How to execute the *.sql when using occi  and vc

help me!
i must to initialize the remote database using the file of sql,
for example:
the file is ss.sql;
and it is
row integer := 0;
user varchar2(256);
user := '&1';
dbms_java.grant_policy_permission('PUBLIC', 'SYS',
'java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'loadLibrary.*', row);
dbms_java.grant_permission(user, 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission',
'loadLibrary.orawcom10', null);
IF row > 0 THEN
i use the occi statement
Environment * env;
Connection * conn;
Statement * stmt;
string sqlstmt=''BEGIN ss.sql;END";
it is wrong
how do i change the sql statement???

Instead of having the PL/SQL code as an anonymous block, you can create
a procedure and then execute it through OCCI.
For example:
create or replace procedure my_proc
row integer := 0;
user varchar2(256);
--code here...
I assume this code will be in ss.sql. Compile this procedure in
your schema and then form the sqlstmt in OCCI this way:
Statement *stmt = con->createStatement("BEGIN my_proc; END;") ;

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    Dear all,
              I am a newbie for taglib and xml. Today, when I read some source code of a
              website, I found that there is a entry like
              "%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>",
              and some other entries like
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              I opened the specifized file taglib.tld and saw a tag entry named "Content",
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              <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>
              <myprefix:Content body="<%=body%>" area="<%=contentArea%>"
              pageName="<%=pageName%>" />
              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
              <!DOCTYPE taglib
              PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
              <info>An tag which given the screen and element does the right content
              package com.mycom.presentation.taglib;
              import javax.servlet.*;
              import javax.servlet.http.*;
              import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
              import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
              public class ContentTag extends BodyTagSupport {
              private String ......;
              public String ......;
              public ContentTag() {
              public void setPageName(String pageName) {
              this.pageName = pageName;
              public void setArea(String area) {
              this.area = area;
              public void setSegment(String segment) {
              this.segment = segment;
              if (segment!=null) // && !segment.equals("null")
              this.segment_set = true;
              public void setAdmin(String admin) {
              this.admin = Boolean.getBoolean(admin);
              } catch (Exception _) {
              debugCategory.debug("Setting admin err " + admin);
              public void setBody(String body)
              try {
              this.body = Long.parseLong(body);
              } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
              debugCategory.debug("Setting body format err");
              public int doStartTag() {
              if (contentMap == null)
              HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
              if (segment==null)
              segment =
              if (currentScreen==null)
              currentScreen =
              StateEngineProxy sep =
              ModelManager mm =
              if (sep == null||mm==null)
              sep = new StateEngineProxy();
              session.setAttribute("stateMachine", sep);
              mm = new ModelManager();
              mm.init(session, sep);
              session.setAttribute("modelManager", mm);
              if (body !=0)
              //content = (ContentAI)
              if (content==null)
              debugCategory.debug("Get by Body");
              content =
              //contentMap.put(Parameters.content_id +
              Long.toString(body), content);
              file:// pageContext.setAttribute(CONTENT_MAP,
              contentMap, myScope);
              if (pageName!=null&&area!=null &&
              contentList = (Collection)
              pageName, area);
              Iterator it = contentList.iterator();
              if (it.hasNext()) {
              content = (ContentAI);
              return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
              return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
              public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException {
              current = SUPPLIERSINFORMATION;
              if ( content != null
              && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_LIST_URL)
              && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_EDIT_URL))
              if ( !admin ){
              // include body?
              pageContext.getOut().println("<h3>" + content.getSubject() + "<br></h3>");
              pageContext.getOut().println("<!-- Subject[" + content.getSubject() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("OrgID[" + content.getOrgId() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("LogoPath[" + content.getLogoPath() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("PageName[" + content.getPageName() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("Area[" + content.getArea() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("Segment[" + content.getSegment() + "]");
              pageContext.getOut().println("<!--Body[-->" + "<br>" + content.getBody() + "<!--]-->");
              return EVAL_PAGE;
              public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {
              return SKIP_BODY;
              public static String shortenLink(String link)

