How Long To Download?

I have taken advantage of the discount on certain games in the App Store.
I am downloading Star Wars Knights Republic, and I have a progress bar in the Launchpad Icon.
Is there a way of setting up the app store so a percentage or remaining time is displayed instead?
I dont have a very good broadband connection here in the UK, unfortunatley the 21st century hasnt reached us yet!!
Many Thanks

Hover your cursor over the Launchpad on your doc. Will tell you all you need.

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    If you were prompted to update your software or tried to update it from the Help menu and the installation does not complete, it may be because the eBook Store is selected in the left pane. To complete the update, do the following:
    1. Cancel the update window that is open.
    2. In the left pane of the Reader Library, click Library .
    3. Once Library is selected, from the Help menu, click Check for Updates .
    4. Click Ok to start the update process again.

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