How is html page outputed when using taglib and xml ?

Dear all,
          I am a newbie for taglib and xml. Today, when I read some source code of a
          website, I found that there is a entry like
          "%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>",
          and some other entries like
          "<myprefix:Content area="<%=contentArea%>" />"
          I opened the specifized file taglib.tld and saw a tag entry named "Content",
          its tagclass is com.mycom.presentation.taglib.ContentTag. Again I opend a
          java class file "" and saw some setXXX methods and doXXX
          methods. I donot know how is the webpage outputed. Can someone give me a
          detailed description about that? I will greatly appreciate your help.
          Some source code segments are listed as follows:
          <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>
          <myprefix:Content body="<%=body%>" area="<%=contentArea%>"
          pageName="<%=pageName%>" />
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
          <!DOCTYPE taglib
          PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
          <info>An tag which given the screen and element does the right content

          package com.mycom.presentation.taglib;
          import javax.servlet.*;
          import javax.servlet.http.*;
          import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
          import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
          public class ContentTag extends BodyTagSupport {
          private String ......;
          public String ......;
          public ContentTag() {
          public void setPageName(String pageName) {
          this.pageName = pageName;
          public void setArea(String area) {
          this.area = area;
          public void setSegment(String segment) {
          this.segment = segment;
          if (segment!=null) // && !segment.equals("null")
          this.segment_set = true;
          public void setAdmin(String admin) {
          this.admin = Boolean.getBoolean(admin);
          } catch (Exception _) {
          debugCategory.debug("Setting admin err " + admin);
          public void setBody(String body)
          try {
          this.body = Long.parseLong(body);
          } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
          debugCategory.debug("Setting body format err");
          public int doStartTag() {
          if (contentMap == null)
          HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
          if (segment==null)
          segment =
          if (currentScreen==null)
          currentScreen =
          StateEngineProxy sep =
          ModelManager mm =
          if (sep == null||mm==null)
          sep = new StateEngineProxy();
          session.setAttribute("stateMachine", sep);
          mm = new ModelManager();
          mm.init(session, sep);
          session.setAttribute("modelManager", mm);
          if (body !=0)
          //content = (ContentAI)
          if (content==null)
          debugCategory.debug("Get by Body");
          content =
          //contentMap.put(Parameters.content_id +
          Long.toString(body), content);
          file:// pageContext.setAttribute(CONTENT_MAP,
          contentMap, myScope);
          if (pageName!=null&&area!=null &&
          contentList = (Collection)
          pageName, area);
          Iterator it = contentList.iterator();
          if (it.hasNext()) {
          content = (ContentAI);
          return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
          return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
          public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException {
          current = SUPPLIERSINFORMATION;
          if ( content != null
          && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_LIST_URL)
          && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_EDIT_URL))
          if ( !admin ){
          // include body?
          pageContext.getOut().println("<h3>" + content.getSubject() + "<br></h3>");
          pageContext.getOut().println("<!-- Subject[" + content.getSubject() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("OrgID[" + content.getOrgId() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("LogoPath[" + content.getLogoPath() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("PageName[" + content.getPageName() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("Area[" + content.getArea() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("Segment[" + content.getSegment() + "]");
          pageContext.getOut().println("<!--Body[-->" + "<br>" + content.getBody() + "<!--]-->");
          return EVAL_PAGE;
          public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {
          return SKIP_BODY;
          public static String shortenLink(String link)

Hi Andy,
          The sequence of operations that happen when a JSP page encounters a Custome Tag are
          1. Find the class associated with the custom tag from the tld.
          2. The set and get methods that u find are for passing  the values for the tag attributes that u may need
          to pass.
          3. The Tag Lib class performs the operation specified and flushes the output to the jsp.
          For further understanding ..u can refer to these sites !!!

