How to break a ranked query into subcomponenets using analytics.

I'm using Oracle I have a query where I'm listing the top X clients ranked by Total Margin.
The query in SQL looks like this.
        SUM (RNK.total_prod_margin) TOT_PROD,
        SUM (RNK.total_svcs_margin) TOT_SVS,
        SUM (RNK.total_margin) TOT_MGN,
        RANK() OVER( ORDER BY  SUM (RNK.total_margin) desc) RANK_IN_LINE
                SELECT         MGN.accounting_date,
                               SUM (MGN.prod_margin) total_prod_margin,
                               SUM (MGN.svcs_margin) total_svcs_margin,
                               SUM (MGN.prod_margin + MGN.svcs_margin) total_margin
                ((  SELECT   TRUNC (ba.accounting_date) accounting_date,
                                             ba.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER customer_number,
                                             to_char(nvl(ba.customer_id, -1)) customer_id,
                                             SUM (ba.book_margin_amount) prod_margin,
                                             0 svcs_margin
                                      FROM   ftbv.ftbv_booking_activity_all_1d ba
                                     WHERE       ba.order_type_name <> 'Wholesale'
                                             AND ba.SALESREP_NAME <> 'NO SALES CREDIT'
                                             AND ba.product_group_name <> 'BAS New'
                                             AND BA.PARTIAL_ID <> -1                         
                                  GROUP BY   TRUNC (ba.accounting_date),
                                             to_char(nvl(ba.customer_id, -1)),
                                    HAVING   SUM (ba.book_margin_amount) <> 0)
                                UNION ALL
                                (  SELECT   TRUNC (bs.accounting_date) accounting_date,
                                            bs.AMS_CUSTOMER_NUMBER customer_number,
                                            bs.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER customer_id,                          
                                            0 prod_margin,                          
                                            SUM (bs.book_gross_profit_margin_amt) svcs_margin
                                     FROM   ftbv.ftbv_book_svc_activity_all_1d bs
                                    WHERE   bs.booking_activity_name != 'Undefined'
                                 GROUP BY   TRUNC (bs.accounting_date),
                                   HAVING   SUM (bs.book_gross_profit_margin_amt) <> 0)) MGN
                   GROUP BY   MGN.accounting_date,
                              MGN.customer_name)  RNK                     
        Group by
        order by RNK.customer_name , RNK.accounting_date)
where RANK_IN_LINE <=10
order by rank_in_line asc; Now I need to add fields where this is broken out by REGION and LINE OF BUSINESS but I want to keep the same number of clients. If I use the same calculation, I get only the top ten CLIENT, REGION, LINE OF BUSINESS values( two extra fields). I don't get the original list of client , I just get the top X lines.
What do I need to do in order to Keep the same top ten or what ever clients and show those values broken down by their regions and Lines of business (LOBs)?
The new fields are shown in this query
SELECT     MGN.accounting_date,
               SUM (MGN.prod_margin) total_prod_margin,
               SUM (MGN.svcs_margin) total_svcs_margin,
               SUM (MGN.prod_margin + MGN.svcs_margin) total_margin,
              -- RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY MGN.customer_name ORDER BY  SUM (MGN.prod_margin + MGN.svcs_margin) desc)
((  SELECT   TRUNC (ba.accounting_date) accounting_date,
                             ba.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER customer_number,
                             to_char(nvl(ba.customer_id, -1)) customer_id,
                             decode(LOB.SALES_CHANNEL_CODE, 'SUN','Oracle',
                                                          'EBASOL', 'BAS',
                                                          'NBASOL', 'BAS',
                                                          'X86', 'X86',
                                                           LOB.DESCRIPTION) DESCRIPTION,                                                         
                             SUM (ba.book_margin_amount) prod_margin,
                             0 svcs_margin
                      FROM   ftbv.ftbv_booking_activity_all_1d ba,
                            FTBV_DIM_TERRITORY_1D TERR,
                            FORX_LINES_OF_BUSINESS LOB
                     WHERE       ba.order_type_name <> 'Wholesale'
                             AND ba.SALESREP_NAME <> 'NO SALES CREDIT'
                             AND ba.product_group_name <> 'BAS New'
                             AND BA.PARTIAL_ID <> -1
                             AND ba.TERRITORY_ID = TERR.TERRITORY_ID 
                             AND BA.PRODUCT_GROUP_CODE = LOB.CODE                          
                  GROUP BY   TRUNC (ba.accounting_date),
                             to_char(nvl(ba.customer_id, -1)),
                             decode(LOB.SALES_CHANNEL_CODE, 'SUN','Oracle',
                                                          'EBASOL', 'BAS',
                                                          'NBASOL', 'BAS',
                                                          'X86', 'X86',
                    HAVING   SUM (ba.book_margin_amount) <> 0)
                UNION ALL
                (  SELECT   TRUNC (bs.accounting_date) accounting_date,
                            bs.AMS_CUSTOMER_NUMBER customer_number,
                            bs.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER customer_id,                          
                            'Service' DESCRIPTION,                         
                            0 prod_margin,                          
                            SUM (bs.book_gross_profit_margin_amt) svcs_margin
                     FROM   ftbv.ftbv_book_svc_activity_all_1d bs,
                            FTBV_DIM_TERRITORY_1D TERR
                    WHERE   bs.booking_activity_name != 'Undefined'
                            AND bs.TERRITORY_ID = TERR.TERRITORY_ID
                 GROUP BY   TRUNC (bs.accounting_date),
                   HAVING   SUM (bs.book_gross_profit_margin_amt) <> 0)) MGN
   GROUP BY   MGN.accounting_date,
order by MGN.customer_name , MGN.accounting_date;