    Hi Andy,
              The sequence of operations that happen when a JSP page encounters a Custome Tag are
              1. Find the class associated with the custom tag from the tld.
              2. The set and get methods that u find are for passing  the values for the tag attributes that u may need
              to pass.
              3. The Tag Lib class performs the operation specified and flushes the output to the jsp.
              For further understanding ..u can refer to these sites !!!
              Sundhar Subramanian
              Andy Ping wrote:
              > Dear all,
              > I am a newbie for taglib and xml.  Today, when I read some source code of a
              > website, I found that there is a entry like
              >     "%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>",
              > and some other entries like
              >     "<myprefix:Content  area="<%=contentArea%>"  />"
              > I opened the specifized file taglib.tld and saw a tag entry named "Content",
              > its tagclass is com.mycom.presentation.taglib.ContentTag.  Again I opend a
              > java class file "" and saw some setXXX methods and doXXX
              > methods.  I donot know how is the webpage outputed.  Can someone give me a
              > detailed description about that?   I will greatly appreciate your help.
              > Some source code segments are listed as follows:
              > ----------------
              > test.jsp:
              > ----------------
              > ...
              > <%@ taglib uri="/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="myprefix" %>
              > ...
              > <td>
              >     <myprefix:Content body="<%=body%>" area="<%=contentArea%>"
              > pageName="<%=pageName%>" />
              > </td>
              > ...
              > ----------------
              > taglib.tld:
              > ----------------
              > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
              > <!DOCTYPE taglib
              >         PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
              >  "">
              > ......
              >   <tag>
              >     <name>Content</name>
              >     <tagclass>com.myprefix.presentation.taglib.ContentTag</tagclass>
              >     <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent>
              >     <info>An tag which given the screen and element does the right content
              > thing!</info>
              >     <attribute>
              >       <name>id</name>
              >       <required>false</required>
              >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
              >       <!--type>String</type-->
              >     </attribute>
              >     <attribute>
              >       <name>pageName</name>
              >       <required>false</required>
              >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
              >       <!--type>String</type-->
              >     </attribute>
              >     <attribute>
              >       <name>area</name>
              >       <required>false</required>
              >       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
              >       <!--type>String</type-->
              >     </attribute>
              >     <attribute>
              >       <name>body</name>
              >    <required>false</required>
              >    <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
              >       <!--type>long</type-->
              >     </attribute>
              >   </tag>
              > ......
              > ----------------
              > ----------------
              > package com.mycom.presentation.taglib;
              > import javax.servlet.*;
              > import javax.servlet.http.*;
              > import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
              > import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
              > ...
              > public class ContentTag extends  BodyTagSupport {
              >     private String ......;
              >     public String ......;
              >     ......
              >     public ContentTag() {
              >         super();
              >     }
              >     public void setPageName(String pageName) {
              >         this.pageName = pageName;
              >     }
              >     public void setArea(String area) {
              >         this.area = area;
              >     }
              >     public void setSegment(String segment) {
              >         this.segment = segment;
              >         if (segment!=null) // && !segment.equals("null")
              >         {
              >             this.segment_set = true;
              >         }
              >     }
              >     public void setAdmin(String admin) {
              >         try{
              >             this.admin = Boolean.getBoolean(admin);
              >         } catch (Exception _) {
              >             debugCategory.debug("Setting admin err " + admin);
              >         }
              >     }
              >     public void setBody(String body)
              >     {
              >         try {
              >          this.body = Long.parseLong(body);
              >         } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
              >             debugCategory.debug("Setting body format err");
              >         }
              >     }
              >     public int doStartTag() {
              >             if (contentMap == null)
              >             {
              >             }
              >    HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
              >             if (segment==null)
              >             {
              >                 segment =
              > (String)session.getAttribute(Parameters.segment_id);
              >             }
              >             if (currentScreen==null)
              >             {
              >                 currentScreen =
              > (String)session.getAttribute(Parameters.currentScreen);
              >             }
              >             try{
              >                 StateEngineProxy sep =
              >                     (StateEngineProxy)session.getAttribute("stateMachine");
              >                 ModelManager mm =
              > (ModelManager)session.getAttribute("modelManager");
              >                 if (sep == null||mm==null)
              >                 {
              >                     sep = new StateEngineProxy();
              >                     session.setAttribute("stateMachine", sep);
              >                     mm = new ModelManager();
              >                     mm.init(session, sep);
              >                     session.setAttribute("modelManager", mm);
              >                 }
              >                 if (body !=0)
              >                 {
              >                     //content = (ContentAI)
              >                     //
              > contentMap.get(Parameters.content_id+Long.toString(body));
              >                     if (content==null)
              >                     {
              >                     debugCategory.debug("Get by Body");
              >                     mm.getContent(body);
              >                     content =
              > (ContentAI)session.getAttribute(Parameters.content);
              >                     //contentMap.put(Parameters.content_id +
              > Long.toString(body), content);
              >                     file:// pageContext.setAttribute(CONTENT_MAP,
              > contentMap, myScope);
              >                     }
              >                 }
              >                 if (pageName!=null&&area!=null &&
              >                     segment!=null&&segment!=""&&area!=""&&pageName!="")
              >                 {
              >                      contentList = (Collection)
              >                          mm.getContentBySegmentPageNameAndArea(segment,
              > pageName, area);
              >                      if(contentList!=null){
              >                         Iterator it = contentList.iterator();
              >                         if (it.hasNext()) {
              >                             content = (ContentAI);
              >                             session.setAttribute(Parameters.content,
              > content);
              >                             return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
              >                         }
              >                      }
              >                 }
              >                 ...
              >            }
              >   return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
              >     }
              >     public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException {
              >         current = SUPPLIERSINFORMATION;
              >         pageContext.getOut().flush();
              >         if ( content != null
              >             && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_LIST_URL)
              >             && !currentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_EDIT_URL))
              >         {
              >             if ( !admin  ){
              >             // include body?
              >                 if
              > rentScreen.equals(ScreenNames.CONTENT_NEWS_URL)){
              >                     pageContext.getOut().println("<h3>" + content.getSubject() + "<br></h3>");
              >                 }
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("<!-- Subject[" + content.getSubject() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("OrgID[" + content.getOrgId() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("LogoPath[" + content.getLogoPath() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("PageName[" + content.getPageName() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("Area[" + content.getArea() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("Segment[" + content.getSegment() + "]");
              >                 pageContext.getOut().println("<!--Body[-->" + "<br>" + content.getBody() + "<!--]-->");
              >             }
              >         }
              >  return EVAL_PAGE;
              >     }
              >     public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {
              >         return SKIP_BODY;
              >     }
              >     public static String shortenLink(String link)
              >     {
              >        ...
              >     }
              > }

