How do I select rows  where 2 numbers are closest?

I need to select one row from each person where the days are the closest between the rows.
In this example, I have rows of order data, and when a company first set up an account and then a column with the number of days it took for a certain order to be made after they joined.
I need to select order lines where the number of days between joining and ordering are closest.
customer date_joined order_date days_between_joining_ordering
1 1/1/2007 10/1/2007 9
1 1/1/2007 12/1/2007 11
1 1/1/2007 12/1/2007 11
1 1/1/2007 20/1/2007 19
2 1/1/2007 1/2/2007 0
2 1/1/2007 11/2/2007 10
2 1/1/2007 30/2/2007 30
So what I am looking to end up with in the results is:
customer date_joined order_date days_between_joining_ordering
1 1/1/2007 12/1/2007 11
2 1/1/2007 11/2/2007 10
So I need one row per customer but where the customers days_between_joining_ordering are the closest together.
Any ideas on how I can get this through SQL or PL/SQL??

I'm not sure what criteria you want used to uniquely identify each record, so I just used Patient_ID and FU_Days.
Anyway with the supplied data this provides the requested output, though I expect you have more than 2 patients in your full dataset. Are you wanting the two closest records for each possible pairing of patients? Or the lowest ranked records for any given patient relative to all the other patients?
For the first you could probably use this query:
set echo on
(select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('10/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 291 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('12/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 239 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('12/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 160 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('20/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 89 fu_days from dual union all
select 2 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 301 fu_days from dual union all
select 2 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 320 fu_days from dual union all
select 3 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 321 fu_days from dual union all
select 3 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 325 fu_days from dual)
, ranking as (
  select l.patient_id lid, r.patient_id rid, l.fu_days ldays, r.fu_days rdays,
         abs(l.fu_days - r.fu_days) delta,
         rank() over (partition by l.patient_id, r.patient_id order by abs(l.fu_days - r.fu_days)) rnk,
         least(l.patient_id,r.patient_id) o1,
         greatest(l.patient_id,r.patient_id) o2
  where l.patient_id <> r.patient_id
select a.*, delta
from  INT_MATCH_TCES a, ranking
where a.patient_id = lid
  and a.fu_days = ldays
  and rnk = 1
order by o1,o2, a.patient_id
1          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         10-JAN-2007  291     10  
2          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  301     10  
1          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         10-JAN-2007  291     30  
3          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  321     30  
2          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  320     1   
3          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  321     1   
6 rows selectedfor the second just rank patient_id from the previous results by the delta e.g.:
set echo on
(select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('10/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 291 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('12/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 239 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('12/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 160 fu_days from dual union all
select 1 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('20/01/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 89 fu_days from dual union all
select 2 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 301 fu_days from dual union all
select 2 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 320 fu_days from dual union all
select 3 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 321 fu_days from dual union all
select 3 patient_id, '3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT' drug_list, '*' pr_mutations, '101E' rt_mutations, to_date('01/02/2007','dd/mm/yyyy') post_vl_date, 325 fu_days from dual)
, ranking as (
  select l.patient_id lid, r.patient_id rid, l.fu_days ldays, r.fu_days rdays,
         abs(l.fu_days - r.fu_days) delta,
         rank() over (partition by l.patient_id, r.patient_id order by abs(l.fu_days - r.fu_days)) rnk,
         least(l.patient_id,r.patient_id) o1,
         greatest(l.patient_id,r.patient_id) o2
  where l.patient_id <> r.patient_id
, ranking2 as (
  select a.*, delta,
  rank() over (partition by a.patient_id order by delta) rnk2
  from  INT_MATCH_TCES a, ranking
  where a.patient_id = lid
    and a.fu_days = ldays
    and rnk = 1
  order by o1,o2, a.patient_id
select * from ranking2 where rnk2=1
1          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         10-JAN-2007  291     10    1  
2          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  320     1     1  
3          3TC+ABACAVIR+AZT *            101E         01-FEB-2007  321     1     1  
3 rows selected

