How streams replicate to a different table?

How can I replicate a shared object from source database to another table that has the different name of the source table ?
anyone who has this experience please give me a example, thanks .

In our environment
OS:solaris 5.9
DB:oracle 10.2.1
we use oracle streams to replicate tables from DB1 to DB2.for example
DB1: table site on test schema,
replicate to
DB2: table site_opc on xxrpt schema
because the shared database object (site) on DB1 have a different name and be in a different schema at the source database and destination database.I try to configure rule-based transformation to convert it.
on destination database(DB2),I execute following
rule_name => 'STRMADMIN.WBXSITE102',
from_table_name => 'test.SITE',
to_table_name => 'XXRPT.SITE_OPC',
step_number => 0,
operation => 'ADD');
After configure capture, propagation on source and apply on destination database, I make a update on source database, but I don't find any change apply on DB2. And I query dba_apply_error, I can't find any error message. Why?

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    Other Table is
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    var data = from emp in db.Employees
    join chk in db.CheckInCheckOuts on emp.ID equals chk.EmpID
    select new EmployeeCheckInOut
    Name = emp.Name,
    ImageUrl = emp.ImageUrl,
    CheckIn = emp.CheckInCheckOuts,
    CheckOut = emp.CheckInCheckOuts
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    Thank you

    Kind of Tables, I don't Know but I can Tell you that these are Two table, first Table Have Data in It, Name, ImageUrl I have filled this table with names and ImageUrls And are string type.Other Table is for the CheckInTime And CheckOutTime of the employee.
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    Use DNL_CUST_CNDALL, this would create the database table in CRM. Also you might need to run other loads corresponding to your scenario like DNL_CUST_CND_PR, DNL_CUST_PRC  etc

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    You can make View Object with Dynamic Select Statement.
    See the detailed instructions in the
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewDef Javadoc for creating a thread-specific view instance at Run time.

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    I have a view created based on Emp table. while querying the employee details i want to display the dept_ description from dept table. how can i do that ??
    Regards Abin

    you mean when you click on a emp table row you want to display dept. description?
    Use the following query in the view so you have all the required information. In the table selectionlistener get the dept. description and display it.
    SELECT distinct E.empno, E.ename, E.sal, D.dname
    FROM dept D, emp E
    WHERE E.deptno = D.deptno
    ORDER BY E.empno;

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    The view link is generally used to relate two view objects together in the AMs data model, for example in a master-detail relationship. If you use them properly, ADF takes care of coordinating master/detail records - for example, ensuring that the detail record has the correct FK to the master record.
    Have you read the Fusion Developers Guide for ADF? [url]This section, for example?

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    The problem is that the way the data is stored in the old tables you cannot write a query that would return it in such a format that you could immediately insert it in the new table without some formatting. Let me illustrate with an example. To pull the data from the old tables I use this query:
         SXML_DOCUMENT_DATA.VALUE As DocumentValue,
    SXML_ELEMENT.NAME As ElementName
    AND     (SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'resource'
         OR SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'resourceType'
         OR SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'commitmentType'
         OR SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'startTime'
         OR SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'endTime'
         OR SXML_ELEMENT.NAME = 'schedulingCoordinator')
    The results from the SQL query above look like this:
    1 | ALAMIT_7_UNIT_1 | resource
    2 | GEN | resourceType
    3 | BRS8 | schedulingCoordinator
    4 | IFM | commitmentType
    5 | 2008-07-29T18:00:00:00 | startTime
    6 | 2008-07-30T00:00:00 | endTime
    7 | ALAMIT_7_UNIT_1 | resource
    8 | GEN | resourceType
    9 | BRS8 | schedulingCoordinator
    10 | IFM | commitmentType
    11 | 2008-07-29T00:00:00 | startTime
    12 | 2008-07-29T04:00:00 | endTime
    and so on. The type of data repeats every 6 records. And the values of each 6 records corresponds to 1 row in the new table, which looks like this:
    schedulingCoordinator | resource | resourceType | commitmentType | startDate | endDate
    1| 1 | 27 | GEN | IFM | 2008-07-29T18:00:00:00 | 2008-07-30T00:00:00
    2| 1 | 27 | GEN | | 2008-07-29T00:00:00 | 2008-07-29T04:00:00
    So hopefully now you see the challenge. It is not as simple as writing a SQL query that returns result rows corresponding 1 to 1 to a row in the new table. Somehow I need to take the first 6 result rows from that big SQL query and put them in the first row of the new table. Then the next 6 and put them in the second row and so on. And also, we are talking about millions of records. What happens if I process the first 2 million and then some error occurs? Do I start from the beginning again? One idea I have is to process the data in chunks, say process 500 results, commit, process another 500, commit, and so on.
    Edited by: 799984 on Oct 11, 2010 9:08 AM

