How to best define app dimensions?

Hey everyone,
I'm a UI/UX designer that up until now has focused on web apps, and now I'm working on a project that requires a desktop widget that will be built using AIR.
My question is, knowing that my users will have a very wide variety of screen resolutions, how can I best define the width and height of my widget such that it will look good on all (or most) monitors? Do I just have to pick a static height x width in pixels that works "best" given the range of resolutions? Is there a way to define the size in inches and then detect the PPI of the monitor to convert inches to pixels when rendering? Is there another way to scale the size up or down depending on the screen resolution?
If I sound completely lost, it's because I am - so thanks in advance for the help!
Take care!

Thanks a lot for the response Joe, I certainly appreciate it.
So now that a few of my options have been outlined in terms of what I *can* do, I'd be curious to hear from some of you guys about how you typically handle this situation. For those of you who make desktop-widget-type AIR apps (as opposed to full-screen or close to full-screen apps), how do you define a baseline height and width for your app?
Thanks again!

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      public static var gameStage:Stage;
    public function initApplication():void
       this._game = new MovieClip;
      private function initThreeBalls():void
       gameStage = this._game.stage;
       var starBackGround:Stars = new Stars; // Add a background large 1200 x 3000 texture
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    var appSize:Rectangle = guiSize.clone();
    var appLeftOffset:Number = 0; // if device is wider than GUI's aspect ratio, height determines scale
    if ((deviceSize.width/deviceSize.height) > (guiSize.width/guiSize.height))
    appScale = deviceSize.height / guiSize.height; appSize.width = deviceSize.width / appScale;
    appLeftOffset = Math.round((appSize.width - guiSize.width) / 2);
    } // if device is taller than GUI's aspect ratio, width determines scale
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    appSize.height = deviceSize.height / appScale; appLeftOffset = 0;
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    Did you write that correctly? Your app is landscape, and you've given portrait figures for the device. Did you mean 960x540?
    That aside, you can remove all of your code and let Flash do the scaling for you. In your game scene make it so that there is important content in the middle, and extra content at the edges. There are three variations of working this way:
    1.1 Set your stage to 800x600, the aspect ratio of the iPad, and have extra content to the left and right of the stage, going out far enough to make the content be 1066 pixels wide.
    1.2 Don't use any code to set the stage scale, the default of "show all" is what you want.
    1.3 When you play the game on an iPad it will show the middle 4:3 of the game. On an iPhone it will show a little bit more, and on the widest Android it will show even more. That extra content can be say more of the background, or more of a star field.
    2.1 Set your stage to 960x540, which happens to be the widest Android ratio. Have extra content above and below the stage, so that it reaches to a height of 720.
    2.2 Don't use any code to set the stage scale, the default of "show all" is what you want.
    2.3 When you play the game the Android will see exactly what was in the stage area, and the iPhone will see a little bit of what was above an below the stage. The iPad will see all of what was above and below the stage.
    3.1 Set your stage to 840x540, where the middle 720x472 is the important part of the scene, and near the four sides of the stage is content that is within the stage, but not crucial. Much the same as when dealing with action safe on TV.
    3.2 Set the stage scale mode to "no border":
         import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
         stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER;
    3.3 Now when you play the game you will see all of the height of the stage on iPad, but will miss a little of the left and right, and you'll see all of the width of the stage on the widest Android, but will miss a little of the top and bottom.
    The good thing about the above approaches is that it will work for every device size there is, not just the one you mentioned, and all without any code.

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    You can transfer iTunes purchases by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
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    We're going to need some more details about exactly what you did because it really sounds like you're making a mistake. This extra attribute should work.
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    member test2 as [Geography].[NewAttribute].DefaultMember.UniqueName
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    select {} on 0,
    *[Geography].[State].[State].Members on 1
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    I used this example for the matrix column. It's work and open a form for defining new values.
    Your need to add an event to refresh values in combobox.
    Think I help you.
    Best regards
    Sierdna S.
    P.S. How to proceed.
    1) Fill the combobox with valid values:
      ' Add first value to combobox
      oCombo.ValidValues.Add("", "")
      Dim oRS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
      oRS = SBO_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
      Dim sSql As String = "SELECT Code, Name FROM [@" & sLinkedTable & "]"
      While oRS.EoF = False
          oCombo.ValidValues.Add(oRS.Fields.Item("Code").Value, oRS.Fields.Item("Name").Value)
      End While
      ' Last value
      If Not oRS Is Nothing Then
          oRS = Nothing
      End If
      System.GC.Collect() 'Release the handle to the table
    Catch ex As Exception
      ' log exception
      oCombo = Nothing
    End Try
    2) In Item event handler
    If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_COMBO_SELECT _
    And pVal.FormUID = sFormUID _
    And pVal.ItemUID = sMatrixUID _
    And pVal.ColUID = sColUID _
    And pVal.BeforeAction = False _
    And pVal.ItemChanged = True _
        Dim oMatrix As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
        oMatrix = oForm.Items.Item(MatrixID).Specific
        If oMatrix Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception("ERROR: matrix object is nothing"))
          Dim oCombo As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
          Dim sValue As String = ""
          oCombo = oMatrix.Columns.Item(sColUID).Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
          sValue = oCombo.Selected.Value
          If sValue.Equals("Define") Then
                oCombo.Select(0, SAPbouiCOM.BoSearchKey.psk_Index)
            Catch ex As Exception
            ' log exception
            End Try
            SBO_Application.Menus.Item("<menu id to activate>").Activate()
          End If
          BubbleEvent = False
        Catch ex1 As Exception
          ' log exception
        End Try
      Catch ex As Exception
        ' log exception
      End Try
    End If

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    How can i define folders to save uploaded files.
    Gaurav Sood

    Hi Gaurav,
    generally there are no 'folders' in DMS. In DMS we use document info records (DIR) which are mainly a kind of box which contains data like
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    - object links
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    So in a nutshell, if you want to upload files in DMS you need to create a document info record in transaction CV01N first. Therefore the customizing in transaction DC10 and DC30 is important.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Krishna,
    check those URLs
    Also to create the App to allow anonymous check the following link
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Technical Consultant/Architect
    MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation
    Please remember to mark your question as answered if this solves your problem

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    Many thanks
    Ghanshyam khetan

    Database is used internally by ADI and does not have any relationship to the name of your database.
    Using ADI I am able to create a database with the following:
    Name - My Wacky Database
    GWYUID and FNDNAM as usual
    Connect String - VIS
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