Also My output from the original SQL looks like this:
Client Number     Client Name                                  Product GPM SUM     Services GPM SUM  Total GPM SUM
109087             Client 1                                  1822052.627     0               1822052.627
114386            Client 2                                         803616             0               803616
101390            Client 3                                      101339.26             2516               103855.26
102740             Client 4                                    50000             0               50000
104698            Client                                          48057.83            0               48057.83
100229            Client 6                                             39555.289      0               39555.2894
106902            Client 7                                           4148.73             0              4148.73
103565            Client 8                                             3016.19             0               3016.19
130322            Client 9                                          1892             0                 1892
130241            Client 10                                       700             0                    700For the second query I removed the Top N constant and got too large a list. I'm getting this.
Client Number     Client Name     Region     Line of Business     Product GPM SUM            Services GPM SUM     Total GPM SUM
109087              Client 1     Central     Storage                            11473.9             0          11473.9
109087              Client 1     Central     Security                    21690.727     0          21690.727
109087              Client 1     Central     Network                                 1788888     0          1788888
120360              Client 2     Central     X86                                 -189.76     0          -189.76
104134              Client 3     Central     X86                                 -412.8     0          -412.8
104698              Client 4     Central     X86                                 48057.83     0          48057.83
103565              Client 4     Central     Storage                                  3016.19     0          3016.19
102740              Client 5     Central     Storage                                     50000     0          50000
108702              Client 6     Central     Sun                                  109.21     0          109.21
108702              Client 6     Central     Storage                                     -336     0               -336
110019              Client 7     Central     Network                                397.5     0          397.5
105096              Client 8     Central     Security                              198     0          198
130241              Client 9     Central     Security                              700     0           700
105588              Client 10     Central     Sun                                     -7742     0          -7742
106902              Client 11     Central     Security                             4148.73     0          4148.73
130322              Client 12     Central     Network                                 1892     0          1892
101965              Client 13     Central     X86                                     64.92     0          64.92
100229              Client 14     Central     IBM                                    39555.29     0          39555.29
100229              Client 15     Central     Hewlett Packard                          -0.0006     0          -0.0006
114386              Client 15     Central     Storage                                  803616     0          803616
107554              Client 16     Central     Sun                                       -6155     0          -6155
104724              Client 17     Central     Network                                      280.24     0          280.24
101390              Client 18     Central     X86                                  91093.89     0          91093.89
101390              Client 18     Central     Service                                    0     2516           2516
101390              Client 18     Central     Network                                   10245.37     0          10245.37It's not keeping the original Top Ten Clients of course, It's giving me too many. What analytics do I need to use to Keep the Top Ten (x) clients, but then broken out by that client into their respective subgroups of Region and LOB(Line of Business)?