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    Why do you want to do that, you cannot attach a VO which is not present in the AM. Can you elaborate on your requirement.

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    I've to take backup of a database weekly twice on every wednesday & Friday @ 5pm IST. I've written a hot backup script, which works every well.
    now i want to automate the script. ie i want this script to run on wednesday & friday @ 5pm without any human interfearance ie with out actually any1 executing this script.
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    @echo off
    set oracle_sid=testdb
    set oracle_home=d:\oracle\ora92
    sqlplus /nolog
    connect sys as sysdba/oracletest@testdb
    this batch file when eexecuted connects me to sql prompt.
    Now i want to execute my backup script bkp.sql automatically when it is connected to sql prompt.
    (i tried with these lines in the above batch file...
    call bkp.sql---it just opens the bkp.sql file in notepad & displays the script
    start bkp.sql---same as call
    connect / as sysdba/pwd@[email protected] --- does not work simply remains a the sql prompt.
    At 17:00 /Every:w,f "d:\bkp.sql"---does not work simply remains at the sql promt.)
    Can any1 let me know what should i write in the batch file that will execute the bkp.sql file automatically after it gets connected to sql prompt. M using oracle 9i.
    I'll manage he time through windows utility of scheduling task.. Let me know how to execute the .sql file from a batch file.

    sqlplus "sys/oracletest as sysdba" @bpk.sql
    Working locally, and having set the ORACLE_SID, you don't need to specify the SqlNet alias (@testdb).
    Remember to put an exit at the end of the bpk.sql script.

