project" click="showNewProject();"/>
        <mx:Panel width="100%" height="45%" title="Projects">
            <mx:DataGrid id="dgProjects" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="projectClick(event);" dataProvider="">
                   <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="projectID" headerText="ProjectID" visible="false" />- I Need to pass this value
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Project" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="startDate" headerText="Date Started" labelFunction="dateFormat" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="endDate" headerText="Completion Date" labelFunction="dateFormat" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="description" headerText="Description" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="statusName" headerText="Status" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="ownerName" headerText="Owner" />
        <mx:Panel width="100%" height="45%" title="Project Tasks">
            <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="adgTasks" width="95%" height="100%" variableRowHeight="true">
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="taskID" visible="false" width="50" />
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="name" width="25" />
                    <!--<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="startDate" headerText="Date Started" />
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="endDate" headerText="Completion Date" />-->
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn id="descript" dataField="description" headerText="Description" width="50"/>
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="ownerID" headerText="Owner" width="25"  />
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="notes" headerText="Project Notes" width="50"/>
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Dates" headerText="Dates" width="50"/>
                    <mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider dataField="taskID" columnIndex="5">
                                <mxml:dgDateHSlider startDate="{data.startDate}" endDate="{data.endDate}"/>   
        <mx:HBox width="100%">
            <mx:Label text="Tasks:" />
            <mx:Button label="Insert New Task" click="showNewTask();"/>
            <mx:Spacer width="200"/>
    Popup Components
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="400" height="400" title="Reason for Date Change" backgroundColor="#E5E4E4">
                import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
                import components.mxml.NewUser;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import components.mxml.Projects;
                import components.mxml.NewTask;
            //Clear Text Area Function
           public function Clear():void{
                reasonText.text = "";
            //function to send notes to db via RO
            public function writeNotes():void{
      into here-->    updateReason.reasonUpdate(taskID.selectedItem,reasonText.text);  taskID.selectedItem is not recognized. It errors on compile
            //remote object Results Event
            public function reasonResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
      "Label update successful, thank you!");
    <!--Update Remote Object-->
    <mx:RemoteObject id="updateReason" destination="ColdFusion" source="projectTracker.components.cfc.controllers.createController">
        <mx:method name="reasonUpdate" result="reasonResult(event);" fault=";"/>
    <!--Reason Text Area-->
        <mx:TextArea x="19" y="60" width="90%" height="246" maxChars="1000" wordWrap="true" enabled="true" id="reasonText"/>
        <mx:Button label="Update" click="writeNotes()" right="65" bottom="0"/>
        <mx:Button label="Exit" click="PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);" right="10" bottom="0"/>
        <mx:Text text="Please Specify your reason for changing the dates of this task." width="90%" fontWeight="bold" top="10" horizontalCenter="0"/>

  • How can I pass a value from Client to EntityImpl class?

    Hi everyone,
    I am using ADF BC to develop my Application.
    I want to do something in the EntityImpl class.
    My job needs a value from Client.
    I can't find any way to slove the problem.
    Is there anyone have an ideal, please tell me.
    Tuan Vu Minh
    FPT Software Solution Company (Oracle partner)
    FPT Coporation
    Add: 3th Fl., 51 Le Dai Hanh Builiding,
    Hai Ba Trung Dist,
    The Socialist Republic of VietNam
    Tel: (84,4) 9745476
    Fax: (84,4) 9754475
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: ,

    Firstly, let me state that I'm not a Swing programmer, so your mileage may vary. However I don't think a Swing solution is what you need. ADF BC will do this for you.
    Assumptions on my answer:
    1) You're generating the log_id from a database sequence and it is automatically populated in the UserLog table.
    2) You have 2 VOs, namely UserLogView and ActionLogView based on the EOs.
    Create a View Link between each VO making UserLogView the master.
    In your UI, once the user has inserted into UserLogView, include a bound create button for the ActionLogView such that it creates an associated ActionLogView record for the user when they wish to enter the log details. ADF BC will populate the ActionLogView Log_id with the parent's UserLogView log_id automatically. You'll then need to navigate to the ActionLogView screen to allow the user to enter the rest of the details.
    As such, you don't need to expose the log_id to the client, ADF BC will take care of the population of the log_id correctly for you when creating the detail record.
    Another approach may be to define one VO encompassing both EOs, where the ActionLog is a reference. Look at the JDevelope help page "View Object Wizard - Entity Objects Page", specifically at the "Reference" section for more info. You'll need to test out the updateable flag for both EOs defined within the VO to ensure you can update the values of both.
    Test this out in the Business Components Browser before writing the UI to see if the ADF BC solution works, and saving you time in writing the UI.
    Hope this helps.

