How to Change the Text Box to LOV where the Text Box displayed dynamically

Hi All,
I have to Change the Text Box to LOV. But the Text Box is not the static one.
In the Expense Screen, when i select the particular expense type, additonal infomation is getting displayed.
There is a one additional field called 'Portfolio Code' . This is a text Box. I need to change this as LOV.
Even i am not sure how this is getting displyed. This column is mapped to attriubte14 of AP_EXPENSE_LINES_ALL table.
Please advice

Controller code continues
private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1, String s2)
OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive(s);
oawebbean1.setAttributeValue(attributekey, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oawebbean1, s2, s1));
private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1)
OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive(s);
oawebbean1.setAttributeValue(attributekey, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oawebbean1, s1, "DetailsPagePVO"));
private void processRequestNormalDetails(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ExpTypeChoice");
oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("GuestType");
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("Justification");
if(oamessagetextinputbean != null)
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "StartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "Justification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpenseGroup", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "LocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "RBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailMerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailTaxClassification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailTaxCode", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "TaxRegNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "Reference", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "TaxpayerID", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTravelType", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTicketClass", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTicketNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirFromLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirToLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AccEndDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "MealNumberAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "MealAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailDailyRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "NumberOfDays", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptCurrencyChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "ReceiptCurrencyChoiceCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "InverseExchRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExchRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailDailyRate", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReimbursAmt", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTypeSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTypeColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestNameSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestNameColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTitleSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTitleColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTaxIdSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTaxIdColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestEmployerSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestEmployerAddrSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerAddressColReq");
String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
if("StartDateUpdate".equals(s1) && "StartDate".equals(s))
setFocusToField("StartDate", oawebbean);
} else
if("AmountUpdateReceiptCurrency".equals(s1) && "ReceiptCurrencyChoice".equals(s))
setFocusToField("ReceiptCurrencyChoice", oawebbean);
private void processRequestItemizationDetails(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ItemizedDetails");
OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("IPL_ExpTypeChoice");
OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean1 = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildExpTypeChoice");
oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ExpenseType");
oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildGuestType");
OAMessageLayoutBean oamessagelayoutbean = (OAMessageLayoutBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildExpTypeLayout");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_StartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_Justification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_LocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_RBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_MerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_TaxRegNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReceiptNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_Reference", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_TaxpayerID", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildStartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildReceiptCurrencyChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildJustification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildExpenseGroup", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildLocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildRBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailMerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailTaxClassification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailTaxCode", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTravelType", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTicketClass", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTicketNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirFromLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirToLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAccEndDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildMealNumberAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildMealAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReceiptCurrency", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_OriginalReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ExchangeRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_InverseExchangeRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildNumberOfDays", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpenseReimAmountHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ReceiptAmountColHeader");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReimbursementAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ItemizationDetailsHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ChildDetailHeader");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReimbursAmt", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_OriginalReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTypeSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTypeColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestNameSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestNameColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTitleSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTitleColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTaxIdSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTaxIdColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerAddrSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerAddressColReq");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalBusinessExpenses");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalPersonalExpenses");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ExpenseReportLinesVO", "ReceiptCurrencyAmount");
createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("IPL_Justification");
oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildJustification");
String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
if("DuplicateItemization".equals(s) || "RemoveItemization".equals(s) || "AddItemization".equals(s) || "SingleSelectionChange".equals(s1))
setFocusToField(oamessagechoicebean1.getID(), oawebbean);
} else
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean1 = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildDetailDailyRate");
OADataBoundValueViewObject oadataboundvalueviewobject = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagetextinputbean1, "DetailDailyRateRendered", "DetailsPagePVO");
Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oadataboundvalueviewobject.getValue(oapagecontext.getRenderingContext());
if(boolean1 != null && boolean1.booleanValue())
setFocusToField("ChildDetailDailyRate", oawebbean);
} else
setFocusToField("ChildDetailReceiptAmount", oawebbean);
} else
if("StartDateUpdate".equals(s1) && "IPL_StartDate".equals(s))
setFocusToField("IPL_StartDate", oawebbean);
} else
if("IPL_ReceiptCurrencyChange".equals(s1) && "IPL_ReceiptCurrency".equals(s))
setFocusToField("IPL_ReceiptCurrency", oawebbean);
private void setFocusToField(String s, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OABodyBean oabodybean = (OABodyBean)OAWebBeanUtils.findParentByType(oawebbean, "BODY", oracle/apps/fnd/framework/webui/beans/OABodyBean);
private void createPPRFlexRegions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("AdditionalFields");
OAWebBean oawebbean2 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildAdditionalFields");
String s = oapagecontext.getProfile("AP_WEB_DESC_FLEX_NAME");
if(s == null || "N".equals(s) || "H".equals(s))
OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean1);
Vector vector = (Vector)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("getExpenseTypesVector");
Vector vector1 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(0);
Vector vector2 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(1);
Vector vector3 = new Vector();
Vector vector4 = new Vector();
Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("IsItemizedLine");
for(int i = 0; i < vector1.size(); i++)
String s1 = vector1.elementAt(i).toString();
String s2 = (String)vector2.elementAt(i);
String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s1).toString();
int j = createFlexBean(true, oapagecontext, oawebbean1, s1, s2, s3);
String s4 = (new StringBuilder()).append("ChildDFF_").append(s1).toString();
j = createFlexBean(false, oapagecontext, oawebbean2, s1, s2, s4);
vector4.addElement(new Integer(j));
} else
Serializable aserializable[] = {
Class aclass[] = {
oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("configurePVOForDFF", aserializable, aclass);
private int createFlexBean(boolean flag, OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, String s1, String s2)
OAMessageLayoutBean oamessagelayoutbean = (OAMessageLayoutBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "MESSAGE_LAYOUT_BEAN", null, null);
String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s).append("Rendered").toString();
ArrayList arraylist = (ArrayList)oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("flexList");
Object obj = null;
Object obj1 = null;
if(arraylist != null)
OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)arraylist.get(0);
String s4 = (String)arraylist.get(1);
if(oadescriptiveflexbean != null && s4 != null && s.equals(s4) && oadescriptiveflexbean.getUINodeName().equals(s2))
oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
return oadescriptiveflexbean.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean1 = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX", null, s2);
oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(READ_ONLY_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oadescriptiveflexbean1, "SDP_PageReadOnly", "DetailsPagePVO"));
oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_NAME, "AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES");
oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, "SQLAP");
oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(REGION_APPLICATION_ID, OIECommonConstants.STATIC_INTEGER_222);
} else
oadescriptiveflexbean1.setFlexContext(oapagecontext, s1);
catch(Exception exception)
return 0;
return oadescriptiveflexbean1.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
private void ManualPPR(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "DetailsPageButtonBar");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "LeftColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "RightColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildLeftColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildExpTypeLayout");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildRightColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsHeader");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsLayout");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsHeader");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsLayout");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_LeftColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_RightColumn");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildEmployeeTableRN");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildGuestTableRN");
OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ItemizationMasterTable");
protected static boolean PageHasExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)aobj[3];
return boolean1.booleanValue();
private static void ClearExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
Vector vector = (Vector)aobj[0];
Vector vector1 = (Vector)aobj[1];
Vector vector2 = (Vector)aobj[2];
aobj[3] = Boolean.FALSE;
Edited by: user13079906 on Oct 1, 2010 1:14 AM

