How do uninitialized shift registers work in reentrant VI's

If I am using what NI calls "Functional Global Variables" (see link) where you use an unitialized shift register in a "one shot" while loop,  what happens to the functionality of the shift register if the VI is reentrant?
Go to Solution.

I was tempted to say that they work as expected, but you have already said that you don't know what to expect.
A reentrant VI is one that has its own dataspace.  That means that if I have two of them, they each have their own data and know nothing about each other.  This is great for VIs that need to save state for some reason.  Some examples of this are moving averages or some filters.  They need to know values from the last time they were called in order to calculate the answer for this time and they need to keep track of this answer for use in calculations next time they are called.  If these VIs had a single dataspace but were called in several places, their data from last run could be the data from the other call and therefore not be correct. 
This is where reentrancy comes in.  You merely make this VI reentrant and it saves state correctly because now each call has its own dataspace and therefore its own data.
Functional Globals work on the opposite principle.  You want to mix the data from one call location with the data from another.  You want to have it save state from this time and use that data reguardless of the caller the next time it is run.  You cannot make Functional Globals into reentrant VIs.
I hope that this helped.
Bob Young
Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
mailto:[email protected]

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    You should always consider initializing shift registers. Keep in mind that if you just opened a VI that contains uninitialized shift registers, it won't remember the data from the last time it was run (because it has been unloaded from memory since then), so it's more likely the values in that shift register are garbage. That could be even more dangerous, since how LabVIEW interprets that data could cause very strange and erratic behavior in your application.
    Here's my solution that works for Functional Globals and general shift registers: Consider initializing them the first time the VI is called inside the While Loop, as demonstrated below:
    The First Call VI outputs a true the first time that instance of it is called, and false every other time. For Functional Globals you could alternatively have a dedicated Initialize case to perform this function. The advantage of the technique listed above is that you are guaranteed initialization on the first call, regardless of whether the client programmer remembers to call an initialization case.
    Message Edited by Jarrod S. on 04-11-200612:33 PM
    Message Edited by Jarrod S. on 04-11-2006 12:33 PM
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments
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    Best regards!
    Go to Solution.

    sophiey wrote:
    Since I read fr many books and they all said it is better to initialize shift register whenever u set one.
    What kind of books are you reading???
    The decision to initialize or not, depends on the desired functionality. There is no global "better" at all. It depends what you want to do.
    Uninitialized shift registers (or globally initialized feedback nodes) provide the core functionality of action engines. One of the most useful programming tools. Get familiar with it and your skills will increase dramatically!
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    This is a fairly simple homework problem. My hints (on the LabVIEW side):
    1- look at while loops
    2- look at shift registers on while loops with multiple input elements
    3-look at the logic components, AND, OR XOR
    Look at this wiki article:
    Do the work, you won't learn if someone shows you how it is done! The palette that the previous post points to are of PRN and other "noise generators" but I suspect that is not what you are after.
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    When you have an attempt that is sort of working and want additional suggestions, post the code here. We won't do your work, we will help you try to do it, and learn it, yourself.
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

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    Formula nodes are not one of the first things you will need to be looking at. look at the help files (press ctrl-H) for some syntax examples. Shift registers are easy: they carry the value from the end of the loop back into the start of the loop. The great power of shift registers is to use them without initializing. In that case they will retain their last value as long as the vi is in memory. This is a little more advanced topic, though.
    I included a simple example that illustrates what a shift register does. Requires Labview 7.1
    Good luck,
    shift (LV7.1).vi ‏19 KB

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    Attachments: ‏87 KB ‏92 KB

    I certainly agree that the DAQ programming is the part leaving me most confused. I'll attach the package that I am trying to modify, the trouble is there are so many sub vis involved in actually acquiring the data that I am not entirely sure what format the data comes out in.
    Perhaps to someone more skilled than I am with lab view the inner workings of this package would be clearer. If you are up for it then look at SRSRGAa simple in SRSRGA61.lib and you can see what I'm working with.
    I'll also attach my attempt to modify the code to make it work like altenbachs example... however somehow it would seem my timing/synchronization is off. Hope some of this makes sense, I'll see what luck I can have with get w
    aveform components, I suppose I have been approaching this so far as if my DAQ was just giving me data points as opposed to a waveform.
    Attachments: ‏2132 KB ‏101 KB

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    Situation: -
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    Problem: -
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    Any Ideas. If you've got time on your hands..........

