How Do You Populate A Spark List Control With An Array?

Hello, all,
Sorry to come accross so frustrated, but how in the name of God do you populate a Spark list control with the data in an array?  You used to be able to do this with the mx:List control, but the guys developing Flex just had to make things more difficult than they need to be!  I am more of a code purist and prefer doing things the way they have been done for decades, but apparently nothing can ever stay simple!
I simply want to populate a list control with an array and this shouldn't be rocket science!  I found out that I must use a "collection" element, so I decided that an arrayCollection would be best.  However, after searching Adobe's documentation about arrayCollections, I am lost in a black hole of data binding, extra lines of code just to add a new element, the need to sort it, etc...!
Here is my code:
var pendingArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
for ( var i:int = 0 ; i < queue.length ; i++ )
     var item:UserQueueItem = queue[i] as UserQueueItem ;
     if ( item.status == UserQueueItem.STATUS_PENDING )
Here is the relevant MXML:
     <s:List id="knockingList" width="110" height="100"/>              
I'm not getting any errors, but the list is not populating.
I have seen several examples where the arrayCollection is declared and populated in MXML:
        <mx:ArrayCollection id="myAC">
            <!-- Use an fx:Array tag to associate an id with the array. -->
            <fx:Array id="myArray">
                <fx:Object label="MI" data="Lansing"/>
                <fx:Object label="MO" data="Jefferson City"/>
                <fx:Object label="MA" data="Boston"/>
That may be fine for an example, but I think this is a rare situation.  Most of the time I would image that the arrayCollection would be created and populated on the fly in ActionScript!  How can I do this?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice anyone can give!

In your post it seemed like you were trying to take care of many considerations at once: optimization, design, architecture.  I would suggest you get something up and running and then worry about everything else.
If I use data binding, then I will probably have to declare the  arrayCollection as a global variable and then I'll have to write 100 or  so extra lines of code to addItem(), removeItem(), sort(), etc...  It  just seems like too much overhead.
I believe you may have some misconceptions about databinding in general.  You won't have to make it a global variable and you certainly won't need an extra 100 lines of code.  If you did this forum would be a very , very quiet place.
I don't want to use data binding because the original array is refreshed  often and there is one function called by an event that re-declares the  arrayCollection each time, populates it with the array, and then sets  it as the list's dataprovider.
That is the beauty of the ArrayCollection, it can handle the updates to its source Array. I don't know if you need to redeclare the ArrayCollection, resetting the source to the new Array allows everyone involved to keep their references so you don't have to worry about any "spooky" stuff going on.

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    Hi there, I'll tweak your code a little bit to something like this:
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                 import mx.controls.CheckBox;
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    Earlier this summer, you helped me to create an itemRenderer that would allow me to drag photos in a list with a grid layout so that I could re-order them, and the dragIndicator would remain the photo instead of a empty box.  We accomplished this by using the contentCache feature with the Spark BitmapImage.  Now when I drag my photos, they remain photos even while being dragged.  Your very elegant solution ended up looking like this:
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    <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
                                            width="76" height="76" focusEnabled="false">
                                  import spark.core.ContentCache;
                                  static private const contentCache:ContentCache = new ContentCache();
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                        <s:State name="hovered" />
                        <s:State name="selected" />
                        <s:State name="dragging" />
              <s:BitmapImage source="{data.pathSmall}" width="70" height="70" contentLoader="{contentCache}"
                                                horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" alpha.dragging="2" includeIn="normal, hovered, selected, dragging"/>
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
                                            width="76" height="76" focusEnabled="false" dataChange="init(event)">
                                  import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
                                  import spark.core.ContentCache; 
                                  private var contentCache:ContentCache = new ContentCache();
                                  private var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                                  private var bitmapImg:BitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                                  private var widthHolder:int;
                                  private var heightHolder:int;
                                  protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void {
                                            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.imageAC[this.itemIndex].pathSmall);
                                            imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, createVisuals);
                                  private function createVisuals(event:Event):void{
                                            bitmapImg.source = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);
                                            bitmapImg.horizontalCenter = 0;
                                            bitmapImg.verticalCenter = 0;
                                            bitmapImg.smooth = true;
                                            bitmapImg.smoothingQuality = "high";
                                            widthHolder = imageLoader.width;
                                            heightHolder = imageLoader.height;
                                            if (widthHolder > heightHolder) {
                                                      bitmapImg.width = int(Math.round(70*widthHolder/heightHolder));
                                                      bitmapImg.height = 70;
                                            else {
                                                      bitmapImg.width = 70;
                                                      bitmapImg.height = int(Math.round(70*heightHolder/widthHolder));
                        <s:State name="normal" />
                        <s:State name="hovered" />
                        <s:State name="selected" />
                        <s:State name="dragging"/>
              <s:Group id="imageGroup" width="70" height="70" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" clipAndEnableScrolling="true"/>
    So when there is a dataChange in my List, the init() function gets called to load the image.  When the load is complete, the createVisuals() method resizes the image and places it in the Group. Everything is working as expected.  The images get resized, centered and cropped within the group, and smoothed out so that they look nice.  But now when I drag them, I get an empty box while dragging.  I am unsure of how to tie in the contentCache with my bitmapImage object so that it will stay an image while being dragged using actionScript.  I don't know if it is as simple as setting the contentLoader property for the bitmapImage object, or if it is more complicated and I need to set the image source for the "dragging" state.  Could you possibly give me some insight as to how to make this happen in ActionScript?
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    Thanks, Kalle!
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Fliesenart" dataField="prd_art" resizable="false" width="300" editorDataField="artLiSelected"  >
                    <mx:itemEditor >
                            <s:MXDataGridItemRenderer height="22" >
                                    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                    public var artLiSelected:String;
                                    public var artTempArr:Array = new Array();
                                    public var artNewTempArr:Array = new Array();
                                    protected function artLi_creationCompleteHandler(artStr:String):void
                                        artLiSelected = artStr;
                                        artTempArr = artStr.split(" : ");
                                        var artTempVec:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>();
                                        for each (var art:Object in artTempArr) {
                                        artLi.selectedItems = artTempVec;
                                    protected function dataCollector():void {
                                        //artLiSelected = artLi.selectedItems.join(" : ");
                                        trace ("change");
                                    protected function dataSubmitter ():void {
                                        artLiSelected = artNewTempArr.join(" : ");
                                        trace ("focusOut");
                                <s:List id="artLi" height="300" top="5" left="5" right="5"

    Create your own list which must extend from spark.List and then override the function calculateSelectedIndices.
    Then you can do 2 things depending on how you want the order in the selectedItems:
    1. Change all the interval.splice to interval.push (now you have the normal order)
    2. Change the "for (i = 0; i < selectedIndices.length; i++)" to "for (i = selectedIndices.length -1; i > -1; i--)" (then you have a reversed order)

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    2. Add the provided snippet into your Stage > compositionReady event handler.

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    I'm not sure if you can do that with CreatePDF.  Try it; you got one free use when you sign up with
    If not, you will have to use Adobe Acrobat; there is a full-use 30 days trial.

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Maybe you are looking for