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    You can't change the font for the results screen yet, however you will be able to select an auto-fit option for selected columns, so if some columns have slitghtly wider text you'll be able to set the column widths to handle these wider columns.
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    Here's another way I found:
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    2. Drag out a frame the same size as the speech bubble. Select the speech bubble and Copy; then select the empty frame and choose Edit > Paste Into...
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    5. Set the stroke/fill of the top and bottom rows to none, and style the middle row to match the speech bubble, (in my case a white fill and 2pt stroke; left and right).
    6. Anchor (paste) a copy of the speech bubble top in the top table row, and a copy of the speech bubble bottom in the bottom row.
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    tableA ( id, Flag)
    There are 2 pages :
    Page 1 : allows user to select P1_ID based on the result set from TableA
    Page 2 : there is a bunch of items on this page - text fields, text areas, radio and check boxes, reports etc. There values in those items are based on the following logic :
    select <bunch of columns correspond to the page items >
    from view1, view2 ...
    where <where clause>
    some_column =:P1_ID
    I need to disallow users to change values in the items of text type on the page 2, if value of P1_ID ( has a value in Flag.
    How this can be done ?
    The ideal solution would be if i can have a routine that would not require hard coding items names.
    Thank you
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    Edited by: andrey on Jan 31, 2009 12:52 PM

    The property that you set is the 'Read Only' property for the page-item. This is done from the 'Edit Page Item' page
    The conditions under which this property evaluates to true can be determined dynamically (no hard coding). Take a look at the list of possible Conidtion Types. So, if u want the condition to be table-driven you could choose the 'Exists (SQL query returns at least one row)' and the SQL query could be something like
    ' select 1 from <you_table> where id=:p1_id '

  • How to change  delivery  block for all item in the schedule lines via va32

    dear sap expert:
    i onle can  change delivery block for one  sales order item in the schedule line  every times via va32,it will take so many time because there are hundreds of item  in a sceduling agrrement. how to change all the item  one times.
    please give me a way to resovle the problem.
    best regards.

      the fast change function cann't resovle the problem,i first double click the item of schedule agreement  ,then select the schedule lines option, finally in the delivery block input the reason of bolck.
    best regards.

