How to append recorded files.

Two questions.
I am using adobe dvrcast to record my live streams. the problem I am having is when I stop the encode during a live stream, a new file is not created, the existing stream is written over. How can I preventive this from occuring.
Is there a way to have all vod files that are in one folder to roll over to the next file during play back.

Thanks for the quick response. I am using FMLE 3 and FMS 3.5. I have changed the code per your suggestion. However, the file still does not append when i press the stop button in FMLE. After pressing stop, when I press start button in FMLE again, the file size starts at zero.
here is my code: ExDVRStream.asc
|       ___     _       _                                                    |
|      /   |   | |     | |                                                   |
|     / /| | __| | ___ | |__   ___                                           |
|    / /_| |/ _  |/ _ \|  _ \ / _ \                                          |
|   / ___  | (_| | (_) | |_) |  __/                                          |
|  /_/   |_|\__,_|\___/|____/ \___|                                          |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
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* An example dvr stream class that handlings requests initiated from the
* publisher and subscribers.
* @param name    live streams name as visible to the client subscribers
* @param numsubscriber  number of subscribers
* @param subscribers  a map of subscribing client based on the client id
* @param publisher   publishing client
* @param streamInfo  holds default DVR stream info or stream info provided
*       by the publisher
* @param startRecTimer  Id returned by the scheduler to start recording
* @param stopRecTimer  Id returned by the scheduler to stop recording
* @param broadcastTimer Id returned by the scheduler to broadcast stream info
*       to down stream servers
* @param broadcastInterval how often to broadcast stream info
function ExDVRStream( name ) { = name;     // clients subscribe to this stream name
this.numsubscriber = null;   // number of subscribers
this.subscribers = new Object(); // map of current subscribers
this.publisher = null;    // client publisher, this is only set in the origin
this.streamInfo = null;    // streamInfo provided by the publisher
this.startRecTimer = null;   // scheduler id to start recording
this.stopRecTimer = null;   // scheduler id to stop recording
this.broadcastTimer = null;   // scheduler id for broadcasting
this.broadcastInterval = 5000;  // set the interval to 5 sec by default
this.isRecording = false;   // flag to indicate if the stream is recording
// Public interface
* This function gets call when a client is added as a subcriber of the stream.
* If the client is already a subscriber, it will be a no-op.
ExDVRStream.prototype.addSubscriber = function( client )
if (this.subscribers[] == null)
  this.subscribers[] = client;
* Removes a client from the subscriber list. 
ExDVRStream.prototype.removeSubscriber = function( client )
if (this.subscribers[])
  this.subscribers[] = null;
  delete this.subscribers[];
* This function broadcast streamInfo to all the subscriber which
* is acting as a server
ExDVRStream.prototype.broadcastStreamInfo = function()
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.broadcastStreamInfo - stream name: " +;
for (i in this.subscribers)
  subscriber = this.subscribers[i];
  if (subscriber.isProxyServer)"DVRSetStreamInfo", null, this.getStreamInfo());
* Set the publishing client
ExDVRStream.prototype.publish = function( client )
this.publisher = client;
* Clear the publishing client
ExDVRStream.prototype.unpublish = function()
this.publisher = null;
* This function returns a boolean to indicate whether the stream is in use
ExDVRStream.prototype.isInUse = function()
if (this.numsubscriber > 0 || this.publisher)
  return true;
return false;
* This function cleans up all the resources used by this stream
ExDVRStream.prototype.shutdown = function()
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.shutdown");
this.startRecTimer = null;
this.stopRecTimer = null;
this.broadcastTimer = null;
* Returns the default streamInfo if no streamInfo has been
* set by the publisher
ExDVRStream.prototype.getDefaultStreamInfo = function( DVRStreamInfo )
//If server restarts and no publisher is coming in, we check
//the length of the recorded stream and see if we should make
//the dvr content available.  However, user can customize this
//function and make an external call.
streamLen = Stream.length(;
if (streamLen || this.publisher)
  //found a dvr stream, so return it
  DVRStreamInfo.code = "NetStream.DVRStreamInfo.Success";
  this.streamInfo = new Object();
  //setup default value
  this.streamInfo.streamName =;
  this.streamInfo.callTime = new Date();
  this.streamInfo.startRec = new Date();
  this.streamInfo.stopRec = new Date();
  this.streamInfo.maxLen = Stream.length(;
  this.streamInfo.begOffset = 0;
  this.streamInfo.endOffset = 0;
  this.streamInfo.append = false;
  this.streamInfo.offline = false;
  this.streamInfo.currLen = Stream.length(;
  this.streamInfo.isRec = false; = this.streamInfo;
  DVRStreamInfo.code = "NetStream.DVRStreamInfo.Failed"; = null;
* Get streamInfo and create a default one if no streamInfo
* has been set.
ExDVRStream.prototype.getStreamInfo = function()
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.getStreamInfo");
DVRStreamInfo = new Object();
if (this.streamInfo == null)
else if (this.streamInfo.offline)
  DVRStreamInfo.code = "NetStream.DVRStreamInfo.Failed"; = null;
  DVRStreamInfo.code = "NetStream.DVRStreamInfo.Success"; = this.streamInfo; = this.isRecording; = Stream.length(;
return DVRStreamInfo;
* Set streamInfo, also handleStreamInfo to start/stop a recording
ExDVRStream.prototype.setStreamInfo = function( streamInfo )
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.setStreamInfo");
//Right now, this only get called from the FMLE when
//the publisher start/stop a recording
currDate = new Date();
currTime = currDate.getTime();
this.streamInfo = streamInfo;
this.streamInfo.lastUpdate = currDate;
startRecTime = 0;
stopRecTime = 0;
if (streamInfo.startRec == -1 || streamInfo.startRec == undefined)
  startRecTime = -1000;
else if (streamInfo.startRec instanceof Date)
  startRecTime = streamInfo.startRec.getTime();
  //invalid startRec format
if (streamInfo.stopRec == -1 || streamInfo.stopRec == undefined)
  stopRecTime = -1000;
else if (streamInfo.stopRec instanceof Date)
  stopRecTime = streamInfo.stopRec.getTime();
  //invalid stopRec format
if ( startRecTime == -1000 && stopRecTime == -1000 )
  //broadcast the change to all the downstream server
if (stopRecTime != -1000)
  //We are about to stop a recording, so clear the timer
  this.stopRecTimer = null;
  if (currTime < stopRecTime)
   timeDiff = stopRecTime - currTime;
   //we will broadcast the streamInfo to all the downstream server
   //when we actually stop the recording inside onStopRecord
   this.stopRecTimer = setInterval(this, "onStopRecord", timeDiff);
   //stop recording immediately
if (startRecTime != -1000)
  //We are about to start a recording, so clear the timer
  this.startRecTimer = null;
  if (currTime < startRecTime)
   timeDiff = startRecTime - currTime;
   //we will broadcast the streamInfo to all the downstream server
   //when we actually start the recording inside onStartRecord
   this.startRecTimer = setInterval(this, "onStartRecord", timeDiff);
   //start recording immediately
* This is called when we are about to stop a recording
ExDVRStream.prototype.onStopRecord = function()
this.isRecording = false;
this.stopRecTimer = null;
s = Stream.get(;
//notify the downstream server immediately
//also stop the periodic broadcast because the stream is not growing
* This is called when we are about to start a recording
ExDVRStream.prototype.onStartRecord = function()
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.onStartRecord");
this.isRecording = true;
this.startRecTimer = null;
s = Stream.get(;
if (this.streamInfo.append)
//notify the downstream server immediately
//also start the periodic broadcast because the stream is growing
* Stop the timer to broadcast streamInfo to downstream servers
ExDVRStream.prototype.stopStreamInfoBroadcast = function()
this.broadcastTimer = null;
* Start the timer to broadcast streamInfo to downstream servers
ExDVRStream.prototype.startStreamInfoBroadcast = function()
debug("ExDVRStream.Inside startStreamInfoBroadcast");
this.broadcastTimer = setInterval( this, "onStreamInfoBroadcast",
* This is called by scheduler to broadcast streamInfo to the
* downstream servers
ExDVRStream.prototype.onStreamInfoBroadcast = function()
debug("Inside ExDVRStream.onStreamInfoBroadcast");

