How do I rescale (not resize something)????

The default flash combo box you can rescale (make it longer).
This is NOT resizing it (make larger by both dimensions).
How can I do something similar? If I lengthen my combo box,
the drop down arrow is larger (for which I want a fixed size). I
only want the text field to get longer.

I am doing that. I have a combo box and the user can strethc
it to make the text field longer. However, the "arrow" part of the
drop down stretches too. That is either an image or movie from the
combox theme. I want that to stay in a fixed position.

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    First, DON'T create a new Random each time. There is a very high probability that all those Randoms will be created before you system clock ticks over, so they'll all have the same system time for a seed and hence will all generate the same pseudorandom sequence.
    Create only one Random and reuse it.
    You still might not get unique numbers though. So there are two main approaches:
    1) Simpler, and will work well here since you have a small range and you're using all the numbers in your range. Just populate java.util.List of seven Integers with 1-7 sequentially, then call Collections.shuffle().
    2) More complex, and in general useful when you're selecting a few values from a large range, but will work fine here too. Keep track of what you've selected so far. Each call to nextInt() is in a loop that keeps executing until you grab a number you haven't encountered yet. Don't use this to shuffle, say, a million ints in the range 1..1,000,000.

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    Download FXP:
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    Message was edited by: joshlev

    Hi Martin - Those are really good questions! I did check and the image is uploaded. I assume I can see the image in my one browser because of the cache  since I could not see it on several computers that I had never pulled the site up on before.
    And actually I have it working now. Nancy had a good idea to check to see if I saved it as CMYK instead of RGB. When I went to go open the file on my computer Photoshop and Fireworks had an error in opening it. They had a problem opening the one I downloaded from the ftp too. It just looks like somehow the file became corrupted! Not sure how, but that seems like what the problem was since I have a new image up there now and it's working fine again.
    Thanks for all your help!

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    Thanks again for your time but it seems we're not on the same page (pun intended!).
    I do appreciate you trying to help me and I understand how easy it is to misread the question perameters.
    When your reply said "The Zoom does create a white space because it "zooms" the background image and text only.
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    Thanks in advance and greetings !

    Does your Application have a minimum size set on it?  The default template in Flash Builder generates this:
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
    If you have something similar then try removing those min sizes or updating them to a smaller more appropriate value for your application.

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    package net.htmlescape;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    public class HtmlEscape {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));    
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();

    hi Dan, thanks for asking
    I did this in the end..
      // function cleantext(string) {
      //   string = "<p>" & string;
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10), "</p><p>", "all");
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10), "<br />", "all");
      //   string = string & "</p>";
      //   return string;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    function cleantext(string)  {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));   
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();
    <cfset cleanedtext = cleantext(dirtytext)>
    Although actually I also ended up changing my charset of my tables to utf8 (it was latin_swedish) and that seems to have solved the head issue (with special characters (bullet points i think it was) throwing an error when inserting them in the db)

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    Finally figured it out...
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    I must say in spite of all the fabulous advantages of a Macbook and an iPhone, syncing really does suck...
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    It really seems like a group policy issue, something like network security, and have you tried to re-map the drives, test the restult again.
    you should post you question in this forum they're good at these kinds of issues.

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    Warmest Regards,

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    I believe this functionality is to be made available in version 8.8. The SAP workaround for 2007 is:
    To cancel an invoice with negative line, please use the workaround as
    per below:
    1. For the rows with the positive Row Total, create an "independent"
    Credit Memo (not based on an Invoice).
    2. For the rows with the negative Row Total, create another Invoice
    with a positive Row Total opposite to the original negative Row,
    and reconcile between the two rows manually via Internal
    Reconciliations. (This option is available in Banking module in
    2005 version and in Business Partner module in 2007 version.)

  • Node Container that does not resize with Window Resize Event

    I'm not new to Java but I am new to JavaFX.
    I plan to have a container/Canvas with multiple shapes (Lines, Text, Rectangle etc) in it. This Container can be X times in the Szene with different Text Shapes. I need to Zoom and Pan (maybe rotation) the whole Szene and the Containers/Canvas.
    So I was playing around with that but I have two issues.
    1) all Canvas classes that I found (like Pane for example) do resize with the main window resize event. The content of the canvas isn't centered any more.
    2) I added a couple of Rectangles to the canvas and both the rectangles and the canvas have a mouse listener which will rotate the item/canvas. Problem is, that even if I click the rectangle also the underlaying canvas is rotated...I think I need some kind of Z-Info to find out what was clicked.
    Here is the little example program, it makes no produktiv sense but it demonstrates my problem.
    Does anybody has a tip what canvas class would fit and does not resize with the main window and how to figure out what was clicked?
    public class Test extends Application
         Scene mainScene;
         Group root;
         public static void main(String[] args)
        public void init()
            root = new Group();
            int x = 0;
            int y = -100;
            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                 x = 0;
                 y = y + 100;
                 for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                      final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, 30 , 30);
                       final RotateTransition rotateTransition = RotateTransitionBuilder.create()
                     rect.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
                          public void handle(MouseEvent me)
                      x = x + 100;
        public void start(Stage primaryStage)
             final Pane pane = new Pane();
             pane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #CCFF99");
             pane.setOnScroll(new EventHandler<ScrollEvent>()
                   public void handle(ScrollEvent se)
                        if(se.getDeltaY() > 0)
                             pane.setScaleX(pane.getScaleX() + 0.01);
                             pane.setScaleY(pane.getScaleY() + 0.01);
                             pane.setScaleX(pane.getScaleX() - 0.01);
                             pane.setScaleY(pane.getScaleY() - 0.01);
             pane.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
                   public void handle(MouseEvent event)
                             System.out.println("primary button");
                             final RotateTransition rotateTransition2 = RotateTransitionBuilder.create()
             mainScene = new Scene(pane, 400, 400);
    }Edited by: 953596 on 19.08.2012 12:03

