How to change absolute to relative values

I had recorded a page where i can navigate from one recoerd to another using " > " button, for each and every click(each next record) a state token will update its value by 1.I saw different values of the state_token in recorded scripts . But these are absolute values. Is it possible in e-Tester that these values are relative to the initial value.
update me as early as possible.

Pasted from yesterday's message -
First thing you want to do is to get a valid and complete
doctype on that
page, so that it will be rendered in the browser's Standards
mode, not
quirks mode.
Change this -
to this -
Next, you need to get div#textlaya OUT OF THE TABLE. One
should never place
absolutely positioned elements directly into table cells.
Just grab the code
for that div, cut it from the page, and paste it back in
immediately above
Then, just read along -
Change this -
to this -
<style type="text/css">
body { text-align:center; }
#wrapper { text-align:left; width:760px; margin:0
auto;position:relative; }
/* 760px will display on an 800px screen maximized browser
window without */
/* horizontal scrollbars. */
change this -
<body ...>
to this -
<body ...>
<div id="wrapper">
and this -
to this -
<!-- /wrapper -->
and see if that helps (You'll need to relocate the placement
of the
div#textlaya on the design view page, though since its frame
of reference
has changed a bit).
Finally, you need to know about the perils of placing text
into absolutely
positioned elements -
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
- DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
Tutorials & Resources
"Fodderstompf" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:fnq7ea$a4j$[email protected]..
>I can't see the response?
> I've put the page up also:
> The code posted here is pretty much the same?

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    You need change the IKM. This values are hardcode in the IKM.
    You can create a new IKM and the values used are a options of the IKM.
    Edited by: Uthred on May 18, 2009 4:27 PM

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    Pasted from yesterday's message -
    First thing you want to do is to get a valid and complete
    doctype on that
    page, so that it will be rendered in the browser's Standards
    mode, not
    quirks mode.
    Change this -
    to this -
    Next, you need to get div#textlaya OUT OF THE TABLE. One
    should never place
    absolutely positioned elements directly into table cells.
    Just grab the code
    for that div, cut it from the page, and paste it back in
    immediately above
    Then, just read along -
    Change this -
    to this -
    <style type="text/css">
    body { text-align:center; }
    #wrapper { text-align:left; width:760px; margin:0
    auto;position:relative; }
    /* 760px will display on an 800px screen maximized browser
    window without */
    /* horizontal scrollbars. */
    change this -
    <body ...>
    to this -
    <body ...>
    <div id="wrapper">
    and this -
    to this -
    <!-- /wrapper -->
    and see if that helps (You'll need to relocate the placement
    of the
    div#textlaya on the design view page, though since its frame
    of reference
    has changed a bit).
    Finally, you need to know about the perils of placing text
    into absolutely
    positioned elements -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Fodderstompf" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fnq7ea$a4j$[email protected]..
    >I can't see the response?
    > I've put the page up also:
    > The code posted here is pretty much the same?