  • How to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material

    There is an issue where user wants to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material .Is  it posible to do so??
    IF not ,how can we delete that material from material master so that another material with same number and required material type and industrial sector  can be created.
    Points will be definitely rewarded.

    Hi Rohit,
    You can change the material type in MMAM trxn code if the material dosenot conatain any open purchase requisitions, open reservations & open purchase orders. Also material stock should be zero.
    Remember the new material type should have same attributes same as old material type.
    OLD Material New Material
    1) Standard Price 1) Standard Price
    2) Manufacture part 2) Manufacture part
    profile actvated profile actvated
    3) Quantity & Value 3) Quantity & Value
    Updation in all areas Updation in all areas
    4) should have same GL 4) Should have same GL acs
    It is not possible to change Industry sector once created.
    If you want to delete the Material, you can flag it in MM06 trxn code.
    Dont forget to Assign points if useful.

  • How to change clip speed w/o moving all the other clips in a sequence?

    when I have many clips in a sequence and try to change the speed of a clip (which changes the length) FCE automatically shifts all the following clips. is there a way to turn this feature off?

    Not in FCE. FCP 7 has that feature.
    Think about it; when you speed up a clip, the duration is shorter, therefore the clip is shorter. When you slow down a clip, the duration lengthens, therefore the clip is longer. How would FCE know that you don't want the clip to remain the same duration?
    You'll need to trim the clip accordingly based on the amount of speed adjustment you want.

  • HT1918 How to change my sercurity question if I forgot the answers to them?

    How to change security questions if I forgot the answers to them?

    If you have a rescue email address set up on your account then you can try going to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into your account. Then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you might see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
    If you don't have a rescue email address set up then go to Express Lane  and select 'iTunes' from the list of 'products' in the middle of the screen.
    Then select 'iTunes Store', and on the next screen select 'Account Management'
    Next choose 'iTunes Store Account Questions' and fill in that you'd like your security questions/answers reset.
    You should get an email reply within about 24 hours (and check your Spam folder as well as your Inbox)

  • How to change Labels of Fields being shown in the search help as F0001 etc.

    Dear All,
    For one of my fields of screen I have been calling a search help configured using F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST.
    In this function I am returning the field in dynfields. Let me know please how to change the Labels of Field Names being shown in the search help as F0001, F0002 etc....

    Hi Alok,
    You can change the Field Label by going to the Data Element and changing the Field Label .
    Hope this helps

  • How to change to my new user ID in the icloud on my PC

    I have changed my Apple user ID and it is now the same on all my Apple devices. When I changed the ID I also changed the password. Now I can log to the itunes store and all is OK, and on all my apple devices there is the same user ID and password, including on the iCloud on tha apple devices. BUT on my PC the iCloud  keeps appearing with my old user ID and I can't log in to it.because neither the old password nor the new one are accepted.
    When  I log to iCloud.Com on my PC  it uses my new user ID and password  but there is no icon for photos so I need the iCloud to have access to my photos on my PC.
    My question is: What should I do to change the user ID of the iCloud on my PC to my new user ID?
    Will appreciate advice that will explain in "not too professional words" what should I do.

    Hi dovalefromyavne,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  What version of Windows are you using?  It sounds like you need to "Sign Out" of your iCloud account on your PC, and then "Sign In" with your correct Apple ID and password.  Then select the iCloud Services that you want.
    Set up your Apple ID for iCloud and iTunes - Apple Support
    Enter the Apple ID that you want to use with iCloud on your computer:
    Windows 8: Enter your Apple ID in the iCloud Control Panel. To access the iCloud Control Panel:
    Move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar.
    Click the Search charm.
    Then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
    Windows 7 and Vista: Enter the same Apple ID in Control Panel > Network and Internet > iCloud.
    Enter the Apple ID you want to use for Store purchases in iTunes:
    iTunes 10: Store > Sign In.
    iTunes 11 or later: iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
    If you're using Windows 7 or 8 and can't see the menus, learn how to turn on iTunes menus.
    Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

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