How? load imgaes into a movieclip

I like to load some images into movieclip using actionscript. I am doing this because I use flex not flash. Does anybody know how it can be done?

No, that would end up loading over what you already load since you have only the one Loader.  A single Loader can only hold a single loaded file.  So in your loop you need to create new loaders for each image.  You would need to use something more like...
var myArray:Array = ["img1.jpgh","img2.jpg","img3.jpg","img4.jpgh","img5.jpg"];
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
for(var i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){
     var loadit:Loader = new Loader();
     loadit.load(new URLRequest(myArray[i]));
The setInterval code you showed at the end will not work, mainly because the MovieClip you created dynamically does not have anything in frames that you could gotoAndPlay.

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    I understand why you might think I was ignoring your advice,
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    The transition to AS3 is not as easy for some as for others,
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  • Loading video into existing movieclip

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    var video:Video = new Video();
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    ns.client = {onMetaData:ns_onMetaData, onCuePoint:ns_onCuePoint};
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    But i want the movie to be loaded into my movie clip object that already created. How can i do it?

    add the video to your movieclip:
    Warm Regards
    Deepanjan Das

  • How load text into dynamic text boxes from external file?

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    Chris Gannon - Loading XML via AJAX into Adobe Edge
    he uses
    var outputField = $(this.lookupSelector(“xmlOutput”));
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    thanks joel_pau !
    this is helpful in seeing how the array is created, but after giving it a go I became a little confused.
    i wound up trying it again based on the example i linked out to previously, but it's not adding the text from my xml file when previewing.
    here's the code i'm using in edge animate on my stage.  something must be wrong somewhere.  let me know if you have any suggestions on this.
    // insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here
    // here i'm assigning a variable to each one of my textboxes at they're named in my edge animate comp
    var outputField1 = $(this.lookupSelector("helps2"));
    var outputField2 = $(this.lookupSelector("communicate"));
    var outputField3 = $(this.lookupSelector("experience"));
    var outputField4 = $(this.lookupSelector("interact"));
    var outputField5 = $(this.lookupSelector("understand"));
    var outputField6 = $(this.lookupSelector("overcome"));
    var outputField7 = $(this.lookupSelector("flourish"));
    var outputField8 = $(this.lookupSelector("collab"));
    var outputField9 = $(this.lookupSelector("trust"));
    var outputField10 = $(this.lookupSelector("grow"));
    var outputField11 = $(this.lookupSelector("engage"));
    var outputField12 = $(this.lookupSelector("survive"));
    var outputField13 = $(this.lookupSelector("thrive"));
    var outputField14 = $(this.lookupSelector("evolve"));
    var outputField15 = $(this.lookupSelector("connect"));
    var outputField16 = $(this.lookupSelector("achieve"));
        type: "GET",
        url: "myxmlfile.xml",
        dataType: "xml",
        success: function(xml) {
    //here i'm trying to load the the text in my xml file into my textboxes in edge animate.  'txt1, txt2, txt3' are the tags in my xml file
            outputField1 = $(xml).find('txt1').text();
            outputField2 = $(xml).find('txt2').text();
            outputField3 = $(xml).find('txt3').text();
            outputField4 = $(xml).find('txt4').text();
            outputField5 = $(xml).find('txt5').text();
            outputField6 = $(xml).find('txt6').text();
            outputField7 = $(xml).find('txt7').text();
            outputField8 = $(xml).find('txt8').text();
            outputField9 = $(xml).find('txt9').text();
            outputField10 = $(xml).find('txt10').text();
            outputField11 = $(xml).find('txt11').text();
            outputField12 = $(xml).find('txt12').text();
            outputField13 = $(xml).find('txt13').text();
            outputField14 = $(xml).find('txt14').text();
            outputField15 = $(xml).find('txt15').text();
            outputField16 = $(xml).find('txt16').text();
    but nothing happens on preview.  my textboxes still contain the original text that lives in my comp.

  • How to dynamically load images into Flash

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    Use the Loader class to load in images.
    Then use addChild to add the Loader class into your MovieClip
    on the stage.
    As far as &amp;quot;constantly change&amp;quot; what
    do you mean by that? You could use setInterval, ther enterFrame
    event, or any other means to trigger a new image to be loaded into
    the Loader instance.
    Finally, you can use the Tween class to create some nice
    effects for the images (fade it, blur in, photo blend, masks,

