How long for RMA to be processed?

I received an email about 2 weeks ago from MSI RMA department stating they received my P7N Diamond motherboard. Since then, I have not heard any more, does anyone know how long it usually takes to find out the results of what the problem is?

Quote from: jernkar on 16-April-10, 08:32:29
I got this email from MSI RMA today: " We will need to provide you with a refund, please reply back with the invoice. Thank you." Has anyone had any experience with this in a RMA?  Do they want a copy of my original invoice when I bought it on eBay? 
Looks like they can't repair or replace it.
So they want to see the invoice.

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    And the free space avail. on the Start-Up (Macintosh HD) also play an important role.
    For interlaced SD-Video Quality (as on old fat TVs) - I never go less than 25Gb free space (per hour Video)
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    • No other programs running in BackGround e.g. Energy-Saver
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