How to add a 2D result array to the result database?

I am using Teststand 3.5 and I am about to create a Labview VI that will measure the gain response of a receiver. This VI will output it as an 2D-Array and I would like to save it to my access result database, to be able to use that data for displaying a graph in my excel report.
I am new to teststand and I already know how to add a 2D-array to a report but don't really know how to add this information to the database. I read the provided manuals and searched the forums but didn't find anything that was really helpful. AFAIK I can add numerics and strings to the database just by adding a string value or numeric limit test but when it comes to arrays (especially 2D), I have no idea how to do that. I only know (or guess) that I have to add a new  table to my database, edit the schema and the Database.seq.
I appreciate any help!

Sometimes forum posts make you research a particular functionality of TestStand and lead you to discover how powerfull TestStand can be.  This is one of these cases.  I thought that in order to save 2D arrays in TestStand we would have to customize many different aspects of the application only to learn that the functionality is fully implemented already!
First, you will have to create a new step type that contains a 2D array in the Step.Result properties.
Second, in order to save a 2D array into a database, use the Binary Column Type in your table.  To do this, create a new table with the following properties:
Type: Recordset
Command text: "SELECT * from [Table Name]"
Apply to: Step Result
Types to Log: [Step type with which you are acquiring your 2D array]
Lock Type: Optimistic
The rest of the properties can be left with their default values.  Once you have your table, add an ID column as your primary key, and a second column that will contain the 2D array.  This column should have the following properties:
Type: Binary
Size: 1.5 times the size of your array in bytes
Expected Properties: Logging.StepResult.[Property Containing the Array]
Expression: Logging.StepResult.[Property Containing the Array]
The rest of the properties can be left with their default values.  In order to see the values stored in the database, open the Database Viewer to the particular table and right click on the field which will show a value of "Binary Data".  Right click on the value and select Evaluate Data.  The View Binary Data window will let you see all the values stored in the array.
Santiago D

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    import java.awt.event.*;
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    fileMenu.add(jmiSil = new JMenuItem("Sil", 'S'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiCikis = new JMenuItem("Cikis", 'C'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiAnaliz = new JMenuItem("Analiz", 'D'));
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    kullanimMenu.add(jmiKullanim = new JMenuItem("Kullanim"));     
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    getContentPane().add(jta2 = new JTextArea(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
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    else if ("Sil".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Cikis".equals(actionCommand))
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    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta1.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    // Temizle tusunun hangi ekranlara etki edecegini secme
    private void Sil()
    private void sayim()
    int buff;
    int sayac = 0;
    int Cumleler = 0;
    int Kelimeler = 0;
    int Karakterler = 0;
    int Satirlar = 0;
    int Rakamlar = 0;     
    boolean start = true;
    int linenum = 0;     
    FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(hafizada);
    FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(aktarilan);
         BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(hafizada)));
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outstream);
         out.println("---Kelime Avcisinin Sonuclari---");
         String line = infile.readLine();
         while (line != null){
         int len = line.length();
         line = infile.readLine();
         out.println("Line Length :"     + linenum + "\t" +len);
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    case '?': case '.': case '!': /* Eger "?", "." veya "!" gorurse program cumleleri ve kelimeleri arttirir*/
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    start = true;
    case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case ';': case ':': case'\"': case'\'': /* Eger /t,;:\ ve \" bu isarteleri goruruse program kelimeleri arttirir */
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
              case 'n': case '\n': /* Eger \n gorurse satirlari arttirir */
              if (start == false)
                   start = true;
    if (((char)buff >= 'a' && (char)buff<='z')|| /*a-z, A-Z veya - degerlerini gorurse karakterler arttirilir */
    ((char)buff >= 'A' && (char)buff<='Z')||
    ((char)buff == '-'))
    if ((Kelimeler % 50) == 49)
    if (start == true)
    out.print((Kelimeler+1) + " ");
    start = false;
              if ((char)buff >='0' && (char)buff <='9') {  /* 0-9 gorurse rakamlari arttiri */
                   Rakamlar++; }
    }// switch
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         out.println("Kelime sayisi: " + Kelimeler);
    out.println("Cumle sayisi: " + Cumleler);
         out.println("Satir sayisi: "+ Satirlar);
         out.println("Rakam sayisi: "+ Rakamlar);
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(aktarilan));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta2.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
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    using System.Linq;
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    12 13
    Error 2
    Type expected C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\switch_Statement\Program.cs
    12 24
    Error 3
    Method must have a return type C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    12 9
    Error 4
    Type expected C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    12 20
    Error 5
    Invalid token 'if' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    16 9
    Error 6
    Invalid token '10' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    16 16
    Error 7
    Type expected C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    16 16
    Error 8
    Invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    18 35
    Error 9
    A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods
    C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    20 10
    Error 10
    Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
    C:\Users\PVS\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Lesson01\ifelse_Statement\Program.cs
    30 1
    Error 11
    The type or namespace name 'n' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    c:\users\pvs\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\lesson01\ifelse_statement\program.cs
    16 12
    Error 12
    'System.Console.WriteLine(string, params object[])' is a 'method' but is used like a 'type'
    c:\users\pvs\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\lesson01\ifelse_statement\program.cs
    18 26

    static void Main(string[] args){
    public static void TestIfElse(int n)
    if (n < 10)
    Console.WriteLine("n is less than 10");
    else if (n < 20)
    Console.WriteLine("n is less than 20");
    else if (n < 30)
    Console.WriteLine("n is greater than or equal to 30");
    Fouad Roumieh

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    You cannot define a payment type as that is based on a lookup defined under the navigation Setup>lookup>Payables.
    This look up access level is System whihc implies it does not allow user level values to be defined.
    So you have to use the available payment types,
    Manish Jain.

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    k number(16,3);
    k:=fun1('(45+22)*78/23'); where fun1 execute and translate to number the string.
    Does exist a function like fun1 ??
    How can we do ?

    this is the code that does the job:
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    2 ch VARCHAR2(20) :='22+10' ;
    3 i NUMBER ;
    4 BEGIN
    5 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || ch || ' from dual' INTO i;
    6 dbms_output.put_line ('i = ' || TO_CHAR(i));
    7 END ;
    8 /
    i = 32
    Procédure PL/SQL terminée avec succès.
    just you have to do is to create a small stored function that take the string to calculate and return the number result

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    How does Endeca return these implicit dimensions in the result set in such scenarios?Check out: Navigation.getCompleteDimensions() or Navigation.getCompleteDimGroups()

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    Is it based on any of the result sources defined on site or site collection settings?
    Thank you,

    Hi allan48,
    The osssearchresult.aspx result is based on the result sources defined in the Site Settings->Search Result Sources.
    The by default result sources in Manage Result Sources is “Local SharePoint Result”, I have site without video items, when I change the result sources to “Local Video Result”, I have search result in my search result page ossearchresult.aspx,
    please have a try on this.
    The result source is a definition that specifies the following:
    A search provider or source URL to get search result form.
    A protocol to use to get search result.
    A query transform, which can narrow results from the given search provider or URL to a specified subset.
    To get better understanding about this, I would suggest you to go through the following article, Understanding result sources for search in SharePoint Server 2013:
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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