How do I tell all my ear buds apart?

Over the course of several years, I've gathered quite a collection of Apple ear buds. The problem is, I can no longer tell them apart. Are there significant differences I should be aware of? Are there tricks to telling which is which? Here's what I've got:
-iPod Shuffle 1G 2nd Generation Silver - I believe this one was issued before colors were introduced
-iPod Shuffle 1G 2nd Generation Blue
-iPod 30G 5th Generation
-iPod Nano 8G 2nd Generation
-iPhones (I can tell these apart as they have volume controls)
Any help would be appreciated.

well, for a couple of reasons...
1) I was thinking on selling the Shuffles and wanted to be sure I put the original headphones with the original packaging.
2) If one of the headphones is superior to the other (technological changes, etc)

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    if you don't use the mic and buttons you can use any headset with a 3.5mm minijack connector which is pretty much what all headset since the 1980's use
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    That's a bit trickier. I think I'd select the text from the beginning of the frame wher the continuation starts and cut to the clipboard, then paste at the end of the text in the frame from where it should continue. That frame should now show an overset, and you should have a bunch of empty linked frames where the text was previously located.
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    For a cloud service, though it is possible to access instance VMs and do changes on their file system by RDP sessions, but it is not recommended, as you will end up loosing your changes if role instance VMs are restarted.
    If you really want to keep certain settings configurable and which will be shared by all your role instances, best way to do is to utilise the cloud service configurations, typically you mention these settings in .cscfg file and you can also edit those using
    azure management portal.
    You can also access those from your code 
    string settingValue = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("SettingString");
    Read more about it here -
    Bhushan | Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter

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    Hi vickkjayy11 and welcome to Apple Support Communities,
    Just to be clear, we are a peer to peer support community and have nothing official to do with Apple.
    So to your problem, when you say:
    "I reset my macbook pro a few days ago"
    What exactly happened? Did you have a Time Machine backup?
    Read this:
    OS X: About OS X Recovery - Apple Support
    It would help to know the exact model (size and year) and which OS you're using.

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    // Everything ok here
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    Browser O/Ss: Windows XP and openSUSE 2012.1
    Server O/S: Linux (Mandriva 2009)
    Httpd: Apache 2.2.22

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