How do i use Arrays and For Loops in Loading Multiple Images?

I am struggling to load a sequential array of images to appear like a moving image. So when u click the button the images load one after the other.
The code below is what i have so far, but it fails to do what i seek in that there's only one image loading which is the last image in the array, so either because the images are stacking up atop each other, or because i simply dont understand the basics...
And, i am unclear about what you said kglad, that my solution will be more complicated because i need to preload my image sequence and then use a loop to load it?
import flash.display.Loader;
var count:int = 0;
var imageArray:Array=["1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg","4.jpg","5.jpg","6.jpg","7.jpg",
for(var i:uint=0;i<imageArray.length;i++){
var btn:YourButton=new YourButton();
var ldr:Loader=new Loader();
function clickF(e:MouseEvent){
    ldr.load(new URLRequest("D:/flash cs5.5/image_sequence/twirlSeq/"+imageArray[e.currentTarget.ivar]));
function loadComplete(e:Event){
     // first process loaded image, then...
    if(count < imageArray.length){
        loadCurrentImage();  // load the next image
    } else {
        // sequencial loading complete, carry on to next activity
function loadCurrentImage(){
     ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);

create a new fla, add btn and add the code i suggested.  test.
var count:int;
var imageArray:Array=["1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg","4.jpg","5.jpg","6.jpg","7. jpg",
var ldr0:Loader=new Loader();
var ldr1:Loader=new Loader();
function clickF(e:MouseEvent):void{
// initialize count
// call loadF
function loadF():void{
// add one of the loaders to the top of the displaylist and load the next image
this["ldr"+count%2].load(new URLRequest(imageArray[count]));
function loadCompleteF(e:Event):void{
// increment count
// check if the last has loaded
// if not clear the content out of the next loader.
// and call loadF so the next loader can load the next image in the array
} else {
// if the last has loaded.
// last load completed

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    So in general why would we use a cursor and a for loop to do update in a stored procedure?
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    -Thanks for all your input
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    insert into f values (5,'five');
    insert into f values (6,'six');
    insert into f values (7,'seven');
    insert into f values (8,'eight');
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        v_a f.a%type;
        v_b f.b%type;
      open c_f;
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        exit when c_f%notfound;
        update f set a=v_a*v_a where current of c_f;
      end loop;
      close c_f;
    exec wco;
    select * from f;
    drop table f;
    drop procedure wco;
    Joining multiple tables
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      id_num  number        primary key,
      txt_num varchar2(10)
    insert into numbers_en values (1, 'one'  );
    insert into numbers_en values (2, 'two'  );
    insert into numbers_en values (3, 'three');
    insert into numbers_en values (4, 'four' );
    insert into numbers_en values (5, 'five' );
    insert into numbers_en values (6, 'six'  );
    create table lang (
       id_lang   char(2) primary key,
       txt_lang  varchar2(10)
    insert into lang values ('de', 'german');
    insert into lang values ('fr', 'french');
    insert into lang values ('it', 'italian');
    create table translations (
      id_num    references numbers_en,
      id_lang   references lang,
      txt_trans varchar2(10) not null
    insert into translations values (1, 'de', 'eins'   );
    insert into translations values (1, 'fr', 'un'     );
    insert into translations values (2, 'it', 'duo'    );
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    insert into translations values (6, 'de', 'sechs'  );
    insert into translations values (6, 'fr', 'six'    );
      cursor cur is
          select id_num,
            from numbers_en join translations using(id_num)
                       left join lang         using(id_lang)
        for update of translations.txt_trans;
      rec cur%rowtype;
      for rec in cur loop
        dbms_output.put (
          to_char (rec.id_num         , '999') || ' - ' ||
          rpad    (rec.txt_num        ,   10 ) || ' - ' ||
          rpad(nvl(rec.txt_trans, ' '),   10 ) || ' - ' ||
                   rec.id_lang                 || ' - ' ||
          rpad    (rec.txt_lang       ,   10 )
        if mod(rec.id_num,2) = 0 then
          update translations set txt_trans = upper(txt_trans)
           where current of cur;
           dbms_output.put_line(' updated');
        end if;
      end loop;
    /Edited by: xwo0owx on Apr 25, 2011 11:23 AM

    Adding my sixpence...
    PL/SQL is not that different from a SQL perspective than any other SQL client language like Java or C# or C/C++. PL/SQL simply integrates the 2 languages a heck of a lot better and far more transparent than the others. But make no mistake in that PL/SQL is also a "client" language from a SQL perspective. The (internal) calls PL/SQL make to the SQL engine, are the same (driver) calls made to the SQL engine when using Java and C and the others.
    So why a cursor and loops in PL/SQL? For the same reason you have cursors and loops in all these other SQL client languages. There are the occasion that you need to pull data from the SQL engine into the local language to perform some very funky and complex processing that is not possible using the SQL language.
    The danger is using client cursor loop processing as the norm - always pulling rows into the client language and crunching it there. This is not very performant. And pretty much impossible to scale. Developers in this case views the SQL language as a mere I/O interface for reading and writing rows. As they would use the standard file I/O read() and write() interface calls.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. SQL is a very advance and sophisticated data processing language. And it will always be faster than having to pull rows to a client language and process them there. However, SQL is not Turing complete. It is not the procedural type language that most other languages we use, are. For that reason there are things that we cannot do in SQL. And that should be the only reason for using the client language, like PL/SQL or the others, to perform row crunching using a client cursor loop.

