How to change order of custom metadata fields in the properties tab

Hello all
i have added some custom properties in a folder on the km content but i can not arrange the properties in any logical order.
your help please

Hi Ronen,
you can
If you have defined the properties working now, you know this path: System Administration - System Configuration - KM - Configuration - CM - Global Services - Property Structures.
There you have the property structure DefaultPropertiesStructure using the property group all_groups.
all_groups consists of system, custom ... etc. in the order the tab strips come up when using details for a resource. Within each group, under group items the property or the property group to be rendered appears (in the order they get rendered). This holds recursively for all groups.
If you have defined your properties within group "custom", just arrange them in Group Items in the order you like.
Hope it helps

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    Hi ppl,
    I've trying to use content tracker to audit some actions including GET_FILE. The problem is that I need to save a custom metadata field that is not in the localdata resultset.
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    Don't believe you it will allow you to rename it.
    You're going to have to create a new field with the name you want and copy the data over. Unfortunately Aperture doesn't have any built in means of copying metadata from one field to another. Applescript however could do it fairly easily.

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    You cannot do this through profiles alone if I understand you correctly.
    If I load a check in page, choose a security group and at this moment want a custom metadata field to disappear then you are beyond what profiles offers.
    Rules evaluation can only be based on information that is know at the time the page is requested. That means in order for this to work you would need to make security group an non editable field and have a set of profiles for each security group.
    The alternative is to customize the UI with soem DHTML or AJAX

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    You can try Automator which must be installed already in your computer. Create a new workflow, on the left pane select Aperture to see a list of actions, select "get selected items" and "extract metadata", and drag both to the right most pane. there you'll choose the Tag names to extract from the images already selected inside aperture and choose an output method, tabbed text should work fine for a spreadsheet. Hope it works.

  • How to use ADD_METADEF to add a custom metadata field

    Hi All,
    I am trying to add a custom metadata field to check in profile, and this I want to do using RIDC library through my java program. I have tried the following code, but some how I could not see its getting added to Information Fields and also to Standard check in profile.
    Can you let me know what am I missing?
                myIdcClient = myIdcClientManager.createClient("idc://XXXX:4444"); // just commented out
                IdcContext myIdcContext = new IdcContext("weblogic", "weblogic1");
                ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
                  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "UPDATE_OPTION_LIST");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dKey", "xLocationList123");
                  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("OptionListString", "Madrid\nTokyo\nLondon\nWashington");
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                    myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "ADD_METADEF");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dName", "xLocations123123");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dIsRequired", "0");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dOptionListKey", "xLocationList123");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dOptionListType", "choice");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dIsOptionList", "1");                    
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dIsSearchable", "1");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dIsEnabled", "1");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dType", "Text");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("FieldName", "xLocations123123");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dCaption", "Locations");
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                    myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "UPDATE_META_TABLE");
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                    myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "START_SEARCH_INDEX");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IsRebuild", "1");
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                    myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "PUBLISH_SCHEMA");
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
    Thanks in advance.

    Try calling the following code:
    import static intradoc.shared.MetaFieldUtils.hasDocMetaDef;
    import static intradoc.shared.MetaFieldUtils.updateMetaDataFromProps;
    import intradoc.common.ServiceException;
        protected static void addMetadataFields(final Workspace workspace, final DataBinder binder) {
            traceVerbose("Start addMetadataFields");
            // Parameters for metadata field
            final String[] parameters = new String[] { "dsdComponentName", "dComponentName", "dsdVersion", "dType", "dIsRequired", "dIsEnabled", "dIsSearchable", "dIsOptionList", "dOptionListKey", "dOptionListType", "dDefaultValue", "dOrder", "dIsPlaceholderField", "dsdCheckFlag",
                    "dsdDisableOnUninstall" };
            // Common values for primary and alternate field values
            final String[] values = new String[] { "ComponentName", ComponentName, "build_1_20131206", "BigText", "0", "1", "1", "0", "", "", "", "2500", "0", "", "" };
            // Primary file checksum field parameters and values
            final Properties field = new Properties();
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                field.put(parameters[i], values[i]);
            // Setup primary file specific parameters
            field.put("dName", "Metadata field name");
            field.put("dCaption", "Metadata field caption");
            try {
                // Name of metadata field
                final String fieldName = field.getProperty("dName");
                trace("dName: " + fieldName);
                if (fieldName != null && fieldName.length() > 0 && !hasDocMetaDef(fieldName)) {
                    try {
                        updateMetaDataFromProps(workspace, null, field, fieldName, true);
                        trace("Successfully added metadata field " + fieldName);
                    } catch (final ServiceException e) {
                        warn("Metadata field " + fieldName + " was not installed.", e);
                    } catch (final DataException e) {
                        warn("Metadata field " + fieldName + " was not installed.", e);
                } else {
                    trace("Metadata field already exists; will not modify");
            } finally {
                traceVerbose("End addMetadataFields");