    To answer my own Question, it depends how you add childs.
    It seems that the "master Container", the one added to the Scene will allways resize with the window. To avoid that you can add a container to the "master Container" and tell it to be
    pane.setPrefSize(<child>.getWidth(), <child>.getHeight());
    pane.setMaxSize(<child>.getWidth(), <child>.getHeight());
    root.getChildren().add(pane);and it will stay the size even if the window is resized.
    Here is the modified code. Zooming and panning is working, zomming to window size is not right now. I'll work on that.
    import javafx.animation.Animation;
    import javafx.animation.ParallelTransition;
    import javafx.animation.ParallelTransitionBuilder;
    import javafx.animation.RotateTransition;
    import javafx.animation.RotateTransitionBuilder;
    import javafx.animation.ScaleTransitionBuilder;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.animation.TranslateTransitionBuilder;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Duration;
    public class Test extends Application
         Stage primStage;
        Scene mainScene;
         Group root;
         Pane masterPane;
         Point2D dragAnchor;
         double initX;
        double initY;
         public static void main(String[] args)
        public void init()
            root = new Group();
            final Pane pane = new Pane();
            pane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #CCFF99");
            pane.setOnScroll(new EventHandler<ScrollEvent>()
                public void handle(ScrollEvent se)
                    if(se.getDeltaY() > 0)
                        pane.setScaleX(pane.getScaleX() + pane.getScaleX()/15);
                        pane.setScaleY(pane.getScaleY() + pane.getScaleY()/15);
                        System.out.println(pane.getScaleX() + " " + pane.getScaleY());
                        pane.setScaleX(pane.getScaleX() - pane.getScaleX()/15);
                        pane.setScaleY(pane.getScaleY() - pane.getScaleY()/15);
                        System.out.println(pane.getScaleX() + " " + pane.getScaleY());
            pane.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
                public void handle(MouseEvent me)
                    initX = pane.getTranslateX();
                    initY = pane.getTranslateY();
                    dragAnchor = new Point2D(me.getSceneX(), me.getSceneY());
            pane.setOnMouseDragged(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
                public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
                    double dragX = me.getSceneX() - dragAnchor.getX();
                    double dragY = me.getSceneY() - dragAnchor.getY();
                    //calculate new position of the pane
                    double newXPosition = initX + dragX;
                    double newYPosition = initY + dragY;
                    //if new position do not exceeds borders of the rectangle, translate to this position
            int x = 0;
            int y = -100;
            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                 x = 0;
                 y = y + 100;
                 for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                      final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, 30 , 30);
                       final RotateTransition rotateTransition = RotateTransitionBuilder.create()
                     rect.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
                          public void handle(MouseEvent me)
                      x = x + 100;
            pane.setPrefSize(pane.getWidth(), pane.getHeight());
            pane.setMaxSize(pane.getWidth(), pane.getHeight());
            masterPane = new Pane();
            masterPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #AABBCC");
            masterPane.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
               public void handle(MouseEvent me)
                       double screenWidth  = masterPane.getWidth();
                       double screenHeight = masterPane.getHeight();
                       System.out.println("screenWidth  " + screenWidth);
                       System.out.println("screenHeight " + screenHeight);
                       double scaleXIs     = pane.getScaleX();
                       double scaleYIs     = pane.getScaleY();
                       double paneWidth    = pane.getWidth()  * scaleXIs;
                       double paneHeight   = pane.getHeight() * scaleYIs;
                       double screenCalc    = screenWidth > screenHeight ? screenHeight : screenWidth;
                       double scaleOperator = screenCalc  / paneWidth;
                       double moveToX       = (screenWidth/2)  - (paneWidth/2);
                       double moveToY       = (screenHeight/2) - (paneHeight/2);
                       System.out.println("movetoX :" + moveToX);
                       System.out.println("movetoY :" + moveToY);
                       //double scaleYTo = screenHeight / paneHeight;
                       ParallelTransition parallelTransition = ParallelTransitionBuilder.create()
        public void start(Stage primaryStage)
             primStage = primaryStage;
            mainScene = new Scene(masterPane, 430, 430);

  • How to apply OSS note and how to use it?--thanks

    Hi, morning all,
    I want to know how to apply OSS notes and how to use it, pls help me.

    Applying OSS note is a critical activity in the system. Usually this task is carried out by the basis, as they maintain the system and the notes, support packs, etc.
    A OSS note has potential to impact the system in several ways. So it is better to work with the basis if  you need to apply a OSS note to be applied.
    Transaction code is Snotes. But pl dont attempt to apply by yourself.
    Reg your other question as how to use the OSS note, there is nothing like using aOSS note. Just apply and depending on what the notes do, it may change the config, or download a program or something.
    Ravi Thothadri

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