How do i stop the popup that says "...choose from thousands of add ons" or " get the most out of your browser, learn about our latest features". it bugs. thanks

i just downloaded the new browser

Hi Nancy………. thanks for the reply and suggestion. I’ve had a look and I’m afraid that’s not for me. I spent the best part of a year learning probably just 1% of Dreamweaver and building a new site from templates, so to even think about such major changes now is not an option. Thanks anyway. I need something that does not involve changing the code or templates etc. as I’ve finally got it all working just fine and I daren’t touch it. I have too much on my plate now writing the content.
With my current small site I have tried just turning off the router and this works fine for the browsers once you tell them to work off-line. But Dreamweaver persists in trying to load the ads from the internet and gets all huffy when it can’t. Is there not some simple way to tell it to just use the ads it downloaded a minute ago?
What about the local server thing? Would that work? Either as something installed on the actual machine I’m working from, or on one of the others connected to my router? How would that differ in what I’m doing now and would Dreamweaver actually give up looking to the internet for the ads?

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