How to auto flow text in pages

Perhaps I am wording this incorrectly and have not found the answer that already exists on the forums, but here goes...
How do you autoflow your text between text boxes? In previous versions Pages allowed you to create multiple text boxes on the same page as well as other pages and autoflow your text in your preferred order. It seems that in this new VERY MESSED UP iteration of Pages, this is no longer possible. I am asking the question in the hopes that someone with more knowledge can steer me in the right direction. Part B to this question is WHY IN THE HECK DID APPLE SCREW UP THIS PERFECTLY GOOD PROGRAM??  ;-)

It is a question we have all been asking for 4 months.
Pages '08/'09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
Rate/Review Pages 5 in the App Store.

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    In other words, document one will appear on pages etc, flowing through to page 199 and document two will start on page 2 and flow to pages 4,6,8,10 etc to page 200.
    Also, the page numbers must show and be consecutive from 1 to 200.
    I don't think indesign can handle this.
    Do any of you know better?

    Here are a couple of screen captures that should help:
    Select your master spread (double-click it's name in the panel). Use the Type tool to draw two text frames that fill your margin guides, which should be set to the size of the text blocks you want to have in your document. I've marked the in and out ports on the left frame in the screen shot. Note that at the moment they are empty sqaures. When text is threaded from frame to frame, at least one port in each frame in the thread will have a small blue triangle inside it. As long as you are not in Preview mode, or Overprint Preview, which hide non-printing elements, you can see the threading path by going to View > Show Text Threads.
    InDesign puts odd-numbered pages on the right and evens on the left, by default, and you will probably not want to play tricks to change this. You probably also want both of your parallel threads to begin on the same spread, so you'll need to start with at least three pages, and begin the text flow on pages 2 and 3 (or some later spread if you have a lot of front matter to include). To add pages drag the master icon for the page into the lower half of the Pages panel or use the panel menu to issue an Insert Pages command.
    This is the pages 2 & 3 spread. Becasue the master text frames are the same size as the margin guides you don't see them, but they are there waiting for text. File > Place... and find the first text file you want to place. Your cursor will show what looks like the upper left corner of a page. Hold the Shift Key and the cursor will change to have a squiggly arrow which indicates that you will be auto-flowing text, creating new pages autoimatically untill the entire stroy is on a page. Don't click yet.
    Still holding down the shift key, move the cursor anywhere inside the margin area, WELL AWAY FROM ANY GUIDES. If you click on a guide accidentally the master frame will not be used. As you move over the empty master frame the curso will change again to have large parentheses surrounding it. When you see that is is safe, while still hoding down the shift key, to click and release. DO NOT DRAG the cursor, just click and release. You should now have a bunch of new pages, with text only on the left side. Go back to Page 3 and repeat for the second story.

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    OS X Yosemite 10.10

    Follow these steps for Pages v5.2.2 (v5.5.1 in Yosemite).
    Quit Pages
    System Preferences > General > Disable Use LCD font smoothing when available
    Open your document in Pages
    Select the text to black out. (assumption: your text is black)Advanced Options (gear icon adjacent to underline in Styles panel)Character fill color is black
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    You will need to export the text from Indesign as either .rtf or .doc files and import those.
    You can also cut and paste but I assume you have already tried these options and are not happy with the result, but haven't said why.

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    It's tough searching for something when you can't guess the terms to use. It's called a "background color." You can choose a color from the format bar.

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    You have probably started with a Layout mode template instead of a Word Processing template. See the sidebar in the Template Chooser for which is which.
    Alternatively you may have pasted an object (possibly from the Internet), not text into a Word Processing template. Click inside the object and copy the text, then delete the object and try pasting again.

