How to change XML Header in  file

How to have the following XML output header XML with simple transformation:
<?xml version="1.0"> encording="ISO-8859-1"?>
When I used the following transformation template:
<tt:transform xmlns:tt="">
I get the following output header and file is not readable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
If i call tranformation without encoding option file is creted and readable. Does there is any impact on functionality if file is without header.

you could use the below alternative solution also as some Web services do not accept the message , if Content type is application/XML in the HTTP Header, it will accept only Text/XML. So While calling the Web service, the content has to be changed, This is possible using Module of the adapter as shown in the screen shot.
HTTP Header field values before using the module
content-id: [email protected]
content-type: application/xml
Content-Length: 1280
Module name - localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTranspormationBean
Type - Local Enterprise Bean Module - This is defined by the user, but the same name should be given in the module configuration for passing the parameters. In this case “transform” In the module configuration ,
Module key - In this case “transform”
Parameter name - Transform.ContenType
Parameter Value - text/xml;charset=utf-8
Here you could use the required parameters and pass the values....:-))

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    [email protected]

    Hi i need to write the data from an XML file to a Microsoft SQL SErver database!
    i got a piece of code from the net which allows me to parse th file:
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    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class MySaxParser extends DefaultHandler
    private static int INDENT = 4;
    private static String attList = "";
    public static void main(String[] argv)
    if (argv.length != 1)
    System.out.println("Usage: java MySaxParser [URI]");
    String uri = argv[0];
    XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
    MySaxParser MySaxParserInstance = new MySaxParser();
    catch(IOException ioe)
    catch(SAXException saxe)
    private int idx = 0;
    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
    throws SAXException
    String s = new String(ch, start, length);
    if (ch[0] == '\n')
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Value: " + s);
    public void endDocument() throws SAXException
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException
    if (!attList.equals(""))
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Attributes: " + attList);
    attList = "";
    System.out.println(getIndent() + "end document");
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void startDocument() throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    public void startElement(String uri,
    String localName,
    String qName,
    Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    System.out.println('\n' + getIndent() + "start element: " + localName);
    if (localName.compareTo("Machine") == 0)
    if (attributes.getLength() > 0)
    idx += INDENT;
    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    attList = attList + attributes.getLocalName(i) + " = " + attributes.getValue(i);
    if (i < (attributes.getLength() - 1))
    attList = attList + ", ";
    idx-= INDENT;
    private String getIndent()
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)
    sb.append(" ");
    return sb.toString();
    }// END PRGM
    Now , am not a very good Java DEv. and i need to find a soln. to this prob within 1 week.
    The next step is to write the data to the DB.
    Am sending an example of my file:
    <Hostname> IPCServer </Hostname>
    <HostID> 80c04499 </HostID>
    <MachineType> sun4u [ID 466748] Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 360MHz) </MachineType>
    <CPU> UltraSPARC-IIi at 360 MHz </CPU>
    <Memory> RAM : 512 MB </Memory>
    <HA>] </HA>
    <HD1> c0t0d0 ctrl] target 0 lun 0 </HD1>
    <HD2> ST38420A 8.2 GB </HD2>
    <GraphicCard> m64B : PCI PGX 8-bit +Accel. </GraphicCard>
    <NetworkType> hme0 : Fast-Ethernet </NetworkType>
    <EthernetAddress> 09:00:30:C1:34:90 </EthernetAddress>
    <IPAddress> </IPAddress>
    Note that i can have more than 1 machines (meaning that i have to loop thru the file to be able to write to the DB)
    Cal u tellme what to do!
    Even better- do u have a piece of code that will help me understand and implement the database writing portion?
    I badly need help here.

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    string strtxt = "Hello This is done by programmatically";
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
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    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string path = @"E:\Document\TestHeaderandfooter-Copy.docx";
    string strtxt = "OpenXML SDK";
    OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(path, strtxt);
    public static void OpenAndAddTextToWordDocument(string filepath, string txt)
    // Open a WordprocessingDocument for editing using the filepath.
    WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filepath, true);
    MainDocumentPart part = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart;
    Body body = part.Document.Body;
    //create a new footer Id=rIdf2
    FooterPart footerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<FooterPart>("rIdf2");
    //create a new header Id=rIdh2
    HeaderPart headerPart2 = part.AddNewPart<HeaderPart>("rIdh2");
    //replace the attribute of SectionProperties to add new footer and header
    SectionProperties lxml = body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>();
    HeaderReference headerReference1 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdh2" };
    FooterReference footerReference1 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = "rIdf2" };
    //add the correlation of last Paragraph
    OpenXmlElement oxl = body.ChildElements.GetItem(body.ChildElements.Count - 2);
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = oxl.GetAttribute("rsidR", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value };
    HeaderReference headerReference2 = new HeaderReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.HeaderParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    FooterReference footerReference2 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = part.GetIdOfPart(part.FooterParts.FirstOrDefault()) };
    PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)12240U, Height = (UInt32Value)15840U };
    PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)720U, Footer = (UInt32Value)720U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U };
    Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "720" };
    DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 };
    oxl.InsertAt<ParagraphProperties>(paragraphProperties1, 0);
    body.InsertBefore<Paragraph>(GenerateParagraph(txt, oxl.GetAttribute("rsidRDefault", oxl.NamespaceUri).Value), body.GetFirstChild<SectionProperties>());
    //Generate new Paragraph
    public static Paragraph GenerateParagraph(string text, string rsidR)
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = rsidR };
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs();
    TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5583 };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = text;
    Run run2 = new Run();
    TabChar tabChar1 = new TabChar();
    return paragraph1;
    static void GenerateHeaderPartContent(HeaderPart hpart)
    Header header1 = new Header();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Header" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    hpart.Header = header1;
    static void GenerateFooterPartContent(FooterPart fpart)
    Footer footer1 = new Footer();
    Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph();
    ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
    ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Footer" };
    Run run1 = new Run();
    Text text1 = new Text();
    text1.Text = "";
    fpart.Footer = footer1;
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    I want to change the sequence of groups like below.
    Could somebody help me how to change the sequence of XML Groups.
    Thanks in advance.

    This works.  Thanks!
    I am still working through the implications of having a data connection defined.  I notice that every time I submit, it creates two records in my database, one with all the fields blank, and one with the data and attachment.
    I will have to do some more digging into the double submission, but at least it is uploading the file.
    Thanks again,

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    public void saveJaxbObjectToFile(String packageName, Object myJaxbObject, String fileName)
    throws JAXBException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException,
    TransformerException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    org.w3c.dom.Document document = db.newDocument();
    JAXBContext jAXBContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(packageName);
    Marshaller m = jAXBContext.createMarshaller();
    m.marshal(myJaxbObject, document);
    ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction = document.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"style.xsl\"");
    Node rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
    document.insertBefore(processingInstruction, rootElement);
    TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
    transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
    transformer.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes");
    transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", "UTF-8");
    transformer.setOutputProperty("version", "1.0");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
    transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(fos));
    Good luck.

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    I know you can change the application that opens a file in the file;s info window (command i) and then double clicking the file opens it in that application. However the context menu still shows the same original default application. How to change what is shown as default in context menu?

    You can't. You can change the default app in Get Info which will change the first listed app in the context menu to that default app. How the context menu is built is not under user control.

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    Post your question in a forum for Acrobat. Adobe Reader can't change page numbers.

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    Not possible through standard I guess.
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    Does anyone know how to change this value for a given row???
    Mike Kleiman

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