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    but I would think there's a more dynamic way. Right now Im stuck at:
    var imageThumbNames:Array = new Array
    function photoLoaded(event:Event):void
        trace ("photo loaded");
        trace (xmlData.Person.length());
        imageThumbNames[photoNumberLoaded] = "image" + photoNumberLoaded;
        var image:Bitmap = as Bitmap;
        image.smoothing = true;
        if (photoNumberLoaded < xmlData.Person.length() && photoNumberLoaded < numberOfThumbs)
            photoNumberLoaded += 1;
    I tried switcing the var "image" with a name from the "imageThumbNames" array but that would've been too easy. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    var thumbLoader1:Loader = new Loader();
    var imageThumbNames:Array = [your image files];  // populate in for-loop
    var photoNumberLoaded:uint=0;
    function photoLoaded(event:Event):void
        trace ("photo loaded");
        trace (xmlData.Person.length());
        //imageThumbNames[photoNumberLoaded] = "image" + photoNumberLoaded;
        var image:Bitmap = as Bitmap;
        image.smoothing = true;
    //not sure if this is the right thing to add to add these loaders to
    photoNumberLoaded += 1;
        if (photoNumberLoaded < xmlData.Person.length() && photoNumberLoaded < numberOfThumbs)
    var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
    function addThumbs(){
    mc["loader_"+photoNumberLoaded]=new Loader();
    var urlR:URLRequest=new URLRequest(imageThumbNames[photoNumberLoaded]);

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    url's in each button.
    Thanks folks.

    are all your swfs using as3 or as2? if as3, you won't be
    loading into a movieclip: you'll use a loader instance and you can
    reference (or communictae with) the loaded as3 objects using the
    content property of your loader once you cast it as a

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    Our site will be built in Actionscript 3.
    1. A navigation menu that, when a button is clicked, will scroll the site quickly to a specific Y position using swfaddress.
    2. The entire site is controlled by a flash scroll bar, which will be scrolling a single movieclip.
        2A. The movieclip will load content corresponding to the navigation categories, all which is organized into zipped files (using this to extract the contents of each section, example: for the about         section of the site)
        2B. The movieclip will load multiple zipped files one by one that correspond to the navigation, in order, making the site appear to be very tall.
    **What we are in need of is understanding how to load multiple zipped files into a movie clip, in a specific order, and having them scroll between one another through the navigation. The separate navigation categories can be in movieclips instead of zipped files if that is easier.
    Here is a reference of something that works like this:

    Hello kglad! I have set aside the idea of using zipped files, and am now just using multiple external swfs that I'd like to load into the movieclip in a specific order. Any thoughts?
    I'm new to AS3, and I'm  attempting to create a scrolling movieclip that will load multiple  external files, in order, into that movieclip. I'm using XML as well. At  this point, nothing is loading into my movieclip (contentMain) and it's  a bit frustrating! Thank you for your help!
    Current error: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method load.
    //XML Loader
    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    myXML.load ("master.xml");
    myXML.onLoad =function(sucess) {
       if (sucess) {
    //load all
         }else {
             trace("ERROR LOADING XML");

  • Controling a loaded swf into movieClip

    i have loaded a {slide swf} into a movieClip .. on stage ..
    using the
    var loader:MovieClipLoader();
    using a button movie clip the is embeded into a seperate swf
    file that is loaded in at run time
    but the {slide swf} is runing a Interval that i need to clare
    ... so is there a way to talk to swf file after you load it into a
    movie Clip how do you address that

    var kglad : Master = new Master();
    Kglad .onReply=function(){
    " you are on to somthing big [ only the second picture fade
    in and thats where it stop ] it deos not seem to bee loading any
    more ... but when you click the next _btn.
    the caption keep changing ... but pictures don't change
    "........ i am sending you a better view of what ihave
    done<<<<<<<<<<start... // create
    var x:XML = new XML();
    x.ignoreWhite = true;
    var urls:Array = new Array();
    var captions:Array = new Array();
    var captions2:Array = new Array();
    var whoIsOn:Number;
    //XMl function
    x.onLoad = function() {
    var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    for (i=0; i<photos.length; i++) {
    caption.text = captions[0];
    caption2.text = captions2[0];
    whoIsOn = 0;
    //Load XML
    // The Button envents
    previous.onRelease = function() {
    if (whoIsOn>0) {
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    next.onRelease = function() {
    if (whoIsOn<urls.length-1) {
    transitionI = setInterval(transitionF, 50, wholsOn);
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    function transitionF(index) {
    if (!fadedOut) {
    holder._alpha -= 4;
    if (holder._alpha<0) {
    fadedOut = 1;
    holder._visible = 0;
    } else {
    if (!loadStart) {
    loadStart = 1;
    if (!loadComplete) {
    if (holder.getBytesLoaded()>0 &&
    holder.getBytesLoaded()>=holder.getBytesTotal()) {
    holder._visible = true;
    loadComplete = 1;
    holder._alpha = 0;
    } else {
    holder._alpha += 4;
    if (holder._alpha>=100) {
    /*next.onRelease = function() {
    if (whoIsOn<urls.length-1) {
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    var s;
    //Experimenting with auto play slide show
    var nInterval:Number;
    function autoPlay() {
    function neXt():Void {
    if (whoIsOn<urls.length-1) {
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    if (whoIsOn == urls.length) {
    whoIsOn = 1;
    function prEv() {
    if (whoIsOn>0) {
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    auto.onRelease = function() {
    nInterval = setInterval(neXt, 2000);
    this._visible = false;
    sTop._visible = true;
    if (whoIsOn<urls.length-1) {
    caption.text = captions[whoIsOn];
    caption2.text = captions2[whoIsOn];
    sTop.onRelease = function() {
    this._visible = false;
    auto._visible = true;
    //try to fade the movieClip holder
    function fade():Void {
    holder._alpha -= 5;
    if (holder._alpha == 20) {
    holder._alpha = 100;