  • Custom metadata field with autonumbering sequence

    I have created a custom metadata field and I need it to be able to start a zero and then increase by one with each checkin. There were other qualifications for this particular field as well, which I have managed to do. Currently, the field is V99_99999 where V is a constant, and the 99 immendiately after the V is the current two digit year. all that works great. the issue I am having is with the second half of this. I have it going against the content_id currently, which is at 003856 right now, so when I check in my first content, it will look like V09_003857. what I need it to look like is V09_00001 and then increase by one with each checkin, and then for the really tricky part...when the year changes, on Jan 1, the counter needs to start over at all zeroes again.
    I am fairly new to UCM and this seems huge to me. I purchased a book called "The Definitive Guide to Stelelnt Content Server Development" hoping to find the answer, but am still struggling, so I am using another life line and reaching out to you all.

    You'll need a component. You already mentioned you had a custom metadata field. You will also need to add a counter to the counters table for your component. During a check in you will need to fetch the next value from the counters table, increment the counter and store the new number back in the table. The year portion of the id is easy, get the current year and grab the last two characters. Then, put this all togther to get the data for your metadata field.
    The big question now is where in the check in process will you do all this? You will need something called filters probably. Maybe addFiles, maybe validateStandard, there are several that this could work with.
    Check out the how-to-components:

  • Retrieve a list of different values of custom metadata field of an UCM connection

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    What is the easiest, best practices, how would you do it, way of achieving this?
    I have little experience with UCM.

    As rightly pointed out by jiri machotka, you want that option list .
    if you create a option list metadata, you have to publish schema to get the values. You can do it by two ways:
    1) Wait for the event which publish the schema automatically.
    2)Select "Publish schema" in the options menu of the Configuration Manager.
    Some good implementation info about searching can be found at - Students at Oracle: UCM: Creating search and check-in profiles with custom metadata
    Otherwise if you want faceted search or something near to enterprise searching capabilities, then go for enterprise search engines.
    I have recently worked on Enterprise Search Engines on various CMS products for better,intuitive and relevant search results.
    Hope, above information can help you out.

  • How to get Caption of custom metadat

    Hi everybody,
    I tried to change tha page "Workflow in queue". I would like to add my custom field.
    I don't have a problem to add custom metadata field, but I have problem with the Caption.
    This code doesn't get the Caption of the field xInvoice_Number:
    <$exec setValue("ColumnProperties", "headerLabel", getFieldConfigValue("xInvoice_Number", "fieldCaption", "Caption"))$>
    Can you help me how to get the Caption of custom metadata filed?
    Thank you

    Check this link out:
    Two questions:
    - have you set up Field Caption for your custom field in Configuration Manager?
    - if not, does your string "Caption" exist in your resources (still, I think you should use the lw() function)

  • Get value based on column names for custom metadata field of Webcenter Content

    In UCM, I created a custom metadata field of type Text.  I then enabled optlist in that field.  I populate values to the optList, I am using a View.  The View has three columns.  Let us call them ID, Key, Value.  OptList displays the Keys in its list.  I then create a Content (Content ID: MyContent) in Webcenter Content and choose values from OptList for my new metadata field (MyField).
    From Webcenter Portal, I am populating a selectOneChoice with values of MyField in the Content ID: MyContent.  Remember from previous step, the values populated in selectOneChoice is the list of values selected from optList field MyField.  This optList is in-turn populated from View.  After the user selects a value in selectOneChoice, in Javascript, I need to alert a message in this format "value chosen - corresponding value from View of optList that populates MyField"
    I think an example will be useful:
    Here is a View that I created in Configuration Manager applet in Admin Applets of Webcenter Content:
    ID | State | Capital
    1 | North Carolina | Raleigh
    2 | California | Sacramento
    3 | Illinois | Chicago
    Then, I create a Custom Field (Name: MyField).  MyField is an optList the values are populated from View created above.  The internal value and display value are both State.  Then I Check-In a new content with Content Id: MyContent.  For MyContent, I select these values from OptList for MyField: {North Carolina, Illinois}.
    In my Webcenter Portal application, I create a Content Presenter Taskflow.  I configure it as a single item content presenter.  I assign MyContent as Content Id.  Then, in templateView, I get all values of MyField in MyContent and display them as selectOneChoice.  I created a javascript function that would get the value that user selected in selectOneChoice.  In the View created in Webcenter Content's Configuration Manager (above), there is a value corresponding to each value displayed.  So, for the selected value, I need to get the corresponding Capital and display it in my alert message.
    From Javascript, how can I get the value of Capital, given I have the value of State.