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    I would like to know how can I show only the tables that I created under the Tables tree? Your posting is not clear,again tell something more on tables tree,what u want to achieve with it.
    How to hide system tables when using the Oracle SQL Developer? if u connected with sys, system or user with dba role then u have a privilege to see these tables,so revoke the privilege/role from ur user to view this tables if ur connected other then sys,system,
    I didnt find a way to create a separate database using the Oracle Sql Developer. DBCA is a tool for creating the new database.

  • How to get the SQL Signon that Agent Jobs "Run As" or "Executed as User"

    How to get the SQL Signon that Agent Jobs "Run As" or "Executed as User"?
    I have an install SQL scripts that creates a Linked Server. I want to put some security on the Linked Server and only grant the Agent Job Signon (the "Run As" or "Executed as User") access to the linked server. I need to retrieve the
    Agent Job Signon (something like "NT SERVICE\SQLAgent$FIDEV360BI02").
    I could query certain jobs and SUBSTRING the Message column - using some form of the query below, which would return "Executed as user: NT SERVICE\SQLAgent$SSDEVBI02. The step succeeded." But that is pretty imprecise.
    use msdb
    SELECT [JobName] =,
    [Step] = HIST.step_id,
    [StepName] = HIST.step_name,
    [Message] = HIST.message,
    [Status] = CASE WHEN HIST.run_status = 0 THEN 'Failed'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 1 THEN 'Succeeded'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 2 THEN 'Retry'
    WHEN HIST.run_status = 3 THEN 'Canceled'
    [RunDate] = HIST.run_date,
    [RunTime] = HIST.run_time,
    [Duration] = HIST.run_duration,
    [Retries] = HIST.retries_attempted
    FROM sysjobs JOB
    INNER JOIN sysjobhistory HIST ON HIST.job_id = JOB.job_id
    -- WHERE like '%GroupMaster%' or like '%etlv%'
    ORDER BY HIST.run_date, HIST.run_time

    by default all sql jobs are executed as sql server agent account, unless otherwise a proxy is setup.
    you can get the proxy information as Olaf mentioned, if the proxy_id is null for the step, it implies that the job step was executed as sql server service account and in such case it will be null
    so, if it is null, it ran as sql server agent account.
    so, one work around is get the sql server agent service account and if the proxy is null, that means it ran as sql server agent account, so, use isnull function. the disadvantage would be if the sql server agent account was switched, you might not get the
    accurate information as the new account will show up though the job really ran as old account, to get this information, you need to  get this from the logmessage column as you mentioned above.
     try this code...
    /*from sql 2008r2 sp1, you get the service accounts using tsql,otherwise you have to query the registry keys*/
    declare @sqlserveragentaccount varchar(2000)
    select @sqlserveragentaccount= service_account
    from sys.dm_server_services
    where servicename like '%sql%server%agent%'
    select message,isnull(name,@sqlserveragentaccount) as AccountName
    from sysjobhistory a inner join sysjobsteps b
    on a.step_id=b.step_id and a.job_id=b.job_id
    left outer join sysproxies c on c.proxy_id=b.proxy_id
    Hope it Helps!!

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    I am using DB2 database and I need to execute the sql statement
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    Can anyone tell me how to execute this query in java.
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         at First.main(
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    You need a connection to use JDBC stuff. When you have a connection, you are already logged in. There is no need for a query to connect.