  • Using Cursor and FOR LOOP to INSERT the data into table

    Hi all,
    I have SELECT statement that returns 3 rows:
    SELECT  processName, MAX(NVL(protStartDate, protCreateDate)) AS protDate
                ?ipc rdf:type s:Protocol .
                ?ipc s:protocolNumber ?protNum .
                ?ipc s:protocolCreateDate ?protCreateDate .
                OPTIONAL {?ipc s:protocolSchedStartDate ?protStartDate }
                ?ipra rdf:type s:ProcessAggregate .
                ?ipra s:hasProtocol ?iprot .
                ?iprot s:protocolNumber ?protNum .
                ?ipra s:processAggregateProcess ?processName.
        }",sem_models("PROTS", "LINEARS"),NULL, SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS("","http://VISION/Data/SEMANTIC#"),SEM_ALIAS("s","http://VISION/DataSource/SEMANTIC#")),NULL))
            Group by processName
    Now I need to INSERT these values into the table along with the other values.
    these other values come from different table.
                            "{?s rdf:type :${i} . }",SEM_Models("$MODEL"),NULL, SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS("","http://VISION/DataSource/SEMANTIC#")),NULL))),
             SYSTIMESTAMP, %%here need to insert PROCESSNAME, PROTDATE%%
    t was giving me error:
    PL/SQL: ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
    so i enclosed sparql query into single quotes.
    The code is as follows:
    type c_type is REF CURSOR;
    cur c_type;
    v_process varchar2(200);
    v_pdate varchar2(200);
    open cur for
           ' SELECT processName,  MAX(NVL(protStartDate, protCreateDate)) AS protDate   <-- it's complaining about this being too long identifier, i think...
            FROM TABLE
              (SEM_MATCH (
                            ?ipc rdf:type s:Protocol .
                            ?ipc s:protocolNumber ?protNum .
                            ?ipc s:protocolCreateDate ?protCreateDate .
                            OPTIONAL {?ipc s:protocolSchedStartDate ?protStartDate }
                            ?ipra rdf:type s:ProcessAggregate .
                            ?ipra s:hasProtocol ?iprot .
                            ?iprot s:protocolNumber ?protNum .
                            ?ipra s:processAggregateProcess ?processName.
                        }",SEM_Models("XCOMPASS", "XPROCESS"),NULL,    
              SEM_ALIAS("s", "http://VISION/DataSource/SEMANTIC#")),NULL))
               Group by processName';  
    fetch cur into v_process, v_pdate;
    exit when cur%NOTFOUND;
    --here I need to insert v_process , v_pdate into my table along with other values...
    dbms_output.put_line('values for process and prod_date are: ' || v_process || v_pdate );
    end loop;
    close cur;
    Now, I get an error:
    ORA-00972: identifier is too long
    Does anyone know way around this?

      I tested something similar with insert into select  and it worked fine :
    insert into t_countries(ID,CITY ,POPULATION, DESCRIPTION, located, insdate )
    SELECT 1 id, city, o , city||' is a nice city' description,  max(nvl(locatedAt,'unknown')) as located,
        '{GRAPH :gCH {<> :hasCity ?cityID .
           ?cityID :name ?city .
           OPTIONAL{?cityID :locatedAt ?locatedAt .}
           ?cityID :population ?o .
        group by city,o
        order by city;
    Or with execute immediate :
      v_country varchar2(200) :='';
      v_text varchar2(2000);
    v_text := 'insert into t_countries(ID,CITY ,POPULATION, DESCRIPTION, located, insdate )
    SELECT 1 id, city, o , city||'' is a nice city'' description,  max(nvl(locatedAt,''unknown'')) as located,
        ''{<'||v_country||'> :hasCity ?cityID .
           ?cityID :name ?city .
           OPTIONAL{?cityID :locatedAt ?locatedAt .}
           ?cityID :population ?o .
        SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('''','''') ),
        group by city,o
        order by city';
        delete from t_countries;
        execute immediate v_text ;

