How do you create a taskbar notification in vbscript/javascript?

I have been tasked with making a simple script that (among more interesting things) tosses a message to the user in a manner similar to the partial screenshot below:
Said script must work on machines that do not (and possibly cannot) have Powershell/Python/Perl/etc. installed. (which is why I am hoping for a vbscript/javascript method)
EDIT:  Ok, as it turns out, pasting a partial screenshot into the editor doesn't save, so here's a random one from the internets...

You need to create a Window to use the NotifyIcon control. This cannot be done with JavaScript or VBScript.

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    Hi Sherrie L,
    Adobe Send is Adobe's current solution for sending large files. (It's Adobe SendNow that's retiring soon.) Can you tell us what trouble you were running into using Adobe Send?
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    Default: PDF/A 1-b
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    Adobe Output folder: Prompt for Adobe file name
    Adobe Page size: Letter (change as needed)
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    Select OK
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    Message was edited by: jpewald

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    Do you want the pdf available to view or just for copying from the disk to a computer for viewing.
    To view a PDF you can do a Print ➙ PDF ➙ Save PDF to iPhoto which will create a jpg of each page of the pdf and save it to iPhoto.  From there you can send the PDF jpegs to iDVD to make a slideshow of the pages.  It's the same principle as used in this tutorial: 06 - Creating an iDVD Slideshow From an iPhoto Book.
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    Happy Holidays

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    I understand why you need updated running headers in your book. To a sighted reader these serve as a guide to where you are and help you find things quickly.  In addition, if you are exporting your data to XML or HTML from the tagged PDF it would also be important to have these in the proper location. 
    But for accessibility purposes, it doesn't have to be there because the screen reader reads everything in linear order, line by line.  No one is looking at the page.  A user listening to the screen reader read the page is going to hear this heading, just before the actual word itself. So they will hear the first word on the page twice.  It's not the end of the world if it's there, but such headings are not necessary for accessibility unless they are not repetitive and contain information that is not otherwise available.
    So I would say, fine if you need them or want them there, it's just one word. 
    I think you should try exporting your book to PDF (or even just a chapter of the book) and look at the tags panel in Acrobat to see if you are getting the result you want.  I can't tell you exactly what you should do to get those results, you are using a plug-in I don't have. 
    I can tell you I didn't have to add the headers to any article at all, they just automatically export if the other articles in the file are added and you don't select the header style option "not for export as XML."
    You may not experience the same results with your plug-in, but I think it will probably work the same way. 
    Give it a try and best of luck.

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    In the slideshow editor interface click once on your image in the main
    window - you will see a bounding box appear together with editing options.
    Click on the More Editing button and when your image opens in full edit
    select the crop tool.
    Set width to 800 px and height to 200 px and resolution to 72
    Drag out your crop rectangle and move your image to the position you want -
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    create a banner.
    Press Ctrl=S to save and check version set to save an edit without affecting
    the original.
    Press Ctrl+W to close and your cropped image should automatically pop up in
    the slideshow editor.

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