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    I think you have a while loop to hit the DB in your Process (As you said you have to fetch data from DB 10 times if 1000 rec are there)
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    > It's for an assignment...I think thye're just trying to show us what's possible.
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              v_comma_cnt := v_comma_cnt + 1;
         END IF;     
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         v_pos1 := instr(v_temp,',',(v_pos1 + 1));
         v_pos3 := ((v_pos1-1) - v_pos2 )+ 1;
         v_temp_split := SUBSTR(v_temp,v_pos2,v_pos3);
         v_pos2 := v_pos1 + 1;
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    --lgcy_xref_elem lxe
    ( gcs.mbrshp_convsn_aprvl_dt = NULL )
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    END IF;
    END getCRMGroupsAndRollups_PRC;
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    Please help me....
    Message was edited by:
    Kamal Kishore

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    EX:   vbeln          refdocnr         fkdat    ............     VPRS-KBETR    ZK03-KBETR    Z004-KBETR    EK02-KBETR
             000001      000001        1.1.14    ............        14.00               -12.00                 5.00                 0.02
             000002      000002        2.02.14  .........          18.00              -10.00                  0.00                0.00
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       *declare output itab
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_output,
      vbeln type....
    end of it_output.
    LOOP AT it_join INTO wa_join.
      MOVE vbeln fkdat from wa_join into wa_output.
      LOOP AT it_konv INTO wa_konv
        with key.....
        CASE wa_konv-kschl.
          WHEN 'VPRS'.
            MOVE wa_konv-kbetr TO wa_output-vprs_kbetr.
        READ TABLE it_glpca WITH KEY.... into wa_glpca.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MOVE wa_glpca-refdocnr TO wa_output-refdocnr.
        APPEND wa_output TO it_output.

