How to change a recording with only L-channel to make it both L channel & R channel ?

Hi there,
I made a mistake during the recording. I selected the Input Source as Stereo 1/2 instead of Mono 1
I only realised it half way thru the recording and by then there was not enough time to re-record the whole thing.
So, I ended up with the tracks only having voice coming out from the L channel. How do I rectify this to make the same voice coming out from both the L channel and R channel ?

is the click on a stereo channel?
or are you sending it to a stereo bus or something?
For the Pan Law you can access it in Recording settings>
click hold the Record button on the transport and select recording,or via the KC .
But the Pan Law refers to mono signals and has to do with the amount of volume they have when they are panned in the center.
You can check more on that on >New Features in Logic 7.2<if you have this version of Logic

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    Sanders_2503 wrote:
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    So you want only one row for each distinct combination of fixture_name and some other column (I'll assume that's fixture_reorder_number). Does it matter which row? They won't necessarily have the same values for the other columns.
    The query below returns the one with the first pogname (in sort order):
    WITH     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT  pogname, index#version, pog_model_status, pog_layout_type
         ,     pog_market_specific, pog_contact_number, fixture_name
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  fixture_name
                                   ,                    fixture_reorder_number
                             ORDER BY        pogname
                           )         AS r_num
         FROM    sps_prod
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    ,     pog_market_specific, pog_contact_number, fixture_name
    FROM     got_r_num
    WHERE     r_num     = 1
    ;If there happens to be a tie (that is, two or more rows with the same fixture_name, fixture_number, and first pogname) then one of the will be chosen arbitrarily.
    Instead of "ORDER BY pogname", you can ORDER BY any other columns or expressions, but you must have an analytic ORDER BY clause. You can make it "ORDER BY NULL" if you really want to pcik an arbitrary row.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only), and also post the results you want from that data (or a couple of examples of acceptable results).
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.

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    LarissaG wrote:
    This definitely helps! But is a bit inconvenient when you have lots and lots of rowns in Column A.
    Oh well! I better get started.
    Thank you!
    That's because you are thinking about typing formulas into each an every row by hand. That would be horrendously inefficient and people would despise designing spreadsheets if it had to be done that way.
    Using Jerry's example as the starting point,
    Type the formula =B3*C$1 into cell C3 and hit enter.
    Select cell C3
    Drag down on the little circle at the bottom right corner of the selection box to complete the column. Alternatively, you can Copy then select the rest of the column and Paste.

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    Any other way Or is it possible to do so?Read the link I posted and create the statement to make your structure. I was thinking you were inside the com directory but if you are above it you will need something like this instead:
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    If you have any specific questions on any of this just ask.

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    String[] filterAttr = { "uid" };
    SearchControls searchControl = new SearchControls();
    searchControl.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
    results = PPL_DN, filter, searchControl );
    Please help to resolve this...
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    In 64 bit i changed the filter to [uid=*] and it worked fine.
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    Thanks in advance.
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    @dp_id char(32),
    @dv_id char(32),
    @em_number char(12),
    @email varchar(50),
    @emergency_relation char(32),
    @option1 char(16),
    @status char(20),
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    @em_title varchar(64),
    @date_hired datetime
    MERGE [dbo].[em] AS [Targ]
    USING (VALUES (@dp_id, @dv_id , @em_number, @email, @emergency_relation, @option1, @status, @em_id, @em_title, @date_hired))
    AS [Sourc] (dp_id, dv_id, em_number, email, emergency_relation, option1, status, em_id, em_title, date_hired)
    ON [Targ].em_id = [Sourc].em_id
    SET dp_id = [Sourc].dp_id,
    dv_id = [Sourc].dv_id,
    em_number = [Sourc].em_number,
    email = [Sourc].email,
    emergency_relation = [Sourc].emergency_relation,
    option1 = [Sourc].option1,
    status = [Sourc].status,
    em_title = [Sourc].em_title,
    date_hired = [Sourc].date_hired
    INSERT (dp_id, dv_id, em_number, email, emergency_relation, option1, status, em_id, em_title,date_hired)
    VALUES ([Sourc].dp_id, [Sourc].dv_id, [Sourc].em_number, [Sourc].email, [Sourc].emergency_relation, [Sourc].option1, [Sourc].status, [Sourc].em_id, [Sourc].em_title, [Sourc].date_hired);

    It's not clear how you would change the procedure. But assuming that you want to replace the existing scalar parameters with tabular input, this is how you would do it. You first create a table type:
    CREATE TYPE  Insertor_type AS TABLE
        (dp_id                char(32),
         dv_id                char(32),
        em_number            char(12),
        email                varchar(50),
        emergency_relation   char(32),
        option1              char(16),
        status               char(20),
        em_id                char(35),
        em_title             varchar(64),
        date_hired           datetime)
    Then you change the procedure header:
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspInsertorUpdateINF] @tvp Insertor_type READONLY AS
    And finally you change the USING clause:
       USING (SELECT dp_id, dv_id , em_number, email, emergency_relation, option1, status, em_id, em_title, date_hired
              FROM   @tvp) AS [Sourc] ON [Targ].em_id = [Sourc].em_id
    The rest is fine as it is.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    1. how to continue to add new nodes to a graph with only one loop
    would like to use graph traversal like my previous post to traversal a binary tree, but this time, it can 
    loop forever, i mean it traverse all nodes in whole graph in the meanwhile it add new nodes too
    assume maximum number of joint is 2 or 3
    computing nightmare

    I just realised that you weren't talking about cyclic graphs (in the case of 1 cycle) here, but meant a single pass traverse and mutate.
    What you don't specify is how the new nodes are being supplied.  If they are supplied up front, then the loop will of course terminate once all the inputs are addressed, rather than going on forever.  If they are being supplied from time-to-time,
    then you need to have some sort of event-wait on input.  The traversal could have a move-next something like this
    If at end of tree with no new nodes, wait for input
    If at end of tree, with input, reset to start
    If at insertion point for new node at top of input queue, insert that
    Move to next node in tree
    This seems the sort of thing that would naturally be coded in a functional language as a tail recursion rather than an iteration.

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    I have created a HTML-Portlet in my root-page. The root page have a style: Main-Style.
    I want to change the background-color only for this one HTML-Portlet:
    <body bgcolor="#999999">
    But this does not work...
    When I use the CSS, then it will change the background-color for the root-page too.
    Leonid Pavlov

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    <table bgcolor="#999999">
    I don't think you need <html><header><title>Test</title></header>
    <body></body></html> for your HTML-Portlet.

Maybe you are looking for

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