How do I stop double spacing when hitting enter. It just seems to have started doing so itself.

I am updating contact information within a page and when I hit enter I get double spacing. I have always gotten a single space as I need now when hitting enter I get a double space. I can find no way to correct this problem. Any ideas?

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                    <td width="67%"><p class="page_title">Teams &amp; Links</p>
                      <p class="page_title"><span class="body_text">To contact any TEAM below that does not yet have contact information, or a website listed, </span></p>
                      <p class="page_title"><span class="body_text">please <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=MJM Teams & Links">e-mail us</a></span><a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=MJM Teams & Links"></a></p></td>
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                    <td width="33%" valign="top"><p class="page_subtitle1"><em> <strong>INDIANA: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>NEW LIFE RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Indianapolis, IN <br>
                        Bob Dillon <br>
                        <a href="Bob" _mce_href="">Bob">">Bob Dillon</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>KANSAS: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>SOUL SEEKERS</strong><br>
                        Minneola, KS<br>
                        Tom Yost<br>
                        <a href="Tom" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Tom">mailto:[email protected]">Tom Yost</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a><br>
                        <em class="page_subtitle1"> <strong>KENTUCKY: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>JOY RIDERS </strong><br>
                        Louisville, KY<br>
                      <p><strong>SONSHINE RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Glasgow, KY <br>
                        <a href="Esther" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Esther">mailto:[email protected]">Esth er Medina</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p><strong>TEAM IRON ANGELS</strong><br>
                        Finchville, KY <br>
                        Morris Lyons <br>
                        1-502-321-3147 <br>
                        <a href="mailto:[email protected] ">Morris Lyons</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>NEW JERSEY: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>INSURRECTA NEX</strong><br>
                        Mt. Holly, NJ <br>
                        George Krail <br>
                        609-937-9429 <br>
                        <a href="George" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">George">mailto:[email protected]">George Krail</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"> </p>
                      <p> </p></td>
                    <td width="37%" valign="top"><p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>NEW YORK: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>RAPTURE BOUND</strong><br>
                        Port Jervis, NY<br>
                        George Tamburino <br>
  <a href="George" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">George">mailto:[email protected]">George Tamburino</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]%20" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p><strong>RAPTURE RYDERS</strong><br>
                        Schroon Lake, New York <br>
                        Ken Hedden Sr.<br>
                        1-518-532-7002 <br>
                        <a href="Ken" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Ken">mailto:[email protected]">Ken Hedden Sr.</a></p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>OHIO: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>DAYTON BELIEVERS</strong><br>
                        Dayton, OH <br>
                        Santo Landerer II. <br>
                        <a href="Santo" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Santo">mailto:[email protected]">Santo Landerer ll.</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a></p>
                        <em class="page_subtitle1"> <strong>OKLAHOMA: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>SAMARITAN RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Oklahoma City, OK <br>
                        James &ldquo;Sonny&rdquo; Ticer <br>
                        1-405-496-9882 </p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>OREGON: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>HOLY SOLDIERS</strong><br>
                        Grants Pass, OR. <br>
                        Steve McMahill <br>
                        <a href="Steve" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Steve">mailto:[email protected]">Steve McMahill</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p class="page_subtitle1"><em><strong>PENNSYLVANIA: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>CALVARY RIDERS </strong><a href=""><br>
                        </a>Feasterville , PA <a href=""><br>
                          </a>Doug McDonald<br>
                        <a href="Doug" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Doug">mailto:[email protected]">Do ug McDonald</a><br>
                        <a href="" target="_blank" class="links"></a><a href="Calvary" _mce_href="">Calvary"> com/site/mjmcalvaryriders">Calvary Riders</a><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
                    <td width="30%" valign="top"><p class="page_subtitle1"><a href="" target="_blank"> <br>
                      </a><a href=""></a></p>
                      <p><strong>GOSPEL RIDERS </strong><br>
Boyertown, PA <br>
<a href="Fred" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Fred">mailto:[email protected]">Fred McClincy</a></p>
                      <p><a href="" target="new"></a></p>
                      <p><strong>MASON DIXON GOSPEL RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Fayetteville, PA <br>
                        Ron King <a href="mailto:[email protected]?"> <br></a><a href="Ron" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Ron">mailto:[email protected]">Ron King</a></p>
                      <p><strong>RIDERS FOR THE SON</strong><br>
                        Glenside, PA<br>
                        <a href="Curtis" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Curtis">mailto:[email protected]">Curtis Jones</a><br>
                        <a href="" target="new"></a></p>
                      <p><strong>ROLLING SAINTS</strong><br>
                        Gettysburg, PA <br>
                        Dan Shinners <br>
                        717-634-6682 <br>
                        <a href="Rolling" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Rolling">mailto:[email protected]" >Rolling Saints</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a><br>
                        <a href="" target="_blank" class="links"></a></p>
                      <p><em><strong>VERMONT: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>VERMONT CHRISTIAN RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Pittsford, VT <br>
                        <a href="Phil" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Phil">mailto:[email protected]">Phil Guica</a><a href="" target="_blank"> <br>
                          <span class="links"></span></a></p>
                      <p> <em class="page_subtitle1"><strong>VIRGINIA: </strong></em></p>
                      <p> <strong>KING&rsquo;S RIDERS</strong><br>
                        Richmond, VA<br>
                        Gary Cobb 1-804-270-5548 </p></td>
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    From the AirPort Utility menu bar click AirPort Utility > Preferences
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    Now, look down to the bottom rght hand corner of your iTunes window.      You should see the "Sync" button.   Click it.   A note says something like: Do you want to remove Calendars from your mobile device.  (you will still have Calendars linked by wireless).   Click the Yes box.  
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    Scanning to a computer from the front panel only allow scanning to a computer with Windows or Mac OS X, not to a tablet as I understnd from your information.
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    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