  • How can i pass parameter values from html to a shell script

    Hi Guys...
    I had a requirement where i need to execute a sql statement and print the output in HTML page. This report has parameters to enter. So i created a HTML form which accepts parameters. When the submit button is pressed, the action tag in the form invokes unix shell script file. It will open sqlplus and run the sql script file .sql and print the output in the HTML page.
    sql script contains the query and some set options which prints the output in HTML page. Like "SET MARKUP HTML ON"... The query has some parameters like "select * from emp where empno = &&empnumber. I will use the same name "empnumber" while created the HTML parameter form like " <input type = "text" name="empnumber" size="10" align="left">.
    user sees this parameter form and enters some value in to that empno text box.
    My question is how can i catch these parameter values in a shell script and pass it to the sql script to execute it.
    Help Appreciated

    This is a A Bad Idea (tm). This type of CGI processing is old and were (and still is) full of security holes. Very easy to inject stuff (Unix commands and SQL) into it.. To get those parameters into SQL*Plus requires using Unix shell commands to process it - and something like a backquote allows all kinds of nasty stuff to be injected. The Unix shell was never designed to be used as a secure CGI environment.
    There are far better and far superior alternatives. Perl (with Perl_DBI) and PHP (using Zend Core for Oracle) come to mind as web scripting languages.
    Even easier is using HTMLDB. Very few moving parts. Is free. Supports Oracle 9.2 and 10G.

  • How do I pass multiple values from a text box to an update statement

    I hope this does not sound to lame. I am trying to update multiple values Like this:
    Code|| Computer Desc || Computer Price || Computer Name
    SEL1 || Apple macbook || 1564 || Apple Macbook Basic
    SEL2 || Dell 630 || 1470 || Dell Latitude
    I want to change all six values at once in one update statement based on the Code, I can't find a good tutorial/example to help me.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Thanks so much,

    You can do conditional updates with decode or case statements e.g.
    SQL> create table t as
      2  select 'SEL1' as code, 'Apple macbook' as comp_desc, 1564 as comp_price, 'Apple Maxbook Basic' as comp_name from dual union
      3  select 'SEL2', 'Dell 630', 1470, 'Dell Latitude' from dual
      4  /
    Table created.
    SQL> update t
      2  set comp_desc = CASE code WHEN 'SEL1' THEN 'Test1' Else 'Test2' END,
      3      comp_price = CASE code WHEN 'SEL1' THEN 1234 Else 2345 END,
      4      comp_name = CASE code WHEN 'SEL1' THEN 'Test1 Name' Else 'Test2 Name' END
      5  /
    2 rows updated.
    SQL> select * from t
      2  /
    SEL1 Test1               1234 Test1 Name
    SEL2 Test2               2345 Test2 Name

  • Passing Input values to Adapter Module

    I have write some simple adapter module in my sender file adapter.
    in order to make it more flexible i need to pass 2 input parameters  at run time so that I can update the Values in SAP tables using JCO CALL along with filename.
    please advise how to get pass input value from my ejb module.

    Gabriel Sagaya Selvam wrote:
    > Hi
    > I have write some simple adapter module in my sender file adapter.
    > in order to make it more flexible i need to pass 2 input parameters  at run time so that I can update the Values in SAP tables using JCO CALL along with filename.
    > please advise how to get pass input value from my ejb module.
    > regards
    > Gabriel
    refer this blog - [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    you can add flexibility by adding the module key parameters. Base the code as a reference where the author uses parameters configured in the adapter to be used to in the logic

  • How to pass the value from JSP or HTML  to Applet

    Plz reply ....How can we pass the value from the JSP Page or from HTML page to Applet embedded in same page....

    <applet codebase = "."
    archive = foo.jar"
    code = ""
    name = "bar"
    id = "bar"
    width = "<%=Request["width"] %>"
    HEIGHT = "<%=Request["appHeight"] %>"
    hspace = "0"
    vspace = "0"
    align = "middle"
    alt     = "Applet is Loading..."
         <param name="LANGUAGE"                value="<%=Request["lan"] %>">          
         <param name="LOGOUT_USER_URL"           value="EndSession.asp">
         <param name="DATA_READ_INTERVAL"      value="10000">
         <param name="REFRESH_INTERVAL"           value="5000">     
         <param name="DEFAULT_FONT"           value="Arial">
    pass values @ ur html or jsp page to Applet as parameters.
    Refer above code. By using getParameter() method of Applet, u can take values inside applet.

  • How To Pass the value from JSP to Applet

    plz reply how can we pass the value from the JSP to Applet ...the applet is embedded in JSP page....

    <applet codebase = "."
    archive = foo.jar"
    code = ""
    name = "bar"
    id = "bar"
    width = "<%=Request["width"] %>"
    HEIGHT = "<%=Request["appHeight"] %>"
    hspace = "0"
    vspace = "0"
    align = "middle"
    alt     = "Applet is Loading..."
         <param name="LANGUAGE"                value="<%=Request["lan"] %>">          
         <param name="LOGOUT_USER_URL"           value="EndSession.asp">
         <param name="DATA_READ_INTERVAL"      value="10000">
         <param name="REFRESH_INTERVAL"           value="5000">     
         <param name="DEFAULT_FONT"           value="Arial">
    pass values @ ur html or jsp page to Applet as parameters.
    Refer above code. By using getParameter() method of Applet, u can take values inside applet.

