How to achieve encryption in XI

This is Viswa Guntha i would like to know how to achieve encryption in XI i.e., For example i have an password while the password information is moving to XI. In XI the password XML tag content should deactivate. How to achieve this in outbound proxy.

this is not possible
>>>SXMB_MONI tcode the password xml tag content should deactivate with '*' or '#' or etc.,
your approach is not correct:
- you can view XI data with so many other tools
not only as XML data but also as http data
so what this will not be encrypted?
you have to encrypt it before sending it to XI
this is the only proper solution

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    Edited by: Vinit Ahuja on Jun 16, 2011 3:17 AM

    These are the steps needed to accomplish this:
    1. Import the public certificate in the TrustStore of the OSB Weblogic Server.
    2. Export the public certificate in PEM format. (This will be needed to embed in the custom ws policy)
    3. Create a custom WS policy, with the necessary encryption configuration information. I have placed a sample WS - Policy that I have used @ for your reference.
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    Hi Thanks.
    Even I'm also trying for the same scenario only.
    Actually I have 2 Web Templates.
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    Hi Jessica,
    You can find those option under Rating Settings under Library settings, you can select whether you need to give star rating or Like/Unlike fashion.
    Thanks, Shakir | Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

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    Normally when we do GR we take the cenvat credit by capturing & posting the excise invoice.
    This can be done using the - MIGO or J1IEX.
    So when the Material doc is posted the Part 1 register gets updated with Qty received.
    If we post the excise inv using either MIGO or J1IEX the Part 2 register gets updated.
    Now if you have done both the above then inorder to cancel the excise inv.
    1. You have to cancel the Material Doc (so system wil use the Mov type 102)
    2. Now Post your excise inv using J1IEX so that your Part1 reg will be updated ( i.e you are reversing the Cenvat Credit that you have availed).
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    Make sure that you do the above steps as per the above sequence else system will show the error as you mentioned.
    Hope its clear.

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                                                iv_option = lv_option
                                                iv_low = lv_low
                                                iv_high = lv_high ).
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    <b>You can acheive   this .... first by creating the search help exit    ... by  creating the maintaince  view   then   using it in the   Creation of the search help </b> ...
    see the link for attaching the view   to the serach help .
    <a href="http://"></a>
    reward  points if it is usefull...

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    query condition on a view object and execute the query.
    Then i release the application module. In another struts action I want to get the same application module with the
    viewobject query set.
    Pseudo for Action 1:
    Configuration.createRootApplicationModule("test.bc.AppModule", "AppModuleLocal");
    .. get view object
    .. build and perform the query on the view object.
    Configuration.releaseRootApplicationModule(am, true);
    pseudo for action2:
    Configuration.createRootApplicationModule("test.bc.AppModule", "AppModuleLocal");
    .. get view object with the query stored
    .. use the results.
    Configuration.releaseRootApplicationModule(am, true);
    I cannot make this work. If I put the am from action1 in the session object and retrieves it from the session in action2 it works. But I need to release the appmodule in action 1 since I have no guarantees that the user will run action2..
    I have read the paper of Steve Muench "Understanding Application Module Pooling Concepts and: Configuration Parameters"
    This document says:
    "ADF application modules provides the ability to snapshot and reactivate their pending state to XML (stored on the file system or in the database), and the ADF application module pooling mechanism leverages this capability to deliver a "managed state" option to web application developers that simplifies building applications like the example just given.
    As a performance optimization, when an instance of an AM is returned to the pool in "managed state" mode, the pool keeps track that the AM is referenced by that particular session. The AM instance is still in the pool and available for use, but it would prefer to be used by the same session that was using it last time because maintaining this so-called "session affinity" improves performance.
    I have set my bc4j configurations to
    releasmode = STATEFUL
    jbo.passivationstore = databse
    jbo.server.internal_connection= my jdbc connection
    But the appmodule returned in action2 is not the same as the one returned in action1.
    I am using jdev 9052 and deploying to oc4j 904 standalone.
    I guess I have to use som other commands for retrieving/ releasing the AM or set some properties on it, but I have not found any documentation for this.
    Any tips on how to achieve this bc4j session state to work in a plain struts , bc4j environment is appreciated.

    The Configuration.createRootApplicationModule() and companion releaseRootApplicationModule() API's are not for use in web applications. They are designed for use by simple command-line console programs.
    Using the BC4J application module pool programmatically in a web environment should be done like the JDeveloper 9.0.3/9.0.4 "Pooling" sample illustrates.
    In the JDev 9.0.3 or 9.0.4 version, see the sample project under ./BC4J/samples/Pooling
    Hope this helps.

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    Login to switch & go to interface..
    There you can give tags.. (ISL & DONT1Q)
    Command switch-port mode trunk
    Switch-port trunk encapsulation ssl or dot1Q

  • How to Achieve this in SQL Query?