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    For getting the row index use the following code.
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    This is not simple in Flex 2.0.
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         dp.projectid = dt.projectid and
         ds.serviceid = dp.ownerinstid and
         da.areaid = ds.areaid
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         da.Name as ServiceGroupName,
         ds.Name as ServiceName,
         dwsr.Subject as ApprovalReviewStep,
         de.LogicName as Event, as EmailTemplateName
         defevent de,
         defemailtemplate demt,
         defeventtrigger det,
         defworkflowsteproles dwsr,
         defservice ds,
         defarea da
         det.objectid = 57 and
         det.objectinstid = dwsr.steproleid and
         de.eventid = det.eventid and
         demt.emailtemplateid = det.templateobjectinstid and
         ds.serviceid = dwsr.ownerid and
         da.areaid = ds.areaid

    Just add a line to the "where" clause to specifiy which service(s) you want to run this for rather than for the whole catalog:
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    ds.Name = "My Service Name"
    --By Service ID (Multiple services can be returned.)
    ds.ServiceID IN ('1', '2', '3')

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    If your selected row is marked as current row you can use
    // Get a attribute value of the current row of iterator
    DCIteratorBinding iterBind= (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("testIterator");
    String attribute = (String)iterBind.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("field1");Where 'testIterator' is the name of the iterator you use for the table and 'field1' is the name of an attribute you want to get.
    Or you can iterate over the selected row keys (even if it's only one):
    // get  selected Rows of a table 2
    for (Object facesRowKey : table.getSelectedRowKeys()) {
    Object o = table.getRowData();
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowData = (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding)o;
    Row row = rowData.getRow();
    TestRow testRow = (TestRow)((DCDataRow)row).getDataProvider() ;
    }Where TestRow is the row type of the VO of your table.

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    I am tying to set with an 'X' flag the selected rows in my ALV using an internal table that contains all rows showed.
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         DATA: gt_report TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zrt_bo_slabsend,
                    gw_report TYPE zrt_bo_slabsend.
    2) I have set gw_layo-box_fname = 'SEL' to gw_layo (ALV layout)
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    FORM delete_lines.
        DATA: l_subrc          LIKE sy-subrc,
            lw_grid_settings LIKE lvc_s_glay.
    gw_layo-box_fname         = 'SEL'.
                                     "set field name to store row selection
      gw_layo-edit              = 'X'. "makes whole ALV table editable
      gw_layo-zebra             = 'X'.
    gv_repid = sy-repid.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC'
          i_callback_program       = gv_repid
         i_callback_pf_status_set = gc_status
         i_callback_user_command  = gc_user_command
         is_layout_lvc            = gw_layo
         it_fieldcat_lvc          = gw_fkat
         i_grid_settings          = lw_grid_settings
          i_save                   = 'X'
          is_variant               = variant
          it_events                = gt_events
          t_outtab                 = gt_report
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      LOOP AT gt_report ASSIGNING <report> WHERE SEL = 'X'.
        DELETE gt_report.
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    Thanks in advance for your kind help.

    Hi Giovanni,
    I am using the method:-
    *   I_INTERFACE_CHECK                 = ' '
    *   I_BYPASSING_BUFFER                =
    *   I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                   =
       I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM                = gd_REPID
       I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET          = 'UDIT'
    *   I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE            = ' '
    *   I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE       = ' '
    *   I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST       = ' '
    *   I_STRUCTURE_NAME                  =
    *   I_BACKGROUND_ID                   = ' '
       I_GRID_TITLE                      = 'Mainatin cell entry'
    *   I_GRID_SETTINGS                   =
       IS_LAYOUT_LVC                     = GS_LAYOUT
       IT_FIELDCAT_LVC                   = I_FIELDCAT[]
    *   IT_EXCLUDING                      =
    *   IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS_LVC             =
    *   IT_SORT_LVC                       =
    *   IT_FILTER_LVC                     =
    *   IT_HYPERLINK                      =
    *   IS_SEL_HIDE                       =
       I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
    *   I_SAVE                            = 'X'
    *   IS_VARIANT                        =
       IT_EVENTS                         =
       IT_EVENT_EXIT                     =
    *   IS_PRINT_LVC                      =
    *   IS_REPREP_ID_LVC                  =
       I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 30
       I_SCREEN_START_LINE               = 14
       I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 120
       I_SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 25
    *   IT_EXCEPT_QINFO_LVC               =
    *   I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP                 =
    *   I_HTML_HEIGHT_END                 =
    *   E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER           =
    *   ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER            =
        T_OUTTAB                          = IT_ZCP_DEMAND_SYS1
    *   PROGRAM_ERROR                     = 1
    *   OTHERS                            = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    I have made five buttons on my toolbar (add, delete, save, back, exit).
    Kindly tell me how can I catch the sy-ucomm of these buttons.
    NOTE: this FM is written inside an user-exit, so I cannot make forms.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to find selected rows in REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY

    HEllo All,
    In OO we have a method to find get_selected_rows but i am unable to what is the way to find selected rows in REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.
    I am able to find a single row but i have to find multiple cleans in ALV. How can i do this.
    Please help me with some ideas or please post some sample codes.

    Check this code..
    REPORT  zdayatest1.
    TABLES :t247.
    TYPE-POOLS slis. "Type definitions for alv report
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_func_tab,
            fcode    TYPE rsmpe-func,
            END OF ty_func_tab.
    DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE  lvc_t_fcat,
          wa_fieldcat TYPE  lvc_s_fcat.
    DATA: is_lvc_s_glay TYPE lvc_s_glay.
    DATA: wa_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    DATA: is_rxtab  TYPE ty_func_tab.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_final OCCURS 0,
          mnr LIKE t247-mnr,
          ltx LIKE t247-ltx,
          END OF it_final.
    DATA: wa_final LIKE it_final.
    DATA: w_repid LIKE sy-repid.
      w_repid = sy-repid.
      REFRESH it_final.
      SELECT mnr ltx
      FROM t247
      WHERE spras EQ 'E'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'CHECK'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname   = 'IT_FINAL'.
      wa_fieldcat-checkbox  = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-edit      = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '3'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = '1'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'MNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname    = 'IT_FINAL'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '8'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '2'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext  = 'Month'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'LTX'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname    = 'IT_FINAL'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '3'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext  = 'Month Desc'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_layout-zebra = 'X'.
          i_callback_program       = w_repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SUB_PF_STATUS'
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_grid_title             = 'TESTING'
          is_layout_lvc            = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat_lvc          = it_fieldcat
          t_outtab                 = it_final
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    FORM user_command USING ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                            selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      IF selfield-fieldname = 'CHECK'.
        DATA ref1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
            e_grid = ref1.
        CALL METHOD ref1->check_changed_data.
        LOOP AT it_final WHERE check = 'X'.
          IF it_final-check IS INITIAL.
            it_final-check = 'X'.
            CLEAR it_final-check.
          MODIFY it_final.
        selfield-refresh = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND
    *&      Form  sub_pf_status
    *       text
    *      -->RT_EXTAB   text
    FORM sub_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.        "#EC CALLED
      CLEAR is_rxtab.
      is_rxtab-fcode = 'TEST'.
      APPEND is_rxtab TO rt_extab.
    ENDFORM.                    "sub_pf_status

  • How to get selected row from a non-bind ADF table

    I have an ADF table that is based on a collectionModel built programmatically. The collectionModel is this:
    model = new SortableModel(new ArrayList<ArrayList>());
    Hence, it is not a binding table. My question is how to get the selectedRows from a non-bind table.
    I am used to building binding ADF table and I know we can get it from voiterator.getCurrentRow, since the selectionListener is set to the binding....collectionModel.makeCurrent
    <af:table value="#{bindings.ItasLookupTypesVO1.collectionModel}"
    I am thinking maybe I need to write my own selectionListener, but need more advice/ideas of what's the codes in the customer selection Listener to get it from my SortableModel.
    Please help.

    I'm not sure if this works in your case, but check out the selection listener I write in this blog
    You should use the selection event and check the added set. This should give you access to the selected row.