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    hence you have copied standard script you cant able to change the driver program for this you have to use itcsy structure.
    go to the page window and select the window which you have the amount field. open the text editor of the windoiw here write
    /:           USING &REGUH-ZALDT&
    /:           CHANGING &DT&
    /:           ENDPERFORM
    now create a report program with name  ZAMOUNT_ZF110_IN_AVIS1_C.
    and follow as the example program is .
    *&      Form  CONTACT
         -->IN_TAB     text
         -->OUT_TAB    text
    FORM contact TABLES in_tab STRUCTURE itcsy
                       out_tab STRUCTURE itcsy.
      DATA : v_telf1 TYPE telf1.
      DATA : v_telfx TYPE telfx.
      DATA : v_adrnr TYPE ad_addrnum.
      DATA : v_flagcomm6 TYPE ad_flgcm06.
      DATA : v_datum(10) TYPE c.
      DATA : v_sydatum TYPE sy-datum.
      DATA : v_lifnr TYPE lifnr .         " Santosh Rawat , 19th Feb
      DATA : v_email TYPE ad_smtpadr .   " Santosh Rawat , 19th Feb
      LOOP AT in_tab.
        IF in_tab-name = 'REGUH-LIFNR'.
              input  = in_tab-value
              output = v_lifnr.
          SELECT SINGLE telf1 telfx adrnr FROM lfa1
            INTO (v_telf1, v_telfx, v_adrnr)
            WHERE lifnr = v_lifnr.
          SELECT SINGLE smtp_addr FROM adr6    " Santosh Rawat ,19th Feb
         INTO v_email WHERE ADDRNUMBER = v_adrnr. " Santosh Rawat ,19th Feb
         SELECT SINGLE flagcomm6 FROM adrc INTO v_flagcomm6
           WHERE addrnumber = v_adrnr.
          in_tab-name = 'REGUH-ZALDT' OR in_tab-name = 'REGUP-BLDAT'   .
          MOVE in_tab-value TO v_datum.
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '.' IN v_datum WITH ' '.
          CONDENSE v_datum.
          MOVE v_datum TO v_sydatum.
       input         = V_DATUM
      OUTPUT        = V_DATUM
              date_internal            = v_sydatum
              date_external            = v_datum
              date_internal_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      LOOP AT out_tab.
        IF out_tab-name = 'TEL'.
          MOVE v_telf1 TO out_tab-value.
        ELSEIF out_tab-name = 'FAX'.
          MOVE v_telfx TO out_tab-value.
        ELSEIF out_tab-name = 'EMAIL'.
          MOVE v_email TO out_tab-value.        " Santosh Rawat , 19th Feb
        ELSEIF out_tab-name = 'DT'.
          MOVE v_datum TO out_tab-value.
        MODIFY out_tab FROM out_tab.
    ENDFORM.             }
    reply for any query.

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    using (System.IO.Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(m_strFilePath))
        Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(m_clientContext, str_URLOfFile, fileStream, true);
        Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File fileUploaded = m_List.RootFolder.Files.GetByUrl(str_URLOfFile);
        User user1 = m_Web.EnsureUser("User1");
        User user2 = m_Web.EnsureUser("User2");
        ListItem item = fileUploaded.ListItemAllFields;
        item["UserDefinedColumn"] = "UserDefinedValue1";
        item["Title"] = "UserDefinedValue2";
        item["Editor"] = user1;
        item["Author"] = user2;
        fileUploaded.CheckIn(string.Empty, CheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);

    Hi talib2608,
    Chris is correct for this issue, when calling update using ListItem.update method, it will increase item versions, using SystemUpdate and UpdateOverwriteVersion will update the list item overwrite version.
    these two methods are not available in CSOM/REST, only server object model is available for this.
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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    <param name="flashvars" value=""></param>
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    You can try passing the parameter in the HTML template file ... for example in the $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/basejpi.htm
    <PARAM NAME="TYPE" VALUE="%jpi_mimetype%">
    <PARAM NAME="CODEBASE" VALUE="%codebase%">
    <PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
    <PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE" VALUE="%archive%" >
    <PARAM name="codebase_lookup" value="false">
    I have never done it myself so I do not know if it would be recognized though.

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    When you load the combo box, you should be setting a "key" for each entry in the combo box.
    See below:
      move '2010FY' to Value-Key.
      move '2010 - Full Year' to Value-Text.
      append value to list.
      move '2010Q1' to Value-Key.
      move '2010 - Q1' to Value-Text.
      append value to list.
      move '2010Q2' to Value-Key.
      move '2010 - Q2' to Value-Text.
      append value to list.
      move '2010Q3' to Value-Key.
      move '2010 - Q3' to Value-Text.
      append value to list.
      move '2010Q4' to Value-Key.
      move '2010 - Q4' to Value-Text.
      append value to list.
      move 'COMBO1' to name.  "name of Combo box in the screen
      call function 'VRM_SET_VALUES'
          id = name
          values = list.
    So add these "keys" to a hidden column in the ALV grid.  Then .... when the user presses a hotspot, pass the value of the hidden column (for the selected row) into the COMBO1 box.
      move '2010'FY' into Combo1.  " if they selected Full Year of 2010