    You can use a shift register. This will just maintain the last "n" amounts of data sets. I've attached a really simple example to illustrate this.
    This may work for you needs however there is an issue that the shift registers are in essence being used the whole time so you will have more memory interaction than you may want ... which depending on your performance requirements may not be desirable.
    If that is the case then it may be best to slightly modifiy the approach you're using. Indexing continually instead of in the main loop. Set up a condition/case upon which within the main loop you initiate a sub loop that then starts logging the data you require for averaging.
    Hope this helps,
    Attachments: ‏36 KB

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    -How can I collect a rate  differently? If you notice on the calibration subvi attachement, the rate is calculated manually knowing how fast the loop is going in the main VI. I don't know if this is the best way
    -Can I get rid of the shift registers some how?
    -Is there a way for me to combine the  calibration subVIs so that I don't have to have one subvi for each channel?
    Thanks in advanced! 
    Go to Solution.
    calibration subvi.JPG ‏29 KB
    Shift register mess.JPG ‏79 KB

    Hi all,
    I will attach the actual code in a few minutes. There's some propietary information that I need to remove before uploading. I'll be right back
    Ok guys, please see VI's attached. The VI that I need help with is "AWC - Commercial Main VI - Rev0" and the messy part it's towards the bottom.
    I have been cleaning up this VIs and making subVIs for a few months now (time on and off) but I can't seem to get a grasp on how to minimize the big shift register mess.
    Maybe some background on myself might help? I'm a ME but I have been using LabView for easy project for the last 2 years. I took Core 1,2,3 class of LabView so I guess I know enought to be dangerous and to get myseld into trouble. I don't practice as much as I would like to and that's probably why I'm stuck with this big mess.
    I will also accept any other tips that anybody has offer in any other part of the VI. I can also clarify any parts of the VI if that helps.
    NI ‏366 KB

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    You never have more than one element in each array since you initialize the shift register with every call of the VI.
    Use "built array" instead of "insert into array", it's cleaner. However, since you only kep one elements, maybe you can jist place the scalar value inside a shift register. Make sure the default value is NaN so you know when it contains valid data.
    All you probably need is an array of fixed size (12) and replace appropriate elements as need arises.
    What you probably want is an action engine. See
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Initialising Shift Registers

    I am totaly new to labview so assume that this question can be easily solved!
    I am trying to implement a FIR filter (can't use pre-designed sub vi's because it must operate in accordance with a specified transer function).
    I think I have the design sorted except that I am having trouble with initialising shift registers. I can't get them to work,
    any help would be apriciated.
    Attachments: ‏57 KB

    You're correct. I should have mentioned this technique.
    The attached image shows how to do this.
    The "First Call" function will only produce a True the first time a VI is called, so the shift register will get initialized the first time the sub-vi runs, then the shift register will retain the value after each call.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
    init_SR_in_loop.gif ‏5 KB

  • Replacing shift registers with queues or notifiers?

    Hello World,
    I'm using labView 7.1 with my first application, which is essentially a spectrum analyser and comparison to limits. now due to the parameters of the sampling 12000 samples/sec with 4096 point I have quite large chunks of data involved in rolling averages of 1 minute and rolling buffers that are an hour long. I'm pretty new to labview but I'm finding pretty easy to pick up except when it comes to optimisation and performance (I've been used to the microsoft approach until now) due to the fact that the instrument I'm building has to run in psuedo "real time".
    I've been looking at replacing the shift registers with either queues or notifiers but I'm unsure if these techniques would result in improvements or not.
    I'll attach a jpg of my main loop, I've only got the one but it is separated into three separate tasks but they are all governed by the data flow, DAQ then PROCESSING then REPORTING.
    I've been told that by separating the loops and making them run in parallel LV will be able to compile it more efficeintly, but I'm unsure how to do that .
    90% of all experts aggree that 1 out of 10 experts are wrong
    Step 14 -Post Course Mk4d.jpg ‏376 KB