  • How to get selected Row/Cell value in i5Grid

    Hi Friends,
    Can anyone help to how to find the selected Row/Cell value of a i5Grid object. I am able to register the event handlers which are getting invoked on row/cell selection. But I want to know how can I get the value of selected Cell/Row. I would like to add selected Items from one i5Grid to another one.
    So want to know how can I get and set the value of i5Grid object.
    MII version 14.0 SP4 Patch
    Thank in advance
    Shaji Chandran

    Hi Shaji,
    Here is my code.
        <TITLE>Your Title Here</TITLE>
        <META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <META http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache'>
        <META http-equiv='expires' content='0'>
        <META http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache'>
        <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="/XMII/JavaScript/bootstrap.js" data-libs="i5Chart,i5Grid,i5SPCChart"></SCRIPT>
            var Grid = new"STC/C5167365/i5Grid_TagQuery", "STC/C5167365/TagQuery");
        function setCellValue()
        function setCellValueAgain()
        Grid.getGridObject().setCellValue(1,1,"Changed Again");
        <DIV id="div1"></DIV>
        <INPUT type="Button" value="setCellValue" onClick="setCellValue()"/>
        <INPUT type="Button" value="setCellValueAgain" onClick="setCellValueAgain()"/>

  • How to get selected row data of an ADF table in HashMap?

    Can anyone please tell me how to selected row data of an ADF table in HashMap like :
    Object obj = pageTable.getSelectedRowData();
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowData = (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding)obj;
    Now in above code I want the convert rowData in HashMap.
    Can anyone please tell me how to do that? Its urgent.

    No need to ask the same question 3 times...
    In [url]this post, Nick showed you how to get the Row.
    If it were so urgent, you could have done a little reading of the javadocs to come up with code like this (not tested, up to you to do that)
    HashMap m = new HashMap();
    Row r = get it like Nick showed you to;
    Object values[]=r.getAttributeValues();
    String names[]=r.getAttributeNames();
    for (int i=0; i<r.getAttributeCount(); i++)
    m.put(names, values[i]);

  • How to control selected row in result table on a search page?

    Using JDeveloper
    I have attempted to create an ADF page that contains a search and result table in the same page.
    I have questions related to the result table. Let's say the result table shows 10 rows per page.
    If I page forward there is no default selected row "clicked" on the page. Only if you return to
    the very first 10 rows do you see a default selection in row number one of the results.
    How would I go about making the first row of each page the default selection?

    You'll need to code this into the RangeChangeEvent event of the table.
    That said - I'm not sure this will be very helpful for the end user - after all in any case they'll need to first select a row before doing an operation on it.

  • How To Edit Selected Row In ALV Table

    Hello Experts,
    In My Webdynpro Application, I am displaying records from database table into an ALV Table.
    I want to edit only selected record from  ALV table.
    Please Suggest How to achieve this.

    The link given above is for the UI element 'Table' and does not pertain to ALV.
    To Make an ALV Editable on lead selection for that particular lead selected row.
    1. The ALV should be made lead selectable, when initializing
    2. The ON_LEAD_SELECT function should be invoked.
    3. Withing this function the index has to be retrieved to know which row was selected.
    4. Based on the index retrived all the columns have to pass FALSE to read_only in the column properties.

