How do I prevent the overwriting of new vi's with old vi's?

At our company we now have 2 labview programmers -- me and my boss. We soon
will have 2 more. We are worried that we will lose work if some files get
overwritten by older files. The thing is that people write programs on
several machines and then copy whole directories up to the net directory or
sometimes from one machine to another. If one person rewrites a program on
one machine and someone else rewrites a program on another machine (perhaps
even the same program), then they both copy to the net directory one may
lose their work. Even worse, if an old program is written back onto a
machine then we may take bad data till the error is discovered! Does anyone
have any suggestions or strategies
for this problem?

> At our company we now have 2 labview programmers -- me and my boss. We soon
> will have 2 more. We are worried that we will lose work if some files get
> overwritten by older files. The thing is that people write programs on
> several machines and then copy whole directories up to the net directory or
> sometimes from one machine to another. If one person rewrites a program on
> one machine and someone else rewrites a program on another machine (perhaps
> even the same program), then they both copy to the net directory one may
> lose their work. Even worse, if an old program is written back onto a
> machine then we may take bad data till the error is discovered! Does anyone
> have any suggestions or strategies for this problem?
You may want to look into upgrading to the Professional version of LV. It
includes tools for Source Code Control(SCC) along with documents that describe
various techniques for group development. The Pro verison includes
tools that
help with group development. The tools fit reasonably well with KISS development
procedures, and can also be used to form strict tracability processes
for the
code when that is necessary. This allows you to adopt the different procedures
over time as you want and can adapt them to your group's style of working.
The simplest tool uses a file server, the net directory, but instead of copying
up all of the files, it keeps track of download dates and does date comparisons
so that it can upload only the changed files, and warns when a file on
the server
has been changed by someone else and by you. The Professional edition also
has a tool for comparing two VIs to see the differences between them; so
that the independent changes can be combined, losing no work.
Beyond that, it also supports a couple standard SCC tools like Source
Safe, so that you can keep multiple versions on the server in case you need
to quickly access old VI versions. It includes other stuff too, but that
is what web pages are for.
Greg McKaskle

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