          Sundhar Subramanian
          Andy Ping wrote:
          > Dear all,
          > I am a newbie for taglib and xml.  Today, when I read some source code of a
          > website, I found that there is a entry like
          >     "%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>",
          > and some other entries like
          >     "<myprefix:Content  area="<%=contentArea%>"  />"
          > I opened the specifized file taglib.tld and saw a tag entry named "Content",
          > its tagclass is com.mycom.presentation.taglib.ContentTag.  Again I opend a
          > java class file "" and saw some setXXX methods and doXXX
          > methods.  I donot know how is the webpage outputed.  Can someone give me a
          > detailed description about that?   I will greatly appreciate your help.
          > Some source code segments are listed as follows:
          > ----------------
          > test.jsp:
          > ----------------
          > ...
          > <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>
          > ...
          > <td>
          >     <myprefix:Content body="<%=body%>" area="<%=contentArea%>"
          > pageName="<%=pageName%>" />
          > </td>
          > ...
          > ----------------
          > taglib.tld:
          > ----------------
          > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
          > <!DOCTYPE taglib
          >         PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
          >  "">
          > ......
          >   <tag>
          >     <name>Content</name>
          >     <tagclass>com.myprefix.presentation.taglib.ContentTag</tagclass>
          >     <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent>
          >     <info>An tag which given the screen and element does the right content
          > thing!</info>
          >     <attribute>
          >       <name>id</name>
          >       <required>false</required>
          >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
          >       <!--type>String</type-->
          >     </attribute>
          >     <attribute>
          >       <name>pageName</name>
          >       <required>false</required>
          >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
          >       <!--type>String</type-->
          >     </attribute>
          >     <attribute>
          >       <name>area</name>
          >       <required>false</required>
          >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
          >       <!--type>String</type-->
          >     </attribute>
          >     <attribute>
          >       <name>body</name>
          >    <required>false</required>
          >    <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
          >       <!--type>long</type-->
          >     </attribute>
          >   </tag>
          > ......
          > ----------------
          > ----------------
          > package com.mycom.presentation.taglib;
          > import javax.servlet.*;
          > import javax.servlet.http.*;
          > import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
          > import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
          > ...
          > public class ContentTag extends  BodyTagSupport {
          >     private String ......;
          >     public String ......;
          >     ......
          >     public ContentTag() {
          >         super();
          >     }
          >     public void setPageName(String pageName) {
          >         this.pageName = pageName;
          >     }
          >     public void setArea(String area) {
          >         this.area = area;
          >     }
          >     public void setSegment(String segment) {
          >         this.segment = segment;
          >         if (segment!=null) // && !segment.equals("null")
          >         {
          >             this.segment_set = true;
          >         }
          >     }
          >     public void setAdmin(String admin) {
          >         try{
          >             this.admin = Boolean.getBoolean(admin);
          >         } catch (Exception _) {
          >             debugCategory.debug("Setting admin err " + admin);
          >         }
          >     }
          >     public void setBody(String body)
          >     {
          >         try {
          >          this.body = Long.parseLong(body);
          >         } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
          >             debugCategory.debug("Setting body format err");
          >         }
          >     }
          >     public int doStartTag() {
          >             if (contentMap == null)
          >             {
          >             }
          >    HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
          >             if (segment==null)
          >             {
          >                 segment =
          > (String)session.getAttribute(Parameters.segment_id);
          >             }
          >             if (currentScreen==null)
          >             {
          >                 currentScreen =
          > (String)session.getAttribute(Parameters.currentScreen);
          >             }
          >             try{
          >                 StateEngineProxy sep =
          >                     (StateEngineProxy)session.getAttribute("stateMachine");
          >                 ModelManager mm =
          > (ModelManager)session.getAttribute("modelManager");
          >                 if (sep == null||mm==null)
          >                 {
          >                     sep = new StateEngineProxy();
          >                     session.setAttribute("stateMachine", sep);
          >                     mm = new ModelManager();
          >                     mm.init(session, sep);
          >                     session.setAttribute("modelManager", mm);
          >                 }
          >                 if (body !=0)
          >                 {
          >                     //content = (ContentAI)
          >                     //
          > contentMap.get(Parameters.content_id+Long.toString(body));
          >                     if (content==null)
          >                     {
          >                     debugCategory.debug("Get by Body");
          >                     mm.getContent(body);
          >                     content =
          > (ContentAI)session.getAttribute(Parameters.content);
          >                     //contentMap.put(Parameters.content_id +
          > Long.toString(body), content);
          >                     file:// pageContext.setAttribute(CONTENT_MAP,
          > contentMap, myScope);
          >                     }
          >                 }
          >                 if (pageName!=null&&area!=null &&
          >                     segment!=null&&segment!=""&&area!=""&&pageName!="")
          >                 {
          >                      contentList = (Collection)
          >                          mm.getContentBySegmentPageNameAndArea(segment,
          > pageName, area);
          >                      if(contentList!=null){
          >                         Iterator it = contentList.iterator();
          >                         if (it.hasNext()) {
          >                             content = (ContentAI);
          >                             session.setAttribute(Parameters.content,
          > content);
          >                             return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
          >                         }
          >                      }
          >                 }
          >                 ...
          >            }
          >   return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
          >     }
          >     public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException {
          >         current = SUPPLIERSINFORMATION;
          >         pageContext.getOut().flush();
          >         if ( content != null
          >             && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_LIST_URL)
          >             && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_EDIT_URL))
          >         {
          >             if ( !admin  ){
          >             // include body?
          >                 if
          > rentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_NEWS_URL)){
          >                     pageContext.getOut().println("<h3>" + content.getSubject() + "<br></h3>");
          >                 }
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("<!-- Subject[" + content.getSubject() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("OrgID[" + content.getOrgId() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("LogoPath[" + content.getLogoPath() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("PageName[" + content.getPageName() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("Area[" + content.getArea() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("Segment[" + content.getSegment() + "]");
          >                 pageContext.getOut().println("<!--Body[-->" + "<br>" + content.getBody() + "<!--]-->");
          >             }
          >         }
          >  return EVAL_PAGE;
          >     }
          >     public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {
          >         return SKIP_BODY;
          >     }
          >     public static String shortenLink(String link)
          >     {
          >        ...
          >     }
          > }