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    Happily, Pages isn’t a clone of Word.
    It’s not supposed to replicate its features.
    Here is a slightly modified version of a script posted about a month ago.
    Open the Pages Word Processing document to treat then apply the script.
    As it was written as a demo of what may be done, you will have to edit some instructions to get the exact wanted format (mainly those applying colors).
    --[SCRIPT clear_Pages_format]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : clear_Pages_format.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Ouvrez un document traitement de texte de Pages.
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Pages puis choisir “clear_Pages_format”
    Le script appliquera la police Courier et quelques autres attributs au texte du document.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: clear_Pages_format.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Open a Pages Word Processing document.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Pages, then choose “clear_Pages_format”
    The script will apply the font Courier and some other attributes to the embedded text.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    on run
              tell application "Pages"
    ruler units (centimeters/inches/picas/points)  *)
                        set |unité| to ruler units
                        set ruler units to centimeters
                        tell document 1
    >>>>>>>  Here is the list of document's properties which may be defined with this script.
    body text (text) : The main text flow of the document.
    bottom margin (real) : The bottom margin of the publication.
    facing pages (boolean) : Whether or not the view is set to facing pages.
    footer margin (real) : The footer margin of the publication.
    header margin (real) : The header margin of the publication.
    inside margin (real) : The inside margin of the publication when facing pages is enabled.
    left margin (real) : The left margin of the publication.
    outside margin (real) : The outside margin of the publication when facing pages is enabled.
    page attributes (page setup) : Page settings for printing
    right margin (real) : The right margin of the publication.
    selection (selection-object) : The current selection or insertion point. Use the "select" command to change the selection. Setting of this property replaces the current selected object. E.g., set selection of document 1 to "hello".
    top margin (real) : The top margin of the publication.
                                  set header margin to 0.0
                                  set footer margin to 0.0
                                  set top margin to 1.5
                                  set left margin to 1.5
                                  set right margin to 1.5
                                  tell body text
    >>>>>>>  Here is the list of text's properties which may be defined with this script.
    alignment (center/justify/left/right) : The horizontal alignment.
    baseline shift (real) : Raise or lower the target text.
    bold (boolean) : Whether the font style is bold.
    capitalization type (all caps/normal capitalization/small caps) : Whether a capitalization style is applied.
    character background color (color) : The color of the character's background.
    character style (character style) : The representative character style of the object.
    collapsed (boolean) : Whether the paragraph is collapsed in the outline view.
    color (color) : The color of the font.
    contents (any)
    first line indent (real) : The space between the first line of the paragraph and the left margin.
    following paragraph style (text) : The name of the following paragraph style. The empty string implies this style.
    font name (text) : The name of the font.
    font size (real) : The size of the font.
    hidden (boolean) : Whether the paragraph is hidden in the outline view.
    indent level (integer) : The list indent level assigned to the paragraph, from 1 through 9.
    italic (boolean) : Whether the font style is italic.
    keep lines together (boolean) : Keep all lines of the paragraph on the same page.
    keep with next paragraph (boolean) : Keep the target and following paragraph on the same page.
    label baseline shift (real) : The amount to move the label up or down relative to the first line of the paragraph.
    label image data (image binary) : The image used for the label.
    label indent (real) : The distance from the left margin to the list label.
    label size (real) : When "scale with text" is disabled the label size is a text point size for text labels or a multiplier of original image size for image labels. When enabled, it is always a multiplier of the representative font size of the paragraph.
    label type (image bullet/none/number/text bullet/tiered number) : The type of label to use.
    left indent (real) : The space between the paragraph and the left margin.
    ligatures (all ligatures/default ligatures/none) : Remove ligatures from the target text if the document is set to use ligatures.
    line spacing (real) : The amount of space between lines in the current spacing style.
    line spacing type (at least/inbetween/relative) : The type of line spacing.
    list style (list style) : The list style, if any, for the target.
    number label style (letter lower paren one/letter lower paren two/letter lower paren zero/letter upper paren one/letter upper paren two/letter upper paren zero/number paren one/number paren two/number paren zero/roman lower paren one/roman lower paren two/roman lower paren zero/roman upper paren one/roman upper paren two/roman upper paren zero) : The type of label for number and tiered number types.
    number label tiered (boolean) : Whether a numeric label displays the complete hierarchy for each level or just the label of the level.
    outline (boolean) : Whether the font style is outline.
    paragraph background color (color) : The color of the object's fill.
    paragraph style (paragraph style) : The representative paragraph style of the text.
    prevent widows and orphans (boolean) : Prevent the first or last line of a paragraph from appearing alone on a page.
    remove hyphenation (boolean) : Remove hyphenation from the paragraph if the document is set to hyphenate words automatically.
    right indent (real) : The space between the paragraph and the right margin.
    scale with text (boolean) : Whether the label size proportionally changes with the paragraph text size.
    shadow (boolean) : Whether the object casts a shadow or not.
    shadow angle (real) : The directional angle, in degrees, that the shadow is cast.
    shadow blur (integer) : The relative amount of blur of images seen through the shadow.
    shadow color (color) : The color of the shadow.
    shadow offset (real) : The offset from the text box content that the shadow extends to.
    shadow opacity (real) : The amount of opacity for the shadow, in percent.
    space after (real) : The space after the paragraph, in points.
    space before (real) : The space before the paragraph, in points.
    start new page (boolean) : Start the paragraph at the beginning of the next page.
    strikethrough color (color) : The color of the strikethrough line(s).
    strikethrough type (double strikethrough/none/single strikethrough) : Whether one or more lines are drawn through the characters.
    subscript (boolean) : Decrease the font size and lower the baseline of the text.
    superscript (boolean) : Decrease the font size and raise the baseline of the text.
    text indent (real) : The distance from the label to the text.
    text label string (text) : One to nine characters can be specified for a text label.
    tracking (real) : The space between text characters, in percent.
    underline color (color) : The color of the underline(s).
    underline type (double underline/none/single underline) : Whether the font style is underline.
                                            set font name to "Courier"
                                            set font size to 10.0
                                            set first line indent to 1.0
    CAUTION : I guess that it's a bug but we can't use 
    set color to {25700, 17990, 0}
                                            set properties to {color:{25700, 17990, 0}}
                                            set paragraph background color to {60000, 60000, 60000}
                                  end tell -- body text
                        end tell -- document
                        set ruler units to |unité|
              end tell -- Pages
    end run
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 26 décembre 2011 12:03:51
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is :
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
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  • The linked text boxes are very important to my work flow. Not being able to flow text between pages has cost me a lot of valuable time in producing my newsletter. Any ideas?

