How do u append asterisks to a price field?

how do u append asterisks to a price field?

move price_var to charvar.
concatenate '*' charvar into charvar.
now use it,.....

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    There is no such operator.
    But if just using literals, you can use the &, like this.
    data: string type string.
    string = 'This is the first part ' & 'This is the second part'.
    Again, this will not work with variables.
    Rich Heilman

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    Edited by: user478244 on Mar 24, 2010 3:49 PM

    Here is my first stab at achieving what you described. Place this code in an application process and have it run on submit before computations and validations. I am sure there are some bugs with this as I have not tested it very thoroughly.
       date_parts wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
       l_save_val varchar2(20);
       l_delim    varchar2(1) := '/';
      -- for each date picker on the current page
      for x in (select item_name,
                       v(item_name) item_value
                  from apex_application_page_items aapi
                 where aapi.application_id = :app_id
                   and aapi.page_id = :app_page_id
                   and upper(display_as) like 'DATE PICKER%'
                   and v(item_name) is not null)
        -- split the value of the date picker into tokens for each '/' found.
        date_parts := htmldb_util.string_to_table(x.item_value,l_delim);
        -- if there is not three tokens (ex: mm/dd) or if the last token is not four characters long (ex: 09)
        if date_parts.last != 3 or length(nvl(date_parts(3),0)) != 4 then
          -- set the third token (the year token) to the current year (ex: 2010)
          date_parts(3) := to_char(sysdate,'YYYY');
          -- concatinate all token parts together, separated by '/'
          for i in date_parts.first..date_parts.last loop
            l_save_val := l_save_val || date_parts(i) || l_delim;
          end loop;
          -- save the new value to the date picker item.
          apex_util.set_session_state (x.item_name, rtrim(l_save_val,l_delim));
        end if;
      end loop;
    I replaced the hard coded app id and app page id values with their corresponding bind variables.
    Tyson Jouglet
    Edited by: Tyson Jouglet on Mar 24, 2010 5:59 PM

  • Asterisk format for password field.

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    Make the pass word field as invisible in the screen painter.

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    Edited by: 788996 on Aug 22, 2010 11:18 PM

    Are you saying you want to use an OS level environment variable in a MaxL statement to substitute for an entire file name? I am going to illustrate Windows, but do it your own way in *nix if you want.
    REM Note the \\ and then the \\, you had \\ and \
    SET curmon=c:\\ABC\\datafile_21_AUG.txt 
    REM Call MaxL with a paramenter
    startMaxL.cmd DoItForTheCurrentMonth.msh %curmon%DoItForTheCurrentMonth.msh
    login blah blah for blah ;
    import database appname.dbname data from local text data_file $curmon using server rules_file "rulefile"
         on error abort ;The trick is to change whatever's in % and % and replace it with a $ in the MaxL script.
    I gave a presentation last year on MaxL at ODTUG Kaleidoscope. If you go to, then Tech Resources, then Essbase, then search on my name, you'll find "Master Essbase with MaxL Automation". More than you could ever want to know about MaxL, variables (parameter, environment, and explicitly declared), scripting, etc., etc., are all there for the taking. If you're not already a member, you'll have to join, but an associate membership is free. You can then download my presentation and all of the others. It is a treasure chest of technical tips and knowledge.
    Yes, I am a fan a member of the Hyperion SIG, so I am ever so slightly biased. Regardless, it is good information, for free.
    Cameron Lackpour
    Edited by: CL on Aug 24, 2010 5:33 AM
    If you want to substitute part of the data file name, you can do that too:
    set curmon=21_AUG
    Your MaxL statement would look like:
    import database appname.dbname data from local text data_file "c:\\ABC\\datafile_$curmon.txt" using server rules_file "rulefile"
         on error abort ;

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    Thank you in advance.
    Frédéric Blaise
    e-Kenz S.A.

    you can enter a lower limit in the condition record:
    Lower limit of the condition rate/amount
    Indicates whether, during document processing, the system checks if manual changes fall short of the lower limit allowed for the corresponding condition record.
    When you maintain the scales in a condition record, the system checks whether the scale value falls below the lower limit.
    Or you can use the flag 'conditon update'.
    Condition update
    Controls whether limit values are relevant for pricing.
    E.g.: you can make the use of a particular condition record in the document dependent on a specified total value.
    This total value can be specified in the condition record.
    I hope that the information are helpful.
    With best regards
    Claudia Neudeck

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    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Ritesh,
    You can goto:
    SPRO-MM-Purchasing-Purchase Order-Define Screen Layout at Document Level
    from here you select ME21N-Selection group-Quantity and Price.
    Make the price and price unit as DISPLAY.
    By this it will show only display for price, but you have to take not that there is also condition tab which user can change the price, this price is from INFOREC.
    Goto to M/06 select your Condition type, In Manual entries maintain "D"-Not possible to process manually

  • How to read appended objects from file with ObjectInputStream?

