How to adjust the height of the tracks in timeline mode

I am trying to find my way around PE 10, have had the program for years but not used it. (I am using Win 7 on a 15" laptop, screen resolution is 1920x1080, 16 GB Ram, 4GB video RAM.) I took some video on vacation, in some clips there is a lot of wind noise. I know how to adjust the volume using key frames, but the tracks are only about ¼" wide making adjustment just about impossible. Full volume to zero is just a small fraction of an inch. I can zoom in on the track, but this doesn't make the track wider. Is there any way to do this?

Actually, I wanted to do this in a static table.
Just now, I learnt that this feature is not available in 12.0 as well as in other previous versions.
However, this will be implemented in Release 12.1.

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    I think I've offered enough detail so others can try to duplicate the issue. If not, let me know and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. Thanks so much for any help offered.
    ~ wkothlow

    You can double the height of the menu bar area using a custom style rule. I couldn't immediately find an icon that would take advantage of the space so I'm not sure this will solve the problem, but you could try it.
    The custom style rule could be as simple as:
    @namespace url(;
    /* double height (from 2x to 4x the 13px base font size) */
    height:4em !important;
    (Result shown in the screen shot, using the preview feature of the Stylish extension.)
    You can apply custom style rules to Firefox's UI using either of these methods:
    (1) Create or edit a userChrome.css file. This article has more information:
    (2) Use the Stylish extension:
    Since I don't have this theme to test myself, if this doesn't work well, you might contact the theme author using the theme's support thread, which is on an independent forum:

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    Height of a container needs to be determined by the content inside it.  If your site visitors increase text size in their browser, and you have explicit height values expressed in your CSS, your page could fall apart or become unusable.
    For better answers, we need to see your page.  Can you post a link?
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Hi Josh
    You must be someone that dearly loves digging into code.
    The simplest way to adjust the buttons is to use the built in Skin Editor.
    Hmmm, and in writing that response it occurs to me that you haven't exactly advised which of the outputs you are creating. The skin editor I'm referring to is the WebHelp skin editor. To open it, click View > Pods > Project Set-up. Once that pod is open you should see the Skins folder. Expand that and double-click the skin you are using to open and edit it using the skin editor.
    Cheers... Rick

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    There is no way to do this, it is designed to be strictly landscape with keyboard, portrait without - not the best thought-out phone on the market, mainly geared towards compulsive texters and e-mailers.
    There's no way to know whetherNokia will change this with any future updates, perhaps you should make the recommendation to them directly using the 'contact us' link.

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    Set your columns back to one for the moment. In layout mode, insert a Text box. Place it in the upper left corner of your document, and drag down and right to the size of the container for your two columns. Click inside the Text Box, and now bump up your columns to 2. Your two columns are now contained in this resizable Text Box.