    The idea to achieve your requirement is next:
    Create a helper manage bean that will be call as Map access: #{stateUtil['Calofironia']} (it will return Raleigh). This value will be get calling GET_SCHEMA_VIEW_VALUES IDC service using RIDC in your manage bean.
    Pass the result of #{stateUtil['statename']} to your JavaScript function using <af:clientAttribute.../>
    I hope this information help you.

  • Select Button beside custom metadata field on Check In Form

    In Oracle Content Server 10gR3, is there a way to add a "Select" button to User Alias Applet for a new Meta data field on New Check In Form? I tried creating a component but I don't see a select button being shown up. The button does shows up if it's a standard metadata fields but not for the custom one. Here is the component code. Any idea what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    CustomMetaData htmlIncludeOrString
    <@dynamichtml std_meta_fields@>
    <textarea name="xClbraAliasList" rows=3 cols=40 wrap=virtual></textarea>
    <input type="button" value="Select..."
    <script language="JavaScript">          
         var aliasForm;
         function popupSelectAlias(frm)
              var selUser = document.selectAliasApplet;
              aliasForm = frm;
         function setAliasString(val)
              if (val.length == 0)
              var str = aliasForm.xClbraAliasList.value;
              if (str.length > 0)
                   str += ",";
              str += val;
         <applet name="selectUserApplet"
              <param name=CGI-URL value="/idc/idcplg">
              <param name=JsDisplaySeparator value=",">
              <param name=IsPaged value="1">
              <param name=IsUserList value="1">
              <param name=JsFunction value="setUserString">
    <applet name="selectAliasApplet"
              <param name=CGI-URL value="/idc/idcplg">
              <param name=JsDisplaySeparator value=",">
              <param name=IsPaged value="1">
              <param name=IsAliasList value="1">
              <param name=JsFunction value="setAliasString">
    Then I tried using the same code as above but instead used the built-in dDocType to show a "Select" button. This works but the button obviously shows besides dDocType but when I try for custom metadata as shown above it doesn't. Here is the sample code for dDocType:<html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    CustomMetaData3 htmlIncludeOrString
    <@dynamichtml std_doc_page_definitions@>
    <$include super.std_doc_page_definitions$>
    <$include custom_modify_comments_definitions$>
    <@dynamichtml custom_modify_comments_definitions@>
    <$if isCheckin$>
    <$xComments:isHidden = 1$>
    <$xComments = "some preset and hidden comments"$>
    <$elseif isUpdate$>
    <$xComments:isInfoOnly = 1$>
    <@dynamichtml compute_std_field_includes@>
    <$include super.compute_std_field_includes$>
    <$if fieldName like "dDocType"$>
    <$if isCheckin or isUpdate$>
    <$fieldEntryInclude = "custom_doc_type_popup_field_entry"$>
    <@dynamichtml custom_doc_type_popup_field_entry@>
    <input type="text" name="dDocType" value="<$fieldValue$>">
    <input type="button" value="Select..."
    <script language="JavaScript">          
         var aliasForm;
         function popupSelectAlias(frm)
              var selUser = document.selectAliasApplet;
              aliasForm = frm;
         function setAliasString(val)
              if (val.length == 0)
              var str = aliasForm.xClbraAliasList.value;
              if (str.length > 0)
                   str += ",";
              str += val;
    <applet name="selectAliasApplet"
              <param name=CGI-URL value="/idc/idcplg">
              <param name=JsDisplaySeparator value=",">
              <param name=IsPaged value="1">
              <param name=IsAliasList value="1">
              <param name=JsFunction value="setAliasString">
    Can someone please let me know what is in my above code that I am missing that is preventing the button not being shown in-front of the custom metadata field.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: guest0012 on Aug 29, 2009 4:24 PM

    You'll need a component. You already mentioned you had a custom metadata field. You will also need to add a counter to the counters table for your component. During a check in you will need to fetch the next value from the counters table, increment the counter and store the new number back in the table. The year portion of the id is easy, get the current year and grab the last two characters. Then, put this all togther to get the data for your metadata field.
    The big question now is where in the check in process will you do all this? You will need something called filters probably. Maybe addFiles, maybe validateStandard, there are several that this could work with.
    Check out the how-to-components:

  • Custom metadata fields wont export

    I have created two custom metadata fields but they dont export when you export meta for excel, how can I do this?