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    For the Ship-to party field (in item detail )  on webui when i do a F4 help i get the pop up with various search criteria and  for the field Role the default value is "Ship-to party".  which is visible. we need to change this default value to Prospect which is available in drop down.
    The attribute is STRUCT.ROLE  and view BP_HEAD_SEARCH/SearchHelp . The method GET_DQUERY_VALUEHELPS  from the context node class is called to fill the value help for this attribute, but i dont understand how the ship-to party is filled as default. There is no code in this method to default the value.
    The generic GET_V_S_STRUCT method also does not default the Ship-to party on this field.
    I want to understand how this Ship-to party is filled by default and how can i change this to prospect..
    Many Thanks,

    We had a same requirement of defaulting Sales org and division in search criteria for a specific value.
    this can be doen by redefining "DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT" method in IMPL class for the respective view.
    See the code:
    METHOD do_prepare_output.
    **    iv_first_time = ABAP_FALSE
        lr_qs TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_dquery_service.
    * Get current query object
      lr_qs ?= me->typed_context->search->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      IF iv_first_time = abap_true.
        lr_qs->clear_selection_param_values( ).
        lr_qs->delete_empty_selection_params( ).
    *   if l_sales_orgs is initial.
        CALL METHOD lr_qs->insert_selection_param
            iv_index     = '1'
            iv_attr_name = 'SALES_ORG'
            iv_sign      = ' '
            iv_option    = 'EQ'
            iv_low       = 'O 50000514'.
    *   endif.
    *   if l_dist_chan is initial.
        CALL METHOD lr_qs->insert_selection_param
            iv_index     = '2'
            iv_attr_name = 'DISTR_CHAN'
            iv_sign      = ' '
            iv_option    = 'EQ'
            iv_low       = '01'.
    * endif.
    Hope this will help..
    THanks & Regards,

  • How to change the parameter's value of Oracle Forms Applet?

    I'm working with Oracle Forms and JRE 1.6.0_14, we got some performance issues and we think are related with Java, so we enabled Java trace and we realized that every time user moves the cursor from one item to another, the applet sends a request to the server. This is the request.
    network: Connecting http://server/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=e53bb50b2f95ecb357451bf21a291367cc1747d2d9956b3ba1c4a05916d87d34.e34LaheTahaLai0LaxyLbN4ObxqTe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with proxy=DIRECT
    I want to disable these connections as Sun states that sometimes they are not needed (not sure if this is the case but we want to test it).
    I got a possible answer from a Sun forum, the possible fix is to set the following property to false:
    <APPLET ...>
    <PARAM name="codebase_lookup" value="false">
    But I don't know how to pass that parameter to Oracle Forms applet.
    Does anybody know?

    You can try passing the parameter in the HTML template file ... for example in the $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/basejpi.htm
    <PARAM NAME="TYPE" VALUE="%jpi_mimetype%">
    <PARAM NAME="CODEBASE" VALUE="%codebase%">
    <PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
    <PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE" VALUE="%archive%" >
    <PARAM name="codebase_lookup" value="false">
    I have never done it myself so I do not know if it would be recognized though.