    Fat Controller wrote:
    Hello World,
    I'm using labView 7.1 with my first application, which is essentially a spectrum analyser and comparison to limits. now due to the parameters of the sampling 12000 samples/sec with 4096 point I have quite large chunks of data involved in rolling averages of 1 minute and rolling buffers that are an hour long. I'm pretty new to labview but I'm finding pretty easy to pick up except when it comes to optimisation and performance (I've been used to the microsoft approach until now) due to the fact that the instrument I'm building has to run in psuedo "real time".
    I've been looking at replacing the shift registers with either queues or notifiers but I'm unsure if these techniques would result in improvements or not.
    I'll attach a jpg of my main loop, I've only got the one but it is separated into three separate tasks but they are all governed by the data flow, DAQ then PROCESSING then REPORTING.
    I've been told that by separating the loops and making them run in parallel LV will be able to compile it more efficeintly, but I'm unsure how to do that .
    Don't convert shift registers into queues or other things for performance reasons! LabVIEW has a lot of internal optimization logic when compiling your code which works best on shift registers. On a queue you will always copy the entire data of a message in or out even if you only need one byte of it.
    Try to look at your architecture. You do want to do as much as possible in place. Try to completely avoid Append Array or Append String inside loops if possible. They are costly operations as they have to reallocate memory each time and often copy the entire data from the first array into the resized array. Better is to once preallocate an array of the necessary size, keep it in your shift register all the time and then use Replace Array Subset, Index Array and Array Subset nodes only on this. You will also have to maintian some index shich tells you up to where you have currently filled that array and that one is usualy best put into a shift register as well.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • LV 8.21: strange behavior with DAQ tasks, parallel running VI's and shift registers

    I have made a VI using DAQmx vi's. The VI uses shift registers to store DAQ tasks and other (internal) information. I have implemented  several modes of operation (enum control with a case structure) like 'init', 'read AD', 'config AD' etc. If I use this multi mode VI in a single main VI everything work as expected. I have attached a jpg that shows one example where the DAQ VI is called from 2 parallel running while loops. One loop aquires the data (LOOP 1) while the other loop configures the aquisition task (LOOP 2). If I implement the same thing by putting LOOP2 in a different VI that runs seperately from the first VI I get an error message (200428):
    Possible reason(s):
    Measurements: Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid.
    The value must refer to a valid task or valid virtual channels.
    Task Name: EasyDAQ_AD
    Of course, the second VI is started manually after the 1. VI has passed the initialization part. The error message is triggered from the 1. VI that executes the DAQ task. From my understanding of the LV execution system this seems like a bug to me. Does anyone have an idea what could go wrong here?
    problem.jpg ‏30 KB

    1. In general, this kind of technique is something I've been using successfully for years.  (Ben recently wrote up a very nice treatment of these "Action Engines" as a "Community Nugget.")  So I don't start by expecting this to be a bug in the LV execution system.
    2. Your description of the problem sounds almost backwards.  You say you manually start the 2nd vi ("Config AD") *after* running the 1st vi ("Read AD").  Seems like you'd need to do the Config 1st and then do the Read, right?   I kinda suspect you actually did it in the right order, but described it wrong.
    3. The next likely scenario is that the Config failed, but you didn't trap the error and were unaware of it.  Then it makes sense that the Read would also fail.
    4. A couple issues I regularly deal with in these DAQ Action Engines is internal error handling.  I often keep a shift register inside to store errors generated inside the Action Engine.  But it can get a little tricky doing sensible things with both the internal error and any other error being wired in as input.
    I said all that so I can say this: if you have complex nested case statements, or lots of different action cases to handle, double check that the task wire makes it from all the way from left shift register to right.  Sometimes they get lost if they go through a case statement, the output tunnel is set to "use default if unwired", and 1 or more of the cases don't wire the output.
    -Kevin P.

  • Is this roughly how the labVIEW Execution Systems work?

