How do you merge catalogues in Elements13

Does anybody know how to merge catalogues in Elements 13 ?

There is no way to do this automatically (only Lightroom has that merge function).
This is the biggest reason why it is recommended to have a single catalog.

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    You can use the Combine PDF feature of Adobe PDF pack to combine multiple PDF files into one document. (Or, if you have the full version of Acrobat, you an do it there as well by choosing Create > Combine Files into a Single PDF.)
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    You can just drag any of your data from the Documents folder to the Shared folder. Then, when you log in as the other user it will be available and you can drag it into the new Documents folder. If you're looking for other preferences or Application Support it gets tricky to do by hand.
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      Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I have drums in one instrument, and cymbals in
    another. (mapped not to overlap)
    In the AKAI, I just assigned them to the same MIDI
    How do you merge instruments in the EXS24?
    This should work:
    - Open an environment window
    - Make sure "Protect Size & Positions" is NOT checked
    - (Also: simpler if "Show Cables" is off.)
    - Now, "Create New Instrument". The new object should have a little arrow on the top right hand side of its icon...
    - If you hold down the 'alt' (or 'option') key and then click and hold the mouse button over this little arrow, you should get a scrolling vertical list of possible cable destinations. Select the first EXS (ie "Instrument 4") in the list.
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    - Now, if you select this new instrument in the Arrange, your MIDI input should be routed to both of the EXS instruments.
    I hope this helps.....

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    That's an easy solution. However you did not consider the harmful effects of the additional compression. Please consider that the "raw" video is already compressed before it leaves the camera. Then again as it's exported from iMovie the first time. After merging the projects (with your technique) it get compressed a third time. And perhaps a fourth time if the movie is burned onto a DVD.
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    If you are referring to Apple IDs... See Here...
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    yeah, but its a giant P.I.T.A.
    select all items you want to copy.
    copy them.
    go to the keychain you want to paste them into.
    select it, click on any item inside it, and hit paste.
    now you get to type in your password and hit return .... for each item you want to copy.
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    Some albums will fracture into a million pieces if you have different artist names. How the columns are sorted can effect this.
    If it is a multiple artists on one album select 'Compilation' in the options section for all of the songs on the album. 
    NOTE: You need to have multiple items selected to set this flag!

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    You can't "merge" users, you have to transfer the files using intermediate steps to deal with Permissions issues.
    You found out first hand that you should use Setup Assistant, rather than Migration Assistant to perform the action that is now causing trouble, and time.
    1) Log in to the A account.
    2) Locate all the files you want to move. Move them to /Users/A/Public. Note: Don't move any System-created top-level folders, like Documents, Pictures, Music, Movies, etc. Just move their contents.
    3) Log in to the B account.
    4) Navigate with Finder to /Users/A/Public. Drag the files to the Desktop. This will make new copies of them that will have the correct permissions for User B.
    5) Put the new copies of the files away in the appropriate places in B's home folder.
    6) Delete the A user account if it is no longer needed.
    Doing it this way will ensure that there are no permissions headaches with the files after they are moved.
    Also, make sure that you BACK UP all of your data before starting.
    Credit: to user Kiraly for the process.

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    Is it possible in Premiere? Good grief, I hope so.

    Thanks guys! I was thinking I had done this before, but we must not have copied enough of the folder structure of the card to get the desired result.
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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Do not reply there... but did you read the answer to your previous (wrong forum) question?

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    1. Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff if they'll do it. They probably won't.
    2. Because Apple generally doesn't permit that.
    3. Because the content remains associated with your Apple ID when you share it with other people.

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    There isn't a way to merge accounts.
    Take a look at this Apple doc -> Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    I have multiple Apple IDs. Is there a way for me to merge them into a single Apple ID?
    Apple IDs cannot be merged. You should use your preferred Apple ID from now on, but you can still access your purchased items such as music, movies, or software using your other Apple IDs.
    If you are wondering how using multiple Apple IDs relate to iCloud, see Apple IDs and iCloud.

  • How do you merge GPO's?

    I found this PowerShell script    and I've run it but nothing happened.    If you are familiar with this
    script and got it to work please let me know how.    And if not is there anyway to merge GPO's?    I want to take 15-20 GPO's and merge them into 1 huge master GPO.    

    >>    and I've run it but nothing happened
    I hope this script can help and we can ask for suggestions in the following Powershell forum.
    Powershell forum
    >>And if not is there anyway to merge GPO's?    I want to take 15-20 GPO's and merge them into 1 huge master GPO
    Regarding this point, the following thread can be referred to for more information.
    How to merge different GPO settings into a single GPO
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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