  • How to get records from different tables

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    let suppose 4/1000=250 and now 250 is , match in Product_Price Field in RstProductDetails, and select only Restaurant where 250 is matched. Next when a
    user select Restaurant e.g KFC and then KFC Products details is show.
    Here is my [WebMethod]
        public DataSet Restaurant(decimal amount, decimal persons)
            //       DataSet result = Amount / personHash;
            decimal price = amount / persons ;
            DataSet result = null;
            const string SQL_COMMAND_TEXT = "SELECT Product_Name,Product_Price FROM ABCD WHERE Product_Price<= @price";
            using (SqlConnection connection = Class1.GetConnection())
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SQL_COMMAND_TEXT, connection))
                    command.Parameters.Add("@Rst_Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
                    command.Parameters.Add("@Persons", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
                    command.Parameters.Add("@price", SqlDbType.Int);
                    command.Parameters["@Rst_Name"].Value = amount;
                    command.Parameters["@persons"].Value = persons;
                    command.Parameters["@price"].Value = price;
                    using (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        result = new DataSet();
            return result;

    <Table diffgr:id="Table8" msdata:rowOrder="7">
    <Product_Name>Orange/Tropical Juice Small</Product_Name>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table9" msdata:rowOrder="8">
    <Product_Name>Orange/Tropical Juice Tall</Product_Name>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table10" msdata:rowOrder="9">
    <Product_Price xml:space="preserve"></Product_Price>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table11" msdata:rowOrder="10">
    <Product_Name>Breakfast - Meals</Product_Name>
    <Table diffgr:id="Table16" msdata:rowOrder="15">
    <Product_Name>3 pcs Hot Cakes + Small Cappuccino</Product_Name>
    Sir when i debug mt web services it will show random items which is less than or greater than 325

  • How to make column headers in table in PDF report appear bold while datas in table appear regular from c# windows forms with sql server2008 using iTextSharp