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    Hi Scott,
    1) When running queries against a ROLAP cube (using BI Beans or the Excel addin), how can I trace the SQL that is being executed?
    Tracing the SQL that is executed by a session is a fairly well documented process. Basically, you can either enable tracing for your own personal session, or you can enable tracing for someone else's session. See for a pretty definitive writeup, or for example of using trace with OWB (similar sort of concept)
    2) When using a MOLAP cube, its no longer required to "enable" the cube for SQL access. However, my question is, if I want to query it using a standard SQL tool, how do I do this? It doesn't seem like there are any views, etc. that I can query against?
    Best to check with Oracle, but my understanding is that upwards enabled the cube for the OLAP API, not SQL access - the difference being that enabling for OLAP API creates the metadata that the OLAP API requires, which used to be ( < ) stored in the OLAPSYS schema, and is now contained within objects in the AW itself. If you want to enable for SQL access, you'll have to create views using the OLAP_TABLE function as before, although I don't think you need to create the ADTs (abstract datatypes, the object definitions previously required) anymore.

  • How to Execute the row by row sql syntax

    when I execute the below I get the result as attached, how to execute the syntax in each row, Thanks for your help!
    select 'select * into TestSSRS.'+ Table_Name + ' from AdventureWorksDW2008R2.'+ Table_Name FROM [dbo].[Tables_To_Copy]

    Maybe you could store the value of that field in a string variable using a cursor, i expect you dont need to execute this query very often, because using cursor is not always the best option in data sets.
    Sergio Sánchez Arias

  • How can i detach the video from a clip so i can only use the audio when using imovie?

    how can i detach the video from a clip so i can only use the audio when using imovie?

    First, go to iMovie/Preferences and enable the Advanced Tools.
    Import the video clip into an iMovie Event. When you get ready to use it in an iMovie Project, select the clip in the Event and drag & drop it on top of a video or photo clip in the project at the place where you want it to begin. When the pop-up menu appears, choose Audio Only.

  • How can I force mount a dvd that isn't even seen by Disk Utility? I can see it on the Mac when using my Windows 7 partition via Boot Camp, but not in Lion, which is how I would rather be running.

    How can I force mount a dvd that isn't even seen by Disk Utility? I can see it on the Mac when using my Windows 7 partition via Boot Camp, but not in Lion, which is how I would rather be running.

    Well if there is a EFI block, then running a program in OS X isn't going to do a lick of good.
    After all EFI was designed for Trusted Computing and Digital Rights Management, to act between the OS and hardware, can read drives, contact the Internet and everything.
    Windows doesn't use EFI, will have UEFI in Windows 8 though.

  • How to execute the data in the form when the data is already avaliable

    I am working with forms 6i. I have a problem while executing the data in the form
    Actually, the data is already present in the form. But when i run the form, the data is not displayed.
    can anyone please help me how to execute the data. below is the code
    Set_Alert_Property(alert_id,ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT,'Do you want to refresh new Data for that Year and Field ? (it will take a time).') ;
                   SET_ALERT_BUTTON_PROPERTY(alert_id, ALERT_BUTTON1, LABEL, 'Yes');
                   SET_ALERT_BUTTON_PROPERTY(alert_id, ALERT_BUTTON2, LABEL, 'No');
                   SET_ALERT_BUTTON_PROPERTY(alert_id, ALERT_BUTTON3, LABEL, 'Cancel');
                   button_number :=Show_Alert(alert_id) ;
                   if button_number != ALERT_BUTTON3 then
                        if button_number = ALERT_BUTTON1 then
                             :param.field := :control.f_cd;
                             :param.year := :control.year;
    -- areas(:param.field);
                        end if;
                        if button_number = ALERT_BUTTON2 then
                             :exhibits.field_display := :control.f_name || ' - Exhibits';
                        end if;
                   end if;
              end if;
         message('Fields must be entered...');
    end if;
    message('Fields must be entered...');
    end if;

    It's hard to know what logic you are trying to implement.
    However, by looking at your code, it seems that if the user select 'Yes' to the question "Do you want to refresh", nothing is done except the go_block('wet_criterias'). Should there be an 'Execute_Query' ?
    No idea...

Maybe you are looking for

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