  • How can i load file into database from client-side to server-side

    i want to upload file from client-side to server-side, i use the following code to load blob into database.
    if the file is in the server-side, it can work, but if it in the client-side, it said that the system cannot find the file. i think it only will search the file is in the server-side or not, it will not search the client-side.
    how can i solve it without upload the file to the server first, then load it into database??
    ResultSet rset = null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt =
    conn.prepareStatement ("insert into docs values (? , EMPTY_BLOB())");
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    pstmt.execute ();
    // Open the destination blob:
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    rset = pstmt.executeQuery (
    "SELECT content FROM docs WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE");
    BLOB dest_lob = null;
    if ( {
    dest_lob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB (1);
    // Declare a file handler for the input file
    File binaryFile = new File (fileName);
    FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream (binaryFile);
    // Create an OutputStram object to write the BLOB as a stream
    OutputStream ostream = dest_lob.getBinaryOutputStream();
    // Create a tempory buffer
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length = 0;
    // Use the read() method to read the file to the byte
    // array buffer, then use the write() method to write it to
    // the BLOB.
    while ((length = != -1)
    ostream.write(buffer, 0, length);
    // Close all streams and file handles:
    // Commit the transaction:
    } catch (SQLException e) {

    Without some more details of the configuration, its difficult to know
    what's happening here. For example, what do you mean by client side
    and server side, and where are you running the upload Java application?
    If you always run the application on the database server system, but can't
    open the file on a different machine, then it sounds like a file protection
    problem that isn't really connected with the database at all. That is to
    say, if the new FileInputStream (binaryFile) statement fails, then its not
    really a database problem, but a file protection issue. On the other hand,
    I can't explain what's happening if you run the program on the same machine
    as the document file (client machine), but you can't write the data to the
    server, assuming the JDBC connection string is set correctly to connect to
    the appropriate database server.
    If you can provide some more information, we'll try to help.

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    Hi there mayway3000,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iPod does not play content purchased from the iTunes Store
    -Griff W.

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    Hi ajoddo20,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    You can use Home Sharing to import music and other media from one computer to another. Please use the instructions and information located in the attached article for information on how to complete the process. 
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Use Home Sharing to import items from another iTunes library

  • How can I load data into table with SQL*LOADER

    how can I load data into table with SQL*LOADER
    when column data length more than 255 bytes?
    when column exceed 255 ,data can not be insert into table by SQL*LOADER
    A VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    B VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    C VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    E VARCHAR2 ( 2000 ) );
    control file:
    load data
    append into table A
    fields terminated by X'09'
    (A , B , C , E )
    SQL*LOADER command:
    sqlldr test/test control=A_ctl.txt data=A.xls log=b.log
    column E is more than 255bytes
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)

    Check this out.

  • How to create keyboard for Load Files into Photoshop

    does anyone know if there is a way to create or is there an existing keyboard shortcut to Load Files into Photoshop from Bridge?

    I should have been more specifc.
    Much like in bridge-tools-photoshop-load files into photoshop, I want to load multiple files into a layered photoshop document.
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    Can somebody please help me with this?
    I would appreciate if somebody can share their code in this regard.
    Thank you,

    You can try this code:
    Dim lRetCode As Long
    Dim userTable As SAPbobsCOM.UserTable
    userTable = pCompany.UserTables.Item("My_Table")
    'First row in the @My_Table table
    userTable.Code = "A1"
    userTable.Name = "A.1"
    userTable.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_1stF").Value = "First row value"
    'Second row in the @My_Table table
    userTable.Code = "A2"
    userTable.Name = "A.2"
    userTable.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_1stF").Value = "Second row value"
    This way I have added 2 lines in my table.
    Hope it helps

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