  • How do I pass a value between two selectOneChoice fields

    I have two selectOneChoice (LOV fields) on the same JSF page (trinidad form). How do I pass the value from the first field to the second one?
    AutoSubmit=true;PartialTriggers doesn't work.
    I used SetActionListener to copy the value from the first LOV to a pageflow variable ( #{pageFlowScope.x} ) but that didn't work either. I wasn't sure how to reference it in the second LOV ...

    <af:selectonechoice value="#{bindings.select1.inputValue}" id="select1" autoSubmit="true">
    <af:setPropertyListener from="#{row}"
    <af:selectonechoice value="#{pageFloScope.detail}" id="select2" partialTriggers="select1"/>
    The above code is a rough example. you can do the same using the valuechangelistener for the first lov and set the value for the second one..
    you can refer this
    How to set value for selectOneChoice

  • How to pass multiple values from workbook to planning function ?

    I have created Planning function in Modeler and it has one parameter(Variable represents = Multiple single values).
    When executing the planning function by create planning seq. in the web template : I see value of variable store data like ...
        A.) input one value -> V1
        B.) input three values -> V1;V2;V3
    This function execute completely in web.
    However, I want to use the planning function in workbook(Excel).
    The value of variable can't input V1;V2;V3... I don't know how to pass multiple values from workbook to parameter(Multiple single values type) in planning function ?
    thank you.

    Please see the attached how to document (page no 16).
    <a href="">how to</a>
    Hope this was helpful

  • How to pass input value to the IN parameter in a function

    Hi ,
    I'm new to pl/sql programming.
    The below function is used inside a package and the package is invoked in visual studio.
    The function uses 2 input parameters.
    Out of which 'in_report_parameter_id' value comes thru job processor service 's job request.
    The second IN paramter values are hard coded in the function.
    I'm not able to understand this.
    If the values are hard coded , how to make sure that only the hard coded values are the right ones?
    Please anyone could explain to me?
    I really dont have good idea about how to pass INPUT parameter to the functions or procedure
    Is there any nice document which could give me good understanding about what are the ways or types we could pass values to the input parameter in subprograms?
    thanks in advance.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_class_text_str
         in_report_parameter_id IN NUMBER,
         in_which                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'SELECT'
             end_text            VARCHAR2 (50)   := '';
             my_class_text_str  VARCHAR2(10000) := '';
             my_class_value_str VARCHAR2(10000) := '';
         CURSOR class_text(c_1_text VARCHAR2, c_2_text VARCHAR2) IS
         SELECT c_1_text || report_parameters.report_parameter_value
                               || c_2_text
                               || report_parameters.report_parameter_value
                               || '" '
          FROM report_parameters
         WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id     = 3690
           AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group  = 'CLASS'
           AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name   = 'CLASS'
    GROUP BY report_parameters.report_parameter_value
    ORDER BY CAST(report_parameters.report_parameter_value AS NUMBER);
         IF (in_which = 'SUM') THEN     
              OPEN class_text ( 'SUM(NVL("Class ', '", 0)) "Class ' );
         ELSIF (in_which = 'PERC')THEN
              OPEN class_text ( 'ROUND((("Class ', '" / "Total") * 100), 2) "Class ' );
              end_text := ', DECODE("Total", -1, 0, 100) "Total" ';
              OPEN class_text ( 'SUM(DECODE(bin_id, ', ', bin_value, 0)) "Class ' );
         END IF;
              FETCH class_text INTO my_class_value_str;
              EXIT WHEN class_text%NOTFOUND;
              my_class_text_str := my_class_text_str || ', ' || my_class_value_str;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE class_text;
         my_class_text_str := my_class_text_str || end_text;
         RETURN my_class_text_str;
    END get_class_text_str;
    /Edited by: user10641405 on Nov 19, 2009 8:16 AM
    Edited by: user10641405 on Nov 19, 2009 8:30 AM

    This is not a design I would use, but should work if coded properly. I would probably build a reference cursor query as text and use one open fetch and close.
    You have 2 input parameters, in_report_parameter_id and in_which. I could not find where in_report_parameter_id was used in the program, but the value passed in for in_which is being used in IF logic to decide how to open the cursor. After the cursor is open rows are being fetched and eventually the cursor is closed.
    The values in_which are compared to are hard-coded. It is the programmer's job to make sure the values listed are the right values and the actions taken are also correct. Your program is assuming that if the first 2 values are not encountered the third one listed is the one you want.
    To pass input values to a procedure you merely provide the values as a literal or variable in the call, something like
    whatever := get_class_text_str(1,'SELECT');

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  • How to tell JSP for encoding Format??

    Hi all, I have following requirements 1. The user enters data in local language say kannada(indian langauage). The data should be stored in ms-access only in the form of local langauge. Customer dosnt want see some junk values or entity values. His r

  • How to copy a standard search help to another field

    Hi All, I have a BSP screen in that for one input field i need to copy the standard search help for the Business Partner. Could any one guide me how to copy the standard search help for the business partner into the input field in the BSP screen. Tha

  • IDVD not encoding my movie help!?

    I want to make a DVD with iDVD but my .mp4 movie is too large. The notice says that "Your project exceeds the maximum content duration. To burn your DVD, change the encoder setting in the Project Info window." so i changed to encoder setting from "Be