  • How to add cursor and for loop

    bala number;
    ins1 number;
    ins2 number;
    select sum(bal) into bala from (select sum(acp.acp_totbal) bal,acp_instruid from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and c_srm_prncplinsid=acp_instruid
    and acp_acntnum!='SG030001'
    group by acp_instruid
    select sum(acp.acp_totbal) bal,acp_instruid from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and acp_acntnum!='SG030001'
    and acp_instruid=c_srm_prntinsid
    group by acp_instruid)view1;
    select acp_instruid into ins1 from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and c_srm_prncplinsid=acp_instruid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001';
    select acp_instruid into ins2 from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001'
    and acp_instruid=c_srm_prntinsid;
    update cs_acpos_bkp
    set acp_totbal=-bala
    where acp_instruid=ins2
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001';
    i have written this code,i need to use cursor and for loops to get more than one rows and update also.
    if there are more than 1 rows in cs_strmap_t,then the procedure throws an error stating that it cannot take 2 rows.
    Edited by: 850836 on Apr 7, 2011 11:43 PM

    bala number;
    ins1 number;
    ins2 number;
    CURSOR cur_1 IS
    select sum(bal) bala from (select sum(acp.acp_totbal) bal,acp_instruid from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and c_srm_prncplinsid=acp_instruid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001'
    group by acp_instruid
    select sum(acp.acp_totbal) bal,acp_instruid from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001'
    and acp_instruid=c_srm_prntinsid
    group by acp_instruid)view1;
    select acp_instruid into ins1 from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and c_srm_prncplinsid=acp_instruid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001';
    select acp_instruid into ins2 from cs_strmap_t map,cs_instru_strips strip,cs_acpos_bkp acp
    where c_int_instruid=c_srm_prncplinsid
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001'
    and acp_instruid=c_srm_prntinsid;
    for var_for in cur_1
    update cs_acpos_bkp
    set acp_totbal=var_for.bala
    where acp_instruid=ins2
    and acp_acntnum='SG030001'
    and abs(acp_totbal)>abs(bala);
    end loop;
    i wrote the following procedure,but the balance is not getting updated.
    Getting this errors when there are more than 1 row in cs_strmap_t table
    ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
    ORA-06512: line 22
    ORA-06512: at line 2

  • Is there arrays or FOR loops in ABAP?

    Hi everyone!
    Is there an array and FOR loops in ABAP similar to the C Language?
    If there is, please give example. _
    Thanks a lot!

    There is no array concept in ABAP but there are field-symbols which are same as pointers in C.As for the FOR loop there is no such command in SAP/ABAP but we do have the do..while and loop...endloop commands.There is also CASE statements and if..endif commands.

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    Dear Support Team,
    Every time i tried to logon Icloud its gives me wrong user name or password and at the end it show me error " This Apple ID is valid but is not an ICloud Account" then how can i use one account for same Apple ID and ICloud?

    It is not possible to create a new iCloud account using a Windows machine. You must create the account using a Mac (10.7.5 or more) or an IOS device (iPhone etc). Once that is done you can sign into and use the account on your Windows machine.

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    Hi ClassicalGuitar,
    The forum supports VS setup and installation. And your issue is not about the forum. I will move the thread to off-topic forum. Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    Click HERE to participate the survey.

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    Unfortunately, you've got a very old driver for an old instrument. The only available help is to turn on Context Help and move your mouse over the VI icon. It doesn't appear to have any help for individual controls and indicators. The only good news is that it appears to be a simple instrument with only a few functions. There's some main ones line initialize (to set serial port), configure channel, configure instr, and read values. One main thing is whether you're using gpib or serial, Each front panel has a setting. If it's gpib, set the port to the gpib address. If it's serial, set the port to one number less than the com port you're connected to. For example, if you're using Com1, set the port to 0. For the other controls, I'm afraid that you're going to have to try and compare what's there with the controls and settings of the actual instrument. Having access to the instrument manual will be essential. I would engourage you to experiment a little. There's probably very little chance of damaging the instrument especially if nothing is hooked up to it. Send a command and see what happens or set the instrument up manually and see if you can reproduce that via remote control.

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    Create a NEW account/ID for her using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before. Make sure you specify a birthdate that results in being at least 13 years old
      Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    More details of how: e-without-a-credit-card/

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    Sign into the device with the Apple ID.
    Reading the User's Guide might also allow you to ask a more intelligent question and have a much better understanding of how the device works.

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    Hello there, qbullard.
    The following Knowledge Base article reviews the process for adding your number to iMessage:
    iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

  • How do i use parallel compression for 4 drum tracks in Logic pro 7.2.3 Please

    how do i use parallel compression for 4 drum tracks in Logic pro 7.2.3 Please. my version is 7.2.3 and my son did his drums on 4 tracks. 2 OH's 1 Kick and 1 Snare. Were confused because we cant figure out how to do parallel compression on the older logic version 7.2.3?

