How to change key

I'm using GemXpressPro-R3 Java cards.
I would like to change the key used by Initialize Update and External Authenticate.
The documentation mentions that three keys are stored. MAC, ENC and KEK.
But all three keys are calculated from one mother key using diversification data ???
Which key do I have to change and how exactly can I achieve this?
Thanks Martin

You'll have to contact G+ for this.

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    You can change it in 2 ways.
    1] Go to each Planning Book in Edit mode.
        In that go to a Tab called Key Figure Attributes.
        Select your Sales Forecast Key figure from the dropdown   against Key Figure.
       Then in Description click the radio button Free Text and give your new name which is Sales Demand.
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    2] Go to RSA1 : Admin Workbench
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    Select your KF. Double Click on it. Or right click and go to Change mode.
    Then change the Long and Short Description of the KF as desired.
    Save & Activate the KF.
    This will change your KF description for all the PB in which you have used the same PA.
    Hope this helps.

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    I am one step further now.
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    The simpler is to open the project global properties and change the key there.
    The second could be to select track by track and changing the transpose parameter into the left top inspector.
    The third is to open each track into the piano roll editor, select all notes and move them up or down.

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    the fmrweb.res file in the forms90 directory controls the behavior of Forms function keys. There is a file called fmrpcweb.res in the same directory that you can use to bring back client/server key mapping to Forms on teh Web.
    1. rename fmrweb.res to something different
    2. Make a copy of and name it fmrweb.res

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    Hello and welcome,
    You have very little control over the default question slides, you cannot see the click box that is there (for click anywhere), nor change the 'Y'. Have a look at this blog post where I describe the functionality of question slides:
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    May I dare to tell you the magic four letters?
    But to give you a hint: learn how to configure global tracks, activate the chord track and look if you find the epic answer there

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    Check the possibility with Remodelling option . If it is not possible with Remodelling, then you can only change the cube deleting the Data.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Main
    {   public static void main(String[] args)
        {   JFrame f = new JFrame("Test");
            Test GUI = new Test();
    class Test extends JPanel
    {   JTextArea txta = new JTextArea(10,20);
        JTextField txt = new JTextField(10);
        JScrollPane sp_txta = new JScrollPane(txta);
        public Test()
        {   this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,300));
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            add(sp_txta, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            add(txt, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
            Action testAction = new AbstractAction()
            {   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ txt.setText("A"); }
            txt.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('z'), "test");    //Change z into A
            txt.getActionMap().put("test", testAction);
            (   new KeyListener()
                {   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is pressed \n"); }
                    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is released \n"); }
                    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){ txta.append(e.getKeyChar() + " key is typed \n"); }
    }Edited by: 835972 on Feb 11, 2011 8:11 AM

    It is possible to perform key pressing more than a key in same time? Example, perform 'q' & 'w' keys pressing at the same time.With r.keyPress method, it only can perform single key pressed at a time. Do you have any idea how to perform multiple key pressed at a time?The javadoc for Robot.keyPress suggests ( "+The key should be released using the keyRelease method+" ) that the key remains "pressed" until you keyRelease(...) it. So, press the keys sequentially:
    // At this stage both Q and W are pressed "in same time"
    ... // do stuff
    // At this stage, only Q is pressedI suspect that in real life, unless you're a very gifted musician, you don't really press keys "at the same time" (under the time resolution of a keyboard, which I imagine is around a few milliseconds).

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    I think the Rex has indicated that this is more or less what he gets by turning off Background Audio for slide 1. (Muted audio which then resumes playing at slide 2).
    This is actually a very good question.  I've never thought of trying to get the background audio to begin playing at anything other than slide 1.  I'm not aware of any advanced action variable that can be used to initialise the background audio at a given slide.  Is there such a beast?
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