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    m_SpecifyCombo.SetItemHeight(-1,20);//CCombobox m_SpecifyCombo
    After increasing the height the text in the combobox is not in the centre as shown in the below image,
    But I want the text to be centred as shown in the below image.
    Code snippet for owner drawn combobox:
    #if !defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    #define AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_
    #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
    #pragma once
    #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
    typedef enum {FONTS} STYLE; //Why have I enumerated, Cos, Maybe I might want something other than Fonts here
    class COwnerDrawCombo : public CComboBox
    // Construction
    COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE);
    // Attributes
    void SetHilightColors (COLORREF hilight,COLORREF hilightText)
    m_clrHilight = hilight;
    m_clrHilightText = hilightText;
    void SetNormalColors (COLORREF clrBkgnd,COLORREF clrText)
    m_clrNormalText = clrText;
    m_clrBkgnd = clrBkgnd;
    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData);
    void FillFonts ();
    int GetSelFont (LOGFONT&);
    // Operations
    // Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
    virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct);
    virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
    // Implementation
    virtual ~COwnerDrawCombo();
    // Generated message map functions
    STYLE m_enStyle;
    COLORREF m_clrHilight;
    COLORREF m_clrNormalText;
    COLORREF m_clrHilightText;
    COLORREF m_clrBkgnd;
    BOOL m_bInitOver;
    void DrawDefault (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void InitFonts ();
    afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
    afx_msg void OnDestroy();
    afx_msg long OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM);
    // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
    #endif //!defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    // OwnerDrawCombo.cpp : implementation file
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "combobox.h"
    #include "OwnerDrawCombo.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    #define WM_INITFONTS (WM_USER + 123)
    //I chose 123 cos nobody might use the same exact number.. I can improve this by use RegisterWindowMessage..
    // COwnerDrawCombo
    //Initial values of the text and highlight stuff
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver = FALSE;
    COwnerDrawCombo::COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE enStyle)
    m_enStyle = enStyle;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver =FALSE;
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COwnerDrawCombo, CComboBox)
    // COwnerDrawCombo message handlers
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
    //I might want to add something else someday
    switch (m_enStyle)
    case FONTS:
    //I dont need the MeasureItem to do anything. Whatever the system says, it stays
    void COwnerDrawCombo::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS)
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDIS->hDC);
    CRect rect;
    TRACE0 ("In Draw Font\n");
    // draw the colored rectangle portion
    pDC->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
    if (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrHilight);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrHilightText);
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrBkgnd);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrNormalText);
    if ((int)(lpDIS->itemID) < 0) // Well its negetive so no need to draw text
    CString strText;
    GetLBText (lpDIS->itemID,strText);
    CFont newFont;
    CFont *pOldFont;
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfHeight = 90; //9 point size
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfWidth = 0;
    newFont.CreatePointFontIndirect ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData);
    pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject (&newFont);
    pDC->DrawText(strText, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
    pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont);
    newFont.DeleteObject ();
    void COwnerDrawCombo::InitFonts ()
    CDC *pDC = GetDC ();
    ResetContent (); //Delete whatever is there
    EnumFonts (pDC->GetSafeHdc(),NULL,(FONTENUMPROC) EnumFontProc,(LPARAM)this);//Enumerate
    m_bInitOver = TRUE;
    BOOL CALLBACK COwnerDrawCombo::EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData)
    if (dwType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) //Add only TTF fellows, If you want you can change it to check for others
    int index = ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->AddString(lplf->lfFaceName);
    lpLF = new LOGFONT;
    CopyMemory ((PVOID) lpLF,(CONST VOID *) lplf,sizeof (LOGFONT));
    ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->SetItemData (index,(DWORD) lpLF);
    return TRUE;
    int COwnerDrawCombo::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
    return -1;
    // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0);
    return 0;
    long COwnerDrawCombo::OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM)
    InitFonts ();
    return 0L;
    void COwnerDrawCombo::OnDestroy()
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    int nCount;
    nCount = GetCount ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    delete ((LOGFONT*)GetItemData (i)); //delete the LOGFONTS actually created..
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here
    void COwnerDrawCombo::FillFonts ()
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0); //Process in one place
    int COwnerDrawCombo::GetSelFont (LOGFONT& lf)
    int index = GetCurSel ();
    if (index == LB_ERR)
    return LB_ERR;
    LPLOGFONT lpLF = (LPLOGFONT) GetItemData (index);
    CopyMemory ((PVOID)&lf, (CONST VOID *) lpLF, sizeof (LOGFONT));
    return index; //return the index here.. Maybe the user needs it:-)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::PreSubclassWindow()
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    //Tried to do what Roger Onslow did for the button.. Did not work..?? Any R&D guys around :-)
    Can anyone please let me know how can I achieve this.
    Any help can be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi sivavuyyuru,
    I cannot find a easy way to make this.
    I think you may need to draw your own Combo Box control. And you could change the edit control more like static text. Check the article:
    In the resource editor, Owner draw -> variable , Has string->true, type->drop list.
    The result:
    Best regards,
    Shu Hu
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to increase the height of the text field in Adobe Central

    How do I increase the height of the text field in Adobe Central?  I know how to change the font size but visually the height of the text field (<0.5cm) looks too small.
    I want to be able to print the form and fill it out by hand. But the text field height is too small.
    Please help.

    Are you saving your form as a PDF from FormsCentral to distribute the PDF form? 
    In the FormsCentral form authoring tools you do not have control over the size of the field.  If you are using a PDF however you can edit that PDF in Acrobat after saving from FormsCentral and can edit the size, border, color etc of the fields. 
    If you want to edit a FormsCentral PDF you'll want to review this FAQ:

  • How to repeat a background image to cover the height of the page?

    I have a page with an image alinged to the top in a table and
    I have a pattern in the background of the cell in the same table
    I need that background of the cell to repeat it self along
    the height of the page, so when someone views the page at a higher
    resolution, the background image will repeat it self to cover the
    extra space.
    I've tried setting the height of the table to percentage, but
    the table doesn't cover the height of the page.
    I could also make the table really long so when viewed at
    higher resolution there wont be any blank space at the bottom, but
    this makes an unnecessary and long scroll when viewed at lower
    Someone told me to use css but i have now idea how to
    implement that.