    I've not taken a class in OS design, so I don't know the strategies used to implement multitasking, preemptive or cooperative. The description below is a rough guess.
    LabVIEW compiles Vis to execute within its own multitasking execution environment. This execution environment is composed of 6 execution systems. Each execution system has 5 priority queues (say priorities 0->4). Vis are compiled to one or more tasks which are posted for execution in these queues.
    An execution system may either have multiple threads assigned to execute tasks from each priority queue, or may have a single thread executing all tasks from all priority queues. The thread priorities associated with a multithreaded execution system are assigned according to the queue that they service. There are therefore 5 available thread priority levels, one for each of the 5 priority level queues.
    In addition to the execution queues, there are additional queues that are associated with tasks suspended in various wait states. (I don't know whether there are also threads associated with these queues. It seems there is.)
    According to app. note 114, the default execution environment provides 1 execution system with 1 thread having a priority level of 1, and 5 execution systems with 10 prioritized threads, 2 threads per priority queue. NI has titled the single threaded execution system "user interface" and also given names to the other 5. Here they will be called either "user interface" or "other".
    The "user interface" system is responsible for all GUI actions. It monitors the keyboard and mouse, as well as drawing the controls. It is also used to execute non-thread-safe tasks; tasks whose shared objects are not thread mutex protected.
    Vis are composed of a front panel and diagram. The front panel provides an interface between the vi diagram, the user, and the calling vi. The diagram provides programmatic data flow between various nodes and is compiled into one or more machine coded tasks. In addition to it own tasks, a diagram may also call other vis. A vi that calls another vi does not actually programmatically branch to that vi. Rather, in most cases the call to another vi posts the tasks associated with the subvi to the back of one of the labVIEW execution system�s queues.
    If a vi is non-reentrant, its tasks cannot run simultaneously on multiple threads. This implies a mutex like construction around the vi call to insure only one execution system is executing the vi. It doesn�t really matter where or how this happens, but somehow labVIEW has to protect an asynchronous vi from simultaneous execution, somehow that has to be performed without blocking an execution queue, and somehow a mutex suspended vi has to be returned to the execution queue when the mutex is freed. I assume this to be a strictly labVIEW mutex and does not involve the OS. If a vi is reentrant, it can be posted/ran multiple times simultaneously. If a vi is a subroutine, its task (I think there is always only one) will be posted to the front of the caller's queue rather than at the back of the queue (It actually probably never gets posted but is simply mutex tested at the call.) A reentrant-subroutine vi may be directly linked to its caller since it has no restrictions. (Whether in fact labVIEW does this, I don�t know. In any event, it would seem in general vis that can be identified as reentrant should be specified as such to avoid the overhead of mutexing. This would include vis that wrap reentrant dll calls.)
    The execution queue to which a vi's tasks are posted depends upon the vi execution settings and the caller's execution priority. If the caller's execution priority is less than or equal the callee's execution settings, then the callee's tasks are posted to the back of the callee's specified execution queue. If the caller's execution priority is greater than the callee's specifications, then the callee's tasks are posted to the back of the caller's queue. Under most conditions, the vi execution setting is set to "same as caller" in which case the callee�s tasks are always posted to the back of the caller's execution queue. This applies to cases where two vis are set to run either in the other execution systems or two vis are set to run in the user interface execution system. (It�s not clear what happens when one vi is in the �user interface� system and the other is not. If the rule is followed by thread priority, any background tasks in the �other� systems will be moved to the user interface system. Normal task in the �other� systems called by a vi in the �user interface� system will execute in their own systems and vice versa. And �user interface� vis will execute in the caller�s �other� system if the caller has a priority greater than normal.)
    Additionally, certain nodes must execute in the "user interface" execution system because their operations are not thread-safe. While the above generally specifies where a task will begin and end execution, a non-thread safe node can move a task to the �user interface� system. The task will continue to execute there until some unspecified event moves it back to its original execution system. Note, other task associated to the vi will be unaffected and will continue to execute in the original system.
    Normally, tasks associated with a diagram run in one of the �other� execution systems. The tasks associated with drawing the front panel and monitoring user input always execute in the user interface execution system. Changes made by a diagram to it own front panel are buffered (the diagram has its own copy of the data, the front panel has its own copy of the data, and there seems to be some kind of exchange buffer that is mutexed), and the front panel update is posted as a task to the user interface execution system. Front panel objects also have the advanced option of being updated sequentially; presumably this means the diagram task that modifies the front panel will be moved to the user interface execution system as well. What this does to the data exchanged configuration between the front panel and diagram is unclear as presumably both the front panel and diagram are executing in the same thread and the mutex and buffer would seem to be redundant. While the above is true for a control value it is not clear whether this is also true for the control properties. Since a referenced property node can only occur on the local diagram, it is not clear it forces the local diagram to execute in the user interface system or whether they too are buffered and mutexed with the front panel.
    If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that only the control values are buffered and mutexed. The control properties belong exclusively to the front panel and any changes made to them require execution in the �user interface� system. If diagram merely reads them, it probably doesn�t suffer a context switch.
    Other vis can also modify the data structure defining the control appearance and values remotely using un-reference property nodes. These nodes are required to run in the user interface system because the operation is not thread-safe and apparently the diagram-front-panel mutex is specifically between the user interface execution system and the local diagram thread. Relative to the local diagram, remote changes by other vis would appear to be user entries.
    It is not clear how front panels work with reentrant vis. Apparently every instance gets its own copy of the front panel values. If all front panel data structures were unique to an instance, and if I could get a vi reference to an instance of a reentrant vi, I could open multiple front panels, each displaying its own unique data. It might be handy, sort of like opening multiple Word documents, but I don�t think that it�s available.
    A note: It is said that the front panel data is not loaded unless the front panel is opened. Obviously the attributes required to draw an object are not required, nor the buffer that interfaces with the user. This rule doesn�t apply though that if property references are made to front panel objects, and/or local variables are used. In those cases at least part of the front panel data has to be present. Furthermore, since all data is available via a control reference, if used, the control�s entire data structure must be present.
    I use the vi server but haven�t really explored it yet, nor vi reference nodes, but obviously they too make modifications to unique data structures and hence are not thread-safe. And in general, any node that accesses a shared object is required to run in the user interface thread to protect the data associated with the object. LabVIEW, does not generally create OS level thread mutexes to protect objects probably because it becomes to cumbersome... Only a guess...
    Considering the extra overhead of dealing with preemptive threading, I�m wondering if my well-tuned single threaded application in LV4.1 won�t out perform my well-tuned multithreaded application in LV6.0, given a single processor environment�
    Please modify those parts that require it.
    Kind Regards,