    I can't remember when the Aux tracks became the new buss tracks, so I'll spell this out using busses.
    The way I do it, is I assign all my drum tracks to a buss, say buss 1.
    Then, on buss 2, I assign it's INPUT to buss 1.
    So buss 1 (all the drums) are feeding into buss 2 simultaneously.
    Put a compressor on buss 2, turn the fader down all the way, then as the track is playing, bring buss 2's fader up slowly, until you hear the effect you're after.
    You could also do this using sends on the 4 drum tracks, set to feed the buss with the compressor on it.
    I hope I haven't forgotten anything particular to that version of Logic. See if this helps...

  • HT3354 how can i use one table for reference to another

    how can i use a table for a referance to another eg when i type a word in a cell, i will like it to match the word with another table then return the information in the cell i am using

    you can use vlookup() (or any of the lookup family of functions) to locate an item based on a key value:
    Here is an example of something you can do with two tables:
    The table on the right is title "Data" and stores a list of names with age and favorite color.
    The table on the left uses the value in the first column to lookup up information in the table Data
    in the table on the left:
    B2=IFERROR(A2&" is " & VLOOKUP(A2, Data :: A:D, 2, 0)&" years old and likes the color "& VLOOKUP(A2, Data :: A:D, 3, 0), "NOT FOUND")
    I know this look complicated.  so I'll break it up into smalled pieces:
    first the "&" is called the concatenate operator and joins two strings.  like this:
    a string is a set of characters between double quotes.
    so "string 1" & "string 2" becomes "string 1string2"  or "Sam " & "Jones" becomes "Sam Jones"
    you can use cell references instead of strings directly in which case the concatenation is performed on the contents of the cells.
    so if cell A1 contains "Hi " and the cell A2 contains "There"  then A1 & A2 will result in "Hi There"
    so you could add the formula
    A3=A1 & A2
    this is short hand for select cell A3 then type everything including the A3 so that A3 contains "=A1 & A2" (omit the double quote)
    OK.  So the formula I provided concatenates several items together:
    it concatenates A2, then the string " is " then a formula, then the string " years old and likes the color " then a formula
    the two formulas (highlighted in blue) perform a lookup of the value in cell A2 in columns A thru D of the table named "Data".  If if finds the value in cell A2 in the first column of the lookup range in the table Data (column A) then it returns the value from the same row but in the second or third column.
    all that is in a function calld iserror() to trap the condition where the calue you enter in A2 does not exist in the table Data:
    You will find the Numbers users guide and function reference helpful.  You can download then from Apple here:

  • How can I use jbo:InputSelect for a char type filed?

    How can I use <jbo:InputSelect for a char type filed?
    I have two tables. One is room (primary key is room(type is char)), another table is responsibility (foreign ker is room(type is char)). Both tables have same length for room column.
    There is a problem:
    If I use (in the "DataEditComponent.jsp" file)
    <jbo:InputSelect multiple="false" datasource="dsEdit" displaydatasource="roomData" displaydataitem="ROOM" displayvaluedataitem="ROOM" ></jbo:InputSelect>
    to get the room input for responsibility from combobox(Datasource roomData is from room table). In the form the room field cannot bind the data in combobox, alway select the first item. And if I select one item and click the update button.There is an error message:
    Error Message: JBO-27010: Attribute set with value H409 for Room in Responsibility has invalid precision/scale
    I found If I changed the field type from char to varchar2 in database also change the entity objects, it works well. I wonder if there are any diffrence using <jbo:InputSelect tag in char and varchar2 type. How can I use <jbo:InputSelect for a char type filed as i don't want to change my datatype in database at this stage.
    I try this in JDeveloper 9.03, 9.034, 9.04. The result is the same.

    If I were in your shoes, here's how I would do it:
    <%-- Assuming you have dsRoom and dsResponsibility --%>
    <%-- Select is an HTML tag --%>
    <select name="ROOM" size="1">
    <% char roomID =""; // Init your character var
    // Open a rowsetIterator to get the records and add them to the LOV
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="dsResponsibility" changecurrentrow="true" >
    <% roomID = (char)dsResponsibility.getRowSet().getCurrentRow().getAttribute("ROOM"); // Grab the char value
    // add the value to the LOV
    <option value="<%=roomID%>"><%=roomID%></option>
    If you are using this as part of an edit page you may want to utilize the "selected" option of the <option> tag. In one instance I am doing this on an edit page because the use may open an existing record. If I don't account for it, then it will change the DB to contain the first value from the list! You can do a simple check like:
    //Set the current record's char
    char curRecord = (char)rowEdit.getAttribute("ROOM");
    // inside the iterate:
    if (curRecord == roomID) {
    <option value="<%=roomID%>" selected><%=roomID%></option>
    } else {
    <option value="<%=roomID%>" ><%=roomID%></option>
    Hope that helps!

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