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    What I mean is that if I create new file and then in one session save several objects to it using ObjectOutputStream they all will be read with no problem by ObjectInputStream. But after that if in a new session I append new objects they won't be read. The ObjectInputStream will read the objects from the first session after that IOException will be generated and the reading will stop just before the appended objects from the second session.
    The following is just a simple test it's not actual code from the program I was talking about. Instead of objects containing different kind of information I'm using only strings here. To use the program use as arguments in the console "w" to create new file followed by the file name and the strings you want save to the file (as objects). Example: "+w TestFile.obj Thats Just A Test+". Then to read it use "r" (for reading), followed by the file name. Example "+r TestFile.obj+". As a result you'll see that all the strings that are saved in the file can be successfully read back. Then do the same: "+w TestFile.obj Thats Second Test+" and then read again "+r TestFile.obj+". What will happen is that the strings only from the first sessions will be read and the ones from the second session will not.
    I am sorry for making this that long but I couldn't explain it more simple. If someone can give me a solution I'll be happy to hear it! ^.^ I'll also be glad if someone propose different approach of the problem! Here is the code:
    class Fio
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   if (args[0].equals("w"))
                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(args[1], true);
                        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
                        for (int i = 2; i < args.length ; i++)
                   else if (args[0].equals("r"))
                        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[1]);
                        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                        for (int i = 0; i < fis.available(); i++)
                        System.out.println("Wrong args!");
              catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException exc)
                   System.out.println("You must use \"w\" or \"r\" followed by the file name as args!");
              catch (IOException exc)
                   System.out.println("I/O exception appeard!");
              catch (ClassNotFoundException exc)
                   System.out.println("Can not find the needed class");

    How to read appended objects from file with ObjectInputStream? The short answer is you can't.
    The long answer is you can if you put some work into it. The general outline would be to create a file with a format that will allow the storage of multiple streams within it. If you use a RandomAccessFile, you can create a header containing the length. If you use streams, you'll have to use a block protocol. The reason for this is that I don't think ObjectInputStream is guaranteed to read the same number of bytes ObjectOutputStream writes to it (e.g., it could skip ending padding or such).
    Next, you'll need to create an object that can return more InputStream objects, one per stream written to the file.
    Not trivial, but that's how you'd do it.

  • How to arrive same day two difference prices for same material/customer

    how to arrive same day two difference prices for same material/customer.pls give the solution
    thanks in advance

    This is possible through some careful customization
    In your condition table you need to bring the field PRICE LIST
    That is customer/ Material/ Price list
    That is customer  ABCD / Material X / Price list 01---Price is Rs 10
    That is customer  ABCD / Material X / Price list 02---Price is Rs 20
    The condition records to be maintained like this
    So same material and same customer with price list 01 price is Rs 10 and with  price list 02 price is Rs 20
    Now in sales order you will find  price list field in item details SALES B tab
    Through incompletion log you can make this field as an mandatory field
    Now in sales order same material and same customer according to the price lists different price is picked
    In img-sd-basic functions-Maintain Price-Relevant Master Data Fields--here you can define different price lists

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    Arul Jothi A

    You have to use function module read_text to capture the already exsiting text and then append your text in it, then use function module save_text to save it back,you need to know correct parameters to pass in it.

  • How I can append new node in existing  XML file

    I've just begun learning DOM XML , so I'm currently at a very beginner level.
    I have an existing XML file that I would like to add an additional node to before saving it to another variable.
    how I can append new node in this file.
    now this code is overwrite new data over old data
    The code looks like this:
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.Result;
    import javax.xml.transform.Source;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    public class VerbXMLWriter
        static String EVerb3;
        static String englishTranslate3;
        public void VerbXMLWriter(String EVerb, String englishTranslate )
             EVerb3 = EVerb;
        File xmlFile = new File("VerbDB.xml");
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory =  DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
         DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
         Document document = builder.newDocument();
        Element root = document.createElement("Verb");
         Element verb = document.createElement(EVerb3);
         Source xmlSource = new DOMSource( document );
         Result result = new StreamResult( new FileOutputStream(xmlFile) );
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer =
        transformer.setOutputProperty( "indent", "yes" );
         transformer.transform( xmlSource, result );
      catch(TransformerFactoryConfigurationError factoryError )
       catch (ParserConfigurationException pc)
       catch (IOException io)
       catch(Exception excep )
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Play EnglishTranslate="playing" />
    </Verb>Edited by: itb402 on Mar 9, 2008 6:05 AM

    in your code you are already appending new nodes to the root node. so what exactly is your problem? The following steps are usually taken for appending a new node:
    1. Read the XML document
    2. Build a DOM tree
    3. Navigate to the node under which you want to insert the new node
    4. Create a new node.
    5. Insert the new node to the node selected in point #3.

  • How to get Material Master Moving average price into Purchase Order

    How to get Material master moving average price into purchase order instead of Purchase Info record.

            I  cannot understand whether it is necessary .
           How about as following step?
                 1. create Purcahse requisition
                                Price come form moving average price in material master.
                 2. Create Purchase order reference Purchase  requisition
                                There is a setting  from the unit price of P/R onto the unit price of P/O.

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    how did you resolve it?
    thank in advance.

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