  • Drill-down and how to change to the correct value in the dashboard title

    Good Morning,
    I have a problem on the presentational side, which some of you might have seen as well.
    My dashboard page looks like this:
    Dummy Prompt 1: YearFrom
    Dummy Prompt 2: YearTo
    Prompt 3: Item
    All three prompts have a presentation variable to show their respective value in the title of the dashboard page.
    Below the prompts is the report, which is filtered by the three prompts and contains a column "year" with the option to drill-down.
    When I drill-down on a "year" value, a column "month" appears and shows the values of the year by month.
    Problem : After the drill-down the title still displays the old "YearFrom" "YearTo" values and not the year I drilled-down on
    Question: How to I change the title to the correct year?
    Optional: In the drilled-down report I would like to hide the column "year".
    Every idea is appreciated

    hi, with JSF 2 you got the ajax tag, just tried it and it works fine :)
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{}">
        <f:ajax execute="@this" event="keyup" render="outtext"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{}"/>or before JSF 2
    <h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="head"/>
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{}" onkeyup="jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {render: 'outtext'}); return false;"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{}"/>The name property is a simple String in the bean.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: hereps on Aug 21, 2010 7:18 AM

  • How to change SmartView time out value

    I'm using EPM 9.3.1 and SmartView
    When I try to open a large data form via SmartView I get error "Couldn't connect to a provider. Address to your Administator to increase time out and attempts count values".
    Tell me please, how can I change these values.

    You try and edit in \Hyperion\products\Essbase\aps\bin and increase the following values, you probably need to restart aps to apply the changes.
    # Specifies values for Essbase Server network connection
    # HPS will try netConnectRetry times to connect to an Essbase Server.
    # HPS will wait for netDelay milli-seconds before re-trying a connect operation
    # HPS will wait for netSocketTimeOut milli-seconds before timing out IO operation on socket. A zero value will result in infinite timeout.

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    OK I'll byte no real pun intended though.
    I am having all kinds of trouble outputing to a stream.
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    byte bar = (byte) foo;
    System.out.println(foo); //just to see if the int is ok
    // I am seeing 47152
    System.out.println(bar); // in a crazed attempt to get a check of the value
    // I am seeing 48
    the file I am writing to is filled instead with
    all 30. I know that 30 = 48 in hex so this makes some sense as java is converting the byte to dec 48.
    what I dont get is that 47152 = B830 so since I am to collect my data and then convert it to a byte and since I am loosing the top 2 digits how to I preserve them to output to the stream?

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    I'd really appreciate any suggestion.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the help, but I still dont know where I should to use setAttributeValue(DESTINATION_ATTR,OADataBoundValueViewObject());
    All examples that I saw till now here, suggestes to change something in the page in Controller but based on something entered in the page. In my case is IN to OUT, I will render some item table with a specific value parameter based what is in the database. Being more specific, I have a html table and one column Col1 has a value and it will have a DESTINATION URL if another column Col2 is Null. I believe I would have to check somewhere if the Col2 is null or not and change the DESTINATION URL property.
    Thanks again..

  • How to change a h:outputText value in the current form on key pressed event

    Hello Suners,
    Greetings! I'm developing my first JSF web application and i'm trying to figure a way out to change outputText value when key pressed on another inputText so that when the user is typing his name for example he can see the letters showing respectively in the outputText.
    I managed to do it onchange but the user must focus out of the inputText to see his name in the outputText which is not right and the form must submit onchange event which is annoying.
    <h:inputText value="#{login.username}" title="name" id="name" required="true" onchange="this.form.submit()" >
                                <f:validateLength maximum="10" minimum="1"/>
                                <f:validator validatorId="myValidator"/>
                                <f:valueChangeListener type="classes.MyListener"/>
    </h:inputText>Is there any listener i can associate with the "onkeypress" attribute? Can anyone help me to do that with JSF?
    King Regards,

    hi, with JSF 2 you got the ajax tag, just tried it and it works fine :)
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{}">
        <f:ajax execute="@this" event="keyup" render="outtext"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{}"/>or before JSF 2
    <h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="head"/>
    <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{}" onkeyup="jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {render: 'outtext'}); return false;"/>
    <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{}"/>The name property is a simple String in the bean.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: hereps on Aug 21, 2010 7:18 AM

Maybe you are looking for