How to change/improve the reading font in Reader XI

Is there a way of changing the font of a document opened with Adobe Reader XI or to make the embedded font clearer to read?
I think the answer is no as I would have thought it would depend on the font used at the time of document creation.
But why is the font in Adobe Reader XI not as clear as other pdf readers - my preference is to use Adobe, but I am finding I have to open more and more documents with other readers to make them easier on the eye to read.
I have tried changing the rendering options under preferences and that has helped a little bit, but it is still not as clear to read as the other readers.
Any pointers appreciated.

What exactly are you referring to? Generally there is no such thing, but some tools allow certain defaults to be set...

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    Aurélien J.
    National Instruments France
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    you can even get a small rebate for your original CPU
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