    There are two types of memory which would be of concern. There is temporary and persistent. Generally, if a reentrant vi has persistent memory requirements, then it is being used specifically to retain those values at every instance. More generally, reentrant code requires no persistent memory. It is passed all the information it needs to perform its function, and nothing is retained. For this type of reentrant vi, memory concern to which you refer could become important if the vis are using several MBytes of temporary storage for intermediate results. In that case, as you could have several copies executing at once, your temporary storage requirements have multiplied by the number of simultaneous copies executing. Your max memory use is going to rise, and as labview allocates memory rather independently and freely, the memory use of making them reentrant might be a bit of a surprise.
    On the other hand, the whole idea of preemtive threading is to give those tasks which require execution in a timely fashion the ability to do so regardless of what other tasks might be doing. We are, after all, suffering the computational overhead of multithreading to accomplish this. If memory requirements are going to defeat the original objective, then we really are traversing a circle.
    Anyway, as Greg has advised, threads are supposed to be used judiciously. It isn't as though your going to have all 51 threads up at the same time. In general I think, overall coding stategy should be to minimize the number of threads while protecting those tasks that absolutely require timely execution.
    In that sense, it would have been nice if NI had retained two single threaded systems, one for the GUI and one for the GUI interface diagrams. I've noticed that control drawing is somewhat slower under LV6.0 than LV4.1. I cannot, for example, make a spreadsheet scroll smoothly anymore, even using buffered graphics. This makes me wonder how many of my open front panel diagrams are actually running on the GUI thread.
    And, I wonder if threads go to sleep when not in use, for example, on a wait, or wait multiple node. My high priority thread doesn't do a lot of work, but the work that it does is critical. I don't know what it's doing the rest of the time. From some of Greg's comments, my impression is it in some kind of idle mode: waking up and sleeping, waking up and sleeping,..., waking up, doing something and sleeping... etc. I suppose I should try to test this.
    Anyway that's all an aside...
    With regard to memory, your right, there are no free lunches... Thanks for reminding me. If I try this, I might be dismayed by the additional memory use, but I won't be shocked.
    Kind Regards,

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