  • Improving performance:How to know selected rows in af:table through chk box

    I've a VO which has 3 transient variables. 2 of these transient variables getting the values from a view accessor. Using the other transient variable in the Ui to select the rows in the af:table.
    In my UI, I've a table and a Check Box to select the rows. I want to get the selected rows through the check box, in the backing bean for my business requirements.
    I've used below logic to get the selected rows. Here, I am iterating through the entire viewobject rows, so it is impacting the performance of the UI. How can I know the selected rows in the bean? or How can I improve the performance?
    I also applied below view criteria, but still its not performant.
    // ViewCriteria vc = vo.createViewCriteria();
    // //.getViewCriteriaManager().getViewCriteria("SelectedMerchantCriteria");
    // ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    // vc.setCriteriaMode(ViewCriteria.CRITERIA_MODE_CACHE | ViewCriteria.CRITERIA_MODE_QUERY);//MerchantName1
    // //vcr.setAttribute("MerchantName1", "1017 CAFE");
    // vcr.setAttribute("SelectToMap", "true");
    // vc.addRow(vcr);
    // vo.applyViewCriteria(vc);
    // vo.executeQuery();
    public void mapSupplierMerchant2(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    OperationBinding method = null;
    AdfFacesContext adfFacesContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Map pageFlowScope = adfFacesContext.getPageFlowScope();
    ArrayList merchantMappingList = new ArrayList();
    Long primaryVendorId = null, groupId = null;
    CollectionModel tableModel = (CollectionModel) this.getMerchantTable().getValue();
    JUCtrlHierBinding tableBinding = (JUCtrlHierBinding) tableModel.getWrappedData();
    ViewObject vo = tableBinding.getViewObject();
    // ViewCriteria vc = vo.createViewCriteria();
    // //.getViewCriteriaManager().getViewCriteria("SelectedMerchantCriteria");
    // ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    // vc.setCriteriaMode(ViewCriteria.CRITERIA_MODE_CACHE | ViewCriteria.CRITERIA_MODE_QUERY);//MerchantName1
    // //vcr.setAttribute("MerchantName1", "1017 CAFE");
    // vcr.setAttribute("SelectToMap", "true");
    // vc.addRow(vcr);
    // vo.applyViewCriteria(vc);
    // vo.executeQuery();
    List<JUCtrlHierNodeBinding> merchantList = (List<JUCtrlHierNodeBinding>)tableBinding.getChildren();
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding merchantNode = null;
    List supToMap = new ArrayList();
    boolean isMerchantSelected = false, isMasterSup = false;
    Long merchantIdToMap = null, masterSupId = null;
    Row r = vo.first();
    while(r!=null) {
    System.out.println("================================ " + r.getAttribute("MerchantName1") + " " + r.getAttribute("SelectToMap") );
    if(r.getAttribute("SelectToMap")!=null) {
    isMerchantSelected = (Boolean) r.getAttribute("SelectToMap");
    if(isMerchantSelected) {
    merchantIdToMap = (Long) r.getAttribute("MerchantMapId");
    if(merchantIdToMap!=null) merchantMappingList.add(merchantIdToMap);
    r =;
    if(merchantMappingList.size()>0) {
    primaryVendorId = (Long) pageFlowScope.get("primaryVendorId");
    groupId = (Long) pageFlowScope.get("groupId");
    method = (OperationBinding) ADFUtil.findOperation("mapSupplierMerchant");
    if(method!=null) {
    Map paramMap = method.getParamsMap();
    paramMap.put("vendorId", primaryVendorId);
    paramMap.put("groupId", groupId);
    paramMap.put("merchantList", merchantMappingList);
    Boolean result = (Boolean) method.execute();
    List errors = method.getErrors();
    if(result!=null && result) {                   
    FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("The selected merchants have been mapped to the group. Please save the changes. " );//+ adfFacesContext.getPageFlowScope().get("merchantGroupName") );
    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);
    } else {
    FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("No merchants have been selected for mapping. Please select atleast one merchant." );//+ adfFacesContext.getPageFlowScope().get("merchantGroupName") );
    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);

    Please check this post [].
    It has clear explanation of how to provide a checkbox for selection of rows. You can also go through my comments at the end of the post. That should solve your problem of iterating through the entire VO.

  • How to hide selected rows on Dashboard

    Assume there is table having about 10 rows. The goal is to let the user select random rows, click on them and make them disappear from the dashboard.
    The user wants to export the dashboard to PDF but each time he needs to hide some of the table rows before export is done. There is no rule which rows should be hidden and which should be visible - user selects rows randomly, based on his current needs (or maybe based on the current weather and his grandmother shoe size, i don't know.)
    Is there a way to achieve this?
    Thanks for your help.

    First the quick answer: no, you can't select a row and make it disappear. But depending on how many columns are in the report and whether every instance of a certain type of row needs to be deleted, you can try this:
    I'll take the worst case scenario. Every column in the report can have multiple values that need to be excluded.
    1) Build multi-select prompts on each column with the operand "not in/not equal to."
    2) Put "Is prompted" on all the columns.
    When the user discovers a value in a column that makes him want to get rid of that row (and all rows with that value), he can select it in the prompt. When he hits the "Go" button, the prompts will filter out all those rows.
    If each row is completely independent of all other rows, then you're out of luck. I would say, download the report in Excel. Delete rows, then convert to pdf.

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