    Hi my name is vishal
    For past 10 days i have been breaking my head on how to make column headers in table appear bold while datas in table appear regular from c# windows forms with sql server2008 using iTextSharp.
    Given below is my code in c# on how i export datas from different tables in sql server to PDF report using iTextSharp:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using iTextSharp.text;
    using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    namespace DRRS_CSharp
    public partial class frmPDF : Form
    public frmPDF()
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
    var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("AssignedDialyzer.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    doc.SetMargins(50, 50, 50, 50);
    doc.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Height));
    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(6);
    table.TotalWidth =530f;
    table.LockedWidth = true;
    PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Institute/Hospital:AIIMS,NEW DELHI", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)));
    cell.Colspan = 6;
    cell.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
    Paragraph para=new Paragraph("DCS Clinical Record-Assigned Dialyzer",FontFactory.GetFont("Arial",16,iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD,BaseColor.BLACK));
    para.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
    iTextSharp.text.Image png = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("logo5.png");
    png.ScaleToFit(105f, 105f);
    png.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=NPD-4\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DRRS;Integrated Security=true");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select d.dialyserID,r.errorCode,r.dialysis_date,pn.patient_first_name,pn.patient_last_name,d.manufacturer,d.dialyzer_size,r.start_date,r.end_date,d.packed_volume,r.bundle_vol,r.disinfectant,t.Technician_first_name,t.Technician_last_name from dialyser d,patient_name pn,reprocessor r,Techniciandetail t where pn.patient_id=d.patient_id and r.dialyzer_id=d.dialyserID and t.technician_id=r.technician_id and d.deleted_status=0 and d.closed_status=0 and pn.status=1 and r.errorCode<106 and r.reprocessor_id in (Select max(reprocessor_id) from reprocessor where dialyzer_id=d.dialyserID) order by pn.patient_first_name,pn.patient_last_name", conn);
    SqlDataReader dr;
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    table.AddCell("Reprocessing Date");
    table.AddCell("Patient Name");
    table.AddCell("No.of Reuse");
    while (dr.Read())
    table.AddCell(dr[3].ToString() +"_"+ dr[4].ToString());
    table.AddCell(dr[5].ToString() + "-" + dr[6].ToString());
    table.AddCell(dr[12].ToString() + "-" + dr[13].ToString());
    table.SpacingBefore = 15f;
    if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes to AssignedDialyzer.pdf before closing?", "DRRS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
    var writer2 = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("AssignedDialyzer.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    else if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes to AssignedDialyzer.pdf before closing?", "DRRS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No)
    The above code executes well with no problem at all!
    As you can see the file to which i create and save and open my pdf report is
    The column headers of table in pdf report from c# windows forms using iTextSharp are
    "Reprocessing Date","Patient Name","Dialyzer(Manufacturer,Size)","No.of Reuse","Verification" and
    However the problem i am facing is after execution and opening of document is my
    column headers in table in pdf report from
    c# and datas in it all appear in bold.
    I have browsed through net regarding to solve this problem but with no success.
    What i want is my pdf report from c# should be similar to following format which i was able to accomplish in vb6,adodb with MS access using iTextSharp.:
    Given below is report which i have achieved from vb6,adodb with MS access using iTextSharp
    I know that there has to be another way to solve my problem.I have browsed many articles in net regarding exporting sql datas to above format but with no success!
    Is there is any another way to solve to my problem on exporting sql datas from c# windows forms using iTextSharp to above format given in the picture/image above?!
    If so Then Can anyone tell me what modifications must i do in my c# code given above so that my pdf report from c# windows forms using iTextSharp will look similar to image/picture(pdf report) which i was able to accomplish from
    vb6,adodb with ms access using iTextSharp?
    I have approached Sound Forge.Net for help but with no success.
    I hope anyone/someone truly understands what i am trying to ask!
    I know i have to do lot of modifications in my c# code to achieve this level of perfection but i dont know how to do it.
    Can anyone help me please! Any help/guidance in solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    I hope i get a reply in terms of solving this problem.

    About iTextSharp component issue , I think this case is off-topic in here.
    I suggest you consulting to compenent provider.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to create a foreign key for the table from two different tables?

    Hi All,
    I have a three table like below. In the below table SAMPLE_CONS_CHECK and SAMPLE_CONS2_CHECK will be having the primary key for NAME column. The same SAMPLE_CONS3_CHECK table also having the primary key for NAME column and forieign key for SAMPLE_CONS_CHECK and SAMPLE_CONS2_CHECK tables. See the below code 2
    code 1:
            (NAME VARCHAR2(10),
            SERIES  VARCHAR2(5)
            (NAME  VARCHAR2(5),
             MODEL  NUMBER
            (NAME  VARCHAR2(5),
             MODEL_NO  NUMBER
            )code 2
    alter table SAMPLE_CONS_CHECK
    add constraint SAMPLE_CONS_CHECK_pk primary key (NAME)
    alter table SAMPLE_CONS2_CHECK
    add constraint SAMPLE_CONS2_CHECK_pk primary key (NAME)
    alter table SAMPLE_CONS3_CHECK
    add constraint SAMPLE_CONS3_CHECK_pk primary key (NAME)
    ) ON DELETE CASCADE;From the above schenario i am able to insert the data to SAMPLE_CONS3_CHECK table. But the parent data is already available in the parent table. The problem is here two different constarints from two different tables. While inserting, it is checking from both the tables whether the parent is exist or not.
    How can i solve this problem? Can anyone halp me about this?
    Edited by: orasuriya on Aug 8, 2009 2:02 AM

    Actually the design is completely incorrect.
    What you say is
    I have
    'foo', 'foo series'
    'foo','foo model'
    By virtue of table3 referring to both table1 and table2.
    This means you actually need to have 1 (one) table:
    'foo','foo series','foo model', 666
    And the 'problem' disappears.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • How can I use create/createInsert for two different tables

    Hi All,
    I am showing different fields in the UI from different tables. I am able to fetch the data from all the tables and able to modify and save the data.
    Now, the problem when I want to create/insert some data into those columns(from different tables) I am facing issues.
    How can I proceed further??

    Hi Shay,
    Thank you very much for your quick response.
    Actually I am totally new in ADF world and I am trying to implement some applications in ADF.
    I created an UI based on some 3 tables(there is foreign key relation between them) and some other tables. I am able to modify and save my application if there is any data in all the tables.
    My Actual issues are
    1) I removed all the data from the tables. There is a submit(CreateInsert) button, what I expected is on click of the button I should see all the fields in editable mode. But I was able to see only few fields and also in readonly mode. So here my issue is how can i create and save these data.
    2) Consider on my landing page I have just CommandLink/CommandButton. After clicking that page I should get the above screen in create mode(I mean to say all fields in editable mode). How can achieve this?
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to use a USER_DATASTORE to index multiple columns in different tables

    I would appreciate if somebody can give an example or point to links with examples on how to use USER_DATASTORE on multiple columns in different tables. THe Oracle Text documentation only shows multiple columns in the same table.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am not sure why your getting the wrong results but you should seriously reconsider the approach your are taking. Using functions like this is very ineffecient and should be avoided at all cost.

  • How to add a cell from 2 different tables in 2 different Matrix(s) that reside on the same rdlc report?

    Hello Community
        Using Visual Studio 2008 I have created a Windows Forms Application in which I created
    Embedded Reports (rdlc).
        The embedded reports (rdlc) uses Matrix(s).
        Now on this one rdlc I have dragged 2 Matrix(s) onto the body.
        One of the Matrix datasource dataset name and table name is "DataSet1_Table1.
        A cells in the Matrix has a total column on the end as follows:
        The other Matrix datasource dataset name and table name is "DataSet2_Table2.
        The cell in this Matrix has a total column on the end as follows:
        As you can see each Matrix has a different table.
        I would like to add the total columns from each table in each Matrix but I haven't been
    able to do it successfully. If I have to drag another Matrix or a Textbox on the
    body to do it that is okay and/or add another/different formula to a cell onto the body that is
    okay too.
        So my question is how can I add the contents of the total in cell from each table in each matrix
    which will create the "grand total"?
        Thank you

    It is possible to reference SSRS elements directly using the ReportItems collection. If your total tablix cell is outside of yoour matrix groups, you can use this collection to accomplish what you want:
    =ReportItems!Matrix1Total.Value + ReportItems!Matrix2Total.Value
    where Matrix1Total and Matrix2Total is the name of the cell that contains your totals. Note that for this to work, the cell name must be unique. If the total cell is inside a group, it will be repeated once for each instance of the group and will not be
    You may be able to do it using the Sum aggregate and specifying the dataset for the scope variable:
    =Sum(Fields!fld1.Value, "DataSet1")+Sum(Fields!fld2.Value,
    This will work as long as you are not filtering the dataset in your Matrix properties. If you are, those
    filters will not apply to this expression and the numbers will not total correctly.
    "You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek." -
    Blind Seer, O Brother Where Art Thou
    Please Mark posts as answers or helpful so that others may find the fortune they seek.

  • How to get only column names from different tables as single table columns

    Hi All,
       I have one requirement in which we want only column names from different tables.
    for example :
     I have three tables T1 ,T2, T3 having
      col1 clo2 clo3 -->  T1 , 
      col3 col5 ,clo6 --> T2 ,
      Clo6 col8 col9 --> T3
    columns i want to get only all  Column names from all table as single Resultset not any data from that how can i get that empty resultset 
    because this empty result i want to bind in datagridview(front end) as Empty resultset 
    Please tell me anyways to do this
    Niraj Sevalkar

    If I understand you want an empty result set, just with metadata. SET FMTONLY do the trick:
    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, ....., Coln
    Another alternative is to include an imposible contition
    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, ....., Coln
    WHERE 1 = 0
    If you are using a SqlDataAdapter in your client application. You can use the FillSchema method. the select command may be any select statement that returns the columns you want. Under the covers FillSchema will call SET FMTONLY ON.
    If you are using SqlCommand.ExecuteReader you can pass SchemaOnly to CommandBehavior argument. SET FMTONLY ON is called under the covers. Again the select command may be any select statement that returns the columns you want.
    "No darás tropezón ni desatino que no te haga adelantar camino" Bernardo Balbuena

  • How to display multiple data from different table in one table? please help

    I got sun java studio creator 2(the separate installation not the one in the net beans)....
    My question is about displaying data that have been taken from the database.... I know how to display data in a table(just click on the table "bind data" )... but my question is that:
    when i want to use a sql statement that taken the data from different table...
    how can i display that data in the table(that will be shown in the web) ??? when i click bind data on the table i can only select one table i can't select more than one....
    1) i'm using the rowset for displaying the data in the table, since the sql statement is depending on a condition(i.e. select a from b where c= ? )...
    2) i mean by different table is that( i.e. select a from table1,table2 )..
    thanks in advance...

    937440 wrote:
    Hi every one, this is my first post in this portal. Welcome to the forum!
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
    I want display the details of emp table.. for that I am using this SQL statement.
    select * from emp where mgr=nvl(:mgr,mgr);
    when I give the input as 7698 it is displaying the corresponding records... and also when I won't give any input then it is displaying all the records except the mgr with null values.
    1)I want to display all the records when I won't give any input including nulls
    2)I want to display all the records who's mgr is null
    Is there any way to incorporate to include all these in a single query..It's a little unclear what you're asking.
    The following query always includes rows where mgr is NULL, and when the bind variable :mgr is NULL, it displays all rows:
    SELECT  *
    FROM     emp
    WHERE     LNNVL (mgr != :mgr)
    ;That is, when :mgr = 7698, it displays 6 rows, and when :mgr is NULL it displays 14 rows (assuming you're using the Oracle-supplied scott.emp table).
    The following query includes rows where mgr is NULL only when the bind variable :mgr is NULL, in which case it displays all rows:
    SELECT     *
    FROM     emp
    WHERE     :mgr     = mgr
    OR       :mgr       IS NULL
    ;When :mgr = 7698, this displays 5 rows, and when :mgr is NULL it displays 14 rows.
    The following query includes rows where mgr is NULL only when the bind variab;e :mgr is NULL, in which case it displays only the rows where mgr is NULL. That is, it treats NULL as a value:
    SELECT     *
    FROM     emp
    WHERE     DECODE ( mgr
                , :mgr, 'OK'
                )     = 'OK'
    ;When :mgr = 7698, this displays 5 rows, and when :mgr is NULL, it displays 1 row.

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