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            "            "  'ZTAC' or 'ztab'                                  "                                         "          'EK02'
           "                'TAX' or 'ztad' or 'ztax'                        "                                        "           'Z004'
    I am trying to fetch records based on conditions but the problem is my records from konv table are overwritten & only last record is displayed.
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    Is there any other way to do this report as I have no idea how SD PRICING works ?? Please advice.

         In Second Loop U have used into Corresponding fields,So After a loop completion Ur IT_konv will have only Single Record,Every Time It Gets Refreshed , U may Use Appending Table instead of Corresponding.
         Also U are using Same Loop Two times + Fetching Records from Konv Multiple Times, It Will be time consuming.
          Simply Use Select Statement as
         SElect knumv kposn kschl kbetr into table it_konv from konv for all enteries in It_join where
              knumv eq It_join-knumv and
              Kposn eq it_join-posnr and
              Kschl in ('VPRS', 'EK02'.........).
    In last Loop
              use case statement for pstyv and individual read statement FOR EACH PSTYV
              CASE WA_JOIN-PSTYV.
              WHEN  'ZTAC'.
                                                                                            KPOSN  = WA_JOIN-POSNR
                                                                                             KSCHL = <UR CONDITION TYPE>
                   IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
                        <ADD KPOSN,KNUMV , KBETR>
              WHEN 'ZTAN'.
                                                                                            KPOSN  = WA_JOIN-POSNR
                                                                                             KSCHL = <UR CONDITION TYPE>
                   IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
                        <ADD KPOSN,KNUMV , KBETR>

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    say this file "c:/AutoArchive2007-05-24.csv"contains the ff:details
    user:jeff AutoArchive-Process Started at Thu May 24 15:41:54 GMT+08:00 2007
    and ended at Thu May 24 15:41:54 GMT+08:00 2007
    Message was edited by:

    use the append(...) to append data to the text area.

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    Hey all I have made a few custom JS scripts that modify default behavior of a few RoboHelp functions, this works nicely however I have to manually include the JS file on every page. So my question is this; how do I programmatically append my script tags to the bottom of each page ether at build time or as a RoboHelp Scrip?

    There are two ways to do this (depending on your RoboHelp version)
    1. Add the JS to the footer of a master page and assign the master page on generation. (In the SSL settings.)
    2. Use the afterPublish event to run a script automatically whenever an output was generated. See Using the new RoboHelp 10 scripting events | Adobe Developer Connection for an introduction.
    Kind regards,

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    Transferred the recorded audios to my hard disk but can't get windows media player to play it. Error message of: codecs needed.
    It was recorded as a WAV file.
    Please advise.

    Apparently you are committed to certain hardware.  There is no question that the SSD should be installed in the current HDD bay.  Should you choose to have a second HDD, it should be installed in place of the DVD drive.  Note that some early 2011 MBPs had SATAII connections to the DVD drive and some had SATAIII connections (presumably later production models).
    I do not run Windows on my MBPs but I do know that parallels is a resource hog.  On that basis, I suspect that it should be installed on the SSD where you can take advantage of the faster processing.  The SSD will be electrically more efficient than than a HDD.  If you have concerns about battery run time, then do not install the HDD in place of the DVD drive.  I do not know if there are third party applications that allow user intervention for controlling a HDD in the DVD bay.  You might search for same.  If there is, then the argument of installing it there becomes a stronger one.
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  • How to append records?

    Is there any sql command that can append some or all records from one table to another table?
    Or it has to use cursor to select data then insert into the distination table?

    Can you explain why you are looking for another way? What's wrong with using an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM? This is certainly the most straightforward method.

  • How to append records between two internal tables

    hi all,
    im trying to append from an internal table to another internal table with same structure. i tried the following but it overwrites previous contents of i_dest:
    move i_src to i_dest

    hey u try to move it record by record
    <b>itab2 = itab.
    append itab2.</b>
    This should work I guess
    just check the code below, if u want to move the whole itab into itab2 then use <b>itab2[] = itab.</b>
    <b>loop at it_pgm.
      read table itab with key obj_name = it_pgm-pgm_name.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        itab_final-obj_name = itab-obj_name.
        itab_final-func_spec = itab-func_spec.
        itab_final-func_area = itab-func_area.
        itab_final-dev_class = itab-dev_class.
        append itab_final.
       itab_alt-pgm_name = it_pgm-pgm_name.
       append itab_alt.
    please reward points if found helpful

  • How to append Target File(reciever side) .

    Hi PI Gurus,
    I have a scenario where i need to append the target file. It goes like this:
    files(idoc's) keep coming from the source at any time of the day.
    target file is sent only once in a day. The target file is appended each time a new source file recieved.
    Need to do this without using BPM.
    Pls help me  out.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Pankaj,
    Kindly go through the following link which will help you surely:
    In the receiver file adapter, go to the Processing tab page. Then  Select the File Construction Mode as Append. Look at the link for the other configurations in the adapter.
    You can also take a look at the scenario 2 in the following link:
    Hope it helps you!!!!!
    Edited by: 007biswa on Feb 21, 2011 5:39 PM

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    Assuming you mean this App:
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