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    Using C# or javascript to authenticate the user to AD to read the property directly will be very difficult. Creating a custom user profile property and adding a sync from AD to that property is definitely the easiest way to do what you are describing.
     Once its in User Profiles there are lots of samples on how to add it to the page.  
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
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    Twitter: Follow @pstork
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    "getAncestorOfClass()" is a static method. That means you don't use a variable to invoke the method. You use the class itself.
    "w" is a variable, which is a JFrame, but that is not what the first parameter should be. The first parameter is a "Class".
    "this" will refer to your Listener class, but you need the Component that generated the ActionEvent.
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    See for example Request taglib from Coldtags suite:

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    thanks in advance,

    you can use a query like this...
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             frg~prc_group2                  "Product Group 2
             frg~prc_group3                  "Product Group 3
             frg~prc_group4                  "Product Group 4
             frg~prc_group5                  "Product Group 5
             prc~product_id                  "Product ID
             txt~short_text                  "Product Description
    UP TO 10 ROWS
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    Joining CRMM_PR_SALESG and
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    INNER JOIN comm_pr_frg_rod AS prd
    ON frgfrg_guid = prdfragment_guid
    Joining COMM_PRODUCT and
    INNER JOIN comm_product AS prc
    ON prdproduct_guid = prcproduct_guid
    Joining COMM_PRSHTEXT and
    INNER JOIN comm_prshtext AS txt
    ON prdproduct_guid = txtproduct_guid
    WHERE frg~prc_group1 IN r_zprc_group1
       AND frg~prc_group2 IN r_zprc_group2
       AND frg~prc_group3 IN r_zprc_group3
       AND frg~prc_group4 IN r_zprc_group4
       AND frg~prc_group5 IN r_zprc_group5.
    reward it it helps
    Edited by: Apan Kumar Motilal on Jun 24, 2008 1:57 PM

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    I assume you're using the "Content Aware" option for the Spot Healing brush.  It can be a maddeningly stupid option -- there's no telling from how far away it will pull the replacement pixels and will leave streaks that can be very difficult to remove.
    It would be best for you to include a sample image that's giving you the problem so we can suggest the best way to attack it.
    In general, the "Content Aware" option works best when you use a very small brush size.  That pulls in pixels closer to the area you want to heal.  If you get streaks, sometimes you can use the Spot Healing brush to get rid of them by going over the area in a perpendicular direction to the streaks.

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    How to create a follow up page in scripts using Duplex and Tumble Duplex in print mode of scripts ?

    it depends upon output device types.

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