How do I set up rogers email account

I cant get my Rogers email account to work on my IPad.  Any ideas out there?  Thanks.

"I cant get my Rogers email account to work on my IPad."
Perhaps you would post some info on how it does not work?
Have you contacted Rogers customer support?

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    Cyclops_hammer wrote:
    I know you figured it out but I've been using " Nokia Messaging email " and it works great, can set up tons of accounts easily... Just an Option
    NME is a good alternative. In the beginning it was bugy and I stopped taking it onwards in my future considerations. Nowadays it is grown to a serious service. Def. something to count in your options!

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    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    This should help:
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    You do not need to specify the type of account.  If its IMAP, when you add the account it will detect that automatically.
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