How to add a new line in SMS(Line Break).

Hi All,
I need to send SMS from PL\SQL Procedure
The problem i have been facing is that the string being passed in as sms content is not parsing a newline character.
It shows all content in one line.
I need to break them in several lines.
Give me a direction how to add a new line in SMS.

Sure, Here it is
sender          VARCHAR2(1000);
recipient     VARCHAR2(1000);
message          VARCHAR2(4000);
sub          VARCHAR2(1000)     := 'HELLO';
dt1          varchar2(1000)     := to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY');
mailhost     VARCHAR2(30) := '';     
mail_conn     UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
v_crlf VARCHAR2(2) := CHR(13)||CHR(10);
CURSOR cur_Rejection_Records IS
               SELECT DISTINCT
                    rt.VENDOR_SITE_ID               ,
                    pvs.email_address     VENDOR_MAIL_ID     ,
                    pvs.PHONE          vendor_contact_no ,
                    hre.EMAIL_ADDRESS     Employee_mail_id ,
               FROM apps.rcv_transactions      rt,
                    apps.po_vendors           pv,
                    apps.po_vendor_sites_all     pvs,
                    apps.mtl_transaction_reasons mtr,
                    apps.fnd_user          fu,
                    apps.hr_employees          hre     
               WHERE transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
               --AND        TRUNC(rt.transaction_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
               AND     rt.vendor_id          = pv.vendor_id
               AND     rt.vendor_site_id     = pvs.vendor_site_id
               AND     rt.REASON_ID          = mtr.REASON_ID(+)
               AND fu.user_id          = rt.last_updated_by
               AND hre.EMPLOYEE_ID     = fu.EMPLOYEE_ID
               AND TRANSACTION_ID IN (
     FOR rec_Rejection_Records IN cur_Rejection_Records
          sender     := '<[email protected]>';
          recipient     := rec_Rejection_Records.vendor_contact_no || '';
          mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(mailhost, 8025);
          utl_smtp.helo(mail_conn, mailhost);
          utl_smtp.mail(mail_conn, sender);
          utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, recipient);
          utl_smtp.DATA(     mail_conn,
                              'Date: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || utl_tcp.crlf ||
                              'From: ' || sender     || utl_tcp.crlf ||
                              'Subject: '|| sub     || utl_tcp.crlf ||
                              'To: ' || recipient || utl_tcp.crlf ||
                              utl_tcp.crlf ||
                              'Dear Supplier,'||CHR(10)|| utl_tcp.crlf ||'\\\0x0A'|| -- HERE I NEED LINE BREAK
                              'Please.'|| utl_tcp.crlf                          
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Yep !!! SMS Sent Sucessfully :) ');
                    dbms_output.put_line('Error - ' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM);
                    dbms_output.put_line('Error - ' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM);
     END LOOP;

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    Hi Ferry,
    Many thanks for the reply. But i still have the question, seems the user exit 'USEREXIT_CHECK_VBEP' in 'MV45AFZB' is used for addtional checks on the schedule line, my questions is how to add a new schedule line? It maybe very difficult. so is it possible to change the configurable Sales order's Finish Date for it's production order, and force it to generate a new schedule line?

