How to bundle resource files with a plugin

Feel like I'm missing something obvious here.
Trying to bundle a zip file in with my (c) plugin, then access it in code.
I've added it to the Resources group of my project in XCode, which has caused to to be copied to the Resources folder of the .InDesignPlugin package.
Is that the correct way to go about it? How do I then access it in code?

Are you trying to use ODFRC compiler?
Unfortunately i don't know how to create proper resource for compressed data. I've found in SDK (CoreResTypes.h)
#define kPackagesRsrcType 'PCKS'
#define kBinaryBlobType 'BBlb' //taken from DynamicDocumentsExtrasDefs
But don't know the macro to create that kind of resource.
The good thing is that you can cheat a bit and use PNG resource, since this is also binary data.
Just define your zip file as PNG resource and use IPMStream to write the data to the disk.
All you need to do is to define in your .fr file path to the zip which is relative path from your project file:
#define kYOUR_ZIP_FILERsrcID 15
#ifdef __ODFRC__
      resource PNGA(kYOUR_ZIP_FILERsrcID) "../../"
#endif // __ODFRC__
and in your class read the resource and write it into a file:
        WideString theFilePath("/Users/userName/Desktop/");
        const IDFile theFile(theFilePath);
        RsrcSpec theRsrc(kYourPluginID, kPNGArtRsrcType, kYOUR_ZIP_FILERsrcID, kFalse);
        InterfacePtr<IPMStream> rsrcStream((IPMStream*) StreamUtil::CreateResourceStreamRead(theRsrc, kFalse));
        InterfacePtr<IPMStream> fileStream(StreamUtil::CreateFileStreamWrite(theFile));
        unsigned long totalIBytes = 0;
        unsigned long totalOBytes = 0;
        unsigned long iSize = -1;
        unsigned long oSize = 0;
        while (rsrcStream->IsReading() && iSize > 0)
            unsigned char data[1024];
            iSize = rsrcStream->XferByte(data, 1024);
            oSize = fileStream->XferByte(data, iSize);
            totalIBytes += iSize;
            totalOBytes += oSize;

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    You can read through the resources documentation for iOS here: l
    Of particular interest is the line:
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    So not sure if you are using an ant build script or whatever to build your ANE, but as long as you place these json files into the folder with your library when you build the ANE, these will end up getting copied to the top-level directory of the application when an application is built using this ANE.
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    at own.gui.OWNDPTool.initGui(
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    Thanks in advance!
    Have a nice day!

    Always nice to see new faces
    Honestly I've no idea of what an OS is or where do I get that.
    This brings up the second part of your problem. The first part is setting up either a proper Virtual Machine program like Parallels or VMfusion, or setting up a Boot Camp partition on your drive.
    OS stands for Operating System. You are running Leopard 10.5.7 as an operating system on your Mac (MacOS X).
    The second part of your problem - You will need a copy of Windows XP or Vista if you want to run Windows on your Mac.
    There is at least one other solution for running Windows programs on a Mac. It's called "CrossOver" by a company named 'Codeweavers'. It's based on a project for "Wine" to be able to run PC programs on a Mac or Linux, without having to buy or install Windows. It works with a narrow subset of Windows programs so you would want to make sure the program you want to run is compatible with CrossOver before you buy it.
    In addition to all the above information, you need to upgrade your Mac to the latest 10.5.7 from 10.5.1. "Software Update" is located under the black Apple icon in the Menu Bar at the top left corner of your monitor. After you are updated you will want to update your Profile here so that it shows the proper OS version.
    With your level of experience with MacOS X and the Windows OS's you should probably get some help from a local Apple store. They have an appointment system and do offer many types of help and training, and they can offer assistance with choosing the proper programs for you to purchase for your machine.
    You are also welcome to continue to ask questions here, of course. You will want to ask your questions with different issues that come up in different threads so that the answers stay focused on the title of the thread.
    Message was edited by: dechamp to try to be more accurate with a fairly complicated issue...

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