How do i set up using entourage

How do i set up icloud using entourage?

You can only get email, contacts and calendars will not work.
Follow the instructions below for email setup

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    can I use the same account
    Yes, if you wish.
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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You'll need to exchange your Sony for an IPhone in order to use iCloud.

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    There are a couple of ways of doing this. The easiest is probably to just add the secondary address in the -> Preferences -> Accounts field.
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    unless i'm missing something, i think you got mixed up, this is easy google for walk throughs
    i'm assuming this is the new 3tb tc AC or 'tower' shape, if so, its wifi will run circles around your at&t device
    unplug the at&t box for a minute and plug it back in
    factory reset your tc - unplug it, hold down reset and keep holding while you plug it back in - only release reset when amber light flashes in 10-20s
    connect the tc to your at&t box via eth in the wan port, wait 1 minute, open airport utility look in 'other wifi devices' to setup the tc
    create a new wifi network (give it a different name than your at&t one) and put the tc in bridge mode (it may do this automatically for you, but you should double check) under the 'network' tab
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    I would recommend you to use 0FI_AP_4 rather using both, particularly for many reasons -
    1. DS: 0FI_AP_4  replaces DataSource 0FI_AP_3 and still uses the same extraction structure. For more details refer to the OSS note 410797.
    2. You can run the 0FI_AP_4 independent of any other FI datasources like 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_GL_4 or even 0FI_GL_14. For more details refer to the OSS note: 551044.
    3. Map the 0FI_AP_4 to DSO: 0FIAP_O03 (or create a Z one as per your requirement).
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    1. Quit iPhoto
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    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
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    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. We are all visitors here.
    Just a bit of history....back in the days of Premiere Elements 4, you could set a "poster frame" in what was called the Project area. You did this by right clicking a blank area there and, from the drop down menu that appeared, selecting View/Preview Area, and using the poster frame feature there.
    As I said, when a video imports into Premiere Elements, the thumbnail of the import has been presenting as the first frame of the video. With this Preview area "poster frame" option, you could set the video's thumbnail in the Project area so that the first frame was another frame in the video. But, this "perk" was restricted to thumbnails of the video in Project area.
    If you exported to file with the first frame modified video, the export's thumbnail in Windows Explorer would present with other than the real first frame or the poster frame as the first frame.
    Also, in more recent versions, I have observed that the export to file does not display the real first frame of the video in Windows Explorer. Seems random, but I have not kept track.
    And, remember, at the onset I wrote
    As far as I have ever seen, Premiere Elements Windows uses the first frame of the video for its thumbnail in the program.
    I know of no way within Premiere Elements to control what the program opts to do in this matter. In some compatibility
    issues, it opts to give no image but a generic one.
    I did not say that you can expect to have the Premiere Elements' export file's thumbnail in Windows displaying with its real first frame. And, the more you get into this, depending on the versions, more details need to be added to my comment about "...first frame of video for its thumbnail in the program..."
    I would have to look into all this further to get perspective on the contributing factors.
    Add On...The Poster Frame feature appeared in versions 4, 7, 8, and 9 by my count.

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