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    Use the program SAPMV45A & the screen number provided by SAP is 8459.If you activate this screen and include the screen in 4462.
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    If that field which you wants to add is available in one of the structures like EKKO,EKPO then you can add that field just beside the other fields
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Data;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
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    public frmPDFTechnician()
    private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
    var writer= PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("Technician22.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    doc.SetMargins(50, 50, 50, 50);
    doc.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Height));
    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(7);
    table.LockedWidth = true;
    PdfPTable inner = new PdfPTable(1);
    inner.WidthPercentage = 115;
    PdfPCell celt=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Paragraph("Institute/Hospital:AIIMS,NEW DELHI",FontFactory.GetFont("Arial",14,iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD,BaseColor.BLACK))));
    Paragraph para = new Paragraph("DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK));
    para.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.TITLE;
    iTextSharp.text.Image png = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("logo5.png");
    png.ScaleToFit(95f, 95f);
    png.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
    SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection("Data Source=NPD-4\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DRRS;Integrated Security=true");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select t.technician_id,td.Technician_first_name,td.Technician_middle_name,td.Technician_last_name,t.technician_dob,t.technician_sex,td.technician_type from Techniciandetail td,Technician t where td.technician_id=t.technician_id and td.status=1", conn);
    SqlDataReader dr;
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    table.AddCell("First Name");
    table.AddCell("Middle Name");
    table.AddCell("Last Name");
    table.AddCell("DOB" );
    while (dr.Read())
    table.SpacingBefore = 15f;
    The code executes well with no problem and get all datas from tables into table in PDF report from c# windows forms.
    But here is my problem how can i align Title(DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise) center of pdf report with image named:logo5.png immediately coming to it's right?.
    As the problem i am facing is my title or Header(DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise) is at top of my image named:logo5.png and not coming to it's center position of my image.
    Second the problem i am facing is how to add new entire row to top of existing table in pdf report from c# windows form using iTextSharp?.
    given in below is the row and it's data . So how do i add the given below row and it's data to my top my table in pdf report from c# windows forms using itextsharp?
    as you can see how i create my columns in table in pdf report and populate it with sql server data. Given the code below:
    Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
    var writer= PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("Technician22.pdf", FileMode.Create));
    doc.SetMargins(50, 50, 50, 50);
    doc.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LETTER.Height));
    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(7);
    table.LockedWidth = true;
    Paragraph para = new Paragraph("DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK));
    para.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.TITLE;
    iTextSharp.text.Image png = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("logo5.png");
    png.ScaleToFit(95f, 95f);
    png.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
    SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection("Data Source=NPD-4\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DRRS;Integrated Security=true");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select t.technician_id,td.Technician_first_name,td.Technician_middle_name,td.Technician_last_name,t.technician_dob,t.technician_sex,td.technician_type from Techniciandetail td,Technician t where td.technician_id=t.technician_id and td.status=1", conn);
    SqlDataReader dr;
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    table.AddCell("First Name");
    table.AddCell("Middle Name");
    table.AddCell("Last Name");
    table.AddCell("DOB" );
    while (dr.Read())
    table.SpacingBefore = 15f;
    So my question is how to make my column headers in bold?
    So these are my questions.
    1. how can i align Title(DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise) center of pdf report with image named:logo5.png immediately coming to it's right?.
    2. how do i add the given below row and it's data to my top my table in pdf report from c# windows forms using itextsharp? to make my column headers in bold?
    I know that i have to do some modifications to my code but i dont know how to do it. Can anyone help me please.
    Any help or guidance in solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    >>1. how can i align Title(DCS Clinical Report-Technician wise) center of pdf report with image named:logo5.png immediately coming to it's right?.
    2. how do i add the given below row and it's data to my top my table in pdf report from c# windows forms using itextsharp? to make my column headers in bold?<<
    I’m sorry for the issue that you are hitting now.
    This itextsharp is third party control, for this issue, I recommended to consult the control provider directly, I think they can give more precise troubleshooting.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Thank you Erland for the reply.
    Yes, it's sounds as possible solution but has some not resolvable nuance in it. Let's say we copied some data from Node5 to new added Node6. Let's assume in Node5 we had data in Table1 with partitioning column's values 100,101,102,103,104,105,106.  Now
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    be used to get data from.
    Now when we copied part of the Node5.Table1 rows to Node6.Table1 the views are still using the 103-106 rows from Node5.Table1 because the CHECK points there. Then we include the newest Node6.Table1 in the distributed partitioning views. OK, but we should
    set some CHECK on new Node6.Table1 which will be used by views. We can't set intersecting checking like Node5 has CHECK 100-106 and Node6 has CHECK 103-106. We also can't edit Node5 check and set it 100-102 untill the data will be removed in it. But this means
    that the data will not be available during the execution. 
    So, any ideas ?