    How to Achieve this ?
    I have a table with numeric value populated like this
    create table random_numeral (numerals Number(10));
    insert into random_numeral values (1);
    insert into random_numeral values (2);
    insert into random_numeral values (3);
    insert into random_numeral values (4);
    insert into random_numeral values (5);
    insert into random_numeral values (6);
    insert into random_numeral values (56);
    insert into random_numeral values (85);
    insert into random_numeral values (24);
    insert into random_numeral values (11);
    insert into random_numeral values (120);
    insert into random_numeral values (114);
    I want to display the data as follows
    col1 / col2 / col3
    1 / 2 / 3
    4 / 5 / 6
    11 / 24 / 56
    85 / 114 / 120
    Can anyone Help me?

    I hope there might be some simple way to do this and waiting for experts to reply.
    Try the below query.
    SQL> select * from random_numeral;
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select a.numerals ||' / '||b.numerals||' / '||c.numerals from
      2          (select numerals,rownum rn1 from
      3          (
      4              select numerals,mod(row_number() over(partition by 1 order by numerals),3)
      5              from random_numeral
      6          )
      7          where rn=1) a,
      8          (select numerals,rownum rn1 from
      9          (
    10              select numerals,mod(row_number() over(partition by 1 order by numerals),3)
    11              from random_numeral
    12          )
    13          where rn=2) b,
    14          (select numerals,rownum rn1 from
    15          (
    16              select numerals,mod(row_number() over(partition by 1 order by numerals),3)
    17              from random_numeral
    18          )
    19          where rn=0) c
    20  where   a.rn1=b.rn1(+)
    21  and b.rn1=c.rn1(+)
    22  /
    1 / 2 / 3
    4 / 5 / 6
    11 / 24 / 56
    85 / 100 / 114
    120 / 140 /

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    Budget Available
    Allot Budget
    Unused Budget
    Decision for unused budget
    User Input
    User Input
    User Input
    User Input
    User Input
    Add to Location
    Use for Future Project
    Add to Region
    Spend as Bonus
    How to achieve this tree table ?
    My client wants that they should also be able to manage budge at Location or region level not only at the leaf(Dept) level.
    I did a lot of research and finally found out that the details can only printed at the leaf(Dept) level.......
    We can not hard code Region, locations and departments in table rows. When table tree is displayed we will only show all the regions... (US, UK, SA, IND, AUS, CAN,RUS, JPN.... etc..)
    For Example:
    Locations for US (NY, CA, OKH, WC...... etc.)
    Locaitons for UK (SC, ENG, WL..... etc)  and so on......
    Departments for CA (HR, IT, ADMIN, FIN, TRVL, OPRN........ etc. ..)
    Thanks in advance... It will be really great help if I get some breakthrough...

    what if you add a transient attribute to those view objects? This way you don't need to change the table structure.

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  • How to achieve following scenario through Payment term

    Hello All,
    Our Client wants the Following scenario to be achieved through payment terms in the system:
    30 Days Due Net 20th of the subsequent month
    If an invoice gets posted on 01.04.2011- The Invoice should get overdue on 20.05.2011
    If an Invoice gets posted on 25.04.2011t the invoice should get posted on 20.06.2011 (20th June)
    Can anybody suggest how to achieve this.

    in OBB8, you Create a Payment Term Varian eg. G001.
    1. to achieve your 1 requirment do create as following.
    Give Day Limit as 24 and in (Default for Baseline date -you can select document date or posting date as per your requirment)
    you can Select either Vendor or customer as Per your Requirment.
    Under Payment Terms give 20 under Fixed date and 1 under Addtional can give Own explanation as Due  on the 20th of  Next month. Save it.
    2. to achieve your 2 requirment create as below
    copy the Variant G001 and change the DAY Limit as 31
    Under Payment Terms give 25 under Fixed date and 2 under Addtional can give Own explanation as  Due on the 25th of  the Following month
    by the above way you can achieve your requirments.
    Wht Happens once you create a payment term as above is for  the invoices posted on or before 24th , the due date will be 20th of next month and for the invoices posted inbetween 25 to 31 ,the due date will be 25 of the following Month. save it
    Please Let me know if you still have any doupts.

  • How to achieve parent-child relationship using self join?

    my table structure is as follows
    parent child name
    -1     1     A1
    1     2     A2
    1     3     A3
    how to achieve the hierarchy model using self join. this can be easily achieved using "connect by prior". but how to achieve the same using self join?

    Yes, that's definitely possible. If you only need to display two levels from the hierarchy, a self-join is a good option. Make it an outer join if you need to show everyone on one level, regardless of whether they have a match on the other level or not; for example, if you want the output:
    child_name     child_id     parent_name     parent_id
    A1          1
    A2          2          A1          1
    A3          3          A1          1It's good that you posted some sample data. Now post the results you want from that data, and your query (what you think is the best attempt you've made so far). If you haven't tried anything so far, then look at some other simple self-join to get ideas.

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