    make sure you have set your page margins to 0 if you don't
    want the default
    margin top left. Cut and paste the following into the head of
    your document
    just before the closing </head> tag.
    then if you want to repeat a background image in a cell, you
    need to create
    a rule to do this:
    .cellback {
    /*this repeats the image across the page horizontally*/
    /* if you want to repeat down the page, then change to
    repeat-y */
    background: url(pics/whatever.gif) repeat-x;
    you can combine this background image rule with the other
    margin setting so
    you have:
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin: 0;
    .cellback {
    background: url(pics/whatever.gif) repeat-x;
    You then apply to the class to your cell
    <td clas="cellback">
    Examples here:
    this shows how to use a background image for your entire
    Adobe� Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    - CSS Templates | Free Templates
    - Web Dev
    - Dropdown Menu Templates|Tutorials
    > I have a page with an image alinged to the top in a
    table and I have a
    > pattern
    > in the background of the cell in the same table
    > I need that background of the cell to repeat it self
    along the height of
    > the
    > page, so when someone views the page at a higher
    resolution, the
    > background
    > image will repeat it self to cover the extra space.

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    How can I change the height of the  input box in a new version of Skype?
    Go to Solution.
    Skype_input_box.png ‏4 KB

    lucasbgme wrote:
    I've tried version is disabled. All Skype versions older than 6.14 are now retired and can no longer be used. You can try to install the version:

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    How can i increase the height of the navigation toolbar to make my persona more visible?
    adding toolbars puts them all below the navi bar and it looks weird.
    i know this has been asked many times but the answer's always "add toolbars".

    Look here. .com%2Fkb%2FHT1495&answerid=16777216&

  • How to stretch the height of the table dynamically?

    I am using JDeveloper
    I have created summary details page screen where i have to show the non-editable grid at the top portion and respective editable form fields at the bottom portion.
    Based on the free form height, rest of the screen area should be occupied by the non-editable grid automatically.
    1. I have a vertical panel splitter. Also set the dimensionFromEnd to true.
    2. Added panelStretchLayout inside both the first facet and second fact of panel splitter.
    3. Placed the grid inside the first facet's panelStretchLayout (Inside centre facet)
    4. Placed the free form inside the second facet's panelStretchLayout (Inside centre facet)
    By having the above structure and setting splitter position, i am able fix the height for the free form and to get my grid occupied the remaining space.
    How can i achieve the same without specifying the splitte position?
    Thanks in Advance.

    can you check this
    <af:panelStretchLayout id="psl1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth">
    <f:facet name="bottom"/>
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:panelTabbed id="pt1">
    <af:showDetailItem text="#{edmsBundle.EMAIL}" id="sdi1"
    stretchChildren="first" disclosed="true" <--------- this tab width is full but height is not
    <af:panelSplitter id="ps1">
                      <f:facet name="first">
                       <af:region value="#{bindings.emailconfig1.regionModel}" id="r1"/>
    <f:facet name="start"/>
    <f:facet name="end"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>

  • How to fix the height of the details section in crystal reports.

    hi all
    How to fix the height of the details section in crystal reports.

    Thanks for your reply
    i didnt get the clear idea about your answer can you explain it once with example
    why iam asking is when i add a new details section according to you answer maintaining same height of the two details sections and i see the preview the iam getting gap between each record. this is so because one record from details section1 and another empty space from details section2
    Details section A-contains records
    Details section B- no records
    Details section A-contains records
    Details section B-no records
    Then how will i solve my issue
    Thanks in advance

  • How do I change height of the Spry Horizontal Menu Bar?

    I've been playing around with the Spry menu bar for 3 days now and I can't seem to increase the height of the spry menu bar the way I want. It increases when you enlarge the text, but I don't want it to get too big, but I still need to increase the height of the box. I also tried it in the properties. The box's height will increase but the text stays at the top of the box which looks really weird because I want it to be centered. Also, when do this, the submenus increase along and I want them to stay the same size.
    I truly hope you can help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    David Powers has this tutorial
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • How to change the height of the advanced paragraph window in WPC?

    I would like to have a bigger window when I work with the advanced paragraph in WPC in order to see better the content.
    It´s ok if I see at the beginning the default size. However, I need the posibility to maximize the height of the window to a predefinded maximum height.
    It´s maybe possible to give an extra property for like MaxHeight="500" in the xml-File?
    <element id="paragraph_advanced" description="xml.xlbl.paragraph_advanced" type="htmleditadvanced" Maxheight="500" default="false" />
    Does anybody have experience with it.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Thomas...
    Did you have success changing the paragraph height?
    I'm with the same problem.
    I had another idea to solve it. If I couldn't change the height, i'll create my own web form (based on article form), only with paragraph field.
    I've tested this option and worked. But I prefer to use the standard web form.

  • How to set row height of the row in the interactive report?

    Some of the values in the columns of my interactive report are wrapped up changing the height of the row to 2 or 3 characters.
    Is there any way to change it? I would like to have all rows set to 2 characters height.

    Add the following style sheet to the page HTML Header.
    table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td {
      height: 2.8em;

Maybe you are looking for