    You can't.
    Note: See the "more like this" to the right; this question has been asked many times.
    For example, here's one thread where the question is answered with a link to the manual:
    Consulting the manual first (it's quite comprehensive) is always a good idea, too ;-)

  • Creating custom Metadata fields

    When I import images I need to add contact details of property owners and there's sometimes 2 or 3 owners so I've created a custom Metadata preset and used the "other" tab at the bottom of the Metadata inspector to add the fields: "Contact 2", "Contact 3" and "Cell phone", "Email" etc.
    The problem I have, is that I can add a new field in the "New Custom Metadata" box at the top of that tab, but the "+" symbol remains greyed out unless I enter characters into the Metadata value field. However, entering "placeholder" characters into the value field in order to activate the "+" symbol seems crazy because I'm creating a template, and the data will be different every time I import and I don't want to have to delete the placeholder characters when I'm importing. I just want to have custom fields and a blank box for data entry beside ready for me to fill it in when I import. Is this possible?

    A metadata field of type boolean will be a checkbox as long as there is no lookup associated with it.
    If you assign a lookup to it (either when you create the field, or in the group), then you will see it with a lookup.

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    I want to big message text box like e-mail message box.
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        This is not possible directly.Place the icon button in the table field.when u click on that button a popup window will appear in that window place the text editor there u can write text and u can save it ok..
    Award points if helpful.
    Kiran Kumar.G.A

  • Editing Autofill List for Custom Metadata Fields

    I have 13,000+ photographs cataloged in Aperture 2.1 In an effort to better manage these photographs, I have added custom metadata for my own use. The fields let me know whether I have printed for my portfolio, watermarked, added to my web site, status of release, etc. All of this data is manually entered and at times my fingers don't always hit the correct keys on the keyboard so I end up with autofill data that is incorrect. I have been unable to find a way to edit the autofill data for custom metadata fields. Selecting 'Edit Autofill List' does not give me access to my custom field autofill information. Am I missing something? Is this an oversight on my part or on the part of the application?

    Unfortunately I'm not using presets to do this. I don't think presets will help me with this, but it could be just that I don't understand presets that well. I use presets for entering Metadata from a shoot as I 'import' the raw files into Aperture. Maybe I'm trying to do something that Aperture was never intended to do, yet I need to have as few locations where I track
    As an example, as I print a photograph for my portfolio I mark one of the custom fields labelled 'Printed' as 'Yes'. Later I can locate those 4 or 5 star photographs that haven't been printed and decide if I want to print them. I use the same type of arrangement for my website with an 'Added to web' indicator as 'Yes'. I may also mark that 'Printed' field as 'N/A'. The reason follows. For watermarking photographs before adding them to my site via iWeb, I export and the photographs and then reimport the watermarked photographs into a separate project but since these photographs are at a lower resolution, have a different color profile and are jpegs, I never print them for my portfolio so I mark them 'N/A' in the 'Printed' field. Well my fingers do slip on the keys and before I realize it the nifty autofill now requires that I type not just the 'N' to get an 'N/A', but I must type it all, because one time I typed 'N and a space' or some such and that is what autofills. It even happens with 'Yes'. I suppose the real answer is to be more careful as I type, but that is not my reality.
    So, all I'm looking for is a way to have access to the autofill list that is created for my custom metadata fields so that I can delete the erroneous autofill entry. I've thought about deleting the field entirely and recreating it, but that would remove all those indicators or flags that I have already entered for my photographs.
    Alternatively I could find an IPTC field that I am not using and find a way to use it, (because those fields have autofill lists that can be edited). However my record keeping would be exported with the photograph. Some of the information that I collect is private and should not be included in the metadata while other information should be; that is why I've settled on custom metadata fields.
    I hope there is a simple answer to this that I'm overlooking.
    If someone else has another way of tracking this same information that is better than the custom metadata fields, I would like to hear about it. However, it would mean reworking all my photographs that Aperture currently manages.

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