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    If i have understood correctly, this is not a problem of TextWrangler, and the same encodings are available systemwide.
    So, the question is: how to add new encodings to Tiger (or to Mac OS in general)?

    I think possibly that's in the Get Info window of Finder?
    I don't think either that or the input menu have any effect on available encoding choices. Adding languages to system prefs/international/languages can do that, but once you have added Russian there, I don't know of any way to add an additional Russian encoding (there are quite a number of them).

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    There is no out of the box configuration available to add columns to NPD action items.   As always we welcome enhancement requests. 

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    Hai      venkateshwar reddy ,
    try with these user exits
    MGA00001 Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
    MGA00002 Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
    MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
    Refer these steps also

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        Could you tell me how to add a new tab for the project?
        Pls refer to the screenshot as below:
    Xinling Zhang

        The new tab in cj20n , and the new tab can only be displayed in the highed level.Pls refer to below
        And in cj02, there is no this tab also in the wbs detailed screen,

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    "Urgent" is not relevant to the question. Your question is no more important than anybody elses.
    My answer in this posting show a limited solution:
    Otherwise I suggest you try using a layered pane approach:

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    How to add a new data element for existing table field(Primary key field)
    For this filed ther is no foreign key relation ships and even check table.
    while activating table it is giving message like below.
    can you help any one to solve this and wil steps to add new dataelement for existing primary key filed of a table.
    Check table (NAMING SPACE/TABLE NAME(EX:/TC/VENDOR)) (username/19.02.10/03:29)           
    Primary key change not permitted for value table /TC/VENDOR
    Check on table  /TC/VENDOR resulted in errors              

    Easiest way is to download the table eg into an Excel table (if possible) or text table. Drop the table from the database. Build your table with the new key field. Build the database table again and fill it.
    You can do it also over the database into a new table. Drop the old one. Build the enhanced one and fill it. Afterwards drop your (temporary) table.
    Maybe there are other ways, but this works.

  • How to add a new element to a model node in the view controller?

    View Context
    myNode is a web service model node. How to add a new element to this node?
    Edited by: Hui Wang on Feb 15, 2008 12:05 PM

    Sudhir Gorantla wrote:>
    > Hi,
    > myNode
    > attri1
    > attri2
    > IMyNodeElement ele=wdContext.myNode().createMyNodeElement();
    > ele.setAttri1("");
    > ele.setAttri2("");
    > wdContext.nodeMyNode().addElement(ele);
    > Regards,
    > Sudhir
    Hi we need a model as an input parameter when creating a element for a model node. How to get the instance of the model?

  • How to add a new url link in a view of an existing webdynpro component?

    How to add a new url link in a view of an existing webdynpro component?

    hi ,
    refer SAP online hep :
    Implementing Enhancements in a View
    To enhance the layout of the view, you can create new UI elements. This procedure is no different u2013 from a technical viewpoint u2013 from creating UI elements in components themselves. All UI elements created within the enhancement implementation can then be processed as usual.
    Enhancements  means inserting user developments into SAP development objects at predefined positions.
    The Enhancement Framework enables you to add functionality to standard SAP software without actually changing the original repository objects, and to organize these enhancements as effectively as possible.
    refernce :
    have a look at this article
    How to Create Enhancement Implementation in Web Dynpro ABAP
    as pointed correctly by Saurav in earlier thread

  • How to add a new char in Update rule

    Hi Gurus:
    I copied update rules from an old cube. This new cube is a copy of old cube - almost.
    One of the char is missing in the new cube when compared to old cube. There is a small update routine for that char which I need to introduce to new cube.
    My problem is, I'm not able to figure out how to add the new char in the update rule & start the mapping process..
    Thanks & Regards

    Dear Bhanu: This is what happened.
    When I copied - it defaulted this char with what present in comm structure. Basically the old cube has a routine for this char...
    And the position of this char in the update rule for realigned.
    I'm sorry - I should have check it properly.
    Thanks a LOT for your time & input...I will assign the points
    Best Regards

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