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    KK wrote:
    In the custom folder we can join tables,but the thing is you said ther is no join between them.
    I would suggest you to built this query into a view and use this view in the DUAL table by writing inline query or subquery what ever way.
    This is the only possibility i can think off.
    Hope it helps you.
    Thanks for the reply, though I'm not sure that I understand what you are suggesting.
    Which query would you turn into a view? If you are referring to the select from dual, then how would the view be any different from the custom folder? You still would not be able to join it to user_activity as there are no common columns.
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    String[] lines = text.split("\n") ;
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    entered string
    into two arrays
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    Dear Asuri,
    Thanks for quick reply,
    your query was working fine when there was one record into the table but when there was more then one record into the table it was giving error "ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row". So i did small modification in the query as below
    SELECT SUBSTR(' ' || name || ' ', INSTR(' ' || name || ' ' , ' ', 1, rn) +1,
    INSTR(' ' || name || ' ' , ' ', 1, rn + 1) - INSTR(' ' || name || ' ' , ' ', 1, rn) -1) name
    FROM test , (SELECT ROWNUM rn FROM all_objects
    WHERE ROWNUM <= ( SELECT distinct(LENGTH(name) - (LENGTH(REPLACE(name, ' ')))) / LENGTH(' ') + 1
    FROM test ))
    order by name
    so above query is working fine with more than one record but there is another problem as i am explaining blow
    Suppose there is table called "test" as follows
    SQL> select * from test;
    Rajendra kumar jain
    syed azhar husain
    Chander Shekhar Kumar
    when i am putting above query it is giving result as follows
    my requirement is that for complete full name like 'syed azhar husain' it should give
    fist name : syed
    middle name: azhar
    last name: husain
    first name: rejendra
    middle name: kumar
    last name: jain
    first name: chander
    middle name: shekhar
    last name: kumar

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    Hi Nagesh,
          Can you please explain how did u solve this issue. I am also facing same issue?
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    zip codes correspond to the cities, counties and states.
    Colorado,  Colorado Springs, El Paso,  80918
    Users make a selection of state or states and the recordset is filtered by user selection.
    I manage the part of making a select mutiple drop menu that passes the values to my query page like this.
    <form action="litsTA.php"; method="post">
    <h3>Choose State(s)</h3>
    <p>hold Control key to select multiple states</p>
    <select  name="States_served[]_<?php echo $cnt1; ?>" multiple="multiple" onchange='showselection()'>
    do { 
      <option value="<?php echo $row_state['state_label']?>"><?php echo $row_state['state_label']?></option>
    } while ($row_state = mysql_fetch_assoc($state));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($state);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($state, 0);
           $row_state = mysql_fetch_assoc($state);
      <input type="submit" value="submit" />
    And the query I need to convert into a recordset looks like this
      mysql_select_db($database_duitop, $duitop);
    $query_TONY = "SELECT * FROM zip_code WHERE state_label IN (";  
    for ($i=0; $i<=count($state_list)-1; $i++) {
    //echo $state_list[$i];
    $query_TONY = $query_TONY . "'" . $state_list[$i] . "'";
    if ($i < count($state_list)-1) {
    $query_TONY = $query_TONY . ", ";
    $query_TONY = $query_TONY . ") GROUP BY county ORDER BY state_label, city ASC";
    Any way that was my attempt to converting the query into a recordset.
    any help, or samples will be appreciated.

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    Database is a consumer of a SERVICE (SOA!!!!!!).
    Database plays a business system role here!!!!
    Mapping is part of an ESB service
    Adaptor is a technology adapted to ESB framework to support specific protocol.
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    [CYTD("Sign On Bonus")]
    In the above example. when the formula is loaded, it only load the 1st line and strip the remaining line.

    I have encountered this issue as well and here is how I receommend you deal with it. Unfortunately, DRM does not understand multiple lines in a formula and so it truncates the other lines.
    1. The best way around it is to ensure that your formula does not have multiple lines. Strip all the enters and only use spaces. Essbase does not care about aesthetics as long as the formula is all in one line. This should take care of it.
    2. Sometimes, the formulas for member properties are very long and they are in multiple lines. You can try using excel formulas to bring them all in one line. After removing enters and tabs myself multiple times, I informed my Essbase developers of this DRM issue and told them to provide me with the formulas without using Enters and tabs.
    Hope this helps.
    -- Adi

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    I am not clear with your question. Do you want to load multipel Excel Files into a table. If so you can follow this link.*Loader_FAQ#Can_one_load_data_from_multiple_files.2F_into_multiple_tables_at_once.3F

  • How to write data from query into Real time cube?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone explain me step by step how to write data into a real time cube from front end queries.
    Thanks in advance

    You can do this using Integrated Planning
    You need to create a aggregation level on the Real Time infocube and can create Planning function/sequence, Variables if needed.
    Then you can create query on this aggregation level and you can make the keyfigures Input ready in property pane and you can change the data and save it into cube.
    Please find below help link which clearly explains step by step about Integrated Planning like creating input ready queries etc.,

Maybe you are looking for

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