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    Administrator password forgotten?
    OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite
    Reset Password
    Start the computer,then press and hold down command and R keys to start into recovery partition.
    When you see the Apple logo, release the keys.
    Wait until  OS X Utilities window shows up.
    Move the mouse to the menubar at the top and click "Utilities", then select "Terminal"
    from the drop down.
    Terminal window will appear.
    Type in   resetpassword   and press enter on the keyboard.
    Leave the Terminal window open.
    Reset Password Utility window will open with Macintosh HD selected.
    Select the user account from the popup menu box under “Select user account”.
    Enter a new password.
    Reenter the new password for the user.
    Enter a hint.
    Click the "Save" button.
    Click  in the menubar and select Restart.
    Log in.
    If Keychain dialog box appears, select “Create New Keychain”.

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    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    In Messages > Preferences > General Section.
    Untick the "When I Quit, Set the Status to Off Line"
    This will stop the IMAgent Support app "listening" to the servers for new messages.
    It works best if there is a Buddy list account as well as iMessages (such AIM or Jabber).
    9:33 pm      Wednesday; April 30, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    Remove the check in this box when you log out:

  • Shared Reminders: How do I stop getting emails when changes are made?

    My wife and I both have iPhone 5's that we bought 2 weeks ago. We are sharing a calendar and a "Grocery" list in reminders. I have everything set up where it is working properly but I keep getting emails when a change is made to the grocery list. I don't get emails when there are changes to the calendar.
    I want to stop getting emails when there are changes made to our grocery list but I am not sure how to do it. We both have icloud accounts and we both have checked the box under preferences in my calendar for "in app notifications" for icloud invitations. When I open Reminders in icloud I don't see a preferences for reminders.
    If it helps , or makes any difference, my wife has a yahoo mail account and I have a hotmail account. She does not get emails about changes being made.

    Did you try to switch Push "off" and fetch to "manually"? This way no mail is delivered until you choose to open the mail app. The moment you open Mail on your device, your mail account will be checked and if any, mail will be delivered.
    Fetch New Data
    This setting lets you turn Push on or off for MobileMe, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo!, and any other push accounts on iPhone. Push accounts deliver new information to iPhone whenever new information appears on the server (some delays may occur). You might want to turn Push off to suspend delivery of email and other information, or to conserve battery life.
    When Push is off, and with accounts that don’t support push, data can still be fetched—that is, iPhone can check with the server and see if new information is available. Use the Fetch New Data setting to determine how often data is requested. For optimal battery life, don’t fetch too often.
    Turn Push on: Choose “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” > Fetch New Data, then tap to turn Push on.
    Set the interval to fetch data: Choose “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” > Fetch New Data, then choose how often you want to fetch data for all accounts.
    To conserve battery life, fetch less frequently.
    Setting Push to OFF (or setting Fetch to Manually on the Fetch New Data screen) overrides individual account settings.
    page 203 iPhone_User_Guide
    Message was edited by: Ingo2711

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