    In Pages 09 I was able to flow text between text boxes on the same page and to different pages but that seems to have gone away. This is one of the most useful items in Pages that I use. Now it seems to have gone away and I could find no replacement in doing my last newsletter, (which took at least 3 times as long to produce.) I am very disappointed in Pages 13 so far and look for some bright side to this software to change my opinion.

    Apple has promised to bring back *some* features "within six montha." We're 4 months into the clock. They have brought back a couple of features (ability to cutomize the toolbar, for instance, and vertical ruler). But they still have a long way to go and there is no certainty that linked text boxes will be restroed. It wasn't cited in their original list of examples  of what would be brought back. (Nor was mail merge, bookmarks, Applescript support, or many other items.)

  • How do you highlight text in Pages v5?

    Hi guys,
    Was struggling a bit with the recent changes from Pages 5 and was wondering how we could highlight text (using different colours etc)?
    Thanks !

    Your question is answered in the following post:

  • How can i wrap text in Pages?

    I am having a hard time finding out exactly how I can "wrap" my text using Pages. I have the most recent version (updated 10/18). This is NOT an issue wrapping text around an object, just a matter of getting the text to wrap instead of hyphenating words from one line to another.
    Thank you!

    I figured out that by going to "more" on the formatting tab, you can check "remove paragraph hyphenation" and this will wrap the text.

  • How to auto shrink text in keynote 6.1

    Just updated to keynote 6.1. Does anyone know how to auto-shrink the text???

    I believe the auto-shrinking text only works in text placeholders not text boxes or text in shapes, which was also true in Keynote 5.3.  When you select a text placeholder, click on the Text tab in the Format panel and then click the Layout button.  You will see a "Shrink text to fit" checkbox.  Hope that helps.

  • How to break flowing text without deleting parts of it?

    is it possible to break a text that flows across multiple pages in one point without automatically deleting the content of the text boxes below the break? Currently, if I have text flowing across several pages and text boxes, any break that I do at one point ("un-chaining") will result in the text in the following text boxes to be deleted.

    Have a look at this thread.

  • Will Lightroom 5 flow text from page to page?

    A little + sign appears at the bottom right corner of a text cell when the text overflows. I find I cannot pick up the additional text by clicking the + sign to place it on the next text cell thus linking text from page to page. Am I missing something or is such a useful facility unavailable in Lightroom? If that's the case, is there a good reason for Lightroom not offering text linking between pages?

    No, it's not InDesign, though it's easy to understand why that + indicator may make you hope that kind of flow may work.

  • How to Auto Update non-TOC Page Numbers within a document (ie, 550pp)

    Friends. Within a large Pages document that is dynamically changing, along with the total number of pages, the TOC (ie, Table of Contents) can be easily updated.
    However, I want to point to specific content, and therefore the correct page number for the content, within the document and have that pointer (ie, a page number) *update automatically as the page numbers change*.
    I need to repeat this about two dozen times for different references to make a 550 page document more reader-friendly by making it easier for readers to find the exact source or reference elsewhere in a document.
    How do I do that within Pages '08 ?

    I'm not aware of such a feature.
    If the document is designed to be read on a computer, you may use links.
    Clicking on a link will bring you to the linked area.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 11 mars 2008 10:15:17)

  • How to Auto LInk to a page

    I'm new to using flash in websites, and i need to know how to
    automatically link to a page at the end of my flash movie. I need
    to know what code to use and exactly where to put it. Below is a
    copy of my object code. Any help would be great. Thanks!
    <object classid="clsid
    id="intro" width="750" height="580">
    <param name="movie" value="intro.swf">
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="samedomain">
    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    width="750" height="580"
    name="intro" src="intro.swf"
    bgcolor="#000000" quality="high"
    swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="samedomain"

    You need to put the code inside your flash movie rather than
    in the html that you have shown.
    Open your movie and make a new keyframe on the last frame of
    your movie. Then open your actions panel and place the following
    code in....

Maybe you are looking for