How this file is processed in atg

Hi Guys,
I have file /atg/commerce/payment/paymentPipeline.xml in my layer like this
<pipelinechain name="giftCardObect" transaction="TX_REQUIRED" headlink="createGiftObject">
  <pipelinelink name="createGiftObject" transaction="TX_MANDATORY">
    <processor jndi="/com/commerce/payment/processor/createGiftObject"/>
     <transition returnvalue="1" link="processGiftCardOject"/>
  <pipelinelink name="processGiftCardObject" transaction="TX_MANDATORY">
    <processor jndi="/com/commerce/payment/processor/ProcessGiftCardObejct"/>
in this file i didnot find any xml combine append for appending both xml files
and  also when this processor chain will be called exactly and also how atg identify this file and  process.
Please give me clear clarification.

PaymentPipeline.xml is used be paymentManager to process the payment group.
Coming to ur xml: This is a pipeline chain for payment Group giftCard,(assuming by the name, internally u can name it anything and do anything )
When Payment Manager identifies that ur order contains gift card payment group(If u have selected pay with gift card options), it will invoke this chain to process the payment operations(credit , debit, authorize).
XML Combine:
If element doesn't exists, It's new element and will be appended to file.
If element exists, based on behavior defined in xml-combine (default value append), appropriate action will be taken.
During append top layer property will get priority
For quries about payment manager functioning and how this file is identified and processed.
refer paymentpipeline.xml file in atg

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    I just had the same problem and was able to fix it after trying a couple of things I found after a search.
    The solution that worked for me:
    Find iTunes folder - it should be in C:\Program FIles (x86) or similar depending on your operating system
    Right click the entire folder (no need to open it) and click properties
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    You can create a new one, and then add all of your iTunes music back in by simply dragging the old iTunes music file onto iTunes.
    There are more detailed instructions at
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    If you are having issues with launching iTunes after an update, you may want to take a look at the troubleshooting in the following article:
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    Repair iTunes Security Permissions
    Right-click on your main iTunes folder and click Properties, then go to the Securitytab and click Advanced. Use the Change Permissions... button grant to your account (or the Users group) and SYSTEM full control of this folder, subfolders and files, then tick the option to Replace permissions entries... which will repair permissions throughout the library. When complete switch to the General tab, click in the Read-only check box to clear it, then click Apply.
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    Repeat with the media folder if it isn't stored inside the main iTunes folder.
    If you've brought over the library from another computer you may also want to remove any "mystery" identities (